• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: Jun 19, 2001

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. 60
    Taken only for what it is, Gorillaz is an engaging, if not entirely arresting, journey through sluggish mood rock and jazzy hip-hop. Taken for what it aspires to be, though, it's more disappointing than awe-inspiring...
  2. As forward-thinking as this sounds, it just kind of makes Gorillaz an Archies/Josie & The Pussycats for the new millennium. It also makes them and their album fit in with everyone else in the progressive hip-hop canon, all of whom see fit to make slightly ludicrous concept records.
  3. Inspired by the punky reggae parties of Sandinista!-era Clash, tracks like the dub-rap-rock mutation "Clint Eastwood" and its catchier two-step Rasta remix bring back the exuberance missing from Blur's last album, 13, while running with its anything-goes avant-aesthetic.
  4. Much of the album has the odd, rehashed sound of a Blur record produced by the Automator, but the diverse guests keep at least every other song fresh and new.
  5. Neither Brit-pop nor hip-hop, "Gorillaz" contains a motley, dub-influenced collection of songs that are, like Hewlett's drawings, an exercise in sophisticated immaturity
  6. I so want to hate this album.... If only the album flat-out sucked, I'd be on much firmer ground. Too bad it doesn't.
  7. It's what you might expect from a bunch of musos playing with Cubase or ProTools: sampled loops, Brixton dub, trip-hoppy tangents. U.N.K.L.E.'s bratty nephew, really, though the album sounds like the group locked the metronome on "heavy funk groove"--chugging and satisfying at first, it feels exhausted by the fifth or sixth track.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 339 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 6 out of 339
  1. VadamercaN
    Jul 27, 2007
    Both energetic and easy-listening, this CD brought together so many fans and listeners, the world could even be saved from global warming. If Both energetic and easy-listening, this CD brought together so many fans and listeners, the world could even be saved from global warming. If your looking for pop, rock and hip-hop all in one album, this is a must-have. Full Review »
  2. Sep 26, 2010
    I can't believe how mind-bending this album is. You get a song that comes out of some random Japanese show ("19-2000") and then turns into aI can't believe how mind-bending this album is. You get a song that comes out of some random Japanese show ("19-2000") and then turns into a day into the streets of Mexico ("Que Pasa Contigo"). Damon has created something not only for him, but created something entirely different. Listening to this album in the dark is just plain out creepy, with the tracks "Slow Country" and "Sound Check". This was something really new for me, and helped me expand my joy for music genres, rap being the most influential. If you hate it the 1st time, trust me, it will get better short after. Standouts : "5/4", "Clint Eastwood", "19-2000", "M1A1"

    Overall Score : 8.9
    Full Review »
  3. Nov 24, 2021
    Certified hood classic. Every time I listen to this album I fall in love listening to the band again. Very good enjoy.