• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: May 12, 2017
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 1530 Ratings

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  1. Oct 15, 2021
    Get a personality, please. We already have one Bowie, we don't need his cheap impersonator who can't even write a song by himself.
  2. Sep 3, 2021
    this **** is really bad ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏!
  3. Mar 20, 2021
    Worst album by any 1D member. I don’t know how people actually like it. He didn’t put much effort in it clearly.
  4. Nov 24, 2020
    The fact that he has so much promotion and appearances on tv or shows, it made me want to listen to his debut album. But this is just disappointing, I find myself skipping from every tracks.
  5. Aug 31, 2020
    the music is very boring. i literally fell asleep while listening to it of how boring it is.
  6. Aug 7, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The only thing that can be a hit or face reveal yourself or you are gonna was a great app and I couldn’t stop thinking it about the music I love it here and it has been so pretty good for me my kids and love it and it makes it fun and I wanna see how much I wanna is the I’ve seen Expand
  7. Dec 11, 2019
    this album is amazing! i loooooove it so much, harry is a legend ♡ stream FINE LINE DEC 13TH!
  8. Dec 7, 2019
    He is trying to hard to be a rockstar and failed miserably. This album comes across as cheap rip off the early work of Elton
  9. Oct 25, 2017
    Styles, on his debut album post-One Direction, simply tries far too hard.

    In his harried (ha) attempt to shed his boyband image, he takes on this "Rock Messiah" title that he has not yet done anything to deserve. A lot of the songs on his self-titled album are repetitive, dry, and in the case of a couple (Kiwi and Carolina), just tacky. The studio versions are the only versions that
    Styles, on his debut album post-One Direction, simply tries far too hard.

    In his harried (ha) attempt to shed his boyband image, he takes on this "Rock Messiah" title that he has not yet done anything to deserve. A lot of the songs on his self-titled album are repetitive, dry, and in the case of a couple (Kiwi and Carolina), just tacky.

    The studio versions are the only versions that should be listened to, for a lot of his live versions sound absolutely abysmal. He strains his voice as much as Shawn Mendes and seems to be completely unaware of his range. He tries too many vocal tricks that are just jarring on the ears. The high note he often attempts on "Ever Since New York" is an example of just how, well, bad, he sounds live when he tries too hard to impress.

    He succeeds overall in a few of the songs, "Woman", for instance, has a fun production with straightforward vocals and a quirky hook. "Ever Since New York" is another musical success, with its soft guitar and beautiful melody. Most of the songs, however, fall flat and just seem to be generic wannabe "rock classics", One should not aim to be a classic. Classics are not things to anticipate or to aim for, they just happen. Styles clearly was aiming for classic rock revivalist with this album and his new image, and to be frank, neither attempts worked.
  10. Oct 24, 2017
    Did not enjoy it. But that is on me. I do not enjoy songs with lyrics where women are objectified. There is, after all, a difference between sexy and sexist. Many of the songs are in a higher register than Harry sung in 1D, and my concern is that he will utterly destroy what is left of his voice on this tour.

    His lyrics are repetitive, and too many of the songs feel lifted from
    Did not enjoy it. But that is on me. I do not enjoy songs with lyrics where women are objectified. There is, after all, a difference between sexy and sexist. Many of the songs are in a higher register than Harry sung in 1D, and my concern is that he will utterly destroy what is left of his voice on this tour.

    His lyrics are repetitive, and too many of the songs feel lifted from other artists, as opposed to inspired by other artists.
  11. Oct 24, 2017
    I keep hearing this is a good album, but all I got from listening is that he's trying too hard, this is way over hyped. I wouldn't call it rock, it's just so bad.
  12. Oct 24, 2017
    This is just cheap rip off of David Bowie, every classic rock band and then some more poppy fillers. It's nothing new, we've heard it all before, from million times better artists. Just seems Styles wants to show, that he knows rock, but on the way plagiarizes everyone and everything.
  13. Oct 22, 2017
    It's "NO" from me. This album is over hyped and overrated. I honestly don't understand why everyone act like he's a rockstar. He's not. There's a couple good songs. Lyrics are horrible, some of them are sexiest. Biggest disappointment
  14. Jun 18, 2017
    Although there are certain songs that I really liked such as 'Sign of The Times', it doesn't really get going from there. I found myself on many occasion wanting to skip to the next track. But every time I did, it felt like some of the songs never really got me in the mood to listen further than a few seconds.

    Best Song(s): Sign of the Times Kiwi Worst Song(s): Carolina Two
    Although there are certain songs that I really liked such as 'Sign of The Times', it doesn't really get going from there. I found myself on many occasion wanting to skip to the next track. But every time I did, it felt like some of the songs never really got me in the mood to listen further than a few seconds.

    Best Song(s):
    Sign of the Times

    Worst Song(s):
    Two Ghosts
    Ever Since New York
  15. Jun 5, 2017
    i feel like i've heard the tunes before, i get that you're inspired by your idols but the sound is recycled
    from old rock tunes... like look for your own sound kid.
  16. May 26, 2017
    Mi sentimiento general al escuchar este disco ha sido de un aburrimiento total. He sentido ganas de pasar las canciones a medio escuchar del aburrimiento que estaba sintiendo. Supongo que este disco será maravilloso para las adolescentes pero a mí me ha dejado un sentimiento de creer que he perdido una hora de mi vida al escucharlo. Nada recomendable.
  17. May 20, 2017
    Ich habe mehr erwartet und vielleicht dachte ich ja auch Harry würde Origineller sein als sich es letztendlich gekommen ist. Ich dachte er würde neue Musik kreieren und nicht alter Musik hinterher hopsen. Ich hätte es besser wissen müssen letztlich ist er ja auch nur in einer boy band gewesen. Vielleicht sollte man keine Erwartungen haben von dieser generation. Die Songtexte sind nurIch habe mehr erwartet und vielleicht dachte ich ja auch Harry würde Origineller sein als sich es letztendlich gekommen ist. Ich dachte er würde neue Musik kreieren und nicht alter Musik hinterher hopsen. Ich hätte es besser wissen müssen letztlich ist er ja auch nur in einer boy band gewesen. Vielleicht sollte man keine Erwartungen haben von dieser generation. Die Songtexte sind nur Geschwafel und die Hintergrund Musik kopiert. Expand
  18. May 20, 2017
    I don't think Harry has what it needs to be successful. I was really upset about the fact that I bought the music of him because my friends told me it would be good and I just believed it, sadly I can't get a refund from Harry or his label. Anyway the music was boring and it sound to me like a copy of music who has been released years back. I hope Harry tries his feet in acting and doesI don't think Harry has what it needs to be successful. I was really upset about the fact that I bought the music of him because my friends told me it would be good and I just believed it, sadly I can't get a refund from Harry or his label. Anyway the music was boring and it sound to me like a copy of music who has been released years back. I hope Harry tries his feet in acting and does there well. Expand
  19. May 17, 2017
    A lot of it sounds the same it's honestly too overhyped I like women and two ghosts i am excited to see how the other 1d members debuts are gonna turn out
  20. May 16, 2017
    If I had known that each of the songs would sound exactly the same, as if they were bad discards of Kiss, I'd have stayed with Kiss's worst albums, at least those if not better than this.
    Just a good song to rescue, the rest sounds like Ed Sheeran songs that I discard and nobody wanted.
    P.T. The sophisticated sound of R & B, Soul and urban by Zayn is still much better.
  21. May 15, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. As a hardcore 1d fan, I waited for his album since they went on a break. Honestly I like 1 song on the album but even that song seems like something I have already listened too. It is unfair to the rest of 1d members that harry is centred as the face of one direction and he came out with that. i hate to say this but his album actually made me curious as to what zayn did. Zayn truly did put out a better album and though I will still be a loyal 1d fan it is unfair to say how talented zayn is. I honestly think harry rushed this, maybe he should have worked with different producers. Anyways harry maybe the next album will be better. I was counting on you to out do zayn but instead you did worst than the chainsmoker. Drop the mick jagger and bring harry out. You don't need to be someone else .I wanted to rub this in zayns face but i truly cannot because your album isnt even 1% to what he put out. In fact niall and louis have better singles out. Expand
  22. May 14, 2017
    It's like he's trying to emulate all of his favorite 70s rockers, but he's not bringing anything new, so the songs mostly feel like cheap bowie knockoffs. Also some pretty misogynistic lyrics from a man so many think is a feminist. Most of the lyrics are vague and non-personal (a song from the perspective of a mother dying during childbirth?? Why not write about some of your actualIt's like he's trying to emulate all of his favorite 70s rockers, but he's not bringing anything new, so the songs mostly feel like cheap bowie knockoffs. Also some pretty misogynistic lyrics from a man so many think is a feminist. Most of the lyrics are vague and non-personal (a song from the perspective of a mother dying during childbirth?? Why not write about some of your actual experiences, dude?) and the few that aren't are kinda creepy (like that song about the underage girl he was apparently obsessed with?). I was really disappointed in this album; I liked a lot of the stuff he wrote when he was in One Direction, but I think now he's trying too hard to appeal to everyone and seem mature and it just...doesn't work. Expand
  23. May 14, 2017
    I wasn't impressed after his fans and the media had hyped up his ability and talent. The lyrics fall flat and confusing, trying to be artistic but really just kind of trying too hard. The more upbeat songs involved too many elements, and the slower songs were nothing special amongst many slower acoustic songs. The entire album left a bad taste, or it left no taste at all and is extremelyI wasn't impressed after his fans and the media had hyped up his ability and talent. The lyrics fall flat and confusing, trying to be artistic but really just kind of trying too hard. The more upbeat songs involved too many elements, and the slower songs were nothing special amongst many slower acoustic songs. The entire album left a bad taste, or it left no taste at all and is extremely easy to forget. Expand
  24. May 14, 2017
    This album is full of bland and boring nonsense, i kept waiting for something to be a little interesting for him to maybe challenge his vocals, but it kept the same bland mood through out the whole thing, why did he waste his time? Why is he wasting his fans time?
  25. May 14, 2017
    Como fã do rock clássico eu só posso sentir nojo desse garoto, quem ele pensa que é ? Plagiando várias lendas e sendo elogiado por isso ? A qualidade desse álbum é decadente, letras boas mas a sonoridade toda copiada isso é uma vergonha, pior álbum que eu ja escutei receba esse vermelho plagiador
  26. May 14, 2017
    The notes of his songs are really alike to those old songs which his album seems to basic and unoriginal. One song sounds like a commercial song which is funny. Mediocre vocals and repetitive lyrics. Not really impressed but nice try for a start of being a "rockstar". Old rock songs I've encountered are way better than this, in my opinion. I'm old and only listen for a bit on every songsThe notes of his songs are really alike to those old songs which his album seems to basic and unoriginal. One song sounds like a commercial song which is funny. Mediocre vocals and repetitive lyrics. Not really impressed but nice try for a start of being a "rockstar". Old rock songs I've encountered are way better than this, in my opinion. I'm old and only listen for a bit on every songs on YouTube because of the hype about this and I am not amazed. Also, yes he has different genre from nowadays genre but that doesn't define how bad or good the album is. It's the content and all which surely he didn't achieved. Expand
  27. May 14, 2017
    Sign of the times was good. But then other sweet creature came. it was boring as hell. Disappointed. Was definitely expecting more because of the hype.
  28. May 13, 2017
    The songs continue to have the same form as the One Direction songs. The rhythms and lyrics are too basic, while the voice is very flat. I think it's an overrated album and that cataloging it in the rock range is too much, for me it's just another album more pop / rock
  29. May 13, 2017
    how dare this boy compare himself to the likes of rolling stones front man? kid you have so much to learn. be thankful you have these equally young fan base of yours who'll buy any crap you put out there. Jagger is a **** GOD. no one can duplicate his success. think twice before you try comparing your poor attempt of an album
  30. May 13, 2017
    Its was pretty good but nothing different and exiciting[GENERIC]. While listening to his album you can hear alot of influence to older songs from the 70's & 80's [Sweet creature sound similar to Black bird by the Beatles] i understand he may be influenced by the music from the 70's and 80's but he still needs to find his own style. I know one direction fans would LOVE anything that goldenIts was pretty good but nothing different and exiciting[GENERIC]. While listening to his album you can hear alot of influence to older songs from the 70's & 80's [Sweet creature sound similar to Black bird by the Beatles] i understand he may be influenced by the music from the 70's and 80's but he still needs to find his own style. I know one direction fans would LOVE anything that golden boy Harry puts out over that guy Zayn any day. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 24
  2. Negative: 1 out of 24
  1. Q Magazine
    Jun 6, 2017
    Despite Styles' self-conscious references, his debut avoids indulgence. [Aug 2017, p.110]
  2. 80
    Ultimately Harry Styles feels comfortable and readily worn-in.
  3. May 18, 2017
    The missteps don’t detract too much from this ambitious, if slightly unfocused, debut.