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Universal acclaim- based on 229 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 17 out of 229
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  1. Apr 5, 2023
    The newest album from singer Rina Sawayama is an adventurous and fun one. It does not have the same energy and excitement as 2020's "SAWAYAMA", but it is still a worthy album to check out. I don't really have a favorite song on here, but Rina's vocals are sounding great and the production is nice too.
  2. Dec 10, 2022
    Great vocal album that is overshadowed by the loud and overproduced production, like I could hear the production more than I could hear her powerfully strong vocals. Felt like she cared more about the charts than actually producing a well made album like SAWAYAMA was but more power to her!
  3. Oct 5, 2022
    Not a bad album but ballads aren't her main appeal. Some lyrics are extremely weird unintentionally. At least the pop songs are good and fun.
  4. Sep 17, 2022
    A mixture of different genres and sounds, I don't get the concept of the album. A lot of songs remind me of other songs/artists, for instance Imagining looks like a direct extension of Kill V. Maim by Grimes, or Send My Love To John to Xtatic Process by Madonna... just to name a couple of them. I think Rina Sawayama has potential but I still fail to see her charisma and originality, onlyA mixture of different genres and sounds, I don't get the concept of the album. A lot of songs remind me of other songs/artists, for instance Imagining looks like a direct extension of Kill V. Maim by Grimes, or Send My Love To John to Xtatic Process by Madonna... just to name a couple of them. I think Rina Sawayama has potential but I still fail to see her charisma and originality, only shown in the title track Hold The Girl, best song in this album by far. Expand
  5. Sep 16, 2022
    A safe bet but nonetheless satisfying. Rina doesn't seek to improve on her past magnum opus but instead to focus on grounding her sound. Less ambitious isn’t less fun.

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Sep 29, 2022
    With bops and tearjerkers aplenty, Rina’s sincerity in how she confronts her past demons cannot help but warm even the iciest heart.
  2. Sep 20, 2022
    It’s a respectable record with easily enough depth and conviction to hint at something thoroughly vital, but it folds so much of itself along lines too deeply creased into forms too clean-edged to bear the kind of authorial stamp its many raw qualities beg for.
  3. Sep 20, 2022
    Her experiments aren’t as bold or memorable as those of her debut, and the hooks throughout Hold the Girl aren’t as immediately catchy. Nonetheless, Sawayama’s undeniably fierce willingness to gaze further inward and confront thornier topics makes the album compelling in its own right.