
Universal acclaim - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Dec 2, 2019
    There’s unhinged beauty meeting catchiness, a cabal that draws in its listener despite its inherent capriciousness. Hidden History of the Human Race is an irrefutable classic, dispelling any doubt that Blood Incantation are one of this generation’s leading death metal acts.
  2. 100
    Hidden History of the Human Race isn’t just one of the best death metal albums of the year, it’s one of the best metal albums of the entire decade. Stripped of its reductive metal assignations, it’s also one of the finest psychedelic albums of the decade.
  3. Dec 2, 2019
    It makes for an album that impresses without overstaying its welcome, but it's more than just the sum of its parts. Hidden History has a vibe, like something old and undiscovered. It's the riffs, the all-analogue recording process, everything. You breathe the atmosphere of this record when you listen to it. That's why you'll return to it again and again.
  4. Dec 2, 2019
    Blood Incantation have created a contender for death metal album of the year here.
  5. Dec 2, 2019
    At every point, you hear a band going somewhere new, hurtling towards a forever-receding spot in the consciousness.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
  1. Dec 15, 2019
    One of the best metal albums of the decade. Brutally heavy, psychedelic and breathtaking all at once.
  2. Feb 9, 2020
    This album is bulky and abrasive in the best ways possible. Blood Incantation isn't reinventing the death metal wheel but they're stillThis album is bulky and abrasive in the best ways possible. Blood Incantation isn't reinventing the death metal wheel but they're still whipping up 4 very solid back to back bangers. I dig it Full Review »
  3. Dec 18, 2019
    This was by far the best metal album of 2019 and there were some incredible albums. This was my first introduction to Blood Incantation and itThis was by far the best metal album of 2019 and there were some incredible albums. This was my first introduction to Blood Incantation and it did not disappoint. Best song on the album is easily the final song Awakening from the Dream of Existence to the Multidimensional Nature of Our Reality (Mirror of the Soul). Full Review »