
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. The first album from the group that feels downright tedious to me in places, as well as the first one that feels like they're spinning their wheels a bit.
  2. This is easily the most stripped-down album of their catalogue since their first one, and, not coincidentally, the best.
  3. Horses in the Sky has some melodic, attractive moments, though these are drowned by yelps and off-key vocals that grate and stain the whole work.
  4. Horses... is Silver Mount Zion’s most musically satisfying disc to date because, while the well-worn formulae are present, sonic variance and compositional modification has brought a welcome diversity to an increasingly wearisome aesthetic.
  5. As grounds for our own wandering imaginations and protesting voices, Horses' six songs are not as fertile as what's come before them.
  6. Whereas previous efforts spawned a shrouded sadness that sought engagement by keeping a distance, this work squares its shoulders at once, fervent in its desire to have its audience lend an ear for at least a moment.
  7. Mojo
    Their most primitive, intimate and vocally oriented [album] yet. [May 2005, p.108]
  8. This album is weighted heavily with [Efrim] Menuck's quavering, strident vocals; a fact some listeners might reasonably regard as an obstacle. Thankfully, however, his bandmates frequently come to his aid both instrumentally and vocally.
  9. This record is, the odd awful phrase here or there aside, rather marvellous.
  10. Silver Mt Zion make music of extremes; very simple, inordinately miserable, utterly emotionally invasive, performed with such total, galvanising conviction that it's terrifying at times.
  11. If you can't get enough Xiu Xiu, this album is definitely for you.
  12. If this is your first experience of the band, you might still find it fresh, but personally I’m beginning to feel radicalism fatigue.
  13. The Wire
    Touching and beautiful. [#256, p.63]
  14. Essentially, Horses in the Sky adopts a host of varying song mechanics and a wider array of lyrical themes, a broadened pallet that either suggest a band in transition, or a newfound confidence in songwriting.
  15. Uncut
    Haunting lamentations that owe as much to the Jewish Klezmer and US folk traditions as to Slint. [May 2005, p.110]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. LolaL.
    Sep 22, 2007
    Amazingly sad, i.e. amazing.
  2. WayneB
    Apr 23, 2005
    Arguably the finest release thus far in 2005.
  3. AlM
    Apr 19, 2005
    A silver mt zion manifest the soundtrack to our daily lives....and in this world of pain and suffering and unknown security, their latest A silver mt zion manifest the soundtrack to our daily lives....and in this world of pain and suffering and unknown security, their latest album punctuate our routine as we struggle thorugh the daily grind that is the rat race. Pure sonic love, but not for the faint hearted or those contemplating ending their lives...DONT DO IT! Full Review »