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Universal acclaim- based on 115 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 99 out of 115
  2. Negative: 8 out of 115
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  1. Mar 27, 2020
    This is a very solid album, start to finish. I echo Kerrang!'s review, 10/10 listen for yourself :D
  2. Mar 27, 2020
    Great album! Their best album since Riot Act (2002). A lovely set of songs.
  3. Mar 27, 2020
    It's an essential Pearl Jam album. Up there with the likes of Vs., No Code, and Vitalogy.
  4. Mar 27, 2020
    It’s the Pearl Jam album I’ve been waiting for since Yield. It’s gorgeous, fresh, heavy and packed full of creative ideas.
  5. Mar 29, 2020
    I absolutely LOVE this record - it's easily one of their finest. If you yearn for days gone past, then the likes of Superblood Wolfmoon and Quick Escape will keep you happy as both might have slotted unnoticed onto any of the bands first 3 albums. You want 'experimental'? Then Dance of the Clairvoyants and Alright are your go-to tracks. If good 'ol rock and roll is your thing, thenI absolutely LOVE this record - it's easily one of their finest. If you yearn for days gone past, then the likes of Superblood Wolfmoon and Quick Escape will keep you happy as both might have slotted unnoticed onto any of the bands first 3 albums. You want 'experimental'? Then Dance of the Clairvoyants and Alright are your go-to tracks. If good 'ol rock and roll is your thing, then skip to Never Destination and Who Ever Said. They've got 'gorgeous' covered too with Comes Then Goes, and River Cross. The standout track for me is Seven O'clock - it crept up on me slowly then smacked me right in the feels with a velvet baseball bat! A beautiful piece of music which can genuinely hold it's own amongst PJ's very finest. 10/10 Expand
  6. Apr 11, 2020
    Gigaton - My review.

    Once upon a time, back in the early days of the Seattle music explosion, there was angst, rage and a need to pick-up distorted guitars tuned to ‘Drop D’ to make bold statements and social criticism of our daily affairs. That was then. The music landscape was certainly different with so many authentic acts like Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden and Pearl Jam
    Gigaton - My review.

    Once upon a time, back in the early days of the Seattle music explosion, there was angst, rage and a need to pick-up distorted guitars tuned to ‘Drop D’ to make bold statements and social criticism of our daily affairs. That was then. The music landscape was certainly different with so many authentic acts like Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden and Pearl Jam paving the road for Generation X, my generation, to feel represented and socially included.

    Today, nearly 30 years later, Pearl Jam - one of the last pillars of Seattle’s ‘Big 4’ - are releasing ‘Gigaton’. The much anticipated Pearl Jam release, the band’s 11th studio album and first record in 7 years, hits the airwaves across the globe through streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music. Old school die-hard fans can also line-up at traditional record shops to pick-up the record in CD or vinyl.

    Heavily supported by some clever digital marketing tactics like videos, digital billboards, moon scanning devices, and other snappy tricks, Pearl Jam come back with one of their most solid and incredibly relevant records to date. The energy is there, the sense or urgency is there, the musicianship, experimentation and lyricism are also on point. With all these elements on check, Gigaton does not disappoint. Quite the contrary. The music from the album engages and inspires listeners - living in times of acute environmental concern, political skepticism and social isolation - to soldier on.

    Still relevant and fresh after so many years on the road, Pearl Jam could’ve easily just called it quits. Instead, they launched a behemoth album which features music that goes on unexpected new directions. ‘Dance of The Clairvoyants’, for example, is perhaps the most ‘unusual’ track to be featured on Pearl Jam’s catalogue. However, that is exactly what makes the song such a big hit. By unusual, I don’t mean bad. Experimentation is part of the band’s DNA. They opened a precedent with ‘No Code’ back in 1996. All is good here, and I am really grateful they took this (calculated) risk to expand their musical frontiers even further.

    Are Pearl Jam a pillar of 90s music? No question about it. However, they are not bound to be restricted by lazy music genre labels, because they are bigger than any movement or fad. They are masters of their craft. How many bands in the history of rock n’ roll have had the resilience and competence to rock on for so many decades without breaking up or losing their appeal? Very few.

    Songs like ‘Superblood Wolfmoon’ and ‘Quick Escape’ combine a groove and feel which we had not experienced with the same intensity in previous albums. Has anyone noticed the Led Zeppelin influence on ‘Quick Escape’?

    The accoustic number ‘Comes then Goes’ is a magnificent track. It epitomises that sometimes less is more. In which case Vedder’s vocals accompanied by inspirational and heart-warming guitar chords is all that’s really needed to get such a beautiful message across. This is one of my favorite tracks on the album by far. It easily evokes the raw passion and authenticity of early 90s accoustic tracks like ‘Footsteps’ or ‘Hold on’. This track is so powerful.

    Vedder and Company have genuinely earned their place in the annals of rock and roll. Cheers to a new decade and cheers to a group of human beings who have embellished our lives with so many great songs, energising concerts and now this classic record.
    5 out of 5 stars.
    By: Fernando Pimentel
  7. Mar 28, 2020
    An album that contains at least 8 songs easily included in their best of list is definitely a 10/10.And the reason is that the rest is not filler. Good songs. But in such a band that always has a strong competition with its own legacy in every new release , its always hard.They have constantly proved that in every forward step they've done , time always proved them classic... Never lookingAn album that contains at least 8 songs easily included in their best of list is definitely a 10/10.And the reason is that the rest is not filler. Good songs. But in such a band that always has a strong competition with its own legacy in every new release , its always hard.They have constantly proved that in every forward step they've done , time always proved them classic... Never looking back..An excellent return from an amazing, and consistent in quality band ,right at the time we needed it! I always believed that Pearl Jam is the Led Zeppelin of the 90s and I still do... Expand
  8. Mar 27, 2020
    Best and most focused album they've done since probably Binaural. Highlights so far - Quick Escape, Alright, Retrograde, River Cross and Comes Then Goes. The band sounds inspired and full of ideas. Some really beautiful songs here. Great job!
  9. Mar 30, 2020
    Pearl Jam have come back with their greatest album since 1998. In fact I would place this album as their 4th best after: Yield, Vs, Ten. Do I really feel this album is better than Vitalogy? Yes I do, emphatically too. The band has let loose with their creative juices on this latest offering and there is something on this album for every fan. Personal favourites of mine include: Dance ofPearl Jam have come back with their greatest album since 1998. In fact I would place this album as their 4th best after: Yield, Vs, Ten. Do I really feel this album is better than Vitalogy? Yes I do, emphatically too. The band has let loose with their creative juices on this latest offering and there is something on this album for every fan. Personal favourites of mine include: Dance of the Clairvoyants, Who Ever Said, Seven O'Clock, and Retrograde. There is however no filler on this album, but there are some slower songs that PJ is experimenting with. Is the album experimental? I believe it is! Eddie's vocals have never sounded better as his voice is maturing like a fine bottle of wine with age. Keep it up PJ, fans with you from the very start in the early 90s are still here, and our respect for your music hasn't changed! Expand
  10. Mar 27, 2020
    Not good at all. She needs to really reinvent. Putting 80s filters is not reinventing.
  11. Mar 27, 2020
    The album is decent. But no track on the album is (to use my own words) "a banger". All songs are good, but not one stuck with me.
  12. Apr 17, 2020
    A themed album about climate change with a consistent Pearl Jam-style rock punk mix. Synth and electronic sounds are used, an interesting addition.
  13. Apr 17, 2020
    I’m going to easy on these guys because they are in the same boat as us at the moment, so thanks for this covidly release, Pearl Jam. If I was going to be tough, I wood have given this 7.5. They really dug deep or maybe there is so much pain and grunge here that it just must make its escape in a new album. For a few tracks they really do take you back (if possible) back to the 90s. II’m going to easy on these guys because they are in the same boat as us at the moment, so thanks for this covidly release, Pearl Jam. If I was going to be tough, I wood have given this 7.5. They really dug deep or maybe there is so much pain and grunge here that it just must make its escape in a new album. For a few tracks they really do take you back (if possible) back to the 90s. I like the keyboards even though it seems there is more to reach the surface. There are several nods to Soundgarden here if you can pick up on it and it is done splendidly. A very important album released amidst uncertainty Expand
  14. Mar 27, 2020
    Definitely more on the Yield/No Code spectrum than the Backspacer/Lightning Bolt one. The found something with new producer Josh Evans. The incendiary rocker Quick Escape could have been done in 1996 and no one would be the wiser.
  15. Mar 28, 2020
    A truly creative and genuinely great album almost 30 years into the band's career. Kudos!

    The production really shines here, you can each hear instrument clearly and Ed's vocals are mixed just right. The songs themselves are mostly stellar; Quick Escape, Dance Of The Clairvoyants, Seven O'Clock, Comes Then Goes, Who Ever Said, Take The Long Way and Alright are all standouts. River Cross
    A truly creative and genuinely great album almost 30 years into the band's career. Kudos!

    The production really shines here, you can each hear instrument clearly and Ed's vocals are mixed just right. The songs themselves are mostly stellar; Quick Escape, Dance Of The Clairvoyants, Seven O'Clock, Comes Then Goes, Who Ever Said, Take The Long Way and Alright are all standouts. River Cross is a very good closer and Retrograde has probably the best outro of any song on the album. Even Superblood Wolfmoon and Never Destination, though not great songs, still have their moments and are far from throwaways.

    Overall, a hugely satisfying album from Pearl Jam that at times feels like a perfect soundtrack for the current situation.
  16. Apr 4, 2020
    I may have rated this album 9, but due to the unplanned situation surrounding its release, this album is a perfect score! “It’s alright, to be alone...” Lyrics written seemingly a lifetime ago, but so relevant in today’s world. This was an album written for our planet and the environmental concerns facing us all. It morphed into an album of salvation in the times of a Pandemic. PearlI may have rated this album 9, but due to the unplanned situation surrounding its release, this album is a perfect score! “It’s alright, to be alone...” Lyrics written seemingly a lifetime ago, but so relevant in today’s world. This was an album written for our planet and the environmental concerns facing us all. It morphed into an album of salvation in the times of a Pandemic. Pearl Jam is the band of its generation. They never wanted the spotlight. Through a series of uncontrollable events, from the suicide of Cobain, Cornell, and death of Layne Staley, they became the band of our generation. They walked away from the spotlight but the spotlight came to them. This ferocious set and album throws it down and cemented Pearl Jam as one of the greatest rock and roll bands ever. This collection of songs grows on the listener like no other.... at least since the 90’s. This is definitively their best album since Yield. Expand
  17. Mar 27, 2020
    This is hands down their best since Yield. I agree it has a very No Code/Yield vibe to it which was my favorite era of this band. I felt Backspacer and Lightning Bolt both left a lot to be desired as a complete body of work. This does not. It is solid from beginning to end. Dance of the Clairvoyants is a great shift in style very 80s like and it works for them. Great track. There areThis is hands down their best since Yield. I agree it has a very No Code/Yield vibe to it which was my favorite era of this band. I felt Backspacer and Lightning Bolt both left a lot to be desired as a complete body of work. This does not. It is solid from beginning to end. Dance of the Clairvoyants is a great shift in style very 80s like and it works for them. Great track. There are moments of their old rocking selves in songs like Who Ever Said and Superblood Wolfmoon. Both tracks are the old angst ridden rocking tunes of a band we all fell in love with. Quick Escape and Seven O Clock have all the political fire of Riot Act but done up with the times. I think the real strength of this album lies in the last three songs Expand
  18. Apr 27, 2020
    Siete años esperando nuevo disco. La espera ha merecido la pena, sin ser su mejor disco, Gigaton, se te mete dentro y no te suelta. Con un Eddie Vedder en estado supino. La banda experimentado como no lo hacía desde No Code. Imprescindible en este 2020 de confinamiento.
  19. May 1, 2020
    To ask a band like Pearl Jam to change their sound or to try a different direction is completely useless. But you can still ask them good music. And they delivered.
  20. Apr 10, 2020
    Another brilliant album by Pearl Jam. I have enjoyed all of their albums so far. Some wonderful songs and the artwork with the vinyl is beautiful.
  21. May 10, 2020
    ( 75/100 )

    Pearl Jam rompe el silencio después de 7 años sin mucho que decir. Su estilo es el mismo que impuso en el Rock Pesado y el Rock Alternativo de los 90s con letras sobre la pesades de la juventud y la decepción de la adultez. Pearl Jam se nota de repente con energía para hacer rockear a la gente y de repente sensible para contagiar un humor sombrío. Sin embargo, la producción,
    ( 75/100 )

    Pearl Jam rompe el silencio después de 7 años sin mucho que decir. Su estilo es el mismo que impuso en el Rock Pesado y el Rock Alternativo de los 90s con letras sobre la pesades de la juventud y la decepción de la adultez. Pearl Jam se nota de repente con energía para hacer rockear a la gente y de repente sensible para contagiar un humor sombrío. Sin embargo, la producción, supervisada por Josh Evans, deja mucho que desear aún con la forma en la que la banda alterna su nivel de energía entre canciones. Su música rara vez sale de lo convencional y prefiere quedarse en lo seguro en donde se siente en control de su música, pero no propone algo atractivo realmente. El lado bueno es que Eddie Vedder escribe y canta contando lecciones de vida que son tan intimas como generales que recuperarán la relevancia de su público.
    Pearl Jam breaks the silence after 7 years with not much to say. Their style is the same one that imposed in the Hard Rock and Alternative Rock of the '90s with lyrics about the heaviness of youth and the deception of adulthood. Pearl Jam has the energy to rock the people and is enough sensible to spread a somber mood. Even though that, the production, supervised by Josh Evans, leaves a lot to wish even with the way the band alternates their energy between songs. Their music rarely gets out of the conventional and prefers to stay in a safety zone where they feel in control of their music, but doesn't propose something really attractive. The good side is that Eddie Vedder writes and sings telling life lessons as intimate as general for the public that will recover the relevance of their public.
  22. Apr 4, 2020
    My favorite Pearl Jam release since Yield, and I love every record of their’s!
    Best tracks: Retrograde, Dance Of The Clairvoyants, Quick Escape
  23. Apr 7, 2020
    Wow! What a pleasant surprise here. Pearl Jam comes back to life with this fantastic piece of work. Between the heavy riffs and heavy lyrics, PJ just goes back to being fun and free. Recommended for long time fans as well as the new.
  24. Mar 30, 2020
    El mejor disco de Pearl Jam en el siglo xxi. Y resultó ser un sonido sin pretensiones, casi minimalista y, creo, honesto. Ahora no trata de empalagar con baladas radiables ni buscando una agresividad que evidentemente ya no tienen; en cambio, sí hay secciones acústicas MUY destacadas, riffs clásicos y acentos de Rock que, sin ser maravillosos, sí conforman un paquete de buena música yEl mejor disco de Pearl Jam en el siglo xxi. Y resultó ser un sonido sin pretensiones, casi minimalista y, creo, honesto. Ahora no trata de empalagar con baladas radiables ni buscando una agresividad que evidentemente ya no tienen; en cambio, sí hay secciones acústicas MUY destacadas, riffs clásicos y acentos de Rock que, sin ser maravillosos, sí conforman un paquete de buena música y cierta nostalgia.

    El primer sencillo resultó un fiasco y francamente es lo peor del disco; fuera de ésta, las demás canciones son lo que esperábamos: un disco de Rock&Roll. Muy buen regreso de Pearl Jam...
  25. Apr 4, 2020
    Listening to this album only one or two times doesn't give it the proper justice. This album hit me like a truck on the 4th listen... now I am in love.

    This is quite possibly the best album LYRICALLY I have ever heard in my life... just amazing... except the part about being in love with clairvoyants. :-)
  26. Mar 27, 2020
    An instant classic! Pearl Jam delivers their best album in 20 years. Gigaton is an album that the world needs to listen to now given these uncertain times. It's critical yet hopeful. Best tracks include: 7 O'Clock, Quick Escape, Dance of the Clairvoyants, Retrograde and Who Ever Said!
  27. Mar 27, 2020
    Pearl Jam's audiovisual work with Gigaton borders on perfection! After 30 years, the band brings a message to take the breath away, and hits the nail on the head when posting all the clips on Youtube.
  28. Mar 27, 2020
    Such a great album. Pearl Jam never disappoints. Dance of the Clairvoyants, Superblood Wolfmoon, Quick Escape, Seven O'Clock, Alright, River Cross, Retrograde, Buckle Up are the standout tracks
  29. Mar 27, 2020
    Gigaton is Pearl Jam's 11th studio album. It has been about 7 years since their last album "Lightning Bolt " was released. This is the best album they've released since Binaural in my opinion. It is a very personal and gravitating experience for most Pearl Jam fans. Songs like River Cross and Comes then Goes shows that they still have beauty in the music. Never Destination and SuperbloobGigaton is Pearl Jam's 11th studio album. It has been about 7 years since their last album "Lightning Bolt " was released. This is the best album they've released since Binaural in my opinion. It is a very personal and gravitating experience for most Pearl Jam fans. Songs like River Cross and Comes then Goes shows that they still have beauty in the music. Never Destination and Superbloob Wolfmoon are a couple of the more Rock n Roll songs heard. Either way, this is gonna really bring them back to the top and they show no signs of letting up anytime soon. Enjoy!!! Expand
  30. Mar 27, 2020
    10/10 Great sound. Love it. Pearl jam Rules. Hope see them soon. Keep safe nad stay home.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Q Magazine
    Apr 7, 2020
    Much of the material here would fit seamlessly on any of their records since 1996's No Code. ... Gigaton is a reminder that Pearl Jam are a band totally comfortable in their own skin. [Jun 2020, p.104]
  2. Apr 2, 2020
    Intricate and thought-out is the name of the game for Gigaton, the band’s 11th studio record and first in some seven years.
  3. Mar 31, 2020
    It’s a big, angry, pile-driving, end-times heavy rock workout with frontman Eddie Vedder alternately spewing fury and despair at the state of the world.