• Record Label: Ghosteen
  • Release Date: Oct 4, 2019
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 284 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 20 out of 284
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  1. Jan 20, 2023
    Obra maestra. Se encuentra entre mis discos favoritos de Nick Cave y, en mi opinión, es su disco más completo. No es un disco para todo momento, es un disco muy duro emocionalmente, y no puedes evitar empatizar con él y echar una que otra lágrima en algún momento mientras lo estás escuchando. La temática del disco gira entorno a la muerte de su hijo como con Skeleton Tree, pero así comoObra maestra. Se encuentra entre mis discos favoritos de Nick Cave y, en mi opinión, es su disco más completo. No es un disco para todo momento, es un disco muy duro emocionalmente, y no puedes evitar empatizar con él y echar una que otra lágrima en algún momento mientras lo estás escuchando. La temática del disco gira entorno a la muerte de su hijo como con Skeleton Tree, pero así como aquél reflejaba el dolor reciente por la pérdida de un hijo, Ghosteen , si bien , aparece el dolor por dicha pérdida, se sitúa más en esa fase del duelo de aceptación e incluso con un toque de luz. Brillante. Expand
  2. May 20, 2022
    The album carries a huge weight of grief and lays it out before the listener. It’s an astounding and brave achievement, the sparse arrangements perfectly compliment Nicks hymnal baritone prise.This is destined to be judged a classic album. Nothing I’ve ever heard comes close to creating the same mixture of filmic textures and poetry, with consistency of intensity maintained for well overThe album carries a huge weight of grief and lays it out before the listener. It’s an astounding and brave achievement, the sparse arrangements perfectly compliment Nicks hymnal baritone prise.This is destined to be judged a classic album. Nothing I’ve ever heard comes close to creating the same mixture of filmic textures and poetry, with consistency of intensity maintained for well over an hour of “songs” on this double album. As a meditation on loss and acceptance, it provides comfort and solace. As a piece of art, it stands on its own merits and draws the listener into an absorbing world of loops and gentle melodies. There’s virtually no rock instrumentation or percussion - and yet there’s tons of soul and connection in this music. Expand
  3. Jan 4, 2021
    0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 00 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. 0 out of 10. Expand
  4. May 28, 2020
    Based on keyboards, Ghosteen is a full of sensibility album. Sentimental backing vocals reach perfection and Nick proves a wider vocal range than expected.

    To be honest, i’ve never been a fan of Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds but this album shows these guys are true musicians.
  5. Feb 27, 2020
    Probably the saddest album I've ever heard, and also of the most hopeful. This is the music of a man who managed, somehow, to overcome what no father should ever have to face.
    This is a true masterpiece of music of any genre.
  6. Feb 1, 2020
    I hate to have to write this, but every album past Dig Lazarus Dig!! has gotten further
    and further away from narrative song writing. Telling story's is what Nick
    Cave did so well. Now it is all loose poetics over loops. I'm not saying I hate it, it's just not rock n roll anymore. It's not the Bad Seeds I know, it's Nick Cave and Warren Ellis. It's a bit pretentious and kinda boring.
    I hate to have to write this, but every album past Dig Lazarus Dig!! has gotten further
    and further away from narrative song writing. Telling story's is what Nick
    Cave did so well. Now it is all loose poetics over loops. I'm not saying I hate it,
    it's just not rock n roll anymore. It's not the Bad Seeds I know, it's Nick
    Cave and Warren Ellis. It's a bit pretentious and kinda boring. The whole
    album has the same texture and it's just been getting worse per album for
    the last three. Mick Harvey said he left band because he didn't like the
    direction things were going creatively. He made the right choice, Mick Harvey was
    always there to rain Nick in when he went too far out. That doesn't happen
    anymore. Mick Harvey was a huge part of this band and he got traded in
    for Warren and guitar, piano and chord structure are far better than
    loops and soft piano. Hopefully they bring back Grinderman at some point and we will get Bad Seeds tunes again instead of this stuff they are putting out now. Stagger Lee is laughing at what manner he would use to snuff these songs out.
  7. Dec 26, 2019
    Given the circumstances around this album, you're sympathizing with Nick Cave before you've even heard the first tune. The critics has praised this album. And it is indeed a beautiful rendition of songs. They are deep, emotional, thoughtful, harmonic but most of all: boring. I tried my best to ignore that fact as far as I could, but in the end of the day you have to be honest. It's veryGiven the circumstances around this album, you're sympathizing with Nick Cave before you've even heard the first tune. The critics has praised this album. And it is indeed a beautiful rendition of songs. They are deep, emotional, thoughtful, harmonic but most of all: boring. I tried my best to ignore that fact as far as I could, but in the end of the day you have to be honest. It's very good, but also very boring. 6/10. Expand
  8. Dec 24, 2019
    This is pretentious drivel lyrically, and mostly boring musically. Really sad what Nick Cave has fallen to by becoming so full of himself.
  9. Dec 19, 2019
    the thing that i love most about this is the set up and the style of the songwriting itself. It allows you to visualize what you hear and to see what is going on in the story that is playing out in front of however dark it is. The production as well helps the story move and to help the listener to feel what is happening
  10. Dec 18, 2019
    The further time passes on the more Nick Cave seems regrettable, like a has been. This album's ambiance lacks the same greatness as indie icons, or classic rock stars of other ilk, and is that bad, like something completely mediocre. When sounds change here it's a little like that surf sound, rockabilly, or Floyd, or some kind of pulsing chug-a-lug behind the piano, yet it's not very good,The further time passes on the more Nick Cave seems regrettable, like a has been. This album's ambiance lacks the same greatness as indie icons, or classic rock stars of other ilk, and is that bad, like something completely mediocre. When sounds change here it's a little like that surf sound, rockabilly, or Floyd, or some kind of pulsing chug-a-lug behind the piano, yet it's not very good, especially live, where it falls flat. This album is bad for meditation since Nick Cave is so terrible. Expand
  11. Dec 7, 2019
    This album is not that good, I understand that this album is about the tragic loss of his son, but holy **** it is so boring. Nick Cave reciting poems over 3 synth cords and some pianos for 6 minutes is not enjoyable in the slightest. The fact that this album is going to go down as one of the best albums of the decade is frustrating. I don’t have a problem with slower music either it’sThis album is not that good, I understand that this album is about the tragic loss of his son, but holy **** it is so boring. Nick Cave reciting poems over 3 synth cords and some pianos for 6 minutes is not enjoyable in the slightest. The fact that this album is going to go down as one of the best albums of the decade is frustrating. I don’t have a problem with slower music either it’s just that I find absolutely nothing about this album interesting at all. Dull album. Expand
  12. Nov 24, 2019
    Masterpiece. An important record for anyone whose lost someone. Achingly beautiful and devastating. An album for the ages.
  13. Nov 23, 2019
  14. Nov 21, 2019
    The album carries a huge weight of grief and lays it out before the listener. It’s an astounding and brave achievement, the sparse arrangements perfectly compliment Nicks hymnal baritone prise. As a parent it moved me hugely and makes me humbled by how powerful love can be, we still cannot conquer death but love endures. It seems to exist in a private place that breaks your heart yetThe album carries a huge weight of grief and lays it out before the listener. It’s an astounding and brave achievement, the sparse arrangements perfectly compliment Nicks hymnal baritone prise. As a parent it moved me hugely and makes me humbled by how powerful love can be, we still cannot conquer death but love endures. It seems to exist in a private place that breaks your heart yet offers you hope and makes you appreciate those you love even more. Expand
  15. Nov 20, 2019
    There are tales, where there are realms and there are Kings, Amongst this, there is an achingly beautiful true musical experience like no other before in the popular music at all. It's that tiny.
  16. Nov 16, 2019
    After 2016's incredible "Skeleton Tree", I was left wondering had Nick Cave emptied himself emotionally and creatively to make it. With all he had gone though, how could he possibly have anything left in the tank. Based on "Ghosteen", the man is only getting started to process and channel what has happened in his life. I can't say this tops what has gone before such is the calibre of NickAfter 2016's incredible "Skeleton Tree", I was left wondering had Nick Cave emptied himself emotionally and creatively to make it. With all he had gone though, how could he possibly have anything left in the tank. Based on "Ghosteen", the man is only getting started to process and channel what has happened in his life. I can't say this tops what has gone before such is the calibre of Nick Caves work but for sure, "Ghosteen" sits comfortably with his back catalog. Lyrically it is a heartbreaker, musically it is hard not to fall in love with it. Being ambitious when making albums is one thing but to pull it off to such an extent as he has here is incredible. There are no standout tracks to mention, this is simply a standout album. Expand
  17. Nov 12, 2019
    Fortunately only people who experienced the death of one of their children can fully experience the grief and trauma that is exposed in this masterpiece. Unfortunately I am one of them. I'm deeply grateful to Nick Cave & Warren Ellis for sharing this with the world. 'Hollywood' is an incredible drone-based piece of art! I can't stop listening to it.
  18. Nov 10, 2019
    This is destined to be judged a classic album. Nothing I’ve ever heard comes close to creating the same mixture of filmic textures and poetry, with consistency of intensity maintained for well over an hour of “songs” on this double album. As a meditation on loss and acceptance, it provides comfort and solace. As a piece of art, it stands on its own merits and draws the listener into anThis is destined to be judged a classic album. Nothing I’ve ever heard comes close to creating the same mixture of filmic textures and poetry, with consistency of intensity maintained for well over an hour of “songs” on this double album. As a meditation on loss and acceptance, it provides comfort and solace. As a piece of art, it stands on its own merits and draws the listener into an absorbing world of loops and gentle melodies. There’s virtually no rock instrumentation or percussion - and yet there’s tons of soul and connection in this music. Expand
  19. Nov 9, 2019
    Simply, quite possibly the most perfectly fragile, devastating and hopeful album of the 21st Century. Exquisite in its pain.
  20. Nov 6, 2019
    I get that this is supposed to be an important emotional piece after the death of his son.

    But I can not understand how this is an enjoyable listen. This having critical acclaim blows my mind -- it's boring and way too niche a substance.
  21. Oct 31, 2019
    And I thought The Skeleton Key was as perfect as it gets. Cave is like wine, the older the better.
  22. Oct 25, 2019
    The music since Push the Sky Away has become more and more eclectic, electronic, and ambience, this is not to say bad, but its become more of a Cave & Ellis project than a Bad Seeds one. This album is a perfect example of that. As an album it is consistent and beautiful, but it's no longer rock and roll. As always, Cave's lyrics are penetrating, expressive, and from the soul. ButThe music since Push the Sky Away has become more and more eclectic, electronic, and ambience, this is not to say bad, but its become more of a Cave & Ellis project than a Bad Seeds one. This album is a perfect example of that. As an album it is consistent and beautiful, but it's no longer rock and roll. As always, Cave's lyrics are penetrating, expressive, and from the soul. But musically, it's more of an accompnying track to spoken word poetry than a Bad Seeds album. I miss Harvey and Blixa, even if it is good, strong art. Expand
  23. Oct 22, 2019
    Una obra maestra, te introduce a un mundo cargado de mucho dolor y con los sentimientos tan aflorados que sientes que su pérdida es parte de ti, un excelente álbum con lírica sublime y una producción que explora el ambiente, te hace entrar en su mundo
  24. Oct 18, 2019
    This is an absolutely gorgeous album, a true masterpiece, poetic, emotive, spiritual, raw, honest, profound, authentic in the pain it expresses and the hope it clings to. It is in a way very hard to listen to, it's not the kind of album you can play as a background noise, it requires a special mood and will to surrender to it with undivided attention. Its atmosphere is reminiscent of thatThis is an absolutely gorgeous album, a true masterpiece, poetic, emotive, spiritual, raw, honest, profound, authentic in the pain it expresses and the hope it clings to. It is in a way very hard to listen to, it's not the kind of album you can play as a background noise, it requires a special mood and will to surrender to it with undivided attention. Its atmosphere is reminiscent of that on Skeleton tree, but Ghosteen is whole new level of everything Skeleton tree was - which really came as a surprise, given how powerful the latter is. Expand
  25. Oct 12, 2019
    An amazing album that completely took me by surprise. Vastly different from Cave's previous releases, one cannot put a finger on which album from the Bad Seeds to compare it to. That may be the thing that Cave is a master at; bringing something new and fresh to his fans every time.
  26. Oct 11, 2019
    I don’t think I’ve listened to an album quite like Ghosteen before. It’s an epic masterpiece of peace and mourning - packaged in a marvelous mix of New Age orchestrations and gloomy synth ballads lifted from a Tears for Fears record. It sounds both religious and mystic - images of Medieval cathedrals and enchanted forests come to mind when one becomes lost in this hypnotic opera. GhosteenI don’t think I’ve listened to an album quite like Ghosteen before. It’s an epic masterpiece of peace and mourning - packaged in a marvelous mix of New Age orchestrations and gloomy synth ballads lifted from a Tears for Fears record. It sounds both religious and mystic - images of Medieval cathedrals and enchanted forests come to mind when one becomes lost in this hypnotic opera. Ghosteen is a soothing sonic journey that stirs both the heart and the imagination. Expand
  27. Oct 10, 2019
    If the heart of a horse who spoke softly into the ear of a child climbing the staircase at the foot of the Rapture alone had a sound; it would sound exactly like Ghosteen.
  28. Oct 10, 2019
    nos presenta un aura minimalista, llevada a lo simple, un álbum sobre valorado, no logra hacer la conexión que se requiere para llegar al nivel de lo contemplativo. incluso por partes intenta ser pretencioso.
  29. Oct 10, 2019
    Stunning masterpiece. It's all been said here by almost every one of the reviewers - beautiful portrayal of loss and hope.
  30. Oct 9, 2019
    Absolute masterpiece. One of the most moving records of all time. A transcendental experience.

Universal acclaim - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 28
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 28
  3. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. The Wire
    Nov 20, 2019
    Unsurprisingly the mood is melancholy and the louche, theatrical sexuality or carnal drama of earlier albums is replaced by a battered and searching tone, striving to make sense, or failing that, some poetry or beauty out of the tragedy. The narratives take on a less devilish tone here. [Nov 2019, p.46]
  2. Nov 13, 2019
    It can only tower when it comes to naming this decade’s great albums; miles above and light years ahead of anything else.
  3. Classic Rock Magazine
    Nov 13, 2019
    A richly imagined widescreen masterpiece that grows deeper and more emotive with each listen, Ghosteen may well prove to be the most ambitious, achingly beautiful, boldly experimental album of cave's career. [Dec 2019, p.83]