
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. 60
    Cook nails it in the earliest stages, making it a bit front-loaded.
  2. Nov 7, 2019
    I and II are both lean, economical, sweet and seemingly genuine. Both have a similar emotional tone but demonstrate some stylistic differences. The songs on II are a little slower, groovier and less manic.
  3. Oct 31, 2019
    This record is both a note-perfect summing up and a great introduction to the Young Guv universe.
  4. Mojo
    Oct 31, 2019
    There are certainly treasures here if you sift through Guv's prolific unburdening. [Dec 2019, p. 94]
  5. Oct 31, 2019
    Guv I [was] an all-around more solid record, making Guv II feel a bit more like leftover parts than an essential second act — but Cook's knack for songwriting is nonetheless clear. At the very least, this sequel is an extra show of musical prolificacy and a good portfolio-stuffer with which to chase more work as a hired gun.
  6. Oct 31, 2019
    Like the Luddite lover pining for old-school communication in a digital world, GUV II is the sound of a pop classicist forging his own singular path in a post-everything era.

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