• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jun 22, 2015
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 91 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 82 out of 91
  2. Negative: 3 out of 91
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  1. Sep 24, 2015
    A masterpiece. To the Blade is probably the best track the band has ever written. Even some of the bonus tracks are really good. Best album of the year so far for me.
  2. Jun 22, 2015
    It seems that Everything Everything can do no wrong — and somehow they're still getting better. A record this good only gets made once in a decade. Jonathan Higgs is nothing short of genius — half of the lyrics on the record deserve to be tattooed on bodies, printed on t-shirts and posters, and the other half — written in stone.
  3. Jun 25, 2015
    What a beauty! I remember reading a review a few years back saying Everything Everything needed to change in some ways to move forward. Has that reviewer heard Get to Heaven now I wonder? This album is perfection twice over. Like someone you just met that immediately seems an old friend and a friend for life.
  4. Jun 27, 2015
    They're showing even more growth since Man Alive. No one should sleep on this band! I think there is even more to come from them. Amazing Album, look forward to seeing them play this album live!
  5. Jan 29, 2016
    My Favorite album of 2015! It's very rare that a band gets better in time but I really think Everything Everything is going places. I love almost all of the songs and there isn't really a stand out track that I think is just bad. The vocals, drums, and guitar are all top notch here creating some from very interesting tunes. Get to Heaven is a really great album!
  6. Sep 8, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Starting off with a heavy bang, "To the Blade" is a fantastic opener, keeping the listener awake and setting the ground for the rest of the album. "Distant Past" shows a perfect mix of the band's experimentalism and radio accessibility, and brilliantly prepares the listener to this new sound which wasn't heard in EE's previous releases. The rest of the album is just as amazing, with tracks such as "No Reptiles" and "We Sleep in Pairs" being absolute masterpieces. Expand
  7. Sep 7, 2022
    This is a quirky fun left-field experimental pop album with fun and bright rhythms. The vocals won't be for everyone but I find them expressive and with a lot of personality.
  8. Aug 5, 2015
    For me, this record was really entertaining. The harmonies on the first 6 songs are constantly sophisticated and the 90s-Pop-Style melodies were pretty catchy. If I listen to pop, I normally pick older artists, such as Genesis or Pink Floyd, but also revival bands like Tame Impala, so this is definitely my taste. The synths are fantastic and the vocals and guitar work was very impressiveFor me, this record was really entertaining. The harmonies on the first 6 songs are constantly sophisticated and the 90s-Pop-Style melodies were pretty catchy. If I listen to pop, I normally pick older artists, such as Genesis or Pink Floyd, but also revival bands like Tame Impala, so this is definitely my taste. The synths are fantastic and the vocals and guitar work was very impressive too, the only reason, it's nine for me, is the slightly dropping quality curve on the last few songs. You can see, that they didn't get as much room to breathe than the other half of the album. Expand
  9. Aug 8, 2017
    Wow. Haven't seen such a strong start to a pop-album for a long time: first 5 tracks are ALL absolute bangers with Distant Past standing out being the most radio-friendly of them. Record gives you a little break with rather experimental Wheel and Fortune 500 (which I enjoyed) just to Blast Doors at your face in the end and say to you, that you're only a fat child in a pushchair.

    Wow. Haven't seen such a strong start to a pop-album for a long time: first 5 tracks are ALL absolute bangers with Distant Past standing out being the most radio-friendly of them. Record gives you a little break with rather experimental Wheel and Fortune 500 (which I enjoyed) just to Blast Doors at your face in the end and say to you, that you're only a fat child in a pushchair.

    P.S. Only As Good As My God from the Deluxe version might be my favourite out of them all
  10. Aug 19, 2020
    'Get to Heaven' finds its success in its accessibility. Dancing tracks simply keep going all the way through the project without being mainstream pop/rock. Magnificent crescendos are Everything Everything's best asset and prove that the band is capable of creating catchy and powerful songs. The album lets us breathe only to make us dive deeper and deeper. Jonathan Higgs' voice takes us'Get to Heaven' finds its success in its accessibility. Dancing tracks simply keep going all the way through the project without being mainstream pop/rock. Magnificent crescendos are Everything Everything's best asset and prove that the band is capable of creating catchy and powerful songs. The album lets us breathe only to make us dive deeper and deeper. Jonathan Higgs' voice takes us sometimes tenderly, sometimes brutally into uncharted territory while drums are charged to keep our feet firmly on the ground. Originality at its peak. Expand
  11. Sep 16, 2015
    Perfectly produced, insanely catchy, and full of character, Everything Everything has returned with a blast of a third release, cementing the band as a highlight of art-pop and pop/rock in general. Get to Heaven is consistently memorable, ecstatic, funny, and occasionally depressing, as the lyrics touch on a number of heated subjects with a level of tact one doesn't find in music veryPerfectly produced, insanely catchy, and full of character, Everything Everything has returned with a blast of a third release, cementing the band as a highlight of art-pop and pop/rock in general. Get to Heaven is consistently memorable, ecstatic, funny, and occasionally depressing, as the lyrics touch on a number of heated subjects with a level of tact one doesn't find in music very often. A definite must-listen of 2015. Expand
  12. Apr 5, 2016
    I mean they managed to seamlessly incorporate their own band name into 'Regrets', what more needs to be said?! Class. A band whose live performance is as good as the album itself as well, Everything Everything have got the lot.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Jul 15, 2015
    The lyrical content, along with the album's constant energy, make this Everything Everything's most focused effort thus far, one that bundles brawny indie rock with 2010s Zeitgeist.
  2. Jun 26, 2015
    While Get to Heaven's ceaseless terror and heavy arrangements can be overwhelming, more power to Everything Everything for attempting to offer a nuanced understanding of a broken world at a time when a lot of their significantly less imaginative British indie rock peers say worse than nothing.
  3. Uncut
    Jun 24, 2015
    Their tendency to overthink and squeeze every drop of pleasure from their work does them few favors, particularly when they showcase such innovative songcraft on a record like Get To Heaven. [Aug 2015, p.73]