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Generally favorable reviews- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
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  1. Jan 5, 2021
    Another perfect example of why you should never listen to reviews. Listen yourself and make up your own decision. Miso is subjective. This is an Amazing album and I encourage anyone to give it a couple listens it grows on you. Just because it isn’t heavier than old material doesn’t mean it isn’t good. Most people are just stuck in their ignorant “if its not heavy it’s not worth listeningAnother perfect example of why you should never listen to reviews. Listen yourself and make up your own decision. Miso is subjective. This is an Amazing album and I encourage anyone to give it a couple listens it grows on you. Just because it isn’t heavier than old material doesn’t mean it isn’t good. Most people are just stuck in their ignorant “if its not heavy it’s not worth listening to” mindset. You don’t need to be loud to create depth in music. And by the way, I love all their old music as well. This album sounds like it just popped out of the 70s. Entirely unique and underrated. Has many interesting riffs. Expand
  2. Jul 26, 2016
    There aren't many bands that I know of nowadays that are simply riff masters. The Sword are the exception. They don't overpower their instruments with screaming, and the subject matter of their songs is really cool. Their 2010 release, Warp Riders, will always be one of my favorite albums of all time, However, they miss the mark on HIgh Country. I don't care that they changed their style,There aren't many bands that I know of nowadays that are simply riff masters. The Sword are the exception. They don't overpower their instruments with screaming, and the subject matter of their songs is really cool. Their 2010 release, Warp Riders, will always be one of my favorite albums of all time, However, they miss the mark on HIgh Country. I don't care that they changed their style, so much as the fact that songs have suffered. I hate to say it, but this album is almost boring to listen to. Collapse
  3. Apr 6, 2016
    Being a long-time The Sword listener this album is definitely a change from their refined sound that has got them the acclaim and a growing fan base over the last several years.

    The Sword are well known for offering a reliable doom and stoner metal grooves and hooks... High Country however comes across as a southern rock easy-going experimentation record with no real flow or
    Being a long-time The Sword listener this album is definitely a change from their refined sound that has got them the acclaim and a growing fan base over the last several years.

    The Sword are well known for offering a reliable doom and stoner metal grooves and hooks...

    High Country however comes across as a southern rock easy-going experimentation record with no real flow or definable theme throughout. It doesn't play as a refined work and though the intention may have been to mix things up from their bread and butter - it is lacking any real crushing groove or adrenaline of which I'm sure the majority of The Sword fans put their records on for.

    It's good to experiment and change things up - however it plays like a post 70/80's southern rock record - brings in sounds such as organs, synths, brighter guitars, digital licks and several chill out moments - it's an album I fear will be little remembered as a stand out record by wider audiences and the majority of existing The Sword fans will will it's lacking.

    Softer, experimental, unrefined and a mish-mash of influences in comparison to what they are known for and they are not playing to their strengths, especially vocally. At times it sounds like a bunch of old southern rock bands rolled around on the floor too drunk and came up with some B-Sides, not all is lost however and genre lock aside - 'The Bees Of Spring' picks up to a welcomed track and 'The Dreamtheives' has somewhat a monotone-prog satisfaction to it - just don't expect too much.
  4. Dec 23, 2015
    Not a bad album but I think older listeners of the band might not find much comfort in their "hit or miss" track list. A step forward for the band breaking from their "Sabbath" mold. "Buzzard" and "Suffer no fools" where the closest to a older sword sound as you can probably get, even then its still watered down a little too much for me.
  5. Sep 7, 2015
    This was the first The Sword album I have listened to. Has nice flow and interesting tracks. Kind of reminds of the last Queens of the Stones Age album.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Aug 25, 2015
    The songs don’t have the immediate impact of the band’s heavier work, but it’s nice to see The Sword break from their mold.
  2. Kerrang!
    Aug 20, 2015
    They've taken a long sidestep from Sabbath's alter.... One that sets them up to be able to go literally anywhere from here. [22 Aug 2015, p.52]
  3. Aug 20, 2015
    While High Country doesn't always work, it's constantly working toward moving the band forward, which means that were probably only a few albums away from a hair metal makeover.