• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Jun 29, 2018
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 499 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 41 out of 499
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  1. Jun 29, 2018
    I loved this album, it's a poweful and deep intimate piece of Florence's life. She is always capable of getting me emotional. I love Hunger, June, South London forever, A Sky full of song and Big God.
    Incredible work for an amazing artist.
  2. Jun 29, 2018
    After the first spin my immediate reaction is that it is both (a) powerful in presentation and (b) appears to synthesize the different, sometimes radically so, tone and sounds that have defined each of her previous albums. This is very much a compliment, very much a good thing.

    I stumbled upon her first album not long after it came out, back when I was still keeping up with the 'indie
    After the first spin my immediate reaction is that it is both (a) powerful in presentation and (b) appears to synthesize the different, sometimes radically so, tone and sounds that have defined each of her previous albums. This is very much a compliment, very much a good thing.

    I stumbled upon her first album not long after it came out, back when I was still keeping up with the 'indie scene' (is that even a thing anymore?). I loved it. Still consider it a masterpiece, if a bit dated.

    Her next two albums took very different tracts, with a 'a'religiosity feel on Ceremonials and a more direct feminist approach in what came after.

    She where her previous two albums had some amazing songs, they were overstuffed and tiring, with too much filler - songs that were interesting but better released separately.

    This album though? It seems to take the confidence she's always had, she's focused her efforts and has produced her most cohesive, beautiful and - yes - powerful album ever.

    This may be a masterpiece; time will tell.
  3. Oct 4, 2018
    I have not loved a FatM album like this since Lungs. It's one of my VERY rare no-skip records, and I'm just entranced by every story on every haunting track. You can taste Flo's emotions, and it's REALLY hard not to sing along.

    I almost never buy physical CDs anymore, but I bought this one.
  4. Jun 29, 2018
    Tudo que eu imaginava do novo testamento: poético, melancólico, realista e de extrema qualidade.
  5. Jun 29, 2018
    Melhor álbum da carreira. Florence está muito mais madura e vendo a vida de maneira mais simples e positiva, por isso que as letras são muito menos complexas e cheias de metáforas como os álbuns anteriores. A última faixa "No Choir" deixa explítico que é essa a mensagem que ela quer passar.

    Brazil loves you Florence so please be more polite with us as you are with your europe fans, we
    Melhor álbum da carreira. Florence está muito mais madura e vendo a vida de maneira mais simples e positiva, por isso que as letras são muito menos complexas e cheias de metáforas como os álbuns anteriores. A última faixa "No Choir" deixa explítico que é essa a mensagem que ela quer passar.

    Brazil loves you Florence so please be more polite with us as you are with your europe fans, we don't bite, we just want pictures, hugs and to say we love you.
  6. Jun 29, 2018
    This is the album of the year, it almost made me tear up. Florence’s best album to date.
  7. Jun 30, 2018
    This is different form other Florence + The Machine records, but this doesn't´t mean that is something bad, actually is great because she is an artist, and an artist always delivers something more to the new projects, so that it could be distinctive and this album, to me at least, is a wonder, is not better to "How big, how blue, how beautiful" but it is a beautiful album. "High as hope"This is different form other Florence + The Machine records, but this doesn't´t mean that is something bad, actually is great because she is an artist, and an artist always delivers something more to the new projects, so that it could be distinctive and this album, to me at least, is a wonder, is not better to "How big, how blue, how beautiful" but it is a beautiful album. "High as hope" is more soften and subtle than previous works from the band, but it manages to stand because they use Florence Welch extremely talented voice as an instrument, and that adds more vulnerability to every song, that I think, that was what they intended. Something that I noticed, was that almost all the songs had the same structure (start softly, then increase the sound and the intensity of it, to end softly again.) and hearing all of the album you can notice that, to some may be a bad thing, I must say that I was hopping that every song had a different structure, but the result wasn't bad, and I could hear the songs over and over again with no problem at all. If you´re a Florence fan, you´ll love the album, if you are new into this band, you can expect emotion, a great and powerful voice, and lyrics that can be poetic and specific at the same time Expand
  8. Jun 30, 2018
    This album is about a connection , the human and the angel , hear the music to me was like be in status of grace but also feel my body on earth .
  9. Jun 29, 2018
    Florence, her voice, her writing, her performances are unique. This album is pure gold. Best of the year so far
  10. Jun 29, 2018
    What a comeback. What a masterpiece! The production, the songwriting, the arrangement, everything about this album is beautiful. Great job, Florence. She created another magnificent piece of art again!
  11. Jun 29, 2018
    her voice is so ANGELICAL. listening w a coffee is the best for a nicely night or dream with your boyfriend. amazing album. thanks
  12. tcl
    Jun 29, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. What a comeback. What a masterpiece! The production, the songwriting, the arrangement, everything about this album is beautiful. Great job, Florence. She created another magnificent piece of art again! Expand
  13. Jul 1, 2018
    Florence Welch and the Machine have created another masterpiece of Music! Her voice is beyond words the songs are like a spiritual experience. My only complaint is that I want more, 3 years since 'How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful' and we've only gotten 10 songs. Still, I'm incredibly happy with 'High as Hope' and it is a great example of 'quality not quantity'.
  14. Jul 3, 2018
    Excellent from the first song to the last. I loved every aspect from this album, the lyrics and instrumentals are on point.
  15. Jun 29, 2018
    This new album is killing me, I can not wait until the music cd arrives to the cd store ahhh
  16. Jun 29, 2018
    ¡Un regreso increíble! La voz angelical de Florence se acopla a la perfección con cada palabra y melodía. Composición y producción majestuosa. Sin duda uno de los álbumes más poéticos de la década y uno de los mejores del año.
  17. Jul 1, 2018
    This album gave me chills and good vibes, I was waiting for it for a long time and it’s finally here. Florence’s voice is so powerful, hope someday she become more recognized.
  18. Jul 8, 2018
    It is a highly emotional album, I am really moved by it and it brought me to tears. I am giving this rating purely based my adore on Florence and the machine. Objectively, I would actually give it an 8 due to the transition between songs can seemly disconnect. I prefer music video vision of Hunger with 15 seconds intro.
  19. Jun 30, 2018
    Sem dúvida um álbum muito bem trabalhado e produzido. Qualquer música ficaria boa em um clipe e cada letra é profundamente tocante. Patricia é uma das melhores do álbum, junta a Big God e Hunger.
  20. Hec
    Jun 30, 2018
    It's an album with a too monotonous beginning, but everything changes when the angelic voice of Florence takes "Big God"
    There is the exact moment where "High As Hope" becomes not only a masterpiece but it rediscovers you with your spiritual self.
  21. Jun 29, 2018
    it's amazing how Florence has this ability to be so real, so crude and so simple. High As Hope is a masterpiece full of unique feelings, real stories, wonderful arrangements and melodies.
  22. Jul 3, 2018
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before
  23. Jul 4, 2018
    Florence como sempre perfeita, sua voz doce, com um final grave surpreendi a cada canção, um álbum maravilho de uma pessoal com a voz incrível, parabéns.
  24. Jun 29, 2018
    An emotional joyride that leads you to "hope" and "delight"...the most fascinating piece of work by Queen Mother Florence and her beautiful Machine.
  25. Jun 29, 2018
    O melhor álbum da carreira. Florence usa sua voz de um jeito magistral, suas composições são belas e profundas, os arranjos são de tirar o fôlego. Excelente.
  26. Aug 22, 2018
    Flo is my fave for many years, so i am probably biased.
    Definitely getting better with every album.
    It is extremely personal, intimate and emotional. Not just music, but set of poems and confessions, lyrics heavy, and needs to be listened more times, to connect things. Grace is emotionally devastating OTT for me, well im not sure if its any good, to listen something and cry like baby
    Flo is my fave for many years, so i am probably biased.
    Definitely getting better with every album.
    It is extremely personal, intimate and emotional. Not just music, but set of poems and confessions, lyrics heavy, and needs to be listened more times, to connect things.
    Grace is emotionally devastating OTT for me, well im not sure if its any good, to listen something and cry like baby all the way - tho - well done Flo srsly. Big God probably my favorite, kind of reminds me Fever Ray's older stuff.
    Wonderful piece of art, loving it.
  27. May 19, 2019
    Eu sou fã da imponência instrumental que as músicas de High as Hope tomam no decorrer dos minutos (em June, essa produção casa totalmente com o propósito da composição). É um dos melhores álbuns alternativos de 2018, sem sombra de dúvidas. É sensível, poderoso, intenso, complexo e, ao mesmo tempo, de uma fácil leitura tão grande que transborda aos olhos ainda nos primeiros acordes.Eu sou fã da imponência instrumental que as músicas de High as Hope tomam no decorrer dos minutos (em June, essa produção casa totalmente com o propósito da composição). É um dos melhores álbuns alternativos de 2018, sem sombra de dúvidas. É sensível, poderoso, intenso, complexo e, ao mesmo tempo, de uma fácil leitura tão grande que transborda aos olhos ainda nos primeiros acordes. MARAVILHOSO!! Expand
  28. Jul 6, 2018
    Excellent from the first song to the last. I loved every aspect from this album, the lyrics and instrumentals are on point. AOTY!
  29. Jun 29, 2018
  30. Jul 5, 2018
    O album foi escolhido com arranjos perfeitos, as musicas estão bem alinhadas, ela dá espaço para exaltar sua potencia vocal, mantém uma positividade onde ela nos quer levar apesar de suas letras melancolicas. Big God é uma musica de se pular os olhos.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 29
  2. Negative: 0 out of 29
  1. Aug 6, 2018
    While there may be no obvious "stadium" moments here to compare with "Ship to Wreck" from 2015's How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful or the massive "Shake It Out" from 2011's Ceremonials, aside, perhaps from recent single "Big God," this is a deep well of an album that demands repeated listens--the subtleties and intricacies revealing themselves satisfyingly and sometimes inspiringly as time goes on.
  2. Uncut
    Jul 19, 2018
    Sober and joyful. [Sep 2018, p.29]
  3. Jul 11, 2018
    By stripping everything back, it often ends up just being a distillation of their sound. The songs are familiar but frustratingly lack any colour or character.