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Universal acclaim- based on 38 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 38
  2. Negative: 2 out of 38
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  1. Cyi
    Apr 27, 2023
    I love this album, it's my favorite of their current 3, with Schlagenheim coming in close second. This album has a great tracklist with songs that are so chaotic and crazy and have clear theming and stories. It's also helped with its concise runtime of 38 minutes, it's such a crazy project that if it were longer it could likely go into an overwhelming territory, but being shorter allowsI love this album, it's my favorite of their current 3, with Schlagenheim coming in close second. This album has a great tracklist with songs that are so chaotic and crazy and have clear theming and stories. It's also helped with its concise runtime of 38 minutes, it's such a crazy project that if it were longer it could likely go into an overwhelming territory, but being shorter allows the listener to greater appreciate each song, and the album as a whole. Expand
  2. Jul 26, 2022
    Excellent record. Not quite on the level of Schlagenheim, but massive improvement over Cavalcade. Production is massively better too (thank you Marta Salogni; the guy who produced everything on Cavalcade other than John L really made it sound like a gross mushy mess).
  3. Jul 21, 2022
    I enjoyed their previous record, "Cavalcade", so I came into this record pretty confident that I would not dislike it (even though, in my opinion, the weaker tracks on Cavalcade were all shoved at the end of the record)

    I'll be honest, his voice on this record is at times annoying and blocks out the amazing instrumental playing in the background. I wish they had toned down the rambling
    I enjoyed their previous record, "Cavalcade", so I came into this record pretty confident that I would not dislike it (even though, in my opinion, the weaker tracks on Cavalcade were all shoved at the end of the record)

    I'll be honest, his voice on this record is at times annoying and blocks out the amazing instrumental playing in the background. I wish they had toned down the rambling and let the instruments speaks.

    Regardless, I always found their slower songs to be their best. This record does a better job than "Cavalcade" at balancing out the tracks in my opinion. If you like black midi, you will surely enjoy this record.
  4. Jul 21, 2022
    Disclaimer: this is not the most accessible Black Midi album- for a indie soiboi simp like myself, that was Cavalcade, which still remains my favourite for that reason. Hellfire takes at least a few listens to make sense of everything that is being explored sonically. The songs hit like a series of punches, fast and furious, with only a couple intermissions of somber reflectionDisclaimer: this is not the most accessible Black Midi album- for a indie soiboi simp like myself, that was Cavalcade, which still remains my favourite for that reason. Hellfire takes at least a few listens to make sense of everything that is being explored sonically. The songs hit like a series of punches, fast and furious, with only a couple intermissions of somber reflection interspersed. That being said, Hellfire instrumentally and lyrically surpasses Cavalcade. Thematically, Hellfire accomplished what Black Midi set out to do: trade listenability for unbridled, decisive stubbornness in a concept album about loathsome people who are bound for hell. It succeeds in pushing the boundaries of prog rock/experimental jazz, which is the point of writing within these genres, and a hard thing to do well. Morgan possesses the remarkable ability to- with only two arms- play polyrhythms which typically require the use of four or more arms. There is no predecessor album like this one, although you can certainly hear the Zappa/King Crimson inspiration, and Hellfire certainly builds on the sound and prowess of BM's last two releases. Go to any song on it and a narrative has been thoroughly written depicting the tale of some horrible sad sob- lyrical favourites include the "The Defense", "Dangerous Liaison", "The Race is About to Begin", "Eat Men Eat", and "Sugar/Tzu". If you are looking for an album that will take a whole week to digest entirely, listen to this series of sucker punches. I am looking forward to the further evolution of this young band. Expand
  5. Jul 16, 2022
    This is my personal favorite of their 3 albums so far. It’s also the one that flows best as an album track for track and conceptually. If you’re a fan of 70’s era King Crimson, not to mention myriad other influences, then this will make you happy as hell, all while also managing to be very much its own thing. The control and chaos, smirking absurd humor, whimsical flights of fantasy,This is my personal favorite of their 3 albums so far. It’s also the one that flows best as an album track for track and conceptually. If you’re a fan of 70’s era King Crimson, not to mention myriad other influences, then this will make you happy as hell, all while also managing to be very much its own thing. The control and chaos, smirking absurd humor, whimsical flights of fantasy, visceral action, and spots of roiling darkness are all here. A masterpiece. Expand
  6. Jul 15, 2022
    A fantastic album, their best one yet—they just keep getting better. The myriads of influences are fun to hear, and they intertwine perfectly with black midi's own characteristic sound. The songs can be listened to individually, but I really recommend the experience of listening to the full album. Being a sort-of rock opera, it works better that way, and it isn't overly long so as toA fantastic album, their best one yet—they just keep getting better. The myriads of influences are fun to hear, and they intertwine perfectly with black midi's own characteristic sound. The songs can be listened to individually, but I really recommend the experience of listening to the full album. Being a sort-of rock opera, it works better that way, and it isn't overly long so as to become boring or tedious. Also, I particularly love the maximalist approach to the production and the arrangements: it feels like "too much", but in the best, most sweetly chaotic way possible. A celebration of excess, and a great success for one of the best bands of our times. Expand
  7. Jul 15, 2022
    Their masterpiece. The best BM album by a mile. “Eat Men Eat” is their best song ever.
  8. Jul 15, 2022
    This album is extremely exciting and well paced it doesn’t slow often and it’s short length is perfect for black midi.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Sep 8, 2022
    With their third LP, Black Midi continue to put out adventurous and challenging music that keeps listeners on the tips of their toes.
  2. Aug 11, 2022
    2021's Cavalcade found the group exploring a lushly orchestrated avant-prog sound, switching between spiky, angular workouts and softer, more patient compositions. Hellfire moves further in this direction, but with a greater sense of showmanship.
  3. Jul 18, 2022
    ‘Hellfire’ is at once goofy and high brow. A volcanic eruption of serious silliness.