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Universal acclaim- based on 43 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 38 out of 43
  2. Negative: 3 out of 43
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  1. Jul 30, 2014
    sexful nostalgiaa everywheerree. melaik. sexvoice sexsaxophone sexinstruments sexprettymucheverything. even sexyful title with sexiyful videoo with nsfw.
  2. Jul 30, 2014
    For as simple and as derivative as this album may seem, there's so much going on here, so much to digest, it's worth so many listens. It's easily their creepiest, most cohesive and complex work yet.
  3. Jul 30, 2014
    It may not make an incredible political or social statement, and it may not be a life changing listen, but god damn if it isn't the most wonderfully nostalgic thing I've heard in the past decade.
  4. Sep 24, 2015
    Taylor Kirk shows one more time his unique talent to make a sinister, melancholic sound sexful. It's Timber Timbres best record so far, and sounds more than ever like a sountrack for a David Lynch film.
  5. Apr 10, 2014
    There is a wide range of moods in display here, and not a lot of bands can manage that these days. The music itself is excellent, with the exception of one or two tracks (at most). The vocals are just as good, thanks to Taylor Kirk's deeply mesmerizing voice.
  6. Apr 2, 2014
    There's a sonic variation here that separates this project from their previous ones, which, for all their merits, seemed a bit over-saturated with a particular formula, style and texture. This is the Timber Timbre I've been waiting for - rich arrangements, interesting variation, and consistent quality from front to back. I love this album.

    Also: wow, the Guardian, Exclaim, Line of Best
    There's a sonic variation here that separates this project from their previous ones, which, for all their merits, seemed a bit over-saturated with a particular formula, style and texture. This is the Timber Timbre I've been waiting for - rich arrangements, interesting variation, and consistent quality from front to back. I love this album.

    Also: wow, the Guardian, Exclaim, Line of Best Fit and NOW kind of nailed it.
  7. Apr 23, 2014
    Easily Timber Timbre's best work to date. The only problem i have with this album is i want more of it after i listen to it. Easily the best tracks and instrumentation this group has ever done.
  8. Aug 3, 2014
    Entertaining and downright creepy at times, Hot Dreams is a hell of a record. The lead vocalist really presents a persona with his performance - a persona you might not want to meet on a dark night. The instrumentation and the lyrics work well together to create a foreboding atmosphere. The songwriting is impressive and holds my attention throughout. My only criticism is I feel this recordEntertaining and downright creepy at times, Hot Dreams is a hell of a record. The lead vocalist really presents a persona with his performance - a persona you might not want to meet on a dark night. The instrumentation and the lyrics work well together to create a foreboding atmosphere. The songwriting is impressive and holds my attention throughout. My only criticism is I feel this record did not take enough risks. The first track, Beat the Drum Slowly, transcends into a very odd, very spooky, instrumental that I feel is the highlight of the entire album. More of that, please. However, overall I find this album to be of a delightful quality.


    Track Picks: Beat the Drum Slowly, Hot Dreams, Run from Me

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Jun 13, 2014
    More than any previous Timber Timbre record, Hot Dreams simmers sonically with the chaos lurking just below these surfaces. Rarely does such calm feel so utterly foreboding.
  2. May 9, 2014
    Hollywood may be fleeting, but Hot Dreams is a filmic record that moves from strength to strength to strength in the most entertaining of ways. This is undoubtedly a true gem.
  3. Mojo
    Apr 23, 2014
    This is a more expansive, rococo production than Callahan's Dream River. [May 2014, p.91]