
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Hard Islands is hardly a wash, just frustratingly short of the sound statement Fake wanted to make.
  2. There’s no doubting that sensory sensations offered here can hold the listener, but most likely they'll be enjoyed a helluva lot more while chemically-enhanced; essentially this is not a record designed for home listening.
  3. Mojo
    Hard Islands is evolution. But some will hanker for Fake's fluffier vintage. [Jun 2009, p.102]
  4. Ultimately, it lacks the variety or the startling sonic leaps that would make it essential. Interesting, but no cigar.
  5. A few of the Hard productions are among Fake’s finest to date, but this release--its short running time aside--works primarily on a collection basis, as if it were two separate EPs gathered for one release and nothing more than that.
  6. Q Magazine
    This impressive follow-up finds him lacing hard-edged techno beats with quirky shifts on tone and texture. [Jun 2009, p.121]
  7. Uncut
    His tunes have taken a tougher, more urban tone, with stand-outs 'The Turtle' and 'Basic Mountain' building to hard edged concrete peaks, drenched in acid Rephlex bleeps. [Jun 2009, p.85]

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