• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: May 12, 2017
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  1. May 20, 2017
    Ich habe mehr erwartet und vielleicht dachte ich ja auch Harry würde Origineller sein als sich es letztendlich gekommen ist. Ich dachte er würde neue Musik kreieren und nicht alter Musik hinterher hopsen. Ich hätte es besser wissen müssen letztlich ist er ja auch nur in einer boy band gewesen. Vielleicht sollte man keine Erwartungen haben von dieser generation. Die Songtexte sind nurIch habe mehr erwartet und vielleicht dachte ich ja auch Harry würde Origineller sein als sich es letztendlich gekommen ist. Ich dachte er würde neue Musik kreieren und nicht alter Musik hinterher hopsen. Ich hätte es besser wissen müssen letztlich ist er ja auch nur in einer boy band gewesen. Vielleicht sollte man keine Erwartungen haben von dieser generation. Die Songtexte sind nur Geschwafel und die Hintergrund Musik kopiert. Expand
  2. May 20, 2017
    I don't think Harry has what it needs to be successful. I was really upset about the fact that I bought the music of him because my friends told me it would be good and I just believed it, sadly I can't get a refund from Harry or his label. Anyway the music was boring and it sound to me like a copy of music who has been released years back. I hope Harry tries his feet in acting and doesI don't think Harry has what it needs to be successful. I was really upset about the fact that I bought the music of him because my friends told me it would be good and I just believed it, sadly I can't get a refund from Harry or his label. Anyway the music was boring and it sound to me like a copy of music who has been released years back. I hope Harry tries his feet in acting and does there well. Expand
  3. May 18, 2017
    I've been listening to this album non stop and I'm stil not sich of it! It has a very unique sound thats unlike the other stuff on the charts right now and I think it's obvious that Harry really put a lot of work and thought into making this!
  4. May 18, 2017
    LOVE IT best album of 2017 already I'm so proud of harry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. May 18, 2017
    Styles has opened himself up, as best he can, to his audience, and by gathering a solid team around him to help achieve that he’s created an immersive, well-produced collection of songs that isn’t trying to prove anything in particular to anyone.
  6. May 18, 2017
    Styles keeps things tidy: 10 songs in 40 minutes. In an era dominated by singles and playlists, “Harry Styles” is an album you want to play through and then start over again — a much savvier means of keeping the LP alive than going long and sprawl-y.
  7. May 18, 2017
    Through it all, he manages to steer clear of all the traps that ordinarily sabotage a boy-band star’s solo move. But as the whole album proves, there’s not a thing ordinary about this guy.
  8. May 18, 2017
    Reconciling the folkie and the rogue hardly seems like Harry’s priority; instead, the 23-year-old basks in the privilege of paying tribute to his many musical heroes, and trying on all the styles that fit.
  9. May 18, 2017
    With his debut, Styles manages to escape the notorious curse of former boy banders, turned leading men, creating an immersive, reference-fuelled tribute to classic rock for the millennial generation.
  10. May 18, 2017
    Here’s the thing about the proudly organic, dance-beat-free “Harry Styles,” though: As eager as he seems to establish a new context — to lift himself out of the realm of branded lunchboxes and touch down among the real rock artistes — Styles never overplays his hand on this winningly relaxed collection. He understands that what made him a star in One Direction was the same thing that madeHere’s the thing about the proudly organic, dance-beat-free “Harry Styles,” though: As eager as he seems to establish a new context — to lift himself out of the realm of branded lunchboxes and touch down among the real rock artistes — Styles never overplays his hand on this winningly relaxed collection. He understands that what made him a star in One Direction was the same thing that made icons of David Bowie and Mick Jagger: the sense that he isn’t trying too hard. Expand
  11. May 18, 2017
    The album is filled with stories about bad things happening to questionable judges of character. The junkie in “Hallway” who runs with thieves after her lover ditches her, the boyfriend in “Two Ghosts” who clings to a relationship he knows is over, the guy in “Kiwi” who is getting scammed but swears he’s “kinda into it,” the ex in “Woman” who can’t accept that his crush has moved on …The album is filled with stories about bad things happening to questionable judges of character. The junkie in “Hallway” who runs with thieves after her lover ditches her, the boyfriend in “Two Ghosts” who clings to a relationship he knows is over, the guy in “Kiwi” who is getting scammed but swears he’s “kinda into it,” the ex in “Woman” who can’t accept that his crush has moved on … everyone is in the heat of a war between irrational urges and the knowledge that the thing they crave the most might not be good for them. That’s just growing up. Eventually you figure out that you can’t eat candy for breakfast, play video games all day, speak to people any way you please, or drink and sleep around all night and wake up a clean slate. You’ve heard Mick Jagger say it before, but it applies here too: “You can’t always get what you want. Expand
  12. May 18, 2017
    I love this album! I already know this will be my new favorite music to listen to on the way to work! His voice is lovely to listen to and it sounds so fresh and unlike the other stuff thats out in music right now!
  13. May 18, 2017
    Absolutely loved this album!!! i had high expectaions because harry has always been my favorite in one direction but he really blew me away!!!! My favorite song is only angel but i like each one in its own way! his voice sounds amazing on this
  14. May 18, 2017
    I loved the album a lot you can really see that he's a great songwriter and i think he wasn'table to show off his full potential in one direction. each song sound really different and flows so nicely into the next its really and album that you can listen to from start to finish and not skip any song because they all fit nicely after the other
  15. May 17, 2017
    I had relatively high expectations going into this Album, cause "Sign Of The Times" was really good and even though Sweet Creatures was a straight copy of the Beatles Sound, i was hoping it would be the only copy-paste song but for some reason every song felt flat with basic lyrics repeating chords and uninspired acoustic ballads which sound like Ed Sheeran B-sides and two banger songsI had relatively high expectations going into this Album, cause "Sign Of The Times" was really good and even though Sweet Creatures was a straight copy of the Beatles Sound, i was hoping it would be the only copy-paste song but for some reason every song felt flat with basic lyrics repeating chords and uninspired acoustic ballads which sound like Ed Sheeran B-sides and two banger songs which try to copy the Sound from the Rolling Stones but failed miserably. So, even though the Album wasn´t a terrible listen it wasn´t good either, it was nice to see a pop singer songwriter trying to do rock and i hope he keeps this direction but with more of his own like he did with Sign of the times and less copycat.
    Best Songs: Sign Of The Times, Carolina, Kiwi
    Worst Songs: Sweet Creature, Only Angel
  16. May 17, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Harry Styles sounds like he’s almost there. Beginning to end, Harry Styles sounds like the album you’d listen to on a road trip nonstop, from the chill and laid-back, sunny Los Angeles to the never-ending hustle and bustle of New York City.

    The album takes you on an adventure that you never want to end. It redefines his love of classic rock, but allows him to put his own modern twist to the music he grew up listening to.

    One can immediately spot Styles’ influences on first listen. “Meet Me in the Hallway” is a psychedelic pop/rock nod to Pink Floyd with its melodic bass line and “Sweet Creature” begins with chords reminiscent to those in “Blackbird” by the Beatles.

    Harry Styles has the makings of becoming a rock star we could still be idolizing 40 years from now. His look is to die for, having traded in plain t-shirts for coloured suits and flared trousers. His personality is as charismatic as it gets. Even his name — Harry Styles — begs to be brought up with the likes of Mick Jagger and Freddie Mercury. He's really got it all.

    "I wanted to see if I could write something that people liked, without knowing everything about me,” which is exactly what this album felt like. Harry Styles finally gave the space he needed to soar vocally and that’s apparent throughout the entire album, but what’s missing lyrically is that same emotion.

    It’s understandable to see why Styles would want to keep quiet. After being in the biggest boyband in the world — One Direction — for over five years and having the public know every bit about his private life. This sadly translates to his writing where most songs paint a vague picture of the story he unenviably wants to tell.

    Along with the use of too many generic turns of praise, he writes about various woman he’s been with such as a “good girl” from “Carolina” and a “devil in between the sheets” in Only Angel.” “Kiwi” is probably the most confusing song on the album from start to finish but it’s driving beat is what keeps the audience engaged.

    “Two Ghosts” and “Ever Since New York” offer up a softer side to Styles in between hard-rockers. Both talk about relationships that he wishes had worked out or could have been more and lyrically are quite striking. “Woman” opens with a powerful piano followed by an almost shrieking duck noise that continues during the majority of the song.

    The backing vocals throughout Harry Styles are incredible. It’s refreshing to hear each song sung with such high energy and gusto, whether it’s the never ending “la la’s” and wails in “Carolina” or breathtaking screams in “Sweet Creature.” Hearing Styles sing these bits so alive and enthusiastically makes each song more unique than the last and brings character that lacks lyrically in some songs.

    The real star from the album is his debut single, “Sign of the Times.” Whereas the entire album is somewhat expressive and his raspy tone allows his vocals to shine, “Sign of the Times” really touches something in you that you’ve never felt before. It’s by far the most outstanding song off the album that you would never want to skip. It almost sounds like a lovechild made from David Bowie and Queen — borrowing their raw emotion and modernizing it.

    From the “Dining Table” may just be Styles at his most vulnerable. The song opens dramatically with him masturbating alone in his hotel room before getting drunk and passing out. His voice is so achingly soft that it sounds like he’s singing directly into your ear. This song invites you into the life of Harry Styles and is what the rest of the album should have possessed. It’s a secret felt like it was meant for only you to hear and ends the album with the listener wanting more.

    Even if you’ve only just started listening to Harry Styles, this album offers up its fair share of soft acoustic songs and intense rockers. His debut album is captivating and catchy, but leads you to ask too many follow up questions. It feels like you’re missing a piece of Styles effervescent persona.
  17. May 17, 2017
    A lot of it sounds the same it's honestly too overhyped I like women and two ghosts i am excited to see how the other 1d members debuts are gonna turn out
  18. May 16, 2017
    Harry Styles by Harry Styles has totally exceeded my expectations. I've been listening to it on repeat since it was released and I can't get enough! With full on jams like Kiwi and Woman then softer sweeter songs like Sweet Creature to the more melancholic From the Dining Table and Two Ghosts it gives the listener a full, well-rounded journey to explore the brilliance that is Harry Styles.
  19. May 16, 2017
    Perfect, incredible, wonderful and all that derives from the word quality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. May 16, 2017
    Simply perfect . Love it ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
  21. May 16, 2017
    If I had known that each of the songs would sound exactly the same, as if they were bad discards of Kiss, I'd have stayed with Kiss's worst albums, at least those if not better than this.
    Just a good song to rescue, the rest sounds like Ed Sheeran songs that I discard and nobody wanted.
    P.T. The sophisticated sound of R & B, Soul and urban by Zayn is still much better.
  22. May 16, 2017
    First of all, this is absolutely amazing! I've been waiting for this album so much and I'm just so excited about it! I can't believe that a human could create such a great thing! I mean, this is as beautiful as possible! Real music that touches the very depths of the soul. You know, this rock'n'roll.. With such musicians as Harry Styles it will never dissapear! I can't believe that peopleFirst of all, this is absolutely amazing! I've been waiting for this album so much and I'm just so excited about it! I can't believe that a human could create such a great thing! I mean, this is as beautiful as possible! Real music that touches the very depths of the soul. You know, this rock'n'roll.. With such musicians as Harry Styles it will never dissapear! I can't believe that people give 0 to this album.. The impression is that you didn't even listen to it. It's so meanly that people put so much negative in their rewiews just because of their personal hatred. There is no point in this. This is ART and ther's nothing in common with anger. A true masterpiece. Perfect, that's all I can say. Great work, H! Expand
  23. May 16, 2017
    Harry Styles didn't disappoint. Meet Me in the Hallway and From the Dining Table are gems. Harry proved how beautiful his singing voice is. Bravo Harry!
  24. May 16, 2017
    i love this album Harry really improve alot i respect his chose he took with his music a 80's rock vibes my favorite song is hands down sines of the times i wont lie they is a few songs on the album i taught could of been better but overall a strong first try a strong 7/1o
  25. May 16, 2017
    The whole album proves that there's not a thing ordinary about this guy. Harry Styles is a talented young man, full of surprises. His album is one of the bests out there leaving out the mainstream pop/EDM. If you enjoy music from the past, I do think you'll have a blast with this record. It's lovely to see that rock never fades away.
  26. May 15, 2017
    Very amazed and proud of Harry's album. The amount of diversity in genre makes the album enjoyable to listen to. Harry really proved to the world that he is capable of switching from pop to rock to ballads with no problem. Each song has a tinge of specialty to it that makes it impossible to have just one listen to. 10/10 would recommend!
  27. May 15, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. As a hardcore 1d fan, I waited for his album since they went on a break. Honestly I like 1 song on the album but even that song seems like something I have already listened too. It is unfair to the rest of 1d members that harry is centred as the face of one direction and he came out with that. i hate to say this but his album actually made me curious as to what zayn did. Zayn truly did put out a better album and though I will still be a loyal 1d fan it is unfair to say how talented zayn is. I honestly think harry rushed this, maybe he should have worked with different producers. Anyways harry maybe the next album will be better. I was counting on you to out do zayn but instead you did worst than the chainsmoker. Drop the mick jagger and bring harry out. You don't need to be someone else .I wanted to rub this in zayns face but i truly cannot because your album isnt even 1% to what he put out. In fact niall and louis have better singles out. Expand
  28. May 15, 2017
    It's actually funny how people are really giving a 0-1 score to this album. Even if it's not your cup of tea, if you think it's unoriginal or whatever, this is hardly a "bad" album to deserve such a low score. Anyway, Harry is used to the haters and they don't matter that much, you can see by the reviews by people who ACTUALLY know music that this is indeed a very nice and sentimentalIt's actually funny how people are really giving a 0-1 score to this album. Even if it's not your cup of tea, if you think it's unoriginal or whatever, this is hardly a "bad" album to deserve such a low score. Anyway, Harry is used to the haters and they don't matter that much, you can see by the reviews by people who ACTUALLY know music that this is indeed a very nice and sentimental album. My favorite tracks include "Woman", "From The Dining Table" and "Kiwi" which are very different from what I was expecting giving the songs that were released before. It's not a very commercial album and it's really good for his first one, Harry should be really proud. Expand
  29. May 15, 2017
    This album surprisingly good and amazing. Each song in this album, i enjoyed it really well and never skipped. Its absolutely masterpiece. It gets better in each listen. Authentic and well well done. Congrats harry styles. You are an excellent songwriter, can't wait for more.
  30. May 14, 2017
    It's like he's trying to emulate all of his favorite 70s rockers, but he's not bringing anything new, so the songs mostly feel like cheap bowie knockoffs. Also some pretty misogynistic lyrics from a man so many think is a feminist. Most of the lyrics are vague and non-personal (a song from the perspective of a mother dying during childbirth?? Why not write about some of your actualIt's like he's trying to emulate all of his favorite 70s rockers, but he's not bringing anything new, so the songs mostly feel like cheap bowie knockoffs. Also some pretty misogynistic lyrics from a man so many think is a feminist. Most of the lyrics are vague and non-personal (a song from the perspective of a mother dying during childbirth?? Why not write about some of your actual experiences, dude?) and the few that aren't are kinda creepy (like that song about the underage girl he was apparently obsessed with?). I was really disappointed in this album; I liked a lot of the stuff he wrote when he was in One Direction, but I think now he's trying too hard to appeal to everyone and seem mature and it just...doesn't work. Expand
  31. May 14, 2017
    I wasn't impressed after his fans and the media had hyped up his ability and talent. The lyrics fall flat and confusing, trying to be artistic but really just kind of trying too hard. The more upbeat songs involved too many elements, and the slower songs were nothing special amongst many slower acoustic songs. The entire album left a bad taste, or it left no taste at all and is extremelyI wasn't impressed after his fans and the media had hyped up his ability and talent. The lyrics fall flat and confusing, trying to be artistic but really just kind of trying too hard. The more upbeat songs involved too many elements, and the slower songs were nothing special amongst many slower acoustic songs. The entire album left a bad taste, or it left no taste at all and is extremely easy to forget. Expand
  32. May 14, 2017
    Harry Styles came to show what really and music, an album of high quality, with beautiful and well written letters, a different sound quality more amazing, congratulations Styles.
  33. May 14, 2017
    The album this incredible, surpassed all my expectations, Harry Styles wrote music of high quality, well done, great, he had a great musical maturity, this album deserves to be listened to by all.
  34. May 14, 2017
    I loved the album, he brings a totally different time footprint of One Direction, besides the songs are of high quality, unlike many artists of the current charts.
  35. May 14, 2017
    A great debut album !! Very different from his work with the ex band, with a huge influence from the rock of the 70's, an album where he demonstrates a growing voice, and I think that already missing an album that goes in a direction different from other conventional albums.
  36. May 14, 2017
    This album is full of bland and boring nonsense, i kept waiting for something to be a little interesting for him to maybe challenge his vocals, but it kept the same bland mood through out the whole thing, why did he waste his time? Why is he wasting his fans time?
  37. May 14, 2017
    I don't understand the hate and where it's coming from, This is by far one of the best albums of 2017 and people call him unoriginal? Just because he gets his influences from legendary singer-performers doesn't mean he's not allowed to do so. He's not even proclaiming to be the next Jagger or Bowie because he knew better. This album was a mix of 70's 80's rock music mixed with the modernI don't understand the hate and where it's coming from, This is by far one of the best albums of 2017 and people call him unoriginal? Just because he gets his influences from legendary singer-performers doesn't mean he's not allowed to do so. He's not even proclaiming to be the next Jagger or Bowie because he knew better. This album was a mix of 70's 80's rock music mixed with the modern pop. It was a road less taken by, and I think it is ambitious for his part, because I feel like this album wasn't made for radio play. Overall, every song and the transition to every song were genius and thank God for this album. Expand
  38. May 14, 2017
    Como fã do rock clássico eu só posso sentir nojo desse garoto, quem ele pensa que é ? Plagiando várias lendas e sendo elogiado por isso ? A qualidade desse álbum é decadente, letras boas mas a sonoridade toda copiada isso é uma vergonha, pior álbum que eu ja escutei receba esse vermelho plagiador
  39. May 14, 2017
    This album is good, the lyrics are so well expressed, the instrumentals are ok. But I feel something is missing. I can't seem to find the so called 80s vibe everyone bragged about. This might sting, but this genre is becoming popular again and it's not groundbreaking or original.
    The need to compare to legends like Bowie, Queen or The Rolling Stones is unnecessary. I know that if
    This album is good, the lyrics are so well expressed, the instrumentals are ok. But I feel something is missing. I can't seem to find the so called 80s vibe everyone bragged about. This might sting, but this genre is becoming popular again and it's not groundbreaking or original.
    The need to compare to legends like Bowie, Queen or The Rolling Stones is unnecessary.
    I know that if this was some random white guy who wanted to "feel" vintage, this album would get ignored, what drives this album is the fanbase and the name he made for himself.
  40. May 14, 2017
    The album is an 80's vibe. His voice on the album is very clean, as you can feel what he is conveying. The first impression I had, is that the album is GOOD, but not WONDERFUL! Harry did a GOOD job! Congratulations!!!
  41. May 14, 2017
    Fantástico álbum. Se nos surpreendemos com Sign oh the times, ficamos agora perplexos com o conjunto completo. Apesar de remeter aos anos 60 e 70, não é uma cópia barata dos ídolos da época, é muito mais que isso. É a renovação de um rock clássico cantado por Bowie aos moldes atuais. Assim como Amy modernizou o conceito de jazz em Back to Black, Harry Styles se reinventou em seu álbumFantástico álbum. Se nos surpreendemos com Sign oh the times, ficamos agora perplexos com o conjunto completo. Apesar de remeter aos anos 60 e 70, não é uma cópia barata dos ídolos da época, é muito mais que isso. É a renovação de um rock clássico cantado por Bowie aos moldes atuais. Assim como Amy modernizou o conceito de jazz em Back to Black, Harry Styles se reinventou em seu álbum solo, nos presenteando com um álbum refinado e autêntico. Expand
  42. May 14, 2017
    The notes of his songs are really alike to those old songs which his album seems to basic and unoriginal. One song sounds like a commercial song which is funny. Mediocre vocals and repetitive lyrics. Not really impressed but nice try for a start of being a "rockstar". Old rock songs I've encountered are way better than this, in my opinion. I'm old and only listen for a bit on every songsThe notes of his songs are really alike to those old songs which his album seems to basic and unoriginal. One song sounds like a commercial song which is funny. Mediocre vocals and repetitive lyrics. Not really impressed but nice try for a start of being a "rockstar". Old rock songs I've encountered are way better than this, in my opinion. I'm old and only listen for a bit on every songs on YouTube because of the hype about this and I am not amazed. Also, yes he has different genre from nowadays genre but that doesn't define how bad or good the album is. It's the content and all which surely he didn't achieved. Expand
  43. May 14, 2017
    Incredible debut album. So new for this time. Harry Styles was very courageous to release something so different today. The quality is very impressive. I really like it.
  44. May 14, 2017
    This album is absolutely amazing. The rock in this album and the passionate songs just fit Harry Styles himself! I am satisfied with the vibes I got from this debut album and I encourage you to give it a try. Stop being hesitant because 'he's that boy from One Direction' ! Fantastic job you did Harry.
  45. May 14, 2017
    Really enjoyable album! The album has an eclectic mix of soft-rock ballads and up-tempo songs. I've been a One Direction fan for a while and generally listen to more pop music than anything else, so I didn't immediately expect to like the album as much as I do. Surprisingly, I love the album despite it being a departure from my usual genre of music! I like that it draws on classic rockReally enjoyable album! The album has an eclectic mix of soft-rock ballads and up-tempo songs. I've been a One Direction fan for a while and generally listen to more pop music than anything else, so I didn't immediately expect to like the album as much as I do. Surprisingly, I love the album despite it being a departure from my usual genre of music! I like that it draws on classic rock sounds while bolstered by Styles' distinguished voice. All in all, very pleasantly surprised by the sounds of the album! Expand
  46. May 14, 2017
    Sign of the times was good. But then other sweet creature came. it was boring as hell. Disappointed. Was definitely expecting more because of the hype.
  47. May 14, 2017
    It is really funny to see all these comments from immature kids, especially those ones who cannot explain their point of view. And also I like the way they compare the music of Styles to f.e. Zayn. I mean don't you see the difference between the genres they work in?
    This album is the only thing I've been listening last few days. It is unexpected, but so interesting. Songs differ from
    It is really funny to see all these comments from immature kids, especially those ones who cannot explain their point of view. And also I like the way they compare the music of Styles to f.e. Zayn. I mean don't you see the difference between the genres they work in?
    This album is the only thing I've been listening last few days. It is unexpected, but so interesting. Songs differ from each other completely and same can't be said about some artists you have mentioned, dear professional commentators. I really like how he stays true to himself and his music, and not chasing the trends. The album is his vision of music, his passion and his love, his feelings and experience. And maybe MUSIC is about words and sense? And not about the ordinary lines about sex and weed? The work we can see and hear deserves more than disgusting thing like giving negative reviews just because you want Harry Styles to fail.
  48. May 14, 2017
    I like this album. It is very amazing. Listen to it every day and admire the stunning voice and the meaning of these songs. Harry has worked long and hard on his album. He is working and trying for us. So why someone envy puts a bad score? It's not fair to him. Be honest and love what do your idols do for you. All the love. xxx
  49. May 14, 2017
    I've been a fan since 2011 and I honestly thought this album would be boring as hell and I'm so damn glad I was wrong. A ten out of ten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  50. May 14, 2017
    Such a great album!!! I was surprised when i listened to Harry's music!! His music is so different from 1D's music!! It's like he jumped out of 70s!!!
  51. May 14, 2017
    Atmosphere.Pillow thing.Darkness.Light.Rock.Hurt.Sweet.Testosterone.Classic.Honesty.All these are the shades of Styles.
    Legend album, legend song. Its history.
    Congrats, Harry. Every song is that part of you and Your soul. Thank you for the opportunity to know you.
    Great songs for all time.
  52. May 13, 2017
    I'm a huge fan of One Direction, and I always thought that when they split up, Harry would be the most outstanding one. I could see his references were amazing (David Bowie and other old bands, for ex.). I was really looking foward this album, but still got me surprised. It's beautiful. It's poetry. It's Harry, in the most powerful and intimate way. He poured himself to us in a shinyI'm a huge fan of One Direction, and I always thought that when they split up, Harry would be the most outstanding one. I could see his references were amazing (David Bowie and other old bands, for ex.). I was really looking foward this album, but still got me surprised. It's beautiful. It's poetry. It's Harry, in the most powerful and intimate way. He poured himself to us in a shiny glass. My favorites till now are: Kiwi (electric as **** it reminds me a little of the first/second album of Arctic Monkeys), Meet Me In The Hallway (it's relaxing), Woman (the instrumental in this one is really present and pleasant) and From The Dining Table (I'm addicted to melancholic songs)
    The only thing that really bothers me (the reason it's 9 and not 10) in this whole trip it's the self-titled part, could be something more elaborated, but it doesn't destroy the experience you will have with the instrumentals and his ****able melting hearts voice. Hope you all enjoy it the way I did xx
  53. May 13, 2017
    The songs continue to have the same form as the One Direction songs. The rhythms and lyrics are too basic, while the voice is very flat. I think it's an overrated album and that cataloging it in the rock range is too much, for me it's just another album more pop / rock
  54. May 13, 2017
    Alternative RnB, Folk, Electropop, Qawwali, Hip Hop, Slowjams, Ballads, Reggae. It is a shame that the iTunes description trimmed the versatility of genres represented in Mind of Mine down to Pop. This solo debut album of an incredibly talented 24year old Spinto Tenor with an octaval range of 3,5 who is capable of belting incredible notes out of his higher passagio mixed register provedAlternative RnB, Folk, Electropop, Qawwali, Hip Hop, Slowjams, Ballads, Reggae. It is a shame that the iTunes description trimmed the versatility of genres represented in Mind of Mine down to Pop. This solo debut album of an incredibly talented 24year old Spinto Tenor with an octaval range of 3,5 who is capable of belting incredible notes out of his higher passagio mixed register proved that he is also a creative mind lyrically. The perspectival views in introspective tracks like "Rear View" and "Lucozade" are giving the well produced album an edge. It is the power of breaking free after 5 years in a capitalistic band where every form of his musical liberation represented in Mind of Mine was thankfully declined. Well, One Direction you lost your backbone of the band. Expand
  55. May 13, 2017
    how dare this boy compare himself to the likes of rolling stones front man? kid you have so much to learn. be thankful you have these equally young fan base of yours who'll buy any crap you put out there. Jagger is a **** GOD. no one can duplicate his success. think twice before you try comparing your poor attempt of an album
  56. May 13, 2017
    Its was pretty good but nothing different and exiciting[GENERIC]. While listening to his album you can hear alot of influence to older songs from the 70's & 80's [Sweet creature sound similar to Black bird by the Beatles] i understand he may be influenced by the music from the 70's and 80's but he still needs to find his own style. I know one direction fans would LOVE anything that goldenIts was pretty good but nothing different and exiciting[GENERIC]. While listening to his album you can hear alot of influence to older songs from the 70's & 80's [Sweet creature sound similar to Black bird by the Beatles] i understand he may be influenced by the music from the 70's and 80's but he still needs to find his own style. I know one direction fans would LOVE anything that golden boy Harry puts out over that guy Zayn any day. Expand
  57. May 13, 2017
    Estaba algo emocionado por escuchar su álbum ya que siempre fue uno de los que más me gustaba de 1d pero fue un decepción. Completamente una basura.
  58. May 13, 2017
    It's a solid move to have your debut album be a soft rock/country record after you've been in a pop boy-band since forever. And for Harry Styles, this solid move couldn't have worked better. The second the tracklist was announced, I got very hyped about this record, and in no way did it disappoint me. Styles coul've easily made a pop-EDM sort of album to make sure he'd sell, but he didn't.It's a solid move to have your debut album be a soft rock/country record after you've been in a pop boy-band since forever. And for Harry Styles, this solid move couldn't have worked better. The second the tracklist was announced, I got very hyped about this record, and in no way did it disappoint me. Styles coul've easily made a pop-EDM sort of album to make sure he'd sell, but he didn't. Instead, he drew inspiration from his rock idols and followed their steps, and the results were fruitful. Styles stands out, no longer being that 'boy that was in 1D', his vocals are on point, his lyrics are personal and relatable, and obviously, when the executive producer is Jeff Bhasker, the production is always earnestly-heartfelt and shiny. The best track on the album is 'Sweet Creature', but highlights also include 'Ever Since New York', 'Kiwi', and the closer 'From the Dining Table', ending the record on a likeable note ("maybe one day you'll call me/ and say you're sorry too"). All in all, his self-titled debut promises that Mr. Styles has a long successful career ahead of him.
    PS: The artwork is also probably one of the most beautiful album artworks this year.
  59. May 13, 2017
    This is my first song review.
    Meet Me in the Hallway-9/10 (the ambient guitar and bass work is really top-notch)
    Sign of the Times-7.5/10 (I always thought it was a little overrated... but I do love the production of it otherwise) Carolina-9/10(Other than the slightly annoying "oh yeahs" that keep going throughout the song, the lyrics do a very good job of describing the "good girl,"
    This is my first song review.
    Meet Me in the Hallway-9/10 (the ambient guitar and bass work is really top-notch)
    Sign of the Times-7.5/10 (I always thought it was a little overrated... but I do love the production of it otherwise)
    Carolina-9/10(Other than the slightly annoying "oh yeahs" that keep going throughout the song, the lyrics do a very good job of describing the "good girl," and the song's energy is easily pumped up through the chorus.
    Two Ghosts-8/10(As a tongue-in-cheek song that's probably about Styles' relationship with Taylor Swift, it succeeds when it comes to lyrics such as "Same white shirt" (If you look up Taylor Swift's song Style... you'll know what I'm talking about.) However, the song never really kicks past that generic country song gear, however... which may actually be mocking Swift's roots now that I think about it.)
    Sweet Creature-10/10(I don't know what it is about this song that makes it so good... maybe it's the way that Harry Styles sings "sweet creature" so sincerely... or perhaps it's the fact that the background vocals are actually a benefit to the song rather than a detriment to it... seriously, those background vocals sound fun to sing.)
    Only Angel-7/10(After a minute-long opening that sounds both epic yet cheesy, this song quickly turns into an outlandish piece of rock with guitar riffs that sound familiar, but also sound off-tempo enough as if to make this song appear original. Some provocative lyrics... but I would've liked it more without the intro... or perhaps with just a better intro. I do like that weird section of rambling towards the end.)
    Kiwi-6/10(A problem with this album is that sometimes... Harry Styles doesn't actually fit the rock and roll bill. Although he manages to come up with all of these "dirty" lyrics, his voice never seems to manage to turn them into something that actually sounds dirty. Other than that, it's slightly unoriginal but the screams (which is what Harry does best in this song) somewhat redeems this song
    Ever Since New York-9.5/10(Although quite not as gritty as the SNL version, the shades of Jeff Buckley and the unique blend of all the guitars create an amazingly interesting song with lyrics that I've already started singing to... well, it's in my vocal range. I'll stop making bad jokes now.)
    Woman-8.5/10(Man, this song is weird... but it definitely is the right blend of rock and pop for Harry considering that he manages to both sound like himself. Also... the "la-la-las" in this song is another example of background vocals that benefit Harry Styles' music. The lyrics in this song really hit their mark for the most part, almost forces the narrator to tell his story from a more "complicated" perspective.)
    From the Dining Room Table-9(This is among the songs that don't venture into pop territory, which makes the album closer feel like a much more powerful moment as "the narrator" reflects on how he misses a girl's phone calls. The way that the strings and the background vocals come into this song also make it seem more powerful and don't feel overdone. Then it ends... with just two notes. (Two notes... two people? Naw, that's a dumb theory, lol.))
    Overall: 8/10 (Once Harry figures out exactly what he's trying to go for, whether it be the tender passionate direction or the yelling bravado of weird lyrics, then maybe he'll come up with an album that's not only satisfying (like this one), but one that manages to redefine pop and rock successfully (Well... if he learns to just do whatever he wants instead of using his influences most of the time at least.))

    I know... this was a long review, but I really wanted to be specific and actually give a decent review instead of just saying that this was either good or bad. (well, for albums that are actually bad I might just do that, but for now... long reviews are the way to go. lol)
  60. May 13, 2017
    i feel like this album is only palatable for those edgy teens who want to be taken seriously, so they listen to generic rock music and judge anyone who doesn't agree. and that's okay i've been there, i WAS one of those edgy teens. the problem i have with kids listening to this album compared to the music i listened to back in my day is, the music that i used to listen to was actually goodi feel like this album is only palatable for those edgy teens who want to be taken seriously, so they listen to generic rock music and judge anyone who doesn't agree. and that's okay i've been there, i WAS one of those edgy teens. the problem i have with kids listening to this album compared to the music i listened to back in my day is, the music that i used to listen to was actually good (or so i thought). the music i listened to fed into my teen angst, projected my emotions into song, music i used to listen to felt like you had an invisible friend who knew exactly how you felt. this album seems like it's not even trying to be good or relate able. kiwi sounds like a song that should be played through soft core porn and i don't even know what sign of the times is about, the lyrics are so very confusing. i don't know what the styles kid was thinking, i don't even know what demographic he's trying to aim for. everything seems senseless and vague, nothing rememberable. Expand
  61. May 13, 2017
    álbum incrivel, com músicas otimas, não tem nenhuma sequer que é ruim!!!! fugiu do poplixo e surpreendeu muito melhor assim, amei o estilo rock/folk e foi surpreendente até mesmo pra quem não é fã ou nunca gostou da oned, ATURA OU SURTA ALBUM BOM SIM, ele fez algo que goste e do estilo dele e deu pra perceber as influencias, merece uma nota maior
  62. May 13, 2017
    Sinceramente, esse álbum eu odiei, teve musicas que "uau" porque parece que ele criou pra fazer as pessoas dormir, então não gostei, ÁLBUM LIXOOOOO, PORCARIA.
  63. May 13, 2017
    Listened to it a few times and was disappointed. Harry's team is all about hype and no substance. Why?
    I ended up expecting more and just seeing it fall absolutely flat.
    Only one song appealed to me (Woman)...everything else, the background drowns him out (again that's my opinion). There's no need for this. Woman is the only song out of the album that I feel a bit of soul from
    Listened to it a few times and was disappointed. Harry's team is all about hype and no substance. Why?
    I ended up expecting more and just seeing it fall absolutely flat.

    Only one song appealed to me (Woman)...everything else, the background drowns him out (again that's my opinion). There's no need for this. Woman is the only song out of the album that I feel a bit of soul from him...everything else feels manufactured, as expected. Surely he has a better range in vocals in comparison to Niall and Louis, but he's not showing it off. It's not any different from the Made in the AM album (only real difference is he had Liam, Louis, and Niall to help) and I'm pretty sure the album Four was the catalyst to Harry going this route. Don't get me wrong here, I love folk and the rock'n'roll music from the 60s-70s, but this is like a copy + paste version of that. Guess having the right people behind you pay for the high reviews for this album, which is a shame, if given a proper criticism of an album, the artist can rise above their 1st attempt (and this goes for ANY form of art). Sorry Harry, it's a no from me, but please try again. Would love to hear what you really want to put out there.
  64. May 13, 2017
    I listened to the whole album but was bored before the end of track one. Whoever said it sounds like Britpop b-sides was right. Nothing bad on here but nothing spine-tingling either. Sign of the Times was the lead for obvious reasons, it's the only song that feels like it goes anywhere.
  65. May 13, 2017
    This is album is probably best for background noise. It doesn't make you feel any kind of way. It doesn't invoke strong emotions. It doesn't make you wanna dance. It doesn't put you in a contemplative mood. It's something playing in the background at a diner. It's not offensive. It's not pretty. It's not smooth, It's not grimy. It's nothing. It's a guy singing some words that you'll forgetThis is album is probably best for background noise. It doesn't make you feel any kind of way. It doesn't invoke strong emotions. It doesn't make you wanna dance. It doesn't put you in a contemplative mood. It's something playing in the background at a diner. It's not offensive. It's not pretty. It's not smooth, It's not grimy. It's nothing. It's a guy singing some words that you'll forget as soon as the verse is over. There are no songs of 'indefinite repeat' status. No songs that will make you tell your friends, you gotta hear this one. It's filler music. Something you visit with once or twice. If you're a diehard fan you buy it just because. You'll never admit it, but you won't reach for it very often. It's not that kind of album. It's forgettable and quintessentially unremarkable. Expand
  66. May 13, 2017
    quite a coincidence that if you click on most people's profile who have given this a 0 they have rated Zayn's album a 10... this is very frustrating to see that someone's work is being written off just because some people can't except that someone might do better than the person they like. it's trivial and childish-stop wasting your time, listen to the album first thanks.
  67. May 13, 2017
    I could not wait for the album. I am not surprised it is excellent music, great vocal. I missed Harry's voice and this album is true art. Every track is superb!
  68. May 13, 2017
    You need to get yourself some help if you truly decided to spend money on 12 versions of the same damn song. In this album you'll find 0 creativity, 0 vocals, 0 talent. Next.
  69. May 13, 2017
    No words only emotions. The album is at the highest level, the wait was worth it. Such a great album! All the songs are amazing! It's a great start for this young talented man. The actual golden boy!
  70. May 13, 2017
    I expected better from 1D's designated front man. I didn't expect the 70's tribute band , but here we are. The album is self indulgent , repetitive and boring. The best song is Only Angel. The screeching is very offensive .
  71. May 13, 2017
    .Very bad, apparently many like to listen to garbage, everything seems the same, just keep and everything else is sound very identical.
    Actually I did not like it.
  72. May 13, 2017
    I had high expectation about this album and I must say, Harry doesn't disappoint. If I might be completely honest, I'm slightly lyrically underwhelmed, but the same lyrics actually work perfectly with the tune of every song. The transition from song to song is one of the best I've ever heard, making at the end a genuine good and complete album, nothing is missing and not one thing is tooI had high expectation about this album and I must say, Harry doesn't disappoint. If I might be completely honest, I'm slightly lyrically underwhelmed, but the same lyrics actually work perfectly with the tune of every song. The transition from song to song is one of the best I've ever heard, making at the end a genuine good and complete album, nothing is missing and not one thing is too much.
    Some might say he's unoriginal, but I've found this album a very good mix of 70's rock music and nowadays pop music, and on these days is something so different that the world of music definitely needed.
  73. May 13, 2017
    First time I've listened to an entire album and loved each and every song! Was really looking clear to his solo album and he hasn't dissapointed. I think my personal favourite at the moment would be meet me in the hallway- which is echoey and soothing, and only angel- looooove this one! Everyone's been talking about it. All my love to Harry!
  74. May 13, 2017
    Was looking forward to listening to his new material and I am not disappointed.
    This album is amazing in every single way. The vocals are amazing just like the lyrics and instruments. Great work from him.
  75. May 13, 2017
    I'm honestly surprised and afraid of just how much I enjoyed this album. Its definitely surpassed my expectations. I didnt think he could do better than the brave attempt in his first single, Sign Of The Times but Mr. Styles delivers a pleasing mix of haunting ballads and rock numbers. The album compels you to play it again after its first full listen. Can see it being in the top 3 bestI'm honestly surprised and afraid of just how much I enjoyed this album. Its definitely surpassed my expectations. I didnt think he could do better than the brave attempt in his first single, Sign Of The Times but Mr. Styles delivers a pleasing mix of haunting ballads and rock numbers. The album compels you to play it again after its first full listen. Can see it being in the top 3 best albums of the year. Expand
  76. May 13, 2017
    Such a great album! All the songs are amazing! It's a great start for this young talented man. The actual golden boy! His music is giving me and old vibe and I'm honestly loving it,really looking forward to hearing more from this guy.
  77. May 13, 2017
    boring with nothing new to add , vacant with no personality , does not seem to have story , regurgitation of old rock music , if you want to listen to cheap recycled music , this is the albume for you otherwise its not recommended
  78. May 13, 2017
    This album has brought rock back into the mainstream style. Harry Styles has broadened his fan's music taste by adding a diverse set of tracks to an overall amazing album, which is a huge contrast to his previous works with One Direction. This album is what has been missing in popular music today.
  79. May 13, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. its total **** ......pls return my 16$.......all this hype for nothing ....world best production can't even make him sound good....talentless...artist from reality shows sing better than this Expand
  80. May 13, 2017
    The Harry Styles album is old-school, full album listening. It's different from everything else out there because it doesn't feel like it seeks to have a pop banger you hear everywhere until the next big one comes along and you forget all about it. Harry's 10 songs you can listen to for decades and it will still make you feel. And that's the kind of music I like - great lyricism, stellarThe Harry Styles album is old-school, full album listening. It's different from everything else out there because it doesn't feel like it seeks to have a pop banger you hear everywhere until the next big one comes along and you forget all about it. Harry's 10 songs you can listen to for decades and it will still make you feel. And that's the kind of music I like - great lyricism, stellar vocals, world class production, high level of authenticity, AND it makes you feel. Expand
  81. May 13, 2017
    This album is amazing! Make sure you listen to it in order to get the full experience. Listening to this album was one of the best forty minutes I've ever spent.
  82. May 13, 2017
    Las definiciones de basura, se actualizaron con éxito. Harry no pasa de un chico superestimado, sin talento y sin voz! Una lástima que ese tipo esté avergonzado grandes nombres de la música, que ya se han ido.
  83. May 13, 2017
    VERY pleasantly surprised. I wasn't a 1D fan, but I had high expectations for him, being the most popular of the band, and was very critical of the album. He really impressed me with this. While the influences are clear, the sound is entirely his own. It's completely different than anything mainstream on the market right now, and he delivers it all very well and with a confidence that'sVERY pleasantly surprised. I wasn't a 1D fan, but I had high expectations for him, being the most popular of the band, and was very critical of the album. He really impressed me with this. While the influences are clear, the sound is entirely his own. It's completely different than anything mainstream on the market right now, and he delivers it all very well and with a confidence that's surprising for his age. Overall, it's an experimental album that clearly diverts from the EDM/pop trends of today, and does it very well. Expand
  84. May 13, 2017
    I was excepting more of harry, given the hype and the comparisons to Bowie, Prince, ... which now sound a bit pretentious. It is not a bad album per se, it is very well produced, but unoriginal and generic, and often boring. Most of the songs sound like something we already heard a million times before. His lyrics are poorly written, and often misogynistic.
  85. May 13, 2017
    Without a doubt, the trash of the year. Haary is a joke. He has no talent, he has no voice and he does not know how to compose. I hope the other boys of one direction, show this talentless boy what quality music is
  86. May 13, 2017
    I really wanted to like this. I think with all the hype surrounding him I was expecting something amazing. What I found was that it was generic, art student borrows his dad's old records and tries to piece together songs and sounds he likes. The production is ok, you can tell they spent a fair bit of money, but the lyrics are trite and just boring. They're repetitive and don't really haveI really wanted to like this. I think with all the hype surrounding him I was expecting something amazing. What I found was that it was generic, art student borrows his dad's old records and tries to piece together songs and sounds he likes. The production is ok, you can tell they spent a fair bit of money, but the lyrics are trite and just boring. They're repetitive and don't really have any meaning beyond him interchanging the different women he's slept with. I honestly thought he would have more to say, considering he's been constantly pushed into the limelight at such a young age, but I left the record feeling like I didn't know who he was. Maybe he'll find his voice down the line, but this honestly sounds like a tribute band, something you'd find on garageband and while pleasant as background music, not anything you'd actually remember. Expand
  87. May 13, 2017
    This album is very good, i was never a one direction fan but i really feel like Harry put his all into this record and it shows. Every song has a very unique sound and it shows that he is trying to find his own sound. It seems to be a very personal record for him. Overall, very great, there are a couple lackluster songs such as sweet creature but overall it is well put together and beautiful.
  88. May 13, 2017
    FU Zayn fans , Harry is the best! If you sucks then shut you mouth! This is an amazing album. Harry did the best thing. He's a nice man , better than this Z flop
  89. May 13, 2017
    I grew up liking One Direction, all the while knowing it wasn't good music by any means.

    Harry Styles' debut album, while being exactly what I expected, managed to shock me track after track. Very reminiscent of 70's rock in a lot of places, getting gradually heavier as is goes along, finding time to show of his voice as well as giving the music time to be heard; music that isn't
    I grew up liking One Direction, all the while knowing it wasn't good music by any means.

    Harry Styles' debut album, while being exactly what I expected, managed to shock me track after track. Very reminiscent of 70's rock in a lot of places, getting gradually heavier as is goes along, finding time to show of his voice as well as giving the music time to be heard; music that isn't terrible EDM replayed over and over again. There's a sort of raw believability to this album that I wasn't expecting, but I always knew Harry wouldn't overly contribute to mainstream pop radio. It's short track listing while good in ways, saddened me, as it flies by, but that just gives me a good excuse to listen to it again.
  90. May 13, 2017
    This album is boring..genuinely i liked sign of the times and two ghosts and the rest is **** dunno how rollingstones praised so-much and created such a hype..it us definitely overrad.there is style only in his name not in his album neither in his fashion sense...i don't like overrated people..this album is boring people waste of money..
  91. May 13, 2017
    This is honestly one of the best albums of 2017. It's different from everything on the radio, in a good way. Major props to Harry for creating music that isn't mainstream pop and can appeal to both older and younger crowds. Definitely recommend!
  92. May 13, 2017
    People giving this a zero must be deaf or bitter 1D fans expecting some bland pop music. It's not for everybody but if you are a rock fan, you will LOVE this album! Harry showcases his raspy vocals well! This is a solid first record from someone coming out of a huge group. Can't wait to hear more from him!
  93. May 13, 2017
    the best album of 2017 so far, i just wanna thank this guy for te 70's and 80's vibes on this album. is such great to see a 23 years old guy not into a pop generic direction like everyone else this days, it's so inspiring and brave. it's a risk i know, but he did with a A+ so, congratulations Harry Styles!
  94. May 13, 2017
    It's pretty good. It's the reputation he has that makes people unable to take him seriously. I only put the 10 to try and make the user score go up just a little bit.
  95. May 13, 2017
    Absolutely enjoyed this album. The production is phenomenal and all the instrumentation is great. Have already listened to it straight through 4 times. Surround sound is the best for this album. The album flows very well song to song and I can a lot of thought was put into the order. Been wanting an album like this for a while. Glad to have it. Will be on repeat for the next couple months.Absolutely enjoyed this album. The production is phenomenal and all the instrumentation is great. Have already listened to it straight through 4 times. Surround sound is the best for this album. The album flows very well song to song and I can a lot of thought was put into the order. Been wanting an album like this for a while. Glad to have it. Will be on repeat for the next couple months. Couple favorites (really they're all my favorite ): Kiwi, Only Angel, Woman to name a few. Expand
  96. May 13, 2017
    ok..first i wanna say that im shocked....never been one direction fan and i dont like almost anything on the radio....but this album... when i heard sign of the times i couldnt believe it was from harry styles from that band..the album is actually amazing.. definitely the best album so far..it has this nostalgic 60s 70s vibes that i listen to...its pure quality and very soulful..somethingok..first i wanna say that im shocked....never been one direction fan and i dont like almost anything on the radio....but this album... when i heard sign of the times i couldnt believe it was from harry styles from that band..the album is actually amazing.. definitely the best album so far..it has this nostalgic 60s 70s vibes that i listen to...its pure quality and very soulful..something that lack from todays music..it deffinitely stands out... im impressed and it takes a place in my classics for sure.. i can see a very bright future for this kid.beautiful and risky debut album!!!kuddos to him... rock and roll is back thank you mr harry styles!!! Expand
  97. May 13, 2017
    As Apple said, shed any misconceptions going into this album. Harry Styles has recreated real music, something that hasn't been around in the last 2 decades. Musically, there isn't one song that isn't intriguing. The vocals are literally perfect for this album and the instruments used with the guitars and drums and piano make this entire album absolutely exceptional. He has brought backAs Apple said, shed any misconceptions going into this album. Harry Styles has recreated real music, something that hasn't been around in the last 2 decades. Musically, there isn't one song that isn't intriguing. The vocals are literally perfect for this album and the instruments used with the guitars and drums and piano make this entire album absolutely exceptional. He has brought back classic British rock, but is no copycat. It's classic rock, but it's Harry. Lyrically, the album will bring you to tears. Literally. There is much more to the lyrics than meets the eye. Yes, there are songs that make you really think but there are also songs that are extremely happy and exciting. Th honesty in this album is my favorite part by far. He created this album for himself. He knew it was going to be different and might not do as well as pop songs today, but he didn't care because he wanted to be himself. The lyrics are so honest and almost dirty that they fit the narrative of this album perfectly. The message and everything is just perfect. The songs about having fun are exciting and the songs about heartbreak are, literally, perfect. EVERYONE needs to hear this album. Absolutely shocking how perfectly he did it. No song seems to be a flop and everything goes together perfectly. It's a lot different from the 1D star that everyone knew (or thought they did) but it still resembles the Styles everyone fell in love with. I've been listening to it 24/7 and it appeals to everyone from girls to boys to dads to moms. Overalll, an earth-shattering album. Tons of respect and thanks to Harry for creating this absolute masterpiece. Xx Expand
  98. May 13, 2017
    I took a listen to all the songs. They're either boring, or trying to copy someone else's sound. This is not worth the hype it was given, nor does it put him on the level of Prince or Bowie. This is nothing new, or even wanted by the general public.
  99. May 13, 2017
    Loved sott but the title is stolen from prince, and theres something about sweet creatures, harry was and is so overrated and he doesn't deserve that hype i think he flopped and thats a little bit shocking given the fact that media loves him.
  100. May 13, 2017
    It's his debut album and Harry Styles has already left his mark. Sure, his name is already well known, but unlike his former bandmates, he has given us an unbelievable work of art that will be praised and remembered years from now. To compare this to the tuneless, worn out music from his ex-coworkers is laughable. It's only been out a day and I already look forward to his next. I can't getIt's his debut album and Harry Styles has already left his mark. Sure, his name is already well known, but unlike his former bandmates, he has given us an unbelievable work of art that will be praised and remembered years from now. To compare this to the tuneless, worn out music from his ex-coworkers is laughable. It's only been out a day and I already look forward to his next. I can't get enough. Thank you, Harry. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 24
  2. Negative: 1 out of 24
  1. Q Magazine
    Jun 6, 2017
    Despite Styles' self-conscious references, his debut avoids indulgence. [Aug 2017, p.110]
  2. 80
    Ultimately Harry Styles feels comfortable and readily worn-in.
  3. May 18, 2017
    The missteps don’t detract too much from this ambitious, if slightly unfocused, debut.