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  1. Jun 18, 2013
    A short 'film' by Kendrick Lamar... never has an album been more appropriately titled.

    90% of rap albums are mere playlists, this is an album.. and more. ’good kid, m.A.A.d city’ has so much depth, it demands close inspection, this is the most expansive project I've ever heard, light years ahead of Section 80. The lyrics themselves are technical masterpieces, full of layered rhythms and
    A short 'film' by Kendrick Lamar... never has an album been more appropriately titled.

    90% of rap albums are mere playlists, this is an album.. and more. ’good kid, m.A.A.d city’ has so much depth, it demands close inspection, this is the most expansive project I've ever heard, light years ahead of Section 80. The lyrics themselves are technical masterpieces, full of layered rhythms and meanings. The production is captivating, Kendrick’s lyrical prowess and vivid storytelling come to life like scenes from a movie.

    Minor imperfections are dwarfed by it’s excellence, insignificant in the grand scheme of things. When you hear an album you can recognise instantaneously if it's a classic or not, GKMC is unequivocally a classic. In context (the current rap climate) it’s quite possibly the greatest accomplishment in Hip Hop history. Universally critically acclaimed, even the most hardheaded critics are raving about it, case in point.. Anthony Fantano (Needledrop). This album is high art, Kendrick Lamar.. dubbed as 'raps saviour' by the wider Hip Hop community has delivered!, rejoice.
  2. Oct 21, 2013
    This album is brilliant, its well structured and each song is interesting no repetitiveness just pure talent form kendrick (as always) a potential classic
  3. Mar 19, 2015
    No words really. Favorite hip-hop album of the decade by a mile. My first listen was truly a great experience considering the way the storyline/narrative was gelled together so brilliantly. Sing about me/dying of thirst is also a top 5 song of the decade to....
  4. Mar 22, 2016
    What a start to a mainstream career this is. The production on point, Kendrick's wordplay always on point and especially the subject matter of the album. We heard the story of Compton in many ways and with many different people but his story is fascinating. Keep up the good work, Kendrick!!!!!
  5. Feb 15, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. An instant classic to not only today's rap, but also to rap history. Every song is produced at such a high level it will make you feel the emotions of each song. Kendrick Lamar is well on his way to becoming one of the greatest rappers of all time. Expand
  6. Jul 16, 2018
    Brilliantly executed and multi-layered in its scope and storytelling. A very strong sophomore album for KDOT.
  7. Jan 21, 2020
    I first listened to this album back in 2012 of October when it was released. This LITERALLY changed the game when it came to Hip-Hop and is still considered one of the best conceptual Hip-Hop Albums in music history.

    Look no further, take a listen to this CLASSIC.
  8. Jan 23, 2020
    GKMC is better than TPAB in my opinion. GKMC is a album that you’ll be able to listen to better than TPAB, TPAB is kinda difficult to listen to with some songs.
  9. Jan 24, 2020
    Kendrick's 2nd best album after TPAB, great storytelling across the board and really great features
  10. May 28, 2020
    There's not much to say about this album, it's just perfect! you must listen, as soon as you hear you will understand what i am saying
  11. Feb 16, 2021
    Музыка/бит: 10/10 | Читка/голос: 10/10 | Интерес к прослушиванию: 10/10 |
    Отзыв: лучший продакшн и рэп-альбом за всю историю
  12. Feb 12, 2022
    This album is a clear indicator that Kendrick is more than just a rapper, but also a storyteller. Definitely one of the best rappers of the 2010s.
  13. Dec 17, 2021
    An instant classic and still stands as Kendrick's best work. The album reads as a modern day telling of the Compton struggle, and Kendrick being propped up as the new West coast king by snoop and the game before this is fitting.
  14. Mar 27, 2023
    A Great Major-Label Debut album. His 2nd best album (Behind To Pimp a Butterfly), Definitely painted a great picture of his upbringing in the CPT. New Generation West Coast sound.
  15. Aug 19, 2023
    Wowzers!!! I like this one more than tpab and somehow tpab is still one of the greatest albums ever
  16. Oct 22, 2012
    Whether it's story-telling, production, lyrics or just rapping skill, this album delivers it all. After 'section.80', its very clear that Kendrick's ability to bring together a concept over the course of an album is something he excels at. This album goes even further: every track is relevant to the story-line and thought provoking, even the skits are incredibly interesting, something rareWhether it's story-telling, production, lyrics or just rapping skill, this album delivers it all. After 'section.80', its very clear that Kendrick's ability to bring together a concept over the course of an album is something he excels at. This album goes even further: every track is relevant to the story-line and thought provoking, even the skits are incredibly interesting, something rare in hip hop. Listening to this album from start to finish resembles a film, hence the 'A short film by Kendrick Lamar' on the cover. What's truly brilliant is that this album ticks all the boxes without sacrificing anything, and every feature, even the Drake one, was superbly done and fits the albums themes and story perfectly. It's difficult to find a fault in this album. A rare classic in an era where the direction of hip hop is unclear, Kendrick has definitely stamped his foot as the new king of hip hop. Its now up to the listeners to crown him. 10/10. Expand
  17. Oct 22, 2012
    Absolutely an instant classic. Every song has incredible production. Kendrick's lyrics are some of the best ever heard on a hip hop album, and it is amazing how his album follows a story line, often resulting in songs that have unique beat changes or skits in them. Overall this really is a 10/10 album, an instant classic, and the official crowning of a new king of hip hop. King Kendrick Lamar.
  18. Oct 22, 2012
    A instant classic hands down. Not one song should be passed over a fantastic start to Kendrick's hopefully long career. Rap album of the year so far!!!!
  19. Oct 24, 2012
    Kendrick is changing the game one rhyme at a time. Soulful and banging tracks blend seamlessly. It's a pleasure to listen to for hip-hop heads and audiophiles alike.
  20. Oct 24, 2012
    Simply put, Kendrick Lamar hit a grand slam. Although he is as an artist equipped with a style that hearkens back to the halcyon days of the Golden Age, Lamar chose to embrace rap's Zeitgeist, and not deride it. Indeed, he embedded old-school soul within the framework of new-school rap, creating a sound that is both nostalgic and progressive. To the casual consumer of hip-hop (includingSimply put, Kendrick Lamar hit a grand slam. Although he is as an artist equipped with a style that hearkens back to the halcyon days of the Golden Age, Lamar chose to embrace rap's Zeitgeist, and not deride it. Indeed, he embedded old-school soul within the framework of new-school rap, creating a sound that is both nostalgic and progressive. To the casual consumer of hip-hop (including some contrarian users who've chosen to review this record), Lamar's album may appear to be "nothing special;" some tracks might even sound tenuously constructed. But that's missing the narrative -- of a child's evolution in the powder keg of Compton, trying to remain in a state of equilibrium as he's tugged in several directions by conflicting forces (including family, friends, a love interest and the ubiquitous presence of gang counter-culture). In fact, the songs are all interconnected; for instance, "Backstreet Freestyle" was a part of the overarching story of "Good Kid, M.A.A.D City," depicting a young Kendrick spitting "freestyles" with the same homies that push him toward a transgressive lifestyle in "The Art of Peer Pressure." As a whole, this album was a tour de force. Expand
  21. Oct 23, 2012
    Incredible album. Kendrick's improvement is unbelievable considering the fact that Section .80 is what he's most known for which in itself is a great effort. Production is constantly on point, the hooks are catchy, and his storytelling ability is unparalleled. Probably my favourite hip hop album since My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. MAKE SURE YOU RAPGENIUS ALL THE LYRICS because youIncredible album. Kendrick's improvement is unbelievable considering the fact that Section .80 is what he's most known for which in itself is a great effort. Production is constantly on point, the hooks are catchy, and his storytelling ability is unparalleled. Probably my favourite hip hop album since My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. MAKE SURE YOU RAPGENIUS ALL THE LYRICS because you might be trippin off the sample while the brother's spittin the gospel. Expand
  22. Oct 28, 2012
    I'm on the same boat as Dr_Ubersexy... The production on the album is top quality, but is that a good enough reason to give it a 10/10? it seems to be... Critics are Loving this album and I honestly don't understand it at all, Is Dr. Dre threatening to have them " taken care of" if they don't be nice? ... It IS different in tone to most modern R & B albums, and there are some decent lyricsI'm on the same boat as Dr_Ubersexy... The production on the album is top quality, but is that a good enough reason to give it a 10/10? it seems to be... Critics are Loving this album and I honestly don't understand it at all, Is Dr. Dre threatening to have them " taken care of" if they don't be nice? ... It IS different in tone to most modern R & B albums, and there are some decent lyrics however.. but as I say, if were giving things good reviews for production now why not call Skrillex the new Elvis Presley or hey.. lets call Transformers 3 the modern Godfather, this album is no more than a 7 from me, narrowly escaping 6 because I'm digging the lyrics. Expand
  23. Nov 20, 2012
    Words cannot describe how amazing this album is. One of the most anticipated this year, and it delivers everything perfectly. Kendrick isn't your average rapper, he's more than that. Kendrick tells a story in this album, and boy does he do it amazingly. The lyrics are witty, beats are fantastic, and the way the songs just flow into each other is simply beautiful. I can't recommend thisWords cannot describe how amazing this album is. One of the most anticipated this year, and it delivers everything perfectly. Kendrick isn't your average rapper, he's more than that. Kendrick tells a story in this album, and boy does he do it amazingly. The lyrics are witty, beats are fantastic, and the way the songs just flow into each other is simply beautiful. I can't recommend this album enough. It's honestly on comparable to Illmatic or something of that caliber, go and grab this album! Expand
  24. Oct 26, 2012
    A wonderful album, a masterpiece and work of art. Never has an album been so harmoniously synchronized. A classic to say the least. Kendrick Lamar has outdone himself.
  25. Oct 27, 2012
    simply the best hip hop album I have ever listened to, extremely refined, almost a cinematic sound with a narrative that has depth, in addition to having a totally unique sound. This album raises the bar a thousandfold for future hip hop releases.
  26. Oct 28, 2012
    This is such a classic project lyrics, flow, production are all on point. The few people giving this album negative reviews don't understand the project as a whole. This is apparent from their reviews. For example many of these reviewers are upset about him saying how he hopes his dick becomes as big as the Eiffel Tower and him rapping about women money etc. These people are so caught upThis is such a classic project lyrics, flow, production are all on point. The few people giving this album negative reviews don't understand the project as a whole. This is apparent from their reviews. For example many of these reviewers are upset about him saying how he hopes his dick becomes as big as the Eiffel Tower and him rapping about women money etc. These people are so caught up in the physical lyrics that they don't understand that when taken in context these lyrics are the exact opposite of how these people are taking it. When he says these **** things he is saying how in front of his friends they always try to be **** around each other and out do each other on things like women and money, but Kendrick isn't really like that that's just how he acts to be cool in front of his friends as noted in "The Art of Peer Pressure" By doing this Kendrick is actually doing the exact opposite of what the materialistic rappers that the negative reviewers are comparing him to. He is admitting his mistakes and how he is not really into the lifestyle of crime drugs, and drinking. (also see swimming pools where he mentions how he drank just to fit in and then drinking consumed his conscience.) Then later on in the album his life gets turned around and he strays away from the evils that peer pressure and Compton life has subjected on him. The album as a whole is an amazing story and experience. If you really want to get the most out of the album and understand it on another level I suggest you listen to the album all the way through without skipping any of the skits of voice mails this will let you understand how deep the album really is. This album is DEEP the people that think Kendrick has changed into a ****, materialistic rapper obviously are not sophisticated enough to understand all the motifs that this album touches upon. YOU NEED TO HEAR THE ALBUM ALL THE WAY THROUGH!!! Expand
  27. Oct 29, 2012
    To be completely honest, this is the best rap album, possibly even any genre album, of this year. I understand that this is my opinion, however I am not alone on this. Based on the reviews I've read, every single one of the negative reviews had a blatant disregard for the concept of the album. If you listen to the story that the album tells, it all makes perfect sense. Even theTo be completely honest, this is the best rap album, possibly even any genre album, of this year. I understand that this is my opinion, however I am not alone on this. Based on the reviews I've read, every single one of the negative reviews had a blatant disregard for the concept of the album. If you listen to the story that the album tells, it all makes perfect sense. Even the braggadocios "Backseat Freestyle" fit in the context of the album and is tied in with the previous skit at the end of **** Don't Kill My Vibe." These skits do a fantastic job at making all of the songs relevant and manage to be quite humorous and entertaining at the same time. I'm not going to go over every song individually, but I will say that whether you listen to the album as a whole or if you listen to certain songs on their own, they are all still great songs. Overall, this album can be played through without skipping any tracks (even the Deluxe edition), has a nice concept, great lyrics, impeccable production (even though Dr. Dre did not actually produce any of the songs, you can still here his influence and his tweaks on the album), the album is incredibly cohesive, and finally, what I rate albums most on, I had a wonderful listening experience. Personally, I enjoyed this album just a little bit more than Section.80, however I love both projects from Kendrick. There's really not much more to say, there was absolutely nothing wrong with the album. As you may imagine, this album is a 10/10 for me. Simply an amazing album overall. I would recommend that everyone go out and support Kendrick as he and his Black Hippy conglomerates alongside with some of their other contemporaries such as Joey Bada$$'s Pro Era crew and even Odd Future and the A$AP Mob are bringing a refreshing new life to hip hop that we can really use right now. Expand
  28. Oct 30, 2012
    classic hippy stuff... chose him for greatness from XXL fresh men 2011 and he's living up to the billing. it's been such a long time since we heard intelligent rap like this.
  29. Nov 3, 2012
    This album is the result of extensive work by Kendrick Lamar. Most of the lyrics have underlying messages and it's put together masterfully. The production and mixing is beautiful. It's a breath of fresh air in today's hip hop. Album of the year and a perfect 10/10.
  30. Nov 4, 2012
    Let me just start by saying that I am not a huge fan of hip hop. Recently I've been turned off by the zero-substance "radio-beat" songs that the industry keeps pumping out. Since Section.80 dropped in 2011, Kendrick has been one of just a few hip hop artists I'd even listen to. I've been waiting on this album ever since, and I can assure it doesn't disappoint. This is a rare gem of itsLet me just start by saying that I am not a huge fan of hip hop. Recently I've been turned off by the zero-substance "radio-beat" songs that the industry keeps pumping out. Since Section.80 dropped in 2011, Kendrick has been one of just a few hip hop artists I'd even listen to. I've been waiting on this album ever since, and I can assure it doesn't disappoint. This is a rare gem of its time, an album with extreme substance and storytelling matched by very few hip hop albums ever. Kendrick's lyrics dig deep into his own past and make you feel for the lifestyle of growing up in one of the most crime-riddled, broken cities in America, and how he escaped it. This is by far a collective piece, if you listen to it make sure it's in order from beginning to end. Each track feeds off the next and paints a vivid picture of Kendrick's city and the lifestyle he lived, and eventually, how he changed because of it. After each song there is a "skit" with actors playing people from his past in real situations Kendrick was in. These really tie in and give explanation for each song. I should also add that the voice acting is absolutely phenomenal, and I don't know how the actors pulled it off so magnificently. This is a prominent milestone in music of our time and it would be a crime to miss it. It offers so much to the listener as you can listen and experience his story in different ways every time. An un-paralleled achievement of our time, there is no one better in hip-hop than Kendrick Lamar. Expand
  31. Nov 4, 2012
    Best Rap album THIS YEAR... (Big Sean - Detroit is the best mixtape)

    I was one of those people that was like "why is he getting all this hype???", but then I bought and listened to Meek's album and this. Haven't listened to Meek's album since hearing this masterpiece. For everyone not believing that this album is classic worthy, I suggest that you listen (REALLY listen) to Swimming
    Best Rap album THIS YEAR... (Big Sean - Detroit is the best mixtape)

    I was one of those people that was like "why is he getting all this hype???", but then I bought and listened to Meek's album and this. Haven't listened to Meek's album since hearing this masterpiece.

    For everyone not believing that this album is classic worthy, I suggest that you listen (REALLY listen) to Swimming Pools through Real, skits and all, while reading the lyrics on RAP GENIUS... It's like watching Boyz In the Hood in CD form. Beautiful, simply beautiful...
  32. Nov 15, 2012
    I am going to go ahead and repeat what everyone else has been chanting--instant classic. First, his style is "west coast" at its finest, with obvious, but not overwhelming, influence from Tupac, Eminem, Snoop, Dre, Nas. Now, the ALBUM. It is, in fact, a short film by Kendrick Lamar. It has an over-arching narrative throughout the entire record, never compromising the story, spit like silkI am going to go ahead and repeat what everyone else has been chanting--instant classic. First, his style is "west coast" at its finest, with obvious, but not overwhelming, influence from Tupac, Eminem, Snoop, Dre, Nas. Now, the ALBUM. It is, in fact, a short film by Kendrick Lamar. It has an over-arching narrative throughout the entire record, never compromising the story, spit like silk and with some of the most thoughtful and deep and complex displays of rap in recent time. Simply, it's not enough to call it a classic. Dark. Personal. Compelling. Linear. Just when I thought that Kanye West owned the "album business" and that nobody else could /create/ and compose an entire project the way he does, Kendrick Lamar proved us wrong. I was convinced the east coast ruled rap with recent legends like J Cole. But, again, Kendrick Lamar refutes all of that. It's the best album of the year--among Illmatic, Reasonable Doubt and Ready To Die as the greatest debut's (major label) in all of hip hop, and the potential to be one of the best and most important albums of the genre's lifetime. Expand
  33. Nov 26, 2012
    I hesitate to give this album a 10 because it's still so new, but I think once I've had some years to sit and look back this will be one of my favorite hip hop albums ever. If you ignore the story that is being told throughout the entire album you will miss a lot and the point of songs like Swimming Pool and Backseat Freestyle will go right over your head without you even realizing it.I hesitate to give this album a 10 because it's still so new, but I think once I've had some years to sit and look back this will be one of my favorite hip hop albums ever. If you ignore the story that is being told throughout the entire album you will miss a lot and the point of songs like Swimming Pool and Backseat Freestyle will go right over your head without you even realizing it. He's a fantastic storyteller (especially on Sing About Me...) and the beats are great. Would suggest to any fan of hip hop. Expand
  34. Jan 14, 2013
    Fantastic album. Took a while to grow on me but now I feel like it's the undisputed album of the year and one of the best efforts in the past few years by any rapper. Very cohesive story, outstanding flow and lyricism, and smooth production make it one of the best debut albums ever.
  35. Feb 10, 2013
    This album really proves that rap hasn't turned into crap. With smart lyrics that tells a story about a boy growing u and facing life i found this album to be one of the best of last year.
  36. Feb 18, 2013
    Simply the greatest rap album of this decade, if not the century.
    It isn't Illmatic, but is a different sound and incredible content, intelligence, beats etc, It was a top notch album, Puts 2 Chainz to shame
  37. Jul 22, 2013
    Solid gold west coast classic. Whilst clearly drawing inspiration from 90's dominator's Dre and Snoop, Lamarr twists his slightly nasal drawl around fresh beats that dazzle, yet linger in the memory. There's a beguiling quality to the production, which often sounds dark and melancholy, suiting the tales of everyday gang violence and inner turmoil. Put simply, Kendrick Lamarr proves himselfSolid gold west coast classic. Whilst clearly drawing inspiration from 90's dominator's Dre and Snoop, Lamarr twists his slightly nasal drawl around fresh beats that dazzle, yet linger in the memory. There's a beguiling quality to the production, which often sounds dark and melancholy, suiting the tales of everyday gang violence and inner turmoil. Put simply, Kendrick Lamarr proves himself THE next rap talent, and has overtaken Kanye West as the worlds best performer of the genre. This is how I felt when I listened to Fleet Foxes début back in 2008. This, definitively, is the start of something very special Expand
  38. Apr 7, 2013
    This generations "ILLMATIC". Mr. Lamar has done it again and has finally established himself as one of the top emcees in the game. Its is one of those albums that you can play all the way through from start to finish.
  39. May 18, 2013
    This album will go down as one of the best albums of all time for any genre just like Illmatic, Reasonable Doubt, Ready to Die and the other rap albums that are considered the best of all time. When those albums came out we didn't understand how great they because were very young at the time. Now we have a chance to witness a classic and a legend in the making. The storytelling is amazing.This album will go down as one of the best albums of all time for any genre just like Illmatic, Reasonable Doubt, Ready to Die and the other rap albums that are considered the best of all time. When those albums came out we didn't understand how great they because were very young at the time. Now we have a chance to witness a classic and a legend in the making. The storytelling is amazing. It's like a movie. You can't just listen to a couple of songs or skip through. You have to listen straight through from beginning to end. Expand
  40. Jun 10, 2013
    The best Hip Hop album that has come out in last few years. Kendrick is a master of story telling and the album is more cohesive than ever. He delivers with diverse but unifying songs that make this story of the good kid in a MAAD City one for ages.
  41. Jun 19, 2013
    Cats need to focus on making great albums, not great mixtapes, not great singles, not great verses on other people stuff

    At the end of the day if you want to be remember in music history, you're gonna be judged by the retail body of work you leave behind. Kendrick seems to be the only newcomer who really gets this good kkid maad city is very complex, well structured & cohesive...
    Cats need to focus on making great albums, not great mixtapes, not great singles, not great verses on other people stuff

    At the end of the day if you want to be remember in music history, you're gonna be judged by the retail body of work you leave behind. Kendrick seems to be the only newcomer who really gets this

    good kkid maad city is very complex, well structured & cohesive... this is a classic.
  42. Jun 19, 2013
    Good god, I havent heard an album like this in a GOOD minute. I will actually purchase this rather than download it. If hip hop artist pumped out more stuff like this, labels could move units like it was '98.
  43. Jun 19, 2013
    One of the best album I have heard these last 7 years.

    Everything about the the beats on GKMC --hell, everything about that album-- was meticulously thought out and executed in intricate fashion.
  44. Jun 19, 2013
    wow, classic album.
    Very few rappers can tell a story like that over a complete album. He takes a rather simple concept and transforms it into a unique introspective story that draws the listeners in by connecting with its audience. Not one song is alike, each song is in a different style and delivery. And the song mAAd city has out of this world flow.
  45. Oct 20, 2013
    This album is special, we follow Kendrick Lamar through the album in a very exciting storytelling, and addictive tracks like Swimming Pools, Backseat, Don't Kill My Vibe, Money Trees, Etc. This isn't a album you will get bored of after a couple of months, you will always be able to bump this, and that shows Kendrick is capable of producing timeless music. 10/10
  46. Jul 25, 2013
    Took all of 9 months for me to process this album, & I'm still not bored with it (that's saying a lot coming from a Gemini)...Love it when the album itself says "WTF is a sophomore jinx?"...Already I'm expecting no less by the time Graduation rolls around...Excellent film, even better than the last Documentary Straight Out of Compton...
  47. Oct 24, 2013
    Changed the Hip Hop landscape, one of the only few real artists who also have that appeal to generate true listeners while telling their story. Brilliant.
  48. Feb 25, 2014
    By far my favorite album to listen to since it came out in 2012. I loved the storyline that Kendrick made for this album. His lyrics are also some of the best lyrics that I've listened to on not just any hip hop album, but out of any album that I've sat down and listened to. The lyrics are deep and meaningful, but still have an incredible rhythm and flow to them that never get old. TheBy far my favorite album to listen to since it came out in 2012. I loved the storyline that Kendrick made for this album. His lyrics are also some of the best lyrics that I've listened to on not just any hip hop album, but out of any album that I've sat down and listened to. The lyrics are deep and meaningful, but still have an incredible rhythm and flow to them that never get old. The beats to the songs are different and I love when they change in the middle of a song to a new unique beat. All in all one of my favorite albums to listen to and it truly doesn't get old. I have listened to it over and over without growing bored or tired of listening to it. Expand
  49. Jan 30, 2014
    this is definitely the best album I have heard these last 5 years. This or MBDTF. congrats to kendrick for making classic albums.
    A1 lyrics, A1 beats, A1 cohesiveness, A1 flow, A1 music
  50. May 8, 2014
    Lamar's ode to gangsta rap leaves the listener in awe and wanting more. His vivid lyrics and banging beats help out his cause as well. An improvement from Kendrick's previous installments (Section .80 & O.verly D.edicated) this one has a heart and soul to it that cannot be compared.
  51. Sep 1, 2014
    Changed the way I perceived the life of other human beings. It opened up my mind to the trials and tribulations that a person living in a completely different, yet surprisingly similar world faced.
  52. Dec 10, 2014
    When the album starts, we hear a tape player start with us. This is the start of the life of Kendrick Lamar in Compton, CA. "good kid, m.A.A.d. city" is just that, the life of a good kid, Kendrick, who just happens to live in a m.A.A.d. city.
    There are no radio-ready singles to be exploited from this album like most albums, and that's what's great about the album. You have to go and find
    When the album starts, we hear a tape player start with us. This is the start of the life of Kendrick Lamar in Compton, CA. "good kid, m.A.A.d. city" is just that, the life of a good kid, Kendrick, who just happens to live in a m.A.A.d. city.
    There are no radio-ready singles to be exploited from this album like most albums, and that's what's great about the album. You have to go and find it, it's not going to come to you. You have to go and find it, and be ready to hear the sorrowful and sad, yet ultimately hopeful story of a day in the life of K-Dot.
    The production is tight, the tightest since My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Kendrick's lyrics are able to help people who have never stepped foot in Compton to feel and understand what he went through in the m.A.A.d. city. His lyrics aren't even lyrics, it's poetry with music. Kendrick's flow is the best in the game right now. He's a natural rapper, and his poetic lyrics and tight production bring substance to the style. Get this album ASAP. You won't regret it.
    10/10- Classic/Masterpiece
  53. Dec 13, 2014
    To start off with gkmc i heard it before section.80 tbh nnow i love how both the albums are set conceptually with a story. where section.80 is a narrative through a book n gkmc is a movie with all the skits. i dont want to spoil on this review but gkmc will hit u hard with its setting the theme the state of mind of kendrick n the inner battle with his city compton. kendrick is an amazingTo start off with gkmc i heard it before section.80 tbh nnow i love how both the albums are set conceptually with a story. where section.80 is a narrative through a book n gkmc is a movie with all the skits. i dont want to spoil on this review but gkmc will hit u hard with its setting the theme the state of mind of kendrick n the inner battle with his city compton. kendrick is an amazing lyricist and ull love the beats on most of the songs. but on songs like maad city and sing about me... the material n the message of on a whole what kendrick wants to say is really astounding. the short skits connect through songs and beautifully set up the album. but the major purpose of the album is in the name of the album itself angel on angel dust. or his angry adolescent divided. both of it perfectly speak about the album. ps love kendrick now put three fingers in the air bishes Expand
  54. Mar 11, 2015
    This is one of the best rap albums ever. Kendrick Lamar has truly shown his lyrical talents on here. Songs such as The Art of Peer Pressure show just how talented he is, with such powerful and beautiful storytelling ability. Good Kid, M.A.A.D City is a masterpiece.
  55. Dec 16, 2015
    A unique, refreshing and very passionate take on the timeless tale of growing up in the world. It feels great, very relatable but sometimes bizarre. Oh, and the beats are amazing and complement Kendrick's eclectic style.

    Favourite track: The Art of Peer Pressure
  56. Mar 13, 2016
    Pretty amazing album from Kendrick Lamar, one of the greatest kings of rap of our generation, give him a listen on Spotify! Kendrick Lamar fan since 2012!
  57. Apr 4, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This has probably one of my favorite albums of all times. Kendrick hit all the key points into making a great album. His album contains a great lyrical content, the beats are on point, its relatable, and the whole album has somewhat of a story line;

    Lyrical content;
    Its not rare to see (or hear) Kendrick uses big and elaborate words in his songs. But that's what exactly separates him from other artist. his use of words adds a certain detail that may be missed using real basic words. I as a hip-hop/rap fan, I'm glad i can see an artist spitting more intellectual rhymes

    The beats were great with each song. It was very "scene setting", almost felt like i was rollin' around with Kendrick in Compton. If a beat doesn't make you feel like you're there, in the setting of the song, it's NOT the beat for the song. But Kendrick Lamar did this very well.

    I know I can't relate to the situations that Kendrick portrays that he went through exactly. But in the vague sense of what happened, most, if not all of us can relate to his actions. For example in " The Art of Peer Pressure" I, myself have faced and well into peer pressure. Being able to kind of relate to the artist really makes the album more pleasant to listen to.

    Background story;
    This album's story is just amazing. It shows the kinda young, money hungry side of Kendrick. Not necessarily a bad kid but gets into bad situations he knows it's wrong. and The album shows how Kendrick mindset if changing from "I gotta get this money" to " I gotta get out, and make a change for my city."
  58. Dec 25, 2017
    I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I this dropped. An instant classic, I said it when I was 17 I’m saying it when I’m 23. A must listen for any rap fan or someone trying to get into the genre. He illustrates vividly the lifestyle of the streets effortlessly while giving you something to turn up to. An artist so far ahead of his time. Solid 10.
  59. Dec 22, 2020
    The story telling us so good but songs can still stand alone as good songs. Instant Classic.
  60. Jan 23, 2020
    Album of the whole generation. A perfect mix of pop and underground sound united by a story of one boy. I guess everybody can relate at least to 4-5 tracks and find something similar in his/her life.
    For those who don`t listen to rap it can be a bridge to the genre.
    Maybe its not an album you want to listen constantly, but album which is always in your mind for sure.
  61. Mar 16, 2020
    After 8 years of intense listening I'm still coming back to it. And every time I love it more
  62. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. GKMC tells an amazing linear story through compact and consistent lyricism and flow. Expand
  63. Nov 4, 2020
    Should have won the god damn Grammy! One of the best albums Ive ever heard and one of the best made in general. This album took me on an emotional roller coaster that no album Ive listened to since can replicate.
  64. Dec 6, 2020
    best album of the last decade. very cohesive, top notch lyricism, and great mixing. it is up there sitting at the same table as reasonable doubt, illmatic, ready to die, black on both sides, etc.
    my top 5 songs on the album are
    1. sing about me
    2. maad city
    3. money trees
    4. art of peer pressure
    5. good kid( this 5th spot is fluid)
  65. Feb 3, 2021
    In short, Do I even have to say anything? No. Just listen to the damn album. In long, we have a well constructed album that has many amazing songs and just one great song, ONE. I’m not going to spoil this experience for you anymore.
  66. Jun 2, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Basically a motion picture of Kendrick’s life in music form with no mediocre songs and classics like Sing of Me/ Dying of Thirst, Real, Money Trees, and the Art of Peer Pressure. Probably the album of the 2010’s regardless of genre. Expand
  67. Jun 29, 2022
    Lyrical content: 10/10
    Production: 10/10

    Most favorite track(s): Swimming Pools (Drank), Sing About Me, I'm Dying of Thirst

    Favorite track(s): **** Don't Kill My Vibe, The Art of Peer Pressure, Money Trees, Poetic Justice, M.A.A.D City

    Least favorite track(s): Real
  68. Sep 2, 2022
    This is an outstanding album... KDOT is truly an amazing artist that has prospered throughout his entire career. Truly unreal.
  69. Sep 7, 2022
    Best album of all time the way kendrick brings you into compton so well is amazing. you easily get lost in what is was like to be a kid in compton. Absolute classic from start to end.
  70. Sep 10, 2022
    Easily the best rap album of all time. It's not even that close. Story telling is perfect.
  71. Jan 30, 2023
    Amazing album with some of the greatest storytelling and sampling i've seen.
  72. Jul 26, 2023
    Incredible album. I loved every track. My 3 favorite:

    3. m.A.A.d City: Perfect song, great flows and a great beat.

    2. Money Trees: Great lyrics and Jay rock’s verse was incredible.

    1. Sing about me, I’m dying of thirst: Very long song, great flows and lyrics for all 12 minutes.

Universal acclaim - based on 36 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 36
  2. Negative: 0 out of 36
  1. Jan 24, 2013
    The quotidian problems and longings of the title track making up the real heart of the album, a rough and tumble struggle to the top.
  2. Jan 10, 2013
    In another rapper's hands the concepts might have been overcooked or the messages too self-righteous, but Kendrick manages to achieve scale while remaining firmly grounded on two feet.
  3. Dec 21, 2012
    This is the best rap album of 2012--not just because of champion verses and immaculate drops, but because they recognize that the most brilliant foreground only shines against a well-defined backdrop.