
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Nov 15, 2016
    It all makes for a more focused--but far from simple--album that's a gorgeous, confident step forward for Illum Sphere.
  2. Nov 15, 2016
    Glass represents Hunn's most mature musical sensibilities to date; however, the instrumentation throughout the album is so sporadic and indecisive that it's unclear what its ideal listening setting might be.
  3. Nov 15, 2016
    Strings also form the structure of ‘Fuel The Fire’, one of the album’s standouts. And then there’s the ominous ‘Paradise’, which places light and darkness side by side in a tremendous exercise of juxtaposition. That same balance is present through the album and, combined with Illum’s knack for making everything sound so exquisite, makes it a superb little record.
  4. Mojo
    Nov 15, 2016
    These are superior soundtracks for sure, but just a little low on levity. [Dec 2016, p.93]
  5. Nov 15, 2016
    Although, at times, it is a chilly and detached album, it’s not a solemn one. There’s a bleakness to it, but there is still plenty to keep the feet moving—even if it is just to keep yourself warm. In a year with so many great immersive electronic albums, this could well be one of the finest of the lot.
  6. Q Magazine
    Nov 15, 2016
    It's still not exactly crossover material. But the twitchy, Four Tet-like epic Thousand Yard Stare would slot perfectly into one of Yorke's after-hours DJ sets. [Jan 2017, p.108]
  7. Jan 6, 2017
    From the beatless flicker of opening track The Journey, through the 808 kick drum weave of Fall Into Water to the radioactive skeletons of Oracle and the bottomless Paradise, Hunn treats tracks like living sculptures, adding microscopic brush strokes and his trademark deep space strings.
  8. Jan 3, 2017
    Glass isn't a concept album, though, nor does it need to be. Music this impressive is a statement in and of itself.

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