• Record Label: X2
  • Release Date: Jan 24, 2020

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
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  1. Mojo
    Jan 23, 2020
    Not Pet Shop Boys in highest definition, Hotspot still provides a vivid panorama of their world. [Mar 2020, p.86]
  2. Feb 18, 2020
    Their latest, the duo remain steadfast to that commitment with creamy, dancefloor-ready techno (Happy People, Will-o-the-wisp)—joyously documenting the anticipation before a night out.
  3. Rolling Stone
    Feb 3, 2020
    There are moments of pop bliss on the Petties' latest to rival their Eighties hits. [Feb 2020, p.85]
  4. Jan 27, 2020
    Despite all the biting character sketches and evergreen dancefloor nous in evidence (both at once on Will O’ the Wisp), Hotspot has its cooler passages.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 34 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 34
  2. Negative: 2 out of 34
  1. Feb 7, 2020
    Well, sounds like them, but as a record, nothing new.
    I would say that a bad one, really, they could do better.
    After 30 years I would
    Well, sounds like them, but as a record, nothing new.
    I would say that a bad one, really, they could do better.

    After 30 years I would expect more of a "lets do it, but better", this sounded like "I have to make something to make money".

    All in all, sounds like from 90´s, but the songs are mainly re-do´s from old ones...

    Just a bit of 90´s, nothing more.
    Full Review »
  2. Apr 10, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. Its an amazing album, super for me was an good album but the expectative that got for super was huge, and "super" it was a disappointing album, but this, hostpot, 10 songs, all the songs are amazing, some songs are... repetitive and for fill the album, to get the 10 songs to finish the album, will o'the wisp are an increidible start for the album, the next, youre the one its a experimental song, its interesting the mixing of styles in the drums loops, the voice is really amazing, well, in every song its the same thing, happy people was an intent to go back to the old style of pet shop boys, but fails for a little, and its a bit dessesperating song for me, good but fails a bit to get a new direction to the old style, Dreamland its a motherf*cking masterpiece, the piano and the strings in the beginning its so amazing, the voice of olly and the pet shop boys chorus with the amazing vocalist chris are so beautifull to listen closely to them, a bit the best part of the songs are the voices parts, give to the song an air of emotion and you shudder at all your skin when you hear it next to the rest of the song, from the best pet shop boys songs in the last 30 years, hopping for a miracle is an another attempt for replicate the old style of pet shop boys, but in this one, they made it, its a **** and awsome song, the vocoder (well that voice it may be an talk box) but that song has an air to daft punk in some ways. i dont wanna its a great song but a bit innecesary for the album, monkey bussiness is an amazing song, the felling of the song transport to you to the year of 1980, dancing in the raves of that time, only the dark its a bit repetitive and innecesary but that dont quit that this song is really enjoyable, but reppetitive, burning the heater is innecesary and a bit reppetitive but like the last one, this is very enjoyable, like to put this song while you are in a travel in a car, wedding in berlin its a great close to the album, the sample of the typical song of wedding are so amazing, this is a better version of the weddings songs, its an strange but cool song.

    The final puntuation: Will o'the Wisp (8.7), You're The One (7), Happy People (5), Dreamland (9.6), Hopping For a Miracle (9.3), I Don't Wanna (6.6), Monkey Bussiness (8.5), Only The Dark (8.2) Burning The Heater (7.2), Wedding In Berlin (7.7). = 7.78 = (8.0)

    An Open Mind its an side b song for dreamland and curiously is better than some songs of the album lol.
    Full Review »
  3. May 12, 2020
    I was disappointed by Hotspot by contrast to the previous two albums produced by Stuart Price, which marked a wonderful renaissance for PetI was disappointed by Hotspot by contrast to the previous two albums produced by Stuart Price, which marked a wonderful renaissance for Pet Shop Boys with 2013’s ‘Electric’ and then 2016’s ‘Super.’ Many people whinge about Super but it’s a pop dance album, through and through. It’s more consistent than Electric, although it doesn’t reach the dizzy heights of Electric. However ‘Hotspot’ just feels thrown together. ‘ Will-o- the Wisp’ gets things off to a good start and “Hoping for. Miracle” is probably the best ballad in ten years but “Wedding in Berlin” is just insulting. Full Review »