
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. High Places' debut lives up to the promise of their singles (and then some) and is hopefully the first of many impressive and inspiring records to come from the duo.
  2. High Places is an indie dance album about rhythm rather than dancing, that’s danceable without pandering.
  3. The subtlety of their music, and the underlying confidence that brings it forth, lies at the core of their appeal.
  4. The songs never sound cluttered despite the cavalcade of divergent sounds that make up the album, and Pearson’s vocals are adeptly deployed as just another instrument.
  5. Each track is a similar hodgepodge of found sounds and melodic junk, teetering precariously on the edge of becoming a discombobulated mess, but no moment on the album sounds out of control or wasted.
  6. It manages to captures our curiosity without giving away too much, gently nudging us to explore.
  7. 70
    Slivers of banjo, rattles, kalimba, and what sounds like a coffee percolator swirl across winsome exotica minitures. [Nov 2008, p.93]
  8. This album is a creation full of pieces that could not be as successful if left on their own. Pearson’s fey vocals have personality, but without Barber’s junk drawer landscapes they lose some power. And vice versa.

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