• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Sep 25, 2015
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 143 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 7 out of 143
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  1. Sep 25, 2015
    The crystalline sunlight reflected on the sea, and the delicate shore, with an ethereal white dress that rests, on its wilderness. That's what this masterpiece reminds me of.
  2. Oct 6, 2015
    The sheer musical quality - instrumentally, production, compositionally - of the new Julia Holter record is absolutely astounding. Have You in My Wilderness is a serene masterpiece, with classical, enveloping string arrangements, baroque instrumentation, and Holter's beautiful voice. The detail that goes into these songs - every piano embellishment, key change, and percussionThe sheer musical quality - instrumentally, production, compositionally - of the new Julia Holter record is absolutely astounding. Have You in My Wilderness is a serene masterpiece, with classical, enveloping string arrangements, baroque instrumentation, and Holter's beautiful voice. The detail that goes into these songs - every piano embellishment, key change, and percussion intensification: it all works together to create an ethereal, emotional experience. A top five record of the year for me with potential to rise even further. Do not pass this one up. Expand
  3. Sep 25, 2015
    Couldn't believe Guardian etc 10 rating! Now I've listened to whole album half a dozen times I believe! Reminds me of first listening of PF's Dark Side of the Moon - nothing since has provided same emotional impact!
  4. Nov 10, 2015
    This is seriously one of my favorite albums I've ever heard. The songwriting is sharp, and emotionally gratifying.The production is on another level, with the heavenly orchestration, and Julia's voice blends it all together perfectly. "Lucette Stranded on the Island" is one of the highlights being both gorgeous and serene while bizarre and overwhelming at the same time. As well was "BetsyThis is seriously one of my favorite albums I've ever heard. The songwriting is sharp, and emotionally gratifying.The production is on another level, with the heavenly orchestration, and Julia's voice blends it all together perfectly. "Lucette Stranded on the Island" is one of the highlights being both gorgeous and serene while bizarre and overwhelming at the same time. As well was "Betsy on the Roof" which made me cry the first time I heard it. This is Hounds of Love level good in my opinion. Expand
  5. Nov 6, 2015
    I didn't listen to this when it was released, but I've just done it and I am sooooo impressed by it! The atmosphere she gets through all the songs is simply incredible. It's a very relaxed and melodic album but very accessible to listen to. I need to listen to her previous albums, but I can say I am officially a fan of her.
  6. Jul 26, 2016
    Loved the vast majority of the tracks. Julia's voice is angelic and her writing skills are pretty good too. Overall, it's a must listen if you like dream or baroque pop.
  7. Apr 10, 2023
    This is by far one of the most gorgeous sounding records I have ever heard in my life. Julia's vocals, the songwriting and the production are all so flawlessly tied together in to a listening experience that makes me feel like I am floating in heaven.
  8. Dec 26, 2015
    Stumbling upon this record after looking for something new to listen to, I was left in awe. This album is beautifully put together and Julia adds such originality to her work, it is a very refreshing feel. This songwriting is emotional and haunting. It is a very soft and calm album, allowing for an enjoyable listen and really creates a feeling like no other. Overall this album has madeStumbling upon this record after looking for something new to listen to, I was left in awe. This album is beautifully put together and Julia adds such originality to her work, it is a very refreshing feel. This songwriting is emotional and haunting. It is a very soft and calm album, allowing for an enjoyable listen and really creates a feeling like no other. Overall this album has made me want to explore more of Julia Holter's music and see what else she has to offer. Expand
  9. Oct 1, 2015
    I liked the Loud City song album much better than this one. This is a good album, but LCS was much more a step in the direction I thought that they were intending to go. I'm not saying I wanted them to make another LCS, but an album that entails all of that album and more. Yes, I DO have this album and YES and I love Julia Holter, but this album gets an '8" from me and Loud City Song gets "10".
  10. Sep 29, 2015
    Beautiful album from start to finish. The more lively moments (Sea Calls me Home, Everytime Boots) seemed uncomfortably out of place to me, but they were still enjoyable. The lyrics, at times, are a bit arty-farty and don't seem to have much depth to them.. However, the instrumentation all throughout, coupled with the gorgeous and shimmering sound quality makes for a thoroughly etherealBeautiful album from start to finish. The more lively moments (Sea Calls me Home, Everytime Boots) seemed uncomfortably out of place to me, but they were still enjoyable. The lyrics, at times, are a bit arty-farty and don't seem to have much depth to them.. However, the instrumentation all throughout, coupled with the gorgeous and shimmering sound quality makes for a thoroughly ethereal experience.

    Definitely recommended.
  11. Jan 29, 2018
    Please listen to this album! It's a great one and you certainly will not regret it.
  12. Nov 29, 2021
    So so so beautiful and calming. A journey by the sea to a small wooden beach house to spend with your lover is how this sounds.
  13. Oct 3, 2015
    My impressions: A lean slab of whitefish with all of the bones carefully removed. Whipped lowfat yogurt served in a floral bowl. Etc. I miss broadcast.

Universal acclaim - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Feb 22, 2016
    While the majority of the songs on the album are lush ballads, a playfulness shines through here like never before.
  2. Magnet
    Nov 17, 2015
    An airbrushed return to the imagination hinterlands of an expressive impressionist. [No. 126, p.57]
  3. Oct 5, 2015
    Deciphering the message in her words relies on just how much time the listener is willing to devote to the album, but with music this brilliant, the task seems all the more alluring.