• Record Label: BMG
  • Release Date: Feb 15, 2019
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 466 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 51 out of 466
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  1. Feb 15, 2019
    This album is so good, Devil and Birdie are perfect, just as the rest of the album.
  2. Feb 16, 2019
    One of her best albums. She putted all the stages of her life of the last 5 years on it. All the songs looks like they complete each other and there's a lot of potential hits.
  3. Feb 15, 2019
    The album is amazing, I don't understand how 'thank u, next' is getting better reviews (and I like Ariana's album too). For me 'Head Above Water' is the best album released this year. Avril overcame herself both lyrically and in production, the album is cohesive and has songs for all tastes. At first I didn't like the track 'Goddess' very much, but after the second listen it sounded asThe album is amazing, I don't understand how 'thank u, next' is getting better reviews (and I like Ariana's album too). For me 'Head Above Water' is the best album released this year. Avril overcame herself both lyrically and in production, the album is cohesive and has songs for all tastes. At first I didn't like the track 'Goddess' very much, but after the second listen it sounded as good as the other tracks. Avril Lavigne's best album. No skips. Expand
  4. Feb 15, 2019
    O álbum é muito bom.
    Letras totalmente perfeitas, a maioria das musicas explodem no refrão!
    Avril fez um ótimo trabalho, está tudo muito lindo.
  5. Feb 15, 2019
    A stunning comeback, proving her maturity as a vocalist, producer and songwriter. Maybe the best albumn in her discography.
  6. Feb 15, 2019
    Um dos melhores álbuns dos últimos tempos e da carreira da Avril. Todas as músicas são incríveis e combinam entre si de forma única. Com certeza um album que ainda escutarei por muito tempo sem enjoar ou cansar.
  7. Feb 17, 2019
    Such a beautiful and inspiring album. Have no ideia why it's being bashed by so called "critics". It tells you a story, beginning to end, about her recovery not just from her illness but also her soul. The album starts with Avril praying to survive, following a toxic relationship that she finally get over with it, next discovering her inner strenght and then finding love again, now havingSuch a beautiful and inspiring album. Have no ideia why it's being bashed by so called "critics". It tells you a story, beginning to end, about her recovery not just from her illness but also her soul. The album starts with Avril praying to survive, following a toxic relationship that she finally get over with it, next discovering her inner strenght and then finding love again, now having someone by her side on this long journey that she's still fighting for. So i'm sorry but people bashing this have no respect or empathy. She's a survivor, a warrior, but mostly important, she's being honest with herself. She's not going to follow what's hot on the radio and she's not gonna go back to her sk8er boi days either. She's moving forward on her own terms, and for those who dare to listen to the album with open mind, she can leave you with a beautiful message of perseverance Expand
  8. Feb 16, 2019
    Her best album. She put her heart in every single song and you can feel when you’re listening to it. Her masterpiece.
  9. Feb 16, 2019
    Excellent album that makes you cry... Don’t be fooled by what the critics say... we are more and so many people do agree on the power that this album has... one of the best album of the year and for me the best Avril has ever released... thank you Avril for such amazing songs... cheer up!!!
  10. Feb 15, 2019
    Overall, this album was a good one. There are songs that are a hit-or-miss, such as "Dumb Blonde" or "Bigger Wow," but there are songs that also absolutely shine within this, mainly being "I Fell In Love With The Devil," "Birdie," and the title track, "Head Above Water."

    Avril truly shines when her songs have a flair for dramatics - a heavy, powerful orchestra with powerhouse vocals are
    Overall, this album was a good one. There are songs that are a hit-or-miss, such as "Dumb Blonde" or "Bigger Wow," but there are songs that also absolutely shine within this, mainly being "I Fell In Love With The Devil," "Birdie," and the title track, "Head Above Water."

    Avril truly shines when her songs have a flair for dramatics - a heavy, powerful orchestra with powerhouse vocals are the songs that are best suited for her, and in this album, it seems as though she embraced this.

    Songs ranging from heartbreak to health scare, this album is built around emotion, and you can feel that within every single song.
  11. Feb 17, 2019
    I loved this album! Songs all together create whole story and that's cool.
    "I fell in love with the devil" - lirycally awesome. Melody and the heartbeat make me feel like if I was the one, from whom those emotions come from. That's one of the best songs she has ever created!
    "It was in me" - When I first listened to it, I cried. It's a very beautiful song in which lyrics matches melody.
    I loved this album! Songs all together create whole story and that's cool.
    "I fell in love with the devil" - lirycally awesome. Melody and the heartbeat make me feel like if I was the one, from whom those emotions come from. That's one of the best songs she has ever created!
    "It was in me" - When I first listened to it, I cried. It's a very beautiful song in which lyrics matches melody. Another song in which I can fell her emotions.
    These songs mentioned above are masterpieces!
    I liked every single song from this album, she put a lot of effort in this album. I can't wait to hear them live. Avril Lavigne definietely deserves an award. Great Job!
  12. Feb 17, 2019
    this album it's totally amazing, and my favorite song is It Was In me, it reminds me of I'm With You.
    Oh, and I Fell in love with the devil is such a masterpiece
  13. Feb 17, 2019
    This album is full of masterpieces both in lyrics and sound. Check out I fell in love with the devil, It was in me, Birdie and crush and see yourself!
  14. Feb 15, 2019
    Wonderful album, songs with great melodies. Very good compositions. Avril's voice is amazing.
  15. Feb 15, 2019
    Foi melhor do que eu esperava
    Músicas incríveis,bem trabalhadas com um amadurecimento notavel
    Avril Lavigne está de parabéns,nota 1000!!
  16. Feb 15, 2019
    Um dos melhores álbuns da carreira dela, tudo que ela passou levou a esse álbum e não poderia ser melhor.
  17. Feb 15, 2019
    The lyrics are amazing. Songs that talked about what she went through when she was sick and makes us feel the pain she's been through. Great quality Album.
  18. Feb 15, 2019
    Perfect! The best album since Under My Skin. F* u "The Guardian". It deserves at least BPVA.
  19. Feb 15, 2019
    The best album since let go and under my skin. Avril one more time writer a masterpiece.
  20. Feb 15, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O álbum é bom mas não chega a ser um dos melhores, por ser o seu comeback em anos, era esperado mais, há uma grande controvérsia entre as faixas, em comparação de Head Above Water, I Fell In Love With The Devil, Berdie, que são músicas que prendem o ouvinte; Dumb Blonde chega ser patética parecendo música de trilha sonora de desenho animado. Expand
  21. Feb 15, 2019
    Her more than expected comeback couldn't have been more satisfying. All the emotions she put into the songs relating to the experiences she's been through this past years showcases what really matters in music (and many seem to be forgetting about): connection; feeling.
  22. Feb 15, 2019
    PERFECT. Congrats Avril. Dumb Blonde is a BOP. I Fell In Love With Devil... Speechless

  23. Feb 15, 2019
    This is a great album, vocal, lyrics, remember the older times of my life, Avril is a amazing songwriter and singer.
  24. Feb 16, 2019
    Loved this album. It has some great ballads including I fell in love with the devil, It was in me and Head Above Water, as well as some really good songs to dance to.

    After her six-year break and almost dying, Avril Lavigne is BACK with her trademark vocals, inspiring lyrics and great production!
  25. Feb 15, 2019

    Head Above Water - 10,0 Birdie - 10,0 I Fell In Love With The Devil - 9,5 Tell Me It’s Over - 9,5 Dumb Blonde - 10,0 It Was In Me - 9,5 Souvenir - 9,0 Crush - 10,0 Goddess - 8,0 Bigger Now - 9,0 Love Me Insane - 9,0 Warrior - 9,5 We clearly can notice how much has Avril grown with everything that she's been through! All details are perfect! She can sing an

    Head Above Water - 10,0
    Birdie - 10,0
    I Fell In Love With The Devil - 9,5
    Tell Me It’s Over - 9,5
    Dumb Blonde - 10,0
    It Was In Me - 9,5
    Souvenir - 9,0
    Crush - 10,0
    Goddess - 8,0
    Bigger Now - 9,0
    Love Me Insane - 9,0
    Warrior - 9,5

    We clearly can notice how much has Avril grown with everything that she's been through! All details are perfect! She can sing an emotional ballad and a few songs later bring her classic pop/rock 00s beat! It's all amazing! Her voice, the production, the lyrics... AMAZING! If I could point one bad thing about the album it would the cover, but all the rest made it worth!
  26. Feb 20, 2019
    Avril nos entregou o seu melhor álbum em anos, um álbum coeso onde as músicas estão relacionadas entre si, com composições impecáveis, o vocal sensacional e único que só ela tem e um material que não te faz querer pular nenhuma faixa. O álbum se destaca como um dos melhores que foram e estão sendo lançados nesse período, onde Avril vai em direção oposta à superficialidade que está em altaAvril nos entregou o seu melhor álbum em anos, um álbum coeso onde as músicas estão relacionadas entre si, com composições impecáveis, o vocal sensacional e único que só ela tem e um material que não te faz querer pular nenhuma faixa. O álbum se destaca como um dos melhores que foram e estão sendo lançados nesse período, onde Avril vai em direção oposta à superficialidade que está em alta e o foco nos charts. Um álbum com músicas cruas e transparentes que nos faz parecermos íntimos de Avril, onde toda a sua intimidade e suas inseguranças estão expostas em composições profundas, que demonstram com notoriedade o crescimento e amadurecimento musical e pessoal da princesa do pop/rock, mostrando mais uma vez o por quê de ela ser um dos maiores e mais respeitados nomes da música. Expand
  27. Feb 15, 2019
    Tais album is so good, IFILWTD, Birdie and It Was In Me so perfect songs...
  28. Feb 15, 2019
    Head Above Water is a stunning album that provides relatable and uplifting messages, while showing off the singer’s voice at its most raw and her ability to bounce between donning the Pop-Punk Princess persona and giving us a peek behind the curtain with the most personal side to her we’ve seen to date.
  29. Feb 15, 2019
    This album is a masterpiece! "I fell in love with the devil", "Birdie" and "It was In me" are the one of the bests work of Avril.
  30. Feb 15, 2019
    This album is amazing, very well produced. It's good to see her back with good stuff.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Feb 27, 2019
    She’s become her own worst nightmare – boring.
  2. Feb 21, 2019
    The best tracks here are those which delve into the power ballads that we know Lavigne can produce so effectively. But other than the album's self-titled lead single and It Was In Me, with soaring orchestrals and subtle keys paving the way for her lung-bursting croons, it feels much like a lost Lavigne seeking a sound that’ll just keep her afloat.
  3. Feb 20, 2019
    On every track, the mad-libs are paired with stylistically diverse arrangements--and invariably plodding tempos. The album’s lone sugar spike is “Dumb Blonde,” a rehashed “Girlfriend” that features a phoned-in Nicki Minaj guest verse midway through and, for some reason, a pre-chorus melody yanked from Lipps, Inc.’s “Funky Town.” In spite of everything, Head Above Water offers one brief moment where Lavigne’s emotional alchemy assumes a bolder musical form that’s properly befitting of her powerhouse vocals and enduring authenticity: the opening stunner of a title track.