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Universal acclaim- based on 76 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 69 out of 76
  2. Negative: 2 out of 76
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  1. May 15, 2020
    A completely phenomenal piece of art that demands multiple listens, and close reading of its lyrics to fully understand.
  2. May 15, 2020
    An absolute serve. A flawless album from the beginning to the end. Truly a masterpiece. Best tracks: Cut Me, In Bloom, Colouour, Polly, Me In 20 Years, Lucky Me, Bystanders. Honestly the whole album is so amazing, and so are the interludes. A true work of art.
  3. May 16, 2020
    "I gave my life
    To something
    Something bigger
    Than me..." luxury sound.
  4. May 17, 2020
    One of the best albums to come out in 2020 so far. Every song takes you on a journey. A significant step up from Aromanticism, which was also a great album.
  5. Jul 26, 2020
    its sad when in this world such uncreative artist like Tailor Swift with decent but average melodies (Folklor) overhyped by media machine instead of this album with bold catharsic songs like Bystanders, Me in 20 Years or Bless Me.
  6. Jul 4, 2020
    There is over an hour of material on Græ and nearly every moment satisfies. Sumney's magnificent production confronts you sonically while his iconoclastic ideas challenge your code of ethics.
  7. Dec 28, 2022
    I think this album was fantastic. The genre-bending nature, Moses' genius and intimate lyricism, and his absolutely beautiful voice, that like the music does not stay pinned down in specific style, and instead weaves and meanders through multiple octaves and ranges and does so beautifully, even acting as an instrument in some of the songs (Cut Me). This album was absolutely beautiful.
  8. Dec 20, 2021
    There is something grand about this record. Is it the strong harmonies? Or maybe the focused production that unearths what it intends for you to feel. I've got it now,it's moses. This album is the best picture of him we've ever received. It explores the vast parts of him from his relationship with masculinity and femininity or with blackness and isolation. The key to this album is theThere is something grand about this record. Is it the strong harmonies? Or maybe the focused production that unearths what it intends for you to feel. I've got it now,it's moses. This album is the best picture of him we've ever received. It explores the vast parts of him from his relationship with masculinity and femininity or with blackness and isolation. The key to this album is the little pieces such as the samles,interludes,base strum in cut me or violins in bles me. Everything is grand like a performance. Not a single moment is wasted in this album. A serious improvement on the meandering debut. Favourites:cut me,bless me,me in 20yrs,two dogs Expand
  9. Aug 7, 2020
    ( 78/100 )

    Moses Sumney, el joven músico de Carolina del Sur y Ghana, se guarda susurros y secretos musicales que cargan un gran interés conceptual. La exploración de sonidos y ambientes fluyen con naturalidad y transitan entre si con facilidad y sensibilidad, aunque también parece que guarda lo mejor para la eventualidad, pues hay cierta compresión que sustituye la intensidad musical
    ( 78/100 )

    Moses Sumney, el joven músico de Carolina del Sur y Ghana, se guarda susurros y secretos musicales que cargan un gran interés conceptual. La exploración de sonidos y ambientes fluyen con naturalidad y transitan entre si con facilidad y sensibilidad, aunque también parece que guarda lo mejor para la eventualidad, pues hay cierta compresión que sustituye la intensidad musical con un río largo, lento y suave de armonías. La apreciación crece con cada oportunidad dada al álbum, pero su mismo concepto le pide al público un tiempo específico para meditar ésta obra. Sumney crea esencias y perfumes de su propia producción y la de FKJ, John Congleton y Ben Baptie, entre otros y la une con la poética y verso de sus audaces y poderosas palabras. Hay una intención exponencial en "græ" que tal vez solo necesita más furor, voracidad y euforia para complementar su idea magistral que probablemente ya está preparando.
    Moses Sumney, the young musician of South Carolina and Accra, Ghana, keeps whispers and secrets of music that carries a great conceptual interest. The exploration of sounds and ambients flow with naturality and transit between them with ease and sensibility, even though it also feels like he's keeping the best for eventuality since there is some compression that substitutes musical intensity with a large, slow and smooth river of harmonies. The appreciation grows with every opportunity given to the album, but the main concept demands the public a specific time to meditate this work. Sumney creates essences and perfumes out of his own production and FKJ's, John Congleton's and Ben Baptie's, among others, and joins them with the verse and poetic of his audacious and powerful words. There's an exponential intention in "græ" that maybe needs furor, voracity, and euphoria to complement his masterful idea in which he's probably already working.

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 17
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 17
  3. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Aug 10, 2020
    For all of the purposefully oblique subject matter, the album never once feels indirect or opaque. ... His voice is multiply expressive, both in the way that a singer/songwriter’s voice in its lyrical accent would be, and in the way that someone like Daniel Lopatin’s production would expectedly turn a voice into beautiful putty.
  2. The Wire
    Jul 14, 2020
    He knows that being the most complete version of himself requires lifelong searching – græ never fails to feel like such a journey. [Aug 2020, p.63]
  3. Jun 1, 2020
    Græ is a textural wonder, with soft electric guitars, Sumney’s beautiful voice, and glittering synths making up most of the album’s heavenly sounding songs.