• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: Jun 25, 2021
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 41 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 41
  2. Negative: 0 out of 41
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  1. Jul 29, 2022
    Lucy Dacus’s ‘Home Video’, is her best written and best sounding album yet. When I listen to this record I feel so many things, nostalgia, sadness, hope. My personal favorite tracks are Hot and Heavy, Thumbs, First Time. One of my favorite records of the year.
  2. Jul 13, 2021
    Lucy Dacus continues to deliver great music. This collection explores moments in her experiences in Christian youth culture in the 2000s. Wonderfully subtle songwriting.
  3. Jul 13, 2021
    Lucy is a genius. I loved this so much. Her lyrics are heartbreaking at one moment, and the other they make me crack a smile. Great piece of work.
  4. Jun 30, 2021
    “it’s what you do but it’s not you i blame”
    lucy dacus is a genius holy ****
  5. Aug 19, 2021
    Despite being somniferous and monotonous in its vocal delivery and instrumentals, Clairo clearly can write songs and has talent. While this won’t be an album I choose to enjoy from start to finish, I can see myself enjoying the songs separately or on a rainy or snowy day. My favorite component of this work is how this album showcases reminders for her and us. When I think of a reaper, IDespite being somniferous and monotonous in its vocal delivery and instrumentals, Clairo clearly can write songs and has talent. While this won’t be an album I choose to enjoy from start to finish, I can see myself enjoying the songs separately or on a rainy or snowy day. My favorite component of this work is how this album showcases reminders for her and us. When I think of a reaper, I think of the grim reaper and the scythe alongside its connection to death. Clairo pulls us in to remind us and herself of what looms. The three strongest songs on this album are BLOUSE, JUST FOR TODAY, and REAPER. BLOUSE has Clairo asking why she talks about how she is feeling with a particular person when that person is clearly not interested in that as they prefer to go sexual. JUST FOR TODAY is a heavy track covering anxiety, depression, metal health is a long-term struggle, and suicidal thoughts alongside the need to talk about these tough topics in order to move forward. REAPER announces how
    motherhood is likely in Clairo’s future alongside that contrast between her being somebody and producing somebody and sharing things with the future child. There’s also a fear of messing it all up, which is then pushed aside by keeping it a mental exercise. Bambi - 7
    Amoeba - 8 Partridge - 6
    Zinnias - 8 Blouse - 10
    Wade - 7
    Harbor - 8
    Just For Today - 10
    Joanie - N/A Reaper - 10
    Little Changes - 6
    Management - 7 87/110: 79/100 C
  6. Jun 25, 2021
    The third full-length LP from Lucy Dacus, "Home Video" is one filled with folk musings, nostalgic daydreams, and swaying melodies. Dacus writes very emotional and poignant lyrics that go well with her folk and soft rock palettes. "Christine" is a particular highlight for me, while "Partner in Crime" and its unnecessary autotune is perhaps the dullest moment in the record, if there was one.The third full-length LP from Lucy Dacus, "Home Video" is one filled with folk musings, nostalgic daydreams, and swaying melodies. Dacus writes very emotional and poignant lyrics that go well with her folk and soft rock palettes. "Christine" is a particular highlight for me, while "Partner in Crime" and its unnecessary autotune is perhaps the dullest moment in the record, if there was one. Otherwise, this is a great showing by Dacus and highlights why her writing is important and touching. Expand

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Jul 29, 2021
    With catchy melodies and always engaging writing, the record brings Dacus’ early era to a sort of summation, a realization of what’s been coming, yet without any sense of her artistic momentum slowing down.
  2. Jul 29, 2021
    This is a memory album that is touched with love but almost entirely free of cheap nostalgia. It comes from a long way away, using everything Dacus has learned since to capture her experiences clearly, with art but without too much ornamentation.
  3. Jul 19, 2021
    Home Video is a more noticeably more mellow affair. Musically, it can be a little thin. Her strength as a lyricist is unwavering, even on her sparest, most nondescript ballads (Thumbs). But, as perkier indie-rock tunes like First Time and Brando prove, her careful arpeggios can also shine when she lets a little looser.