
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Sep 18, 2015
    The Pittsburgh MC has undeniably matured; a firmer command of internal rhymes adds slight intricacy to his verses. Unfortunately, he still sounds like the sum of his influences.
  2. Apr 21, 2016
    At the end of the day Mac Miller is without a doubt capable of bringing more to the table than shallow, boring rap. Unfortunately, he doesn't do much to prove that on GO:OD AM.
  3. Oct 15, 2015
    GO:OD A.M. is a 70-minute studio album that would have been better served as two mixtape diary entries until the sober Miller discovered a smarter way to channel his newfound enthusiasm.
  4. Sep 17, 2015
    It’s musically adventurous in a way that recalls Chance the Rapper’s Surf project, but takes fewer detours into psych and jazz.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 142 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 4 out of 142
  1. Sep 18, 2015
    Mac Miller really shows his true potential in this project and I enjoyed every single song, he works hard and it really pays off. Lyrics plusMac Miller really shows his true potential in this project and I enjoyed every single song, he works hard and it really pays off. Lyrics plus production is unreal, just go:od feeling music. #GO:ODAM Full Review »
  2. Sep 18, 2015
    Good work by Mac Miller, I am still in love with his older stuff rather than new Mac, but I will always go back to Mac Miller nevertheless.Good work by Mac Miller, I am still in love with his older stuff rather than new Mac, but I will always go back to Mac Miller nevertheless. Great songs but has little playback value. Full Review »
  3. Sep 20, 2015
    Malcolm James McCormick, who raps by the stage name Mac Miller, is not your typical rapper. For starters, he didn't have the initial buzz ofMalcolm James McCormick, who raps by the stage name Mac Miller, is not your typical rapper. For starters, he didn't have the initial buzz of many rappers. He was part of a generation that included Sam Adams, Chris Webby, and Asher Roth, because of this he was constantly looked down as goofy and for the stereotypical music that college white boys all over the country would listen too. What separates Mac Miller from the others is his growth as an artist.

    Blue Slide Park represented him having fun and doing things teenagers are known for including, having lots of sex, experimenting with drugs, and just partying.

    Watching Movies with the Sound Off was a complete u-turn. Mac was depressed and it was obvious that he was struggling. Lines like, "im not real, i think i never was" from the song I'm Not Real, show the intense amount of doubts he succumbed to. Songs like REMember, explored the loss of significant people in his life and the immense lows he suffered and how they influenced his abuse of substances. This album is one of the best albums rap or non rap, of all time. The last statement might draw a lot of criticism but the reason for my declaration is that it exposes Mac Miller, not just as a rapper, but as a person. When someone shares their deepest and darkest thoughts, it creates sympathy and empathy from the listener. There's nothing more relate able then when someone is completely honest.

    GO:OD AM, like the previous albums represents a new chapter in his life. This new chapter represents a new beginning for Mac and shows growth as an artist. His past is evident throughout the album but that's representative of his as a person; a person is the sum of their experiences. Mac Miller has striked the perfect balance of being himself without being over the top. Blue Slide Park and WMWTSO brought out a lot of Mac, albeit in different ways, but they were sometimes so over the top that they felt they were created specifically for him. GO:OD AM shows the real Mac, but it brings enough of him to the table.

    Mac Miller's lyricism has gotten deeper and more complex as time has gone by and GO:AM proves that he's capable of competing with people like Drake and Kendrick. His production is top notch, the beats are some of the catchiest tunes without being characterized as trap or drill. Mac Miller has proven once again that his album is nothing short of perfection.
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