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Mixed or average reviews- based on 274 Ratings

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  1. Positive: 99 out of 274
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  1. Aug 19, 2023
    This album is awful. The most generic, bland music Drake has ever made. The only reason this got a 2 instead of a 0 is because I like "Massive" and "Jimmy Cooks". Every other song is so bland.
    Best song on the album "Massive".
  2. Aug 5, 2023
    Love it. Probably my favorite Drake album to date. It's not the "Drake you know and love" but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I think it's a refreshing change to that 808 heavy, R&B straddling sound that pervades every radio now days. It's up tempo and upbeat, yet emotionally heavy. The only track I didn't dig was the finale with 21 Savage. It sounds as expected.
  3. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album ruim, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  4. May 28, 2023
    This was a slog to listen to. Super boring and there are just a few songs that are good on their own. This would have gotten a worse score, but songs like "Jimmy Cooks" and "Sticky" lift the score up.

    FAVORITES: Jimmy Cooks, Massive, Sticky
  5. Mar 5, 2023
    This album is not good. He sang off key, he didn’t try. This wasn’t good, you can’t convince me it was. The only listenable song was Jimmy Cooks, however it was out of place completely. This album is attempting to be a house album and fails, then throws a rap song in the end where 21 flourished. This was his worst album by far, the lyrics are corny, the beats could’ve been used onThis album is not good. He sang off key, he didn’t try. This wasn’t good, you can’t convince me it was. The only listenable song was Jimmy Cooks, however it was out of place completely. This album is attempting to be a house album and fails, then throws a rap song in the end where 21 flourished. This was his worst album by far, the lyrics are corny, the beats could’ve been used on something much better. The only saving grace about this album is the title. If I asked my friend to throw a song on and they played this album, I’d take the aux away and say “honestly, nevermind”. The drones in the media and the drake Stan’s will defend this album, I think that’s even more proof that this album sucks. Expand
  6. Jan 19, 2023
    Despite the fact that the songs on the album can be bland lyrically, I highlight the fact that he ventures into house and other rhythms, to which we are accustomed with Drake... but the taste of a superficial album remains, which could have been better lyrically
  7. Jan 11, 2023
    this is just the drakiest drake album. You know what to expect. No song here has somewhat of a meaning they are just stuck together just to make this awful album. The only hope here is the song sticky which sounds like a leftover from CLB and its mid like his discography. I still dont like Jimmy cooks that much and it also feels like Knife talk Pt.2 but I dont mind playing this song tho.this is just the drakiest drake album. You know what to expect. No song here has somewhat of a meaning they are just stuck together just to make this awful album. The only hope here is the song sticky which sounds like a leftover from CLB and its mid like his discography. I still dont like Jimmy cooks that much and it also feels like Knife talk Pt.2 but I dont mind playing this song tho.
    overall rating; Big fat 0 for this trashy record Mr. Aubrey
  8. Jan 3, 2023
    This album is so **** mediocre. Generic house beats made with garage band on loop for the remainder of the song. 18 producers and all of them managed to produce this lazy piece of wank. Massive was the only house track that had somewhat of a switch to keep it interesting. The intro didn't even flow into the first song, and Drake decided to put a rap song in a house album which was wank asThis album is so **** mediocre. Generic house beats made with garage band on loop for the remainder of the song. 18 producers and all of them managed to produce this lazy piece of wank. Massive was the only house track that had somewhat of a switch to keep it interesting. The intro didn't even flow into the first song, and Drake decided to put a rap song in a house album which was wank as well. Repetitive, meaningless chewing gum stain that has been sitting on the pavement for decades. If I ever see or hear anyone call this album a masterpiece or say that Drake is one of the top rappers of all time, they need to be sent off to a special ed school. Even generic pop songs that come on the radio aren't as boring as this album is. Expand
  9. Dec 10, 2022
    Absolutly garbage production and vocals by drake on this project. Goofy beats and boring album very repetitive
  10. Nov 27, 2022
    woah what the **** Okay i get that he wants to do something new. By new, i did not expect to hear goofy cartoon music
  11. Oct 26, 2022
    Se siente como si no se hubiera puesto mucho esfuerzo en este proyecto, sin embargo, es disfrutable y agradable de ecuchar.
  12. Oct 8, 2022
    This album just feels like another Certified Lover Boy, except in Dance form. Jimmy Cooks is definitely my favorite song, and basically the only song I play from this album. Every other song is ok
  13. Oct 2, 2022
    this album is just another hit to drakes legacy and career it is a messy cheap sounding dusty album the album sounds so outdated and the sampling either drags the tracks down or actually is the only good part of the song the album has 2 good tracks and 1 which has replayability which is jimmy cooks and mostly for 21 Savage
  14. Aug 9, 2022
    On the album "Honestly, Nevermind", I respect Drake's continued willingness to experiment and try new genres and sounds. Many consider versatility and experimentation to be important in the progression of an artist, and you can see it on display in this project. As people have pointed out, this album is not a groundbreaking addition to the House genre, but people should not be looking atOn the album "Honestly, Nevermind", I respect Drake's continued willingness to experiment and try new genres and sounds. Many consider versatility and experimentation to be important in the progression of an artist, and you can see it on display in this project. As people have pointed out, this album is not a groundbreaking addition to the House genre, but people should not be looking at it through that lens. Drake is not a House artist, he is mainly a Hip-hop artist, and that is his bread and butter. People should appreciate Drake's willingness to step out of his comfort zone, and the fact that he's using his platform to advance this kind of music. I rate this album a 7/10 since I like the experimentation, although it may not be the best. Expand
  15. Aug 6, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. What in the elevator music, tryna recreate passionfruit, typa album is this. Expand
  16. Aug 5, 2022
    Drake’s newest album combines rich, modern instrumentals with some of the greatest vocal performances of his career.
  17. Aug 2, 2022
    Okay, I'm a little dizzy. Drake is hard to describe at this point; some say it is redundant. Others go further and manage to praise his creativity. I think there are several moments that are repeated, but the situation has changed when listening to the rapper making house music. Do you know how common it is to see this these days? Now, don't say that you only think of Kaytranada when youOkay, I'm a little dizzy. Drake is hard to describe at this point; some say it is redundant. Others go further and manage to praise his creativity. I think there are several moments that are repeated, but the situation has changed when listening to the rapper making house music. Do you know how common it is to see this these days? Now, don't say that you only think of Kaytranada when you listen to this record, because there are more than on black artist doing this genre. In short, this album is curiously unique, and I mean that in a good way.

    fav tracks: "A Keeper", "Flight's Booked", "Calling My Name", "Sticky" & "Falling Back"
    KEY-TRACK: "Massive"
  18. Jul 22, 2022
    This is just a terrible album start to finish. I don’t revisit a single track from this song. Not even Jimmy Cooks because it’s just a lazily done version of Knife Talk. **** this album.
  19. Jul 22, 2022
    What a bad album. Rushed and uninspired. Sounds cheap. Beyoncé about to show him how REAL house music is made.
  20. Jul 16, 2022
    The only good thing about this album is the final track Jimmy Cooks and that’s because its in a completely different style to the rest of the album!
  21. Jul 15, 2022
    Drake returns with a surprise record in terms of release, But pretty unsurprising in terms of substance. Filled with lifeless and drab rythymic loops, and Dance Pop rythyms, that often repeat themselves to eternity, The production, despite being a switchup (I guess you could call that) is just incredibly unremarkable and boring. Lacking any kind of flavour or taste in the execution of theDrake returns with a surprise record in terms of release, But pretty unsurprising in terms of substance. Filled with lifeless and drab rythymic loops, and Dance Pop rythyms, that often repeat themselves to eternity, The production, despite being a switchup (I guess you could call that) is just incredibly unremarkable and boring. Lacking any kind of flavour or taste in the execution of the already generic ideas, The production only makes the fascinatingly lazy songwriting and performances stand out even more. When I saw that this was a new ground for him, I was happy thinking that he atleast gets that he needs a sonic switchup to make something substantial. Little did I know that he will use this as an excuse to be more lazy in his works. Expand
  22. Jul 11, 2022
    I am a massive Drake fan so when i heard he was dropping a new album i really hoped it was better than his previous Album "Certified Lover Boy" which came out last year and imo it was a lot better than CLB but Overall i did not really enjoy the more dance, R&B style Drake was trying to go for on here and if im being honest there were only 4 songs i really enjoyed and keep replaying a lotI am a massive Drake fan so when i heard he was dropping a new album i really hoped it was better than his previous Album "Certified Lover Boy" which came out last year and imo it was a lot better than CLB but Overall i did not really enjoy the more dance, R&B style Drake was trying to go for on here and if im being honest there were only 4 songs i really enjoyed and keep replaying a lot those 4 are: Jimmy Cooks which featured the feature killer himself, the man who has never spit a Featured verse i never hated in the past 2 Years, that man being 21 Savage who btw im hoping does drop his 3rd Solo Album this year cause i really loved his last Album but Anyway Jimmy Cooks was a amazing closer to the album i really wished we got more trackd like that and Sticky which was another one of the best tracks on the album it was also released as a single later on and i appreciate that. Down Hill was another track that i really loved on here and serious if Drake had dropped a 3 Track EP with "Down Hill", "Jimmy Cooks" and "Sticky" it was most likely would have sold a lot better than this Album i guaranteed that. So Anyway Overall this Album was a Massive L in Drake's Discography and also the 3rd Straight Album in a row that Drake has dropped and it has been absolutel **** so yeah Overall Strong 3 out of 10. I hated a majority of the tracks except for "Down Hill", "Calling My Name", "Jimmy Cooks"(featuring. 21 Savage) and "Sticky". Expand
  23. Jul 5, 2022
    So happy Drake finally switched up his formula from the repetitive template of Views. Love when an artist explores new sounds. Execution could have been better, but there are some solid tracks and this is no where near as bad as internet memes would lead you to believe imo.

    I believe a lot of the pushback is a result of a perceived macho masculine artist making music typically
    So happy Drake finally switched up his formula from the repetitive template of Views. Love when an artist explores new sounds. Execution could have been better, but there are some solid tracks and this is no where near as bad as internet memes would lead you to believe imo.

    I believe a lot of the pushback is a result of a perceived macho masculine artist making music typically associated with the queer community (house) and singing his heart out (though vocals could be better).
  24. Jul 5, 2022
    As much as I appreciate Drake taking a risk and switching up his style, this just isn't what I wanted to hear. Drake's singing on some of these tracks (especially "Falling Back") is absolutely abominable. The majority of the beats sound bland, and I feel like Drake really offers less substantive lyrics than ever before. That being said, some of the songs actually provide a pretty niceAs much as I appreciate Drake taking a risk and switching up his style, this just isn't what I wanted to hear. Drake's singing on some of these tracks (especially "Falling Back") is absolutely abominable. The majority of the beats sound bland, and I feel like Drake really offers less substantive lyrics than ever before. That being said, some of the songs actually provide a pretty nice moody vibe and are just fun to listen to when you're spending time with your thoughts at night. Drake, however, vocally and lyrically offers little to nothing to these songs so that their appeal mostly come down to the beats or the instrumentals. Overall just another project that Drake seemingly didn't put in much effort for. His cruise on autopilot continues, even if he slightly altered his course by turning to more of a house music kind of style. Expand
  25. Jul 4, 2022
    Flight's booked sounds outstanding for the first round, very simialr to last couples of albums
  26. Jul 4, 2022
    I'll have to hear the album again before I have a clear feeling of if i like this or not. Most songs I heard featured Drake's singing, so that might have pushed this to a 6 instead of a standard 7. However, i like how most songs aren't explicit in any shape or form, which is certainly a departure for this Canadian rapper. I love the beats; this is my kind of music i like from male singers.
  27. Jul 2, 2022
    Not as bad as people make it out to be. People who claim this is bad house never listened to house. A criticism that is often thrown around is that it's repetitive; you could as well just write "I don't understand house" on your forehead. It's not just house of course, as it's mixed a lot with dancehall, something Drake has been attempting a lot lately, but never this succesfully. Drake isNot as bad as people make it out to be. People who claim this is bad house never listened to house. A criticism that is often thrown around is that it's repetitive; you could as well just write "I don't understand house" on your forehead. It's not just house of course, as it's mixed a lot with dancehall, something Drake has been attempting a lot lately, but never this succesfully. Drake is one of the few artists whose upbeat rap tracks are as enjoyable as his R&B ballads, and I was honestly waiting for a ballad-only album from him, and this comes close. He jazzily twirls around the mellow dance tracks talking about his unconventional practices in relationships: tongue-in-cheekly alluding to polygamy on the video clip of the opening track; breaking hearts with even more cruelty than his rap colleagues, because he does seem to care about these women. The second half of the album (after Massive) shows a sharp decline in quality, but it picks itself up from time to time - mostly on Liability, which sounds like a slowed reverb Drake track, almost psychedelic, and showing he still got it with the on-the-verge-of-cringe lines: "You put your words together like you getting points for that **** like you playing scrabble on me", immediately followed by the shattering: "Your mama's the sweetest lady, the apple fell far from the tree". All in all, the people who claim this is trash are farther from the truth than the people who praise this to the heavens, but once again the internet is divided about something that is "just okay" (which cannot exist on the internet of course). Expand
  28. Jun 29, 2022
    Drake made this album with Garageband. This all sound unpolished with poor lyrics.
  29. Jun 28, 2022
    I'm almost in disbelief at how bad this album is. His attempt on making House music might actually be the worst in history... and it also seems like some of the songs just weren't mastered properly. Overdrive is the only decent song on this, and Jimmy Crooks is ok i guess.
  30. Jun 27, 2022
    As both a EDM and hip hop fan, this **** is the WORST ALBUM OF THE YEAR. Only decent / good song was Jimmy Cooks, which 21 carried. WTF are these lyrics??? YOUR **** CALLING MY NAME???? WTF. When **** see Aubrey Graham they **** turn into the **** SAHARA NOT THE OCEAN. WTFFFFFF.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. 60
    Love-burnt and ambitious, Drake has produced something better than its predecessors, but without the fallback of crowd-pleasers, it is hard to see it standing the test of time.
  2. 67
    Instead of taking a much-needed left turn and cranking it up to 11, he's settled for something safe — something too smooth, too worldly.
  3. Jun 22, 2022
    Drake breaks no new ground here, and retreads the same tales of love and regret so many times that the songs bleed together. If you just want background music for making love, this is your album. If you want to have your imagination captured by fantastic tales or be taken on an emotional roller coaster, don’t bother. There are no highs or lows here. We’re on medium the whole time.