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  1. Jul 30, 2021
    The album tracks are very repetitive, you don't notice much difference when you change songs, only 3-4 songs are different from what HTE is.
  2. Jul 30, 2021
    Billies having her "tough second season" creatively. All the songs are very nothing-y. I get that she's telling stories and expressing past pains through her lyrics and I applaud her for that.
    That's just what all the positive reviews are about- the lyrics and themes. I haven't seen a single interview to praise what the reviews should be about - the music!
    It seems she is very influenced
    Billies having her "tough second season" creatively. All the songs are very nothing-y. I get that she's telling stories and expressing past pains through her lyrics and I applaud her for that.
    That's just what all the positive reviews are about- the lyrics and themes. I haven't seen a single interview to praise what the reviews should be about - the music!

    It seems she is very influenced by the typical boring contemporary social-media-influencer-rnb. The old Billie darkness is still there at points but the songs are just so sub-par quality-wise that's in honestly difficult to listen to the album on one.go

    The difference between the girl she was when she did the first EP and the debut album vs the woman she is now is clearly gonna affect the kind of art she produces.

    I hope she'll be back with something more inspiring. I love all her other stuff...
  3. Jul 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Almost all the tracks sound the same. Billie, give me more vocals! You sing almost in the same way/note. Expand
  4. Jul 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Achei que faltou algo no álbum a única música que gosteimuito foi happier than ever Expand
  5. Aug 5, 2021
    She already peaked. This album ain’t it. Instead of doing a complete 180 on her style, girl should’ve stuck with her original roots, what made her unique. She obviously hasn’t found it yet, maybe never will, and all this album proves is that she continues to hang on to her producer brother’s coattails to crank out music. Sonically and artistically, she is not talented on her own.
  6. Jul 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Happier Than Ever(track) es lo único salvable. El resto puro relleno, todo muy repetitivo y nada novedoso... Expand
  7. Jul 30, 2021
    Las canciones llegan a ser un tanto olvidables, si, ay canciones buenas pero la mayoría no tiene algo que facine. Líricamente es bueno y su producción llega a ser mala, no supero en ningún aspecto a su primer album y eso que ni tan bueno es.
  8. Jul 30, 2021
    the production is so painfully boring… only positive about this album is that it’s more effective than nyquil
  9. Jul 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Me encanto, pero siento que su habilidad vocal es mas baja comparada al album anterior. Expand
  10. Jul 30, 2021
    Não sei, esperava mais da Billie se tiver uma música boa é muito, nada comparado com o primeiro álbum, já vi gente dizendo que merece o AOTY, não forcem galera
  11. Jul 30, 2021
    Nothing special except for the title track that I think is really interesting.
  12. Jul 30, 2021
    Ya es hora de un cambio, el álbum no es nada sorprendente
    Todo es muy básico sobretodo los sonidos
    Ya es tiempo de qué cree música de verdad.
  13. Jul 30, 2021
    Al primer segundo me dormí, moda Billie ya retirate porfavor, nos harías un favor
  14. Jul 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. h....................................................... . ........... .... Expand
  15. Jul 31, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. no way! this album is so 2020, in pandemic.. and we are in 2021 hello??!! also the numbers in charts is really Expand
  16. Jul 31, 2021
    Some songs had great production and were very good, such as Oxytocin, I Didn’t Change My Number and Happier Than Ever. A lot of the songs were boring and felt flat. It felt very similar to a lot of Billie’s earlier work, and I felt like I couldn’t see myself listening to the songs in my spare time. The single choices were poor choices. The songs were either really good or really boring toSome songs had great production and were very good, such as Oxytocin, I Didn’t Change My Number and Happier Than Ever. A lot of the songs were boring and felt flat. It felt very similar to a lot of Billie’s earlier work, and I felt like I couldn’t see myself listening to the songs in my spare time. The single choices were poor choices. The songs were either really good or really boring to me. Billie doesn’t stand out that much for me when it comes to her music, but I do admire her work ethic for her age. Expand
  17. Jul 30, 2021
    Billie really is getting older, this album is great, shows a new and even more raw side of her as an artist as well as a teenager. I can tell she poured everything into this record.
  18. Aug 1, 2021
    sorry but it’s so boring omg and they all sound the same!! she’s extremely overrated
  19. Jul 30, 2021
    This is really her worst album, the horrible songs, everyone deserved better than this
  20. Jul 30, 2021
    This album is plain and simply boring and slow. After her debut album my expectations were high and have not been pleased.
  21. Jul 30, 2021
    Its like all her music, BORED and SIMPLE we need more than always, please Billie if you’re going to make that kind of music, GOO
  22. Jul 30, 2021
    Boring, all the song sounds the same, its so boring. Most of the song are skips
  23. Jul 30, 2021
    I consider myself a fan of Billie, she is very talented but this definitely disappointed me a bit,It couldn't even beat the quality of "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?", In a way I think it lives up to "Don't Smile At Me", Happier than ever It has very good songs but it's a bit disappointing.It did not exceed my expectations or exceed their debut album, I will still support Billie
  24. Jul 31, 2021
    This album really disappointed me after her amazing debut album and her first ep. The best song on the album is definitely the title track so why wasn’t that the single? NDA is terrible.
  25. Jul 30, 2021
    The album tracks are very repetitive, you don't notice much difference when you change songs,sadly it's not his best albums.
  26. Jul 31, 2021
    Good letters but no impact, bored. Un mal álbum, algunas canciones se parecen a ily de su albúm anterior.
  27. Jul 31, 2021
    ela só fica pior com o tempo. sinto tanto, principalmente pela Interscope, que tá investido muita grana em alguém tão medíocre. Finneas é um grande produtor, ele salva a Billie. sem ele, ela é inútil.
  28. Jul 31, 2021
    I was really bored listening to it, there was at least 1 fun song in the debut, but there is no fun song in this album. BORING
  29. Jul 31, 2021
    This album has no connection, Billie delivers a meaningless job with lousy music
  30. Jul 31, 2021
    Even with her "advanced" songwriting for a 19-year-old, Billie Eilish's work still sounds tiresome. It's even funny how I fall asleep when the instrumental of one of her songs starts playing or she lets out her vocals. Her best track is, without a doubt, 'Happier Than Ever' who brought us a new sound for Billie than can – hopefully will be – used more in her upcoming projects. Anyway, theEven with her "advanced" songwriting for a 19-year-old, Billie Eilish's work still sounds tiresome. It's even funny how I fall asleep when the instrumental of one of her songs starts playing or she lets out her vocals. Her best track is, without a doubt, 'Happier Than Ever' who brought us a new sound for Billie than can – hopefully will be – used more in her upcoming projects. Anyway, the album didn't please me. But I've already left my congratulations for the Grammys, because as we know that it will take many to home even without deserving it! Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. Sep 15, 2021
    So, whilst it may not boast songs that stick with you for months in the way that Eilish’s first does, Happier Than Ever feels like a project that will age more gracefully and, in years to come, it may even come to eclipse that which came before it.
  2. 80
    “Your Power” is the slowest-and-lowest moment on “Happier Than Ever,” but as a whole the album is softer, quieter, more languid than Eilish’s trap-inflected debut. ... The dreamy-jazzy mode suits her singing, which has never sounded better than it does throughout “Happier Than Ever.”
  3. Aug 4, 2021
    Billie Eilish’s second album expands upon everything that worked the last time and pushes it in new directions, a creative muse restless and bold in its ambition. It may not always land, but this is a terrific release that proves Eilish’s staying power, demonstrating she’s more than up to the task of delivering on the promise of her debut.