
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Mojo
    Apr 25, 2014
    It's all a bit similar, and amazingly unmoving, until the last number. [May 2014, p.92]
  2. Q Magazine
    Apr 25, 2014
    Distinct high and lows are lacking, the songs blurring like a long night, but Green remains a mistress of her mood. [May 2014, p.110]
  3. Uncut
    Apr 25, 2014
    The overall effect is both dark and playful. [May 2014, p.74]
  4. Apr 25, 2014
    There is much to like about Green's music, but if Haul Away! is indeed part of a potential trilogy, let's hope the songwriting on her third offering outweighs its stylish ambitions.
  5. Apr 25, 2014
    At times her deliberate vocal style disconnects the listener, and one hopes as Green’s career progresses, she trades in the allegories for something a bit more emotionally inclusive.
  6. Apr 25, 2014
    In many respects, Green’s music feels like it belongs to an era much earlier than the 21st century. Yet in a modern industry that can often seem to be dominated by formulaic performers, Liz Green remains highly relevant as that rare exception. A true original.

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