• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: May 12, 2017
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 1530 Ratings

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  1. May 16, 2017
    If I had known that each of the songs would sound exactly the same, as if they were bad discards of Kiss, I'd have stayed with Kiss's worst albums, at least those if not better than this.
    Just a good song to rescue, the rest sounds like Ed Sheeran songs that I discard and nobody wanted.
    P.T. The sophisticated sound of R & B, Soul and urban by Zayn is still much better.
  2. May 13, 2017
    I was excepting more of harry, given the hype and the comparisons to Bowie, Prince, ... which now sound a bit pretentious. It is not a bad album per se, it is very well produced, but unoriginal and generic, and often boring. Most of the songs sound like something we already heard a million times before. His lyrics are poorly written, and often misogynistic.
  3. Oct 24, 2017
    Did not enjoy it. But that is on me. I do not enjoy songs with lyrics where women are objectified. There is, after all, a difference between sexy and sexist. Many of the songs are in a higher register than Harry sung in 1D, and my concern is that he will utterly destroy what is left of his voice on this tour.

    His lyrics are repetitive, and too many of the songs feel lifted from
    Did not enjoy it. But that is on me. I do not enjoy songs with lyrics where women are objectified. There is, after all, a difference between sexy and sexist. Many of the songs are in a higher register than Harry sung in 1D, and my concern is that he will utterly destroy what is left of his voice on this tour.

    His lyrics are repetitive, and too many of the songs feel lifted from other artists, as opposed to inspired by other artists.
  4. Oct 25, 2017
    Styles, on his debut album post-One Direction, simply tries far too hard.

    In his harried (ha) attempt to shed his boyband image, he takes on this "Rock Messiah" title that he has not yet done anything to deserve. A lot of the songs on his self-titled album are repetitive, dry, and in the case of a couple (Kiwi and Carolina), just tacky. The studio versions are the only versions that
    Styles, on his debut album post-One Direction, simply tries far too hard.

    In his harried (ha) attempt to shed his boyband image, he takes on this "Rock Messiah" title that he has not yet done anything to deserve. A lot of the songs on his self-titled album are repetitive, dry, and in the case of a couple (Kiwi and Carolina), just tacky.

    The studio versions are the only versions that should be listened to, for a lot of his live versions sound absolutely abysmal. He strains his voice as much as Shawn Mendes and seems to be completely unaware of his range. He tries too many vocal tricks that are just jarring on the ears. The high note he often attempts on "Ever Since New York" is an example of just how, well, bad, he sounds live when he tries too hard to impress.

    He succeeds overall in a few of the songs, "Woman", for instance, has a fun production with straightforward vocals and a quirky hook. "Ever Since New York" is another musical success, with its soft guitar and beautiful melody. Most of the songs, however, fall flat and just seem to be generic wannabe "rock classics", One should not aim to be a classic. Classics are not things to anticipate or to aim for, they just happen. Styles clearly was aiming for classic rock revivalist with this album and his new image, and to be frank, neither attempts worked.
  5. May 12, 2017
    Incredible production value on this. However, it falls short because he wears his influences on his sleeve too strongly. I have no sense who Harry Styles the Artist is, I am very clear on who Harry Styles the Fanboy of Rock Legends is. This isn't a bad thing but I'm not sure why i should care if he's not bringing something fresh to the table. If i wanted to hear Rolling Stones or RodIncredible production value on this. However, it falls short because he wears his influences on his sleeve too strongly. I have no sense who Harry Styles the Artist is, I am very clear on who Harry Styles the Fanboy of Rock Legends is. This isn't a bad thing but I'm not sure why i should care if he's not bringing something fresh to the table. If i wanted to hear Rolling Stones or Rod Stewart or Elton John or Beatles et al. covers, well, I wouldn't bother - I'd just go to the source. I'll check him out on the next one, maybe he'll have found some identity by then. Expand
  6. Jun 18, 2017
    Although there are certain songs that I really liked such as 'Sign of The Times', it doesn't really get going from there. I found myself on many occasion wanting to skip to the next track. But every time I did, it felt like some of the songs never really got me in the mood to listen further than a few seconds.

    Best Song(s): Sign of the Times Kiwi Worst Song(s): Carolina Two
    Although there are certain songs that I really liked such as 'Sign of The Times', it doesn't really get going from there. I found myself on many occasion wanting to skip to the next track. But every time I did, it felt like some of the songs never really got me in the mood to listen further than a few seconds.

    Best Song(s):
    Sign of the Times

    Worst Song(s):
    Two Ghosts
    Ever Since New York
  7. May 12, 2017
    this album was boring and it honestly felt pretentious.I tried to give it a listen bc of the hype around it but it definitely does not live up to it. disappointing.
  8. May 13, 2017
    I was very eager to get myself the self-titled 'Harry Styles' album after all the publicity he's been getting of late. It had many hurdles to get over in my book in terms of authenticity and creativeness.

    Although there are certain songs that I really liked such as 'Sign of The Times', it doesn't really get going from there. I found myself on many occasion wanting to skip to the next
    I was very eager to get myself the self-titled 'Harry Styles' album after all the publicity he's been getting of late. It had many hurdles to get over in my book in terms of authenticity and creativeness.

    Although there are certain songs that I really liked such as 'Sign of The Times', it doesn't really get going from there. I found myself on many occasion wanting to skip to the next track. But every time I did, it felt like some of the songs never really got me in the mood to listen further than a few seconds.

    It was possibly because my high standards come from years of listening to the likes of Queen and Bowie. I may have been spoilt all those years ago.

    There is some work to do for Harry. I still feel some of his former band members of 1D are coming out with more original soundtracks. And the sound he has needs a little refinement. The plagiarism allegations don't help much either. Sweet Creature sounded oddly similar to The Beatles Blackbird. Another 'oddity' was when was that Sign of The Times almost sounded like David Bowie's Space Oddity. And lastly Ever Since New York sounded a lot like Badfinger's Baby Blue. This is in my opinion is something to be very wary of. I think that took me by surprise and really didn't help my opinion of the album.

    If Harry is to become the rockstar he wants to be, there is a lot he needs to do.
  9. May 13, 2017
    This album is boring..genuinely i liked sign of the times and two ghosts and the rest is **** dunno how rollingstones praised so-much and created such a hype..it us definitely overrad.there is style only in his name not in his album neither in his fashion sense...i don't like overrated people..this album is boring people waste of money..
  10. May 13, 2017
    Its was pretty good but nothing different and exiciting[GENERIC]. While listening to his album you can hear alot of influence to older songs from the 70's & 80's [Sweet creature sound similar to Black bird by the Beatles] i understand he may be influenced by the music from the 70's and 80's but he still needs to find his own style. I know one direction fans would LOVE anything that goldenIts was pretty good but nothing different and exiciting[GENERIC]. While listening to his album you can hear alot of influence to older songs from the 70's & 80's [Sweet creature sound similar to Black bird by the Beatles] i understand he may be influenced by the music from the 70's and 80's but he still needs to find his own style. I know one direction fans would LOVE anything that golden boy Harry puts out over that guy Zayn any day. Expand
  11. May 13, 2017
    I expected better from 1D's designated front man. I didn't expect the 70's tribute band , but here we are. The album is self indulgent , repetitive and boring. The best song is Only Angel. The screeching is very offensive .
  12. May 13, 2017
    Listened to it a few times and was disappointed. Harry's team is all about hype and no substance. Why?
    I ended up expecting more and just seeing it fall absolutely flat.
    Only one song appealed to me (Woman)...everything else, the background drowns him out (again that's my opinion). There's no need for this. Woman is the only song out of the album that I feel a bit of soul from
    Listened to it a few times and was disappointed. Harry's team is all about hype and no substance. Why?
    I ended up expecting more and just seeing it fall absolutely flat.

    Only one song appealed to me (Woman)...everything else, the background drowns him out (again that's my opinion). There's no need for this. Woman is the only song out of the album that I feel a bit of soul from him...everything else feels manufactured, as expected. Surely he has a better range in vocals in comparison to Niall and Louis, but he's not showing it off. It's not any different from the Made in the AM album (only real difference is he had Liam, Louis, and Niall to help) and I'm pretty sure the album Four was the catalyst to Harry going this route. Don't get me wrong here, I love folk and the rock'n'roll music from the 60s-70s, but this is like a copy + paste version of that. Guess having the right people behind you pay for the high reviews for this album, which is a shame, if given a proper criticism of an album, the artist can rise above their 1st attempt (and this goes for ANY form of art). Sorry Harry, it's a no from me, but please try again. Would love to hear what you really want to put out there.
  13. May 13, 2017
    I listened to the whole album but was bored before the end of track one. Whoever said it sounds like Britpop b-sides was right. Nothing bad on here but nothing spine-tingling either. Sign of the Times was the lead for obvious reasons, it's the only song that feels like it goes anywhere.
  14. May 13, 2017
    The songs continue to have the same form as the One Direction songs. The rhythms and lyrics are too basic, while the voice is very flat. I think it's an overrated album and that cataloging it in the rock range is too much, for me it's just another album more pop / rock
  15. May 12, 2017
    Mediocre to the point if being hard to listen through. It is generic, forgettable, and lacking in any emotional resonance. He claims his album is about social matters or childbirth and there is no sense to that. His voice shows signs of strain. Not one song could be described as great. There are decent background instrumentals but that is it. Any critic who praises this to high heavensMediocre to the point if being hard to listen through. It is generic, forgettable, and lacking in any emotional resonance. He claims his album is about social matters or childbirth and there is no sense to that. His voice shows signs of strain. Not one song could be described as great. There are decent background instrumentals but that is it. Any critic who praises this to high heavens when they were being dismissive towards a better album with actual great vocals and depth, is going to be side-eyed. Expand
  16. May 12, 2017
    such a boring album, nothing special.. david bowie rip off.. the only good song is "the signs of the times" , i expected a lot from harry as he was the main guy from 1D but i am disappointed
  17. May 12, 2017
    I give him credit for at least attempting to be different. However, going against the popular norm does not automatically equal good music. I could tolerate only one song, the rest I hated, thus a score of 1. Comparisons to Fleetwood Mac and Bowie are not only exaggerated but disrespectful. Never a One Direction fan, but I honestly expected way more given the hype from Rolling Stone etc.
  18. May 14, 2017
    The notes of his songs are really alike to those old songs which his album seems to basic and unoriginal. One song sounds like a commercial song which is funny. Mediocre vocals and repetitive lyrics. Not really impressed but nice try for a start of being a "rockstar". Old rock songs I've encountered are way better than this, in my opinion. I'm old and only listen for a bit on every songsThe notes of his songs are really alike to those old songs which his album seems to basic and unoriginal. One song sounds like a commercial song which is funny. Mediocre vocals and repetitive lyrics. Not really impressed but nice try for a start of being a "rockstar". Old rock songs I've encountered are way better than this, in my opinion. I'm old and only listen for a bit on every songs on YouTube because of the hype about this and I am not amazed. Also, yes he has different genre from nowadays genre but that doesn't define how bad or good the album is. It's the content and all which surely he didn't achieved. Expand
  19. May 17, 2017
    A lot of it sounds the same it's honestly too overhyped I like women and two ghosts i am excited to see how the other 1d members debuts are gonna turn out
  20. Oct 15, 2021
    Get a personality, please. We already have one Bowie, we don't need his cheap impersonator who can't even write a song by himself.
  21. May 13, 2017
    It seems like he listened to old music from all the legends and he tried to make an album out of what he heard. Feels more like a tribute album than something to show who he actually is as an artist. Very boring and faceless!
  22. May 13, 2017
    I really wanted to like this. I think with all the hype surrounding him I was expecting something amazing. What I found was that it was generic, art student borrows his dad's old records and tries to piece together songs and sounds he likes. The production is ok, you can tell they spent a fair bit of money, but the lyrics are trite and just boring. They're repetitive and don't really haveI really wanted to like this. I think with all the hype surrounding him I was expecting something amazing. What I found was that it was generic, art student borrows his dad's old records and tries to piece together songs and sounds he likes. The production is ok, you can tell they spent a fair bit of money, but the lyrics are trite and just boring. They're repetitive and don't really have any meaning beyond him interchanging the different women he's slept with. I honestly thought he would have more to say, considering he's been constantly pushed into the limelight at such a young age, but I left the record feeling like I didn't know who he was. Maybe he'll find his voice down the line, but this honestly sounds like a tribute band, something you'd find on garageband and while pleasant as background music, not anything you'd actually remember. Expand
  23. May 12, 2017
    while listening to this album I felt like listening to a compilation of covers of sole other old songs. there is nothing original about this album. plus, the lyrics are bad, some of them really made me cringe (e.g. kiwi). for me, as of now, Harry is just a copycat. he has nothing to say and he has yet to find what he wants to be as an artist.
  24. May 26, 2017
    Mi sentimiento general al escuchar este disco ha sido de un aburrimiento total. He sentido ganas de pasar las canciones a medio escuchar del aburrimiento que estaba sintiendo. Supongo que este disco será maravilloso para las adolescentes pero a mí me ha dejado un sentimiento de creer que he perdido una hora de mi vida al escucharlo. Nada recomendable.
  25. May 12, 2017
    Sounds like any other 1d album. Listened to few bits of it...didn't like it all. Two Ghosts is an exception but other than that..meh. Very unoriginal.
  26. May 12, 2017
    Disguisting as F. Zayn album is better & i dont like him. Aftet all this hype this is a very dissapoinment for a 1D boy with 80 million record deal. Tragic
  27. May 12, 2017
    I wish Harry's album was as good as Zayn's. I am kinda disappointed, he should have stayed in One Direction. Harry's album lack originality and good vocals, it feels like he is trying too hard to be Bowie.
  28. May 12, 2017
    Absolutely shocked at how bad is Harry's debut album. It still sounds like One Direction but with Harry only vocals which can't be a good as he was not the best singer of the band. He always needed Liam and Zayn's support.
  29. May 12, 2017
    Esse é definitivamente o pior álbum que eu ja escutei na minha vida, eu nunca sai de um álbum sem gostar de pelo menos uma música, mas todas são ruins de mais, sem contar todos os plágios do Harry, é impressionante que ele ta começando agora mas só ta vivendo pela superestimação e mijo por toda parte, pq sozinho ele nao faria sucesso sendo que mesmo com tudo isso ele nao faz, so sei queEsse é definitivamente o pior álbum que eu ja escutei na minha vida, eu nunca sai de um álbum sem gostar de pelo menos uma música, mas todas são ruins de mais, sem contar todos os plágios do Harry, é impressionante que ele ta começando agora mas só ta vivendo pela superestimação e mijo por toda parte, pq sozinho ele nao faria sucesso sendo que mesmo com tudo isso ele nao faz, so sei que boa sorte harry na sua jornada em encontrar um dia a originalidade, pra nao continuar ganhando dinheiro a custas do trabalho dos outros Expand
  30. May 12, 2017
    Was excited for this album but man I gotta say very disappointed. I wanted some originality. I will not compare his album to his former band member because both are different genre. My review is only based on what he has brought to the album and i personally expected more since I was excited for his album the most.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 24
  2. Negative: 1 out of 24
  1. Q Magazine
    Jun 6, 2017
    Despite Styles' self-conscious references, his debut avoids indulgence. [Aug 2017, p.110]
  2. 80
    Ultimately Harry Styles feels comfortable and readily worn-in.
  3. May 18, 2017
    The missteps don’t detract too much from this ambitious, if slightly unfocused, debut.