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  1. Sep 10, 2023
    This project was different from any other ones billie put out before. I really liked her previous styles and I had doubt about this one but oh my! This album holds a very special place in my heart. It just gets me everytime and I never get tired of it no matter how many listens. it feels so intimate and cohesive, with songs touching diverse and delicate topics, her traumas and herThis project was different from any other ones billie put out before. I really liked her previous styles and I had doubt about this one but oh my! This album holds a very special place in my heart. It just gets me everytime and I never get tired of it no matter how many listens. it feels so intimate and cohesive, with songs touching diverse and delicate topics, her traumas and her experience growing up as a teen in the industry. This album proves billie is a versatile artist. I'm excited for what she's gonna put out in the future. 10/10 Expand
  2. Sep 9, 2023
    album muito bom, boas letras e produção impecavel. Billie Eilish e Finneas formam uma grande dupla.
  3. Sep 7, 2023
    The chorus, her voice, the lyrics... Everything is perfect. Billie is such a great artist, she truly deserves everything of what she already gained.
  4. Aug 21, 2023
    Sinceramente este album me parece muy maduro, tiene algunos sonidos parecidos en diferentes canciones del album, creo que todos amamos este album en especial las canciones
  5. Jul 25, 2023
    Happier Than Ever is almost unfathomabluly great. Everything that makes a sophomore album great is taken to 100 on this album, such as improved writing, singing, and the cohesiveness and message of the project. Billie tackles many genres on this album, with somehow all of them working. The only criticism I have is that the album is slightly too long, but other than that it is a stellarHappier Than Ever is almost unfathomabluly great. Everything that makes a sophomore album great is taken to 100 on this album, such as improved writing, singing, and the cohesiveness and message of the project. Billie tackles many genres on this album, with somehow all of them working. The only criticism I have is that the album is slightly too long, but other than that it is a stellar project.

  6. Jul 10, 2023
    “happier than ever” is the album of growth, its her best album in my opinion lyrically, vocally & productionwise, the best album of 2021, this album shows billie's growths and maturity, she is getting older and is aging well, yes the album didn't perform well on charts compared to her debut album “when we all fall asleep where do we go ?” but qualitywise, “happier than ever” ate her debut“happier than ever” is the album of growth, its her best album in my opinion lyrically, vocally & productionwise, the best album of 2021, this album shows billie's growths and maturity, she is getting older and is aging well, yes the album didn't perform well on charts compared to her debut album “when we all fall asleep where do we go ?” but qualitywise, “happier than ever” ate her debut album up, we expect a more better album in the future from this amazing artist. Expand
  7. Jun 7, 2023
    When you have a masterpiece already, it's really hard to have other one, specially the next one. This wasn't a problem for Billie and Finneas. They was like "we wrote one of the bests albums, let's make another once since is so easy". Different of WWAFAWDWG, and still perfect, unique and honest in its own way. I can't wait for what those two are doing next.
    I have to say that GOLDWING is
    When you have a masterpiece already, it's really hard to have other one, specially the next one. This wasn't a problem for Billie and Finneas. They was like "we wrote one of the bests albums, let's make another once since is so easy". Different of WWAFAWDWG, and still perfect, unique and honest in its own way. I can't wait for what those two are doing next.
    I have to say that GOLDWING is other level of a song, perfect. And a shout out to Billie Bossa Nova.
  8. Apr 1, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A very intimate Billie album that can vary in rhythms and emotions as well as the central proposal of the album. In my opinion, better than the first one, this album manages to approach new themes in new ways now without fear of being judged Expand
  9. Mar 19, 2023
    I think the album is great because of the soft and slow songs that fit her voice, but to mix those with some loud – and sometimes annoying songs – makes it just sometimes awkward to listen to. The tracks that stand out the me are mostly the soft ones and the climactic ending with “Happier than ever”, the only song where this loud sound works. I also don’t think she could’ve included aI think the album is great because of the soft and slow songs that fit her voice, but to mix those with some loud – and sometimes annoying songs – makes it just sometimes awkward to listen to. The tracks that stand out the me are mostly the soft ones and the climactic ending with “Happier than ever”, the only song where this loud sound works. I also don’t think she could’ve included a “roll the credits-ish” song, it’s just not needed, because It doesn’t add anything to the record after the last one. She could’ve put that one in between the others, but I think she knew what she was doing and decided to do it anyway. I don’t think the loud and bombastic style fits her voice really well, that’s why the slow and soft tracks stand out. Except for the kind of interlude song called “not my responsibility” where she goes in on all the journalists and people in her comment section that call her a “slut” or “fat” and all those kind of insults. I get the message, I think it’s brave, but Damn you could’ve put this on your Instagram story or something instead of preaching into a mic thinking you’re doing something to change the world or something. I don’t like it and I always just skip it, it’s a real miss. She could’ve put this into a song, but she didn’t. It’s also not something deep spoken word like with Kendrick Lamar on the skit of “i” where he talks about the N-word and changing it have a better connotation “Negus” means King, and that’s where he wants to change it to, that’s so much better than writing your insecurities down and telling everyone “I get called a slut because of my clothes”, that ain’t doing nothing. I don’t know this is just the worst “song” I’ve heard of her yet, it’s brave, overrated and not needed on this record.

    Fav tracks: my future, Halley’s Comet, Happier than Ever, Billie Bossa Nova
    Least fav track: Not my responsability
  10. Mar 10, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este álbum es tan perfecto que no para de escucharlo después de casi dos años de haberse estrenado, sin duda Billie eres un genio. Expand
  11. Feb 26, 2023
    It is an album that shows many of Billie's feelings, with very well implemented sounds, resulting in a very good album.
  12. Feb 1, 2023
    More mature, more confident and at some points even brighter than her debut album
  13. Jan 13, 2023
    Wow. Billie not only matured but improved in every facet. The songwriting is better, the soundscape is more diverse and the singing is beautiful. This is a fantastic project.
  14. Dec 11, 2022
    Billie managed to show a more personal and more complete album, her second album approaches heavy subjects with the necessary lightness
  15. Dec 9, 2022
    A really excellent, cohesive album with different genres and is completely different from the first album.
  16. Nov 25, 2022
    The production is so unbelievable and the writing so mature, love or hate Billie you must listen to this album; for me it has impacted so much on my mind and my change from adolescent to adult. I hope her next album will be Rock.
  17. Nov 12, 2022
    El mejor álbum sin duda, desde la producción hasta los sonidos dan un experiencia completamente placentera y hermosa al escucharlo
  18. Oct 30, 2022
    Können muss man auch, nicht nur wollen, zeigen wir ihm, was wir mit unseren jungen Körpern machen kann. Billie in der Anakonda, geile Stimme.
  19. Oct 21, 2022
    Es horrible, todo suena muy mal, la producción es rara en el mal sentido y es más de lo mismo
  20. Aug 31, 2022
    Best album :) must know : goldwing, getting older, male fantasy, happier than ever
  21. Aug 27, 2022
    AMAZING album ❤️❤️❤️ I can't stop hearing it, every song, every genre with her voice is spectacular. So different, so unique. This is art ✨
  22. Aug 27, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. MASTERPIECE Expand
  23. Aug 25, 2022
    This album gets better and better with time. I love how Billie owns herself in this project. She pours her feelings in every song and I really admire that. Favorites: Halley's Comet, Everybody Dies and Male Fantasy.
  24. Aug 23, 2022
    Best album of all time. Every song is different from the others and this makes the album so UNIQUE.
  25. Aug 22, 2022
    This album is arguably the best album of the decade. The second half of “Happier Than Ever” alone destroys everything lana del taco has ever released. Nobody is touching Billie’s level.
  26. Aug 21, 2022
    Masterpiece, it is simply perfect, she managed to convey every feeling in every song
  27. Aug 20, 2022
    This is just a masterpiece. You all who think this is her worst project, I suggest you to listen to it again. It blesses my ears .
  28. Aug 20, 2022
    An extremely experimental and quality album, its title track is exceptional. With this album Billie Eilish proves that she is here to stay.
  29. Aug 20, 2022
    This album is so amazing and her lyrics are so perfect, I love her brother too
  30. Aug 3, 2022
    Um álbum perfeito do início ao fim. Ver a evolução musical de Billie é gratificante. As melodias que arrepiam junto com a produção brilhante de Finneas. Um espetáculo.

Universal acclaim - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. Sep 15, 2021
    So, whilst it may not boast songs that stick with you for months in the way that Eilish’s first does, Happier Than Ever feels like a project that will age more gracefully and, in years to come, it may even come to eclipse that which came before it.
  2. 80
    “Your Power” is the slowest-and-lowest moment on “Happier Than Ever,” but as a whole the album is softer, quieter, more languid than Eilish’s trap-inflected debut. ... The dreamy-jazzy mode suits her singing, which has never sounded better than it does throughout “Happier Than Ever.”
  3. Aug 4, 2021
    Billie Eilish’s second album expands upon everything that worked the last time and pushes it in new directions, a creative muse restless and bold in its ambition. It may not always land, but this is a terrific release that proves Eilish’s staying power, demonstrating she’s more than up to the task of delivering on the promise of her debut.