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Generally favorable reviews- based on 26 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 26
  2. Negative: 2 out of 26

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  1. Jules
    May 2, 2006
    It is a great pity if the carnival of diverse cinematic sounds that thrilled on Feast of Wire is seen as the only interesting and songworthy thing about Calexico. A pity because Garden Ruin is a feast of intensely emotional and delicately crafted songs that continue to grow their twisted way into my heart. In fact, this album has a sincere angry beauty that I had always hoped lay beneath It is a great pity if the carnival of diverse cinematic sounds that thrilled on Feast of Wire is seen as the only interesting and songworthy thing about Calexico. A pity because Garden Ruin is a feast of intensely emotional and delicately crafted songs that continue to grow their twisted way into my heart. In fact, this album has a sincere angry beauty that I had always hoped lay beneath all the haunting southwestern soundscapes and studio trickery. The iron/wine collaboration didn't impress me that much but this is an altogether different beast and is certainly far from a generic alt-country effort. In short, I don't give a damn where this fits into broader musical history or that of the band - these songs are seductive angry laments that are a joy to experience. Expand
  2. daxr
    Apr 11, 2006
    it's not quite as masterful as 'feast of wire' only because 'garden ruin' covers less sonic ground. this is the first time we've seen calexico go instrumental-free. it suits them well, but i can't help but miss the all out weirdness of a piece like 'attack el robot attack' or the mariachi of 'minas de cobre' that added a lot of flavor it's not quite as masterful as 'feast of wire' only because 'garden ruin' covers less sonic ground. this is the first time we've seen calexico go instrumental-free. it suits them well, but i can't help but miss the all out weirdness of a piece like 'attack el robot attack' or the mariachi of 'minas de cobre' that added a lot of flavor to feast of wire and the black light. while that's largely gone from this album, the covers are virtually ripped right off of other sensibilities that had really only been shown in limited form on past albums. all of a sudden, calexico is a great pop band. it really shines through on 'garden ruin,' especially on the song 'bisbee blue,' and it chugs along like never before on 'letter to bowie knife.' at some moments the sound hearkens back to territory the band hasn't really approached since the debut album 'spoke' almost ten years ago, and while it's easy to miss some of the majestic swells of 'feast of wire' in those moments, the sparseness of the instrumentation in some spots on 'garden ruin' is extremely effective. this album has its share of majesty too, though. closer 'all systems red' builds to a grand climax that hints at post rock with a lot of noise and loud chiming guitars and still holds hints of the band's southwest sound. the real winner for me here is the song 'deep down,' especially if you can find a live version of it Expand
  3. Hein
    Apr 30, 2006
    What a creative and talented band. Every album is different and high quality!
  4. ChadS
    Jun 6, 2006
    Did The Judybats reunite? "Cruel", in particular, would feel right at home on "Down in the Shacks Where the Satellite Dishes Grow". Other obvious winners are "Bisbee Blue" and "Deep Down". "Garden Ruin" has the sort of cohesion that is rare in most contemporary albums that hit the marketplace. They don't sound anything like The Go-Betweens, but they satisfy me the same way. Calexico Did The Judybats reunite? "Cruel", in particular, would feel right at home on "Down in the Shacks Where the Satellite Dishes Grow". Other obvious winners are "Bisbee Blue" and "Deep Down". "Garden Ruin" has the sort of cohesion that is rare in most contemporary albums that hit the marketplace. They don't sound anything like The Go-Betweens, but they satisfy me the same way. Calexico knows when to quit. Expand
  5. Jon
    Aug 17, 2006
    It's the songs, people. Try to get "Yours and Mine" or "Bisbee Blue" out of your head. And the arrangements: less "cinematic," more economical...the horn section in "Cruel" lifts the sadness and tension of the song with a welcome kiss. Solid, solid stuff.
  6. SotirisT
    Feb 2, 2007
    A very good album. Not what Calexico fans were expecting but this album marks the exploring of new music horizons by Calexico.
  7. klassv
    Jun 4, 2006
    maybe not exactly as great as previous albums, but still a gem shining silently and majestically.
  8. KevinR
    Jul 7, 2006
    Another great effort by one of the best bands of today.
  9. AaronQ
    Apr 28, 2006
    Lots of different sounds on this record. Top notch production, great drumming, catchy songs. Very good.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. Urb
    Painfully unexciting. [Mar 2006, p.122]
  2. It's what Sigur Ros might sound like if they came from Arizona, and it's truly excellent.
  3. The best thing about Garden Ruin is the way they look beyond country borders to engage with the wider world, both culturally and musically.