
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Sep 10, 2021
    God Is Partying might be his most honest piece of work. Playing all of the instruments himself and singing in a more direct style than on any of his previous releases, he lays bare his soul with a newfound earnestness that compliments rather than conflicts with his longtime brand.
  2. Classic Rock Magazine
    Sep 15, 2021
    The classically trained musician's virtuosity - he plays all the instruments - is impressive, and it's matched by his lyrical themes, which are infused with quasi-spiritual belief in positive energy. [Oct 2021, p.72]
  3. Sep 10, 2021
    This is an assured return.
  4. 80
    Positive but with some very real weight behind it, the album’s closing track sees the self-proclaimed God of Partying emerge with a renewed desire to show the whole world a good time.
  5. Sep 15, 2021
    These light and dark contrasts make for a thoroughly compelling listen that, certainly, makes up for Andrew's shortcomings as a lyricist.
  6. Sep 10, 2021
    With God Is Partying, W.K. isn’t closing the chapter on the persona that attracted so many fans in the first place. He’s merely showing that there’s a different side to the poster child for partying—and it’s not always going to be uplifting.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 5 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Jul 2, 2022
    Andrew W. K. is clearly some kind of twisted genius.

    On his debut album, he managed to seamlessly mix contemporary, semi-"extreme" metal
    Andrew W. K. is clearly some kind of twisted genius.

    On his debut album, he managed to seamlessly mix contemporary, semi-"extreme" metal with Jim Steinman-esque pomp. By this, his sixth album, he's managed to segue that sound to metal-meets-Peter Gabriel...and again, has somehow pulled off such a feat flawlessly.

    Who would even try such a thing, I have no idea. But thank God we have Andrew W. K. to allay our doubts.

    Oh, and he apparently performed all the vocals and instruments on this album. Quite the achievement, sir!

    Does go on a tad long for its own good, though.
    Full Review »
  2. Apr 18, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. I'm rating a 10 for several reasons. God DAMN CAN ANDREW WK SING! I lost track of this very unique individual after he brought out "The Wolf". My brain just could not see his vision. Then I just assumed any and every other album he brought out would be bad. I'm VERY HAPPY that Finny Mckenty on the World of YouTube mentioned Andrew WK in one his videos. This album is. Exquisite. Exotic Heavy as fu*k, yet mysterious. The passion and epicness is oozing from this album and I love Andrew WK for it. Did I mention how beautiful a voice he has? I could NOT believe this was Andrew WK singing. No One To Know and Not Anymore at the moment are really resonating me and moving moving me to tears. I could go on but this silly website won't scroll down when I type so I'm essentially typing blind.. Sort it out meta critic! Full Review »
  3. Sep 21, 2021
    Possibly AWK’s masterwork. The story of him becoming a real boy perhaps? Several listens peels back many layers. A brilliant album. Be sure toPossibly AWK’s masterwork. The story of him becoming a real boy perhaps? Several listens peels back many layers. A brilliant album. Be sure to get the version with the bonus tracks which feel like they belong on the album. Full Review »