
Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
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  1. Jul 18, 2013
    Gold Panda shows himself to be a more mature, more skilled architect of sound, creating vast textures that expertly render the materiality of his samples.
  2. Uncut
    Jul 10, 2013
    The rhythm tracks are built up from finger bells and clicking wooden percussion, while each track is overlaid with wisps of koto or zither, which shimmer appealingly over the top, adding a touch of global gravitas. [Aug 2013, p.71]
  3. Jun 19, 2013
    While Half Of Where You Live is structured remarkably well, its definitive moments lack that particular magnetism that’s always been at the heart of Gold Panda’s music.
  4. Jun 18, 2013
    Half of Where You Live is a strong follow-up from a producer who’s underrated due to his patience and steadfast refusal to be ostentatious.
  5. Jun 17, 2013
    Half Of Where You Live sidesteps the dreaded sophomore slump by staying true to the impulse that guided Gold Panda’s initial recordings: honesty.
  6. Jun 14, 2013
    Ultimately the success of Half of Where You Live lies not in Gold Panda repeating old tricks, but in how he's expanded his repertoire to include new sounds, and his aesthetic proves sturdy enough to accomdate them.
  7. 85
    On Gold Panda‘s sophomore full length, moments of predictability are rare.
  8. Under The Radar
    Jun 13, 2013
    It's unfortunate for Half Of Where You Live to be released so close to something so perfect [Trust EP], but the change in direction leaves a probably ill-deserved lingering sense of sadness. [Jun-Jul 2013, p.99]
  9. Jun 11, 2013
    It's a remarkable exploration of self--an undoubtedly personal album, packed with a sense of history, circumstance, opportunity, love, and fleeting memories.
  10. If his follow-up doesn't evince quite the same exuberance, it still twinkles with a well-travelled exoticism.
  11. Jun 10, 2013
    Half of Where You Live is a considerably more rewarding album, one that creates lush, sophisticated, and disarmingly inviting music using the simple building blocks of sample-based beats and deeply personal musical storytelling.
  12. Jun 10, 2013
    While Half of Where You Live is a slightly more streamlined electronic album than his debut, it still manages to be a transporting work that is easy to enjoy as a hip, calming background mood piece, and stands as a nice, fitting addition to the Ghostly International catalog.
  13. Jun 10, 2013
    Set them around rhythmically experimental dance tracks (‘An English House’, ‘Community’) and you have intelligent evolution.
  14. Jun 7, 2013
    It lacks the punch of Lucky Shiner, but is no less charming.
  15. Jun 6, 2013
    Richly detailed and supremely defined, Half Of Where You Live is a wonderfully vivid follow up from a producer at the top of his game.
  16. Jun 6, 2013
    Half of contains all the crackling, happy-sad flavour of Gold Panda’s past discography, but with harsher textures than before--it’s disorientating and inquisitive, physically uprooting you from your comfort zone.
  17. Jun 6, 2013
    Gold Panda has come up with another fine album with some standout moments, but overall Half Of Where You Live doesn’t quite have the coherence or impact of its predecessor.

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