• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Sep 8, 2023
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 562 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 95 out of 562
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  1. Sep 8, 2023
    La mejor canción se la lleva "pretty isn't pretty", el resto del álbum es completamente monótono, sonidos sucios y no se escucha una buena producción. En una entrevista dijo que había compuesto más de 100 canciones en esta Era, simplemente son una continuación de "SOUR", no hay crecimiento, letras flojas y hechas sólo para pegar. "lacy" es también muy rescatable de "GUTS", las demásLa mejor canción se la lleva "pretty isn't pretty", el resto del álbum es completamente monótono, sonidos sucios y no se escucha una buena producción. En una entrevista dijo que había compuesto más de 100 canciones en esta Era, simplemente son una continuación de "SOUR", no hay crecimiento, letras flojas y hechas sólo para pegar. "lacy" es también muy rescatable de "GUTS", las demás canciones son muy olvidables y no conectaron conmigo. Expand
  2. Sep 8, 2023
    Em "Sour", ela brilhou por misturar pop com punk rock, ritmo que a ajudou a aparecer nas paradas de novo após anos do auge do gênero com artistas como Avril Lavigne e a banda Paramore.

    Canções com roupagens roqueiras sobre decepções amorosas e aventuras da juventude embalam o novo disco —mas com uma pitada de novidade. Exemplos disso são os ótimos singles "Vampire" e "Bad Idea Right?", em
    Em "Sour", ela brilhou por misturar pop com punk rock, ritmo que a ajudou a aparecer nas paradas de novo após anos do auge do gênero com artistas como Avril Lavigne e a banda Paramore.

    Canções com roupagens roqueiras sobre decepções amorosas e aventuras da juventude embalam o novo disco —mas com uma pitada de novidade. Exemplos disso são os ótimos singles "Vampire" e "Bad Idea Right?", em que Rodrigo canta sobre relacionamentos que não deram certo com instrumentais mais ousados e criativos do que os do disco anterior.
  3. Sep 8, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. a good album with incredible songs! I love it and olivia made a good sophomore album for all of us! olivia can be our biggest inspiration! Expand
  4. Sep 8, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es un álbum punk pop inspirado en una adolescente que está siendo adulta, buen concepto pero lírica simple Expand
  5. Sep 8, 2023
    Olivia Rodrigo's 2nd studio album is a Pop-Punk experience about the feeling of growing up and maturing as a teenager. However, this album lacks its own personality; Rather than feeling like a new experience and an evolution of Sour, it feels like any song on this album could easily be a Sour Bonus Track. There are very good songs like "lacy", "logical" or "making the bed", but that'sOlivia Rodrigo's 2nd studio album is a Pop-Punk experience about the feeling of growing up and maturing as a teenager. However, this album lacks its own personality; Rather than feeling like a new experience and an evolution of Sour, it feels like any song on this album could easily be a Sour Bonus Track. There are very good songs like "lacy", "logical" or "making the bed", but that's where it ends. The rest of the songs are very predictable and something one would expect from Olivia Rodrigo. It feels like I'd already heard this album before it even came out. Expand
  6. Sep 8, 2023
    It's just meh on the best of days. I don't know what struck the metacritics, it's just bleh.
  7. Sep 8, 2023
    Olivia Rodrigo’s sophomore album feels very much like a retread both thematically and lyrically. Her style of emo rock lite is as accessible as it is vapid and lacks the edge to feel authentic. Production wise, GUTS is fantastic and takes heavy influences from artists like Beck, Garbage and 90’s shoegaze. Unfortunately, I can’t give Rodrigo points for that which is a shame because it’s theOlivia Rodrigo’s sophomore album feels very much like a retread both thematically and lyrically. Her style of emo rock lite is as accessible as it is vapid and lacks the edge to feel authentic. Production wise, GUTS is fantastic and takes heavy influences from artists like Beck, Garbage and 90’s shoegaze. Unfortunately, I can’t give Rodrigo points for that which is a shame because it’s the best thing about the album - that honor goes to Daniel Nigro who once again does all the heavy lifting. Neither ambitious or particularly interesting. Olivia can sing but her lyrics leave a lot to be desired for anyone over the age of 15. It reads like someone who grew up being driven to charter school in a Lexus and got artisanal sandwiches for lunch. Olivia’s attempt to seem edgy comes off as SoCal phony. 4/10 Expand
  8. Sep 8, 2023
    Muito bom gostei muito de todas as faixas principalmente all- american **** mais um trabalho excelente da Olivia Rodrigo
  9. Sep 8, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It’s ok a lot of the songs song the same and kinda reminds me of sour a lot pretty mid Expand
  10. Sep 9, 2023
    great album! best folw up for sour. it is good. the best. great album! best folw up for sour. it is good. the best. great album! best folw up for sour. it is good. the best.
  11. Sep 9, 2023
    not great, not bad. Has boring songs to listen and many of these is overrated. I Dont like the track called the grudge, the rest is ok and has a perfect track "making the bed" but this track can't save the album
  12. Sep 8, 2023
    The album is good but definitely not the best ever made, the sadder songs like lacy, making the bed, and logical are some of the best on the album. I was not feeling any of the pop rock songs outside of “bad idea right”. I really wanted to like it and I’m still giving some of the more upbeat songs another chance but I see a lot of people amping up the album and I’m like did we listen toThe album is good but definitely not the best ever made, the sadder songs like lacy, making the bed, and logical are some of the best on the album. I was not feeling any of the pop rock songs outside of “bad idea right”. I really wanted to like it and I’m still giving some of the more upbeat songs another chance but I see a lot of people amping up the album and I’m like did we listen to the same album! Expand
  13. Sep 9, 2023
    It’s fairly enjoyable. It has a few that I could listen more then once and put in a playlist but it feels kind of top heavy I enjoyed the first few tracks far more then the latter half overall not bad I could rate those few songs individually as 7s or 8s but as a whole with the songs I don’t prefer as much a 6 feed right.
  14. Sep 8, 2023
    it was alright nothing special, no song really stands out and there are quite a few fillers
  15. Sep 9, 2023
    Sell out hollywood slop. I got tricked into listening to this, I just spent the time trying to understand what they were trying to package and sell with this sound. It certainly doesn't sound like a real person or personality created this, it's probably all the usual Swedish women or Antonoff on the credits.
  16. Sep 8, 2023
    Mixed bag. Some songs are so innovative like 'ballad of a homeschooled girl' and 'the grudge'. But other songs, she tries too hard to sound like Avril Lavigne. It's not that it's bad, it's just forgettable.
  17. Sep 8, 2023
    Olivia is someone doesn't really do it for me, I don't hate her songs but I also don't love them they're kind of just...there. I did like all american **** though, and bad idea right was also cute.
  18. Sep 8, 2023
    The reviews for this album need to be serious. This album is so boring, I felt like she could do much better.
  19. Sep 8, 2023
    Olivia should find her artistic identity. this album looks like a set of songs rejected by Levine and Gracie Abrams. The lyrics aren't good enough and Sour is better. The vocals are not on point
  20. Sep 8, 2023
    This is the sound of a girl fully embracing her teen angst, but it is at a cost of repetitive tones and themes used throughout her intriguing and inviting sophomore album.
  21. Sep 8, 2023
    Was really excited for guts as I loved sour, vampire and bad idea right are bangers obviously but all the new album tracks didn’t vibe with me, only ones I somewhat liked is lacy and teenage dream. Some tracks it was hard to even understand what she was saying. Definitely gunna keep listening and see if it grows on me but for now sour is still better
  22. Sep 9, 2023
    The vast majority of songs are good and catchy but it is still not very innovative, I would say it is only a little worse than their first work.
  23. Sep 8, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Guts had very high highs and very low lows. The pre-released songs are highlights on the album. Lacy is a beautiful song. All-american **** has good verses but a noisy chorus. Ballad of a homeschooled girl is noise with bad lyrics and a weird and self-centered subject matter. Expand
  24. Sep 8, 2023
    literally Disney Channel & Taylor Swift + the grudge is drivers license pt2
  25. Sep 11, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Loved the sound of the album, sound a little similar to her latest work but its more punk-rock. My issues is the lyrics of the album. Some songs like (all American b and vampire), had a good lyricsm but the rest are basic. Expand
  26. Sep 11, 2023
    O álbum parece mais uma continuação do Sour do que um álbum próprio. Criativamente falando, não houve nenhuma mudança.
  27. Sep 11, 2023
    The songs are often forgettable and Olivia is either screaming at you or boring you with a basic ballad. Although I must point out that some songs are very unique and bring a musical standing from a time very influenced by teen rock. Songs like Bad Idea Right? and Get Him Back! Aren't like anything you would hear on today's pop radio. And they both offer a fresh take on being a teenager inThe songs are often forgettable and Olivia is either screaming at you or boring you with a basic ballad. Although I must point out that some songs are very unique and bring a musical standing from a time very influenced by teen rock. Songs like Bad Idea Right? and Get Him Back! Aren't like anything you would hear on today's pop radio. And they both offer a fresh take on being a teenager in the modern day world. Otherwise the rest of the album just doesn't connect or hit as hard with me. Sorry, but SOUR is the superior album. I still find myself going back to that album and recalling what a pop rock phonomen that album was. Even at it's slower moments it hit hard with it's deep cutting lyrics. I can not say the same for the songs on GUTS. But only time will tell if this album grows on me. However, not a memorable album. Expand
  28. Sep 10, 2023
    The first five songs were great, especially Vampire. But after that? I was not impressed. I tuned out for the second half of the album.
  29. Sep 8, 2023
    The Grudge is easily the best song on this album. Logical and Love is embarrassing are also standouts. And the two released singles are catchy enough (I liked Vampire, Bad Idea Right i didn't like but hearing it everywhere has made it grow on me). So that's five songs out of 12... everything else on the album unfortunately is a skip for me. Too bad, I was hoping for a stronger showing.
  30. Sep 9, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ni suficientemente bueno, ni suficientemente malo. Olivia pudo haber hecho un disco doble de Sour con todas las canciones de Guts, ninguna ofrece novedad. Además parece que hubiesen sido hechas para gustar, con elementos prefabricados (Ej: la parte de Get Him Back! hecha para corear en estadios). Hay canciones que suenan demasiado a Avril Lavigne, lo cual da la sensación de que eso ya se ha escuchado antes. Pretty isn't pretty me gustó mucho, sin embargo, tiene la misma progresión y sonido que Ghost de Katy Perry. Para el siguiente proyecto de Olivia debe de explorar otras temáticas y buscar un estilo propio. No se puede negar su talento.
    Aún con todo esto se encuentran buenos temas como Lacy, la cual siento que ha gustado mucho porque es de las pocas que tiene algo diferente. Bad Idea, Right? es super divertida y Teenage Dream habla de cosas que incluso los adultos llegamos a sentir. El resto es demasiado ruidoso e infantil.
    Veremos qué dirección toma Rodrigo en el futuro.

Universal acclaim - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Sep 18, 2023
    “Teenage Dream” recycles a song title of Katy Perry’s and echoes a twisty-turny melody of Lana Del Rey’s. Yet Rodrigo’s emotional presence is so strong throughout “Guts” — so believable even at its most unrelatable — that you never lose the sense of a specific young person navigating a trial of her own making.
  2. Sep 15, 2023
    GUTS is emphatic proof that Rodrigo isn't just good for a kid -- she's grown into an artist with plenty of things to say, and the confidence and eloquence to say them her way.
  3. Sep 13, 2023
    These songs show that Rodrigo isn’t done after GUTS.