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  1. Dec 4, 2012
    Best Rap/Hip Hop Album Of 2012. Kendrick Has A Bright Future In The Music Industry. The Album Is A Mix Of The Style Of Raekwon And Andre 3000. Story Line Of The Albums Makes Me Feel As I Lived In These Events
  2. Dec 12, 2012
    Good Kid, M.A.A.D City is both entertaining and poetic - proof that hip-hop can be an art form and that an album can be more than just fun music. The album unfolds like the perfectly planned script of a Quentin Tarantino movie - Kendrick Lamar switches flows as well as perspectives, and every detail within the lyrics and production seems to be important to the story. The excellentGood Kid, M.A.A.D City is both entertaining and poetic - proof that hip-hop can be an art form and that an album can be more than just fun music. The album unfolds like the perfectly planned script of a Quentin Tarantino movie - Kendrick Lamar switches flows as well as perspectives, and every detail within the lyrics and production seems to be important to the story. The excellent production makes you feel like you're riding along with Kendrick through Compton. "Backseat Freestyle" puts the listener in the car with Kendrick as he busts a freestyle with his friends, while songs like "The Art of Peer Pressure" puts you inside Kendrick's head to reveal his wiser lyrical efforts. The hard, trunk-banging production on "m.A.A.d. city" sets the perfect atmosphere of a dangerous city, and the MC Eiht feature on this song is bones-chilling. All of the features, including Drake, seem to be perfectly placed. Kendrick is on point & in his zone, ultimately making listeners think deep with cuts like "Sing About Me, I'm Dying of Thirst". Themes of life, death, and humanity make this album memorable. Meanwhile, chilled out, atmospheric songs like "B*%&^ Don't Kill Me Vibe" and "Money Trees" make this album fun to return to. As far as I'm concerned, after hearing this album, any rap song with Kendrick Lamar on it is worth listening to. Expand
  3. Dec 16, 2012
    Album of the year. good kid brings a thematic quality that 2012 rap albums all lacked this year. Production is on point, Kendrick's raps are top notch, and all of the stories that intertwine the album come together for one beautiful Compton drama. One after another, each song carried the story into a deeper, darker place, accumulating to that climax at "Sing For Me, I'm Dying OfAlbum of the year. good kid brings a thematic quality that 2012 rap albums all lacked this year. Production is on point, Kendrick's raps are top notch, and all of the stories that intertwine the album come together for one beautiful Compton drama. One after another, each song carried the story into a deeper, darker place, accumulating to that climax at "Sing For Me, I'm Dying Of Thirst." Without those little stories in the middle/end of songs, this would be one of the most disjointed rap album I would ever hear. However, Lamar puts out his best verses, his best beats, and his story out there into this beautiful tapestry known as good kid, m.A.A.d. city, a rap album that will be talked about going into the next decade. Expand
  4. Apr 14, 2013
    Alright, critically over-rated. DECENT HIP-HOP. There are a few good tracks on here but many of them fall short for me. a 4 sounds pretty good. It's better than most hip-hop albums out there.
  5. Jan 9, 2013
    This album is great. Most of the time I prefer underground rap because of the high level of lyricism they always use. Kendrick Lamar isn't underground but he delivers with a totally unique flow. You can tell that he's very comfortable on the mike, and i'm very comfortable listening. Very nice album.
  6. Jan 16, 2013
    Playing this album's tracks individually results only in a sense of isolated disappointment. As a whole, this album is pure gold. Listen to this album one track after another and you, like me, will be inclined to call it a masterpiece. Instant classic. Production values that are sky high but don't eradicate the heart and soul of the artist. Lyrics that are meaningful. Beats that arePlaying this album's tracks individually results only in a sense of isolated disappointment. As a whole, this album is pure gold. Listen to this album one track after another and you, like me, will be inclined to call it a masterpiece. Instant classic. Production values that are sky high but don't eradicate the heart and soul of the artist. Lyrics that are meaningful. Beats that are memorable. This is next to My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, The Marshall Mathers LP, Illmatic and Glass Swords as one of the finest albums (hip-hop or not) of all time. Expand
  7. Feb 17, 2013
    Album of the year.... Instant classic, anyone else agree? With this album, Kendrick Lamar not only solidifies himself as a true lyricist, but he proves he can take on the difficult task of delivering a concept album and brings together the best of both worlds
  8. Mar 11, 2013
    Compton and the Wests Rap Savior......Kendrick hits on every track!!!

    Don't be fooled by tha haterz and "Hip Hop Experts" on here.

  9. Mar 4, 2013
    Instant classic. I still can't believe Kendrick Lamar made a better follow-up to 'Section.80'. Good Kid,'M.A.A.D City' is without a doubt the best hip-hop album since Kanye West's 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy'. This guy has elevated West-Coast Gangsta Rap beyond any artist we're ever heard before. Game tried, but could not bring it this far. It has to rank among those 90's West-CoastInstant classic. I still can't believe Kendrick Lamar made a better follow-up to 'Section.80'. Good Kid,'M.A.A.D City' is without a doubt the best hip-hop album since Kanye West's 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy'. This guy has elevated West-Coast Gangsta Rap beyond any artist we're ever heard before. Game tried, but could not bring it this far. It has to rank among those 90's West-Coast classics we can't get enough off... This album, along with Frank Ocean's 'Channel ORANGE', have just put concept albums in hip-hop and R&B in the fore-front... Collapse
  10. Jun 18, 2013
    A short 'film' by Kendrick Lamar... never has an album been more appropriately titled.

    90% of rap albums are mere playlists, this is an album.. and more. ’good kid, m.A.A.d city’ has so much depth, it demands close inspection, this is the most expansive project I've ever heard, light years ahead of Section 80. The lyrics themselves are technical masterpieces, full of layered rhythms and
    A short 'film' by Kendrick Lamar... never has an album been more appropriately titled.

    90% of rap albums are mere playlists, this is an album.. and more. ’good kid, m.A.A.d city’ has so much depth, it demands close inspection, this is the most expansive project I've ever heard, light years ahead of Section 80. The lyrics themselves are technical masterpieces, full of layered rhythms and meanings. The production is captivating, Kendrick’s lyrical prowess and vivid storytelling come to life like scenes from a movie.

    Minor imperfections are dwarfed by it’s excellence, insignificant in the grand scheme of things. When you hear an album you can recognise instantaneously if it's a classic or not, GKMC is unequivocally a classic. In context (the current rap climate) it’s quite possibly the greatest accomplishment in Hip Hop history. Universally critically acclaimed, even the most hardheaded critics are raving about it, case in point.. Anthony Fantano (Needledrop). This album is high art, Kendrick Lamar.. dubbed as 'raps saviour' by the wider Hip Hop community has delivered!, rejoice.
  11. Oct 21, 2013
    This album is brilliant, its well structured and each song is interesting no repetitiveness just pure talent form kendrick (as always) a potential classic
  12. Mar 19, 2015
    No words really. Favorite hip-hop album of the decade by a mile. My first listen was truly a great experience considering the way the storyline/narrative was gelled together so brilliantly. Sing about me/dying of thirst is also a top 5 song of the decade to....
  13. Mar 22, 2016
    What a start to a mainstream career this is. The production on point, Kendrick's wordplay always on point and especially the subject matter of the album. We heard the story of Compton in many ways and with many different people but his story is fascinating. Keep up the good work, Kendrick!!!!!
  14. Feb 15, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. An instant classic to not only today's rap, but also to rap history. Every song is produced at such a high level it will make you feel the emotions of each song. Kendrick Lamar is well on his way to becoming one of the greatest rappers of all time. Expand
  15. Jul 16, 2018
    Brilliantly executed and multi-layered in its scope and storytelling. A very strong sophomore album for KDOT.
  16. Jan 21, 2020
    I first listened to this album back in 2012 of October when it was released. This LITERALLY changed the game when it came to Hip-Hop and is still considered one of the best conceptual Hip-Hop Albums in music history.

    Look no further, take a listen to this CLASSIC.
  17. Jan 23, 2020
    GKMC is better than TPAB in my opinion. GKMC is a album that you’ll be able to listen to better than TPAB, TPAB is kinda difficult to listen to with some songs.
  18. Jan 24, 2020
    Kendrick's 2nd best album after TPAB, great storytelling across the board and really great features
  19. May 28, 2020
    There's not much to say about this album, it's just perfect! you must listen, as soon as you hear you will understand what i am saying
  20. Feb 16, 2021
    Музыка/бит: 10/10 | Читка/голос: 10/10 | Интерес к прослушиванию: 10/10 |
    Отзыв: лучший продакшн и рэп-альбом за всю историю
  21. Feb 12, 2022
    This album is a clear indicator that Kendrick is more than just a rapper, but also a storyteller. Definitely one of the best rappers of the 2010s.
  22. Dec 17, 2021
    An instant classic and still stands as Kendrick's best work. The album reads as a modern day telling of the Compton struggle, and Kendrick being propped up as the new West coast king by snoop and the game before this is fitting.
  23. Mar 27, 2023
    A Great Major-Label Debut album. His 2nd best album (Behind To Pimp a Butterfly), Definitely painted a great picture of his upbringing in the CPT. New Generation West Coast sound.
  24. Aug 19, 2023
    Wowzers!!! I like this one more than tpab and somehow tpab is still one of the greatest albums ever
  25. Oct 22, 2012
    Whether it's story-telling, production, lyrics or just rapping skill, this album delivers it all. After 'section.80', its very clear that Kendrick's ability to bring together a concept over the course of an album is something he excels at. This album goes even further: every track is relevant to the story-line and thought provoking, even the skits are incredibly interesting, something rareWhether it's story-telling, production, lyrics or just rapping skill, this album delivers it all. After 'section.80', its very clear that Kendrick's ability to bring together a concept over the course of an album is something he excels at. This album goes even further: every track is relevant to the story-line and thought provoking, even the skits are incredibly interesting, something rare in hip hop. Listening to this album from start to finish resembles a film, hence the 'A short film by Kendrick Lamar' on the cover. What's truly brilliant is that this album ticks all the boxes without sacrificing anything, and every feature, even the Drake one, was superbly done and fits the albums themes and story perfectly. It's difficult to find a fault in this album. A rare classic in an era where the direction of hip hop is unclear, Kendrick has definitely stamped his foot as the new king of hip hop. Its now up to the listeners to crown him. 10/10. Expand
  26. Oct 22, 2012
    Absolutely an instant classic. Every song has incredible production. Kendrick's lyrics are some of the best ever heard on a hip hop album, and it is amazing how his album follows a story line, often resulting in songs that have unique beat changes or skits in them. Overall this really is a 10/10 album, an instant classic, and the official crowning of a new king of hip hop. King Kendrick Lamar.
  27. Oct 22, 2012
    A instant classic hands down. Not one song should be passed over a fantastic start to Kendrick's hopefully long career. Rap album of the year so far!!!!
  28. Oct 24, 2012
    Kendrick is changing the game one rhyme at a time. Soulful and banging tracks blend seamlessly. It's a pleasure to listen to for hip-hop heads and audiophiles alike.
  29. Oct 24, 2012
    Simply put, Kendrick Lamar hit a grand slam. Although he is as an artist equipped with a style that hearkens back to the halcyon days of the Golden Age, Lamar chose to embrace rap's Zeitgeist, and not deride it. Indeed, he embedded old-school soul within the framework of new-school rap, creating a sound that is both nostalgic and progressive. To the casual consumer of hip-hop (includingSimply put, Kendrick Lamar hit a grand slam. Although he is as an artist equipped with a style that hearkens back to the halcyon days of the Golden Age, Lamar chose to embrace rap's Zeitgeist, and not deride it. Indeed, he embedded old-school soul within the framework of new-school rap, creating a sound that is both nostalgic and progressive. To the casual consumer of hip-hop (including some contrarian users who've chosen to review this record), Lamar's album may appear to be "nothing special;" some tracks might even sound tenuously constructed. But that's missing the narrative -- of a child's evolution in the powder keg of Compton, trying to remain in a state of equilibrium as he's tugged in several directions by conflicting forces (including family, friends, a love interest and the ubiquitous presence of gang counter-culture). In fact, the songs are all interconnected; for instance, "Backstreet Freestyle" was a part of the overarching story of "Good Kid, M.A.A.D City," depicting a young Kendrick spitting "freestyles" with the same homies that push him toward a transgressive lifestyle in "The Art of Peer Pressure." As a whole, this album was a tour de force. Expand
  30. Oct 23, 2012
    Incredible album. Kendrick's improvement is unbelievable considering the fact that Section .80 is what he's most known for which in itself is a great effort. Production is constantly on point, the hooks are catchy, and his storytelling ability is unparalleled. Probably my favourite hip hop album since My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. MAKE SURE YOU RAPGENIUS ALL THE LYRICS because youIncredible album. Kendrick's improvement is unbelievable considering the fact that Section .80 is what he's most known for which in itself is a great effort. Production is constantly on point, the hooks are catchy, and his storytelling ability is unparalleled. Probably my favourite hip hop album since My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. MAKE SURE YOU RAPGENIUS ALL THE LYRICS because you might be trippin off the sample while the brother's spittin the gospel. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 36 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 36
  2. Negative: 0 out of 36
  1. Jan 24, 2013
    The quotidian problems and longings of the title track making up the real heart of the album, a rough and tumble struggle to the top.
  2. Jan 10, 2013
    In another rapper's hands the concepts might have been overcooked or the messages too self-righteous, but Kendrick manages to achieve scale while remaining firmly grounded on two feet.
  3. Dec 21, 2012
    This is the best rap album of 2012--not just because of champion verses and immaculate drops, but because they recognize that the most brilliant foreground only shines against a well-defined backdrop.