• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: Oct 23, 2007
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25

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  1. carolg
    Feb 1, 2008
    the worst thing an artist can do is listen to the critics opinions. for if they had the talent they wouldn't be making a living off judging others. i praise Dave for a job well done, you have the voice and talent, and a handsome performer! Keep up the good work, I also hope Depeche Mode will get together for another tour sometime.
  2. [Anonymous]
    Nov 2, 2007
    Amazing album!
  3. ReikoK.
    Nov 5, 2007
    Amazing album! You should have one!!
  4. LenaC.
    Oct 29, 2007
    Amazing mature work, incredibly sincere, colorful, full of emotions great Dave
  5. ChantalM.
    Jan 21, 2008
    Great album Dave!! You have always had a great voice. I am from South Africa and will always listen to you and Depeche Mode!
  6. May 14, 2021
    A wise album flowing with peppy senior wisdom that sounds very much like the year it was created in, and rather self-contained for that year, as listening to it in the late future can give any memory from the relative era. Since it proceeds Playing the Angel, there is obvious inspiration from the writing and production from that album, as well as Ultra what with Eigner being hired to playA wise album flowing with peppy senior wisdom that sounds very much like the year it was created in, and rather self-contained for that year, as listening to it in the late future can give any memory from the relative era. Since it proceeds Playing the Angel, there is obvious inspiration from the writing and production from that album, as well as Ultra what with Eigner being hired to play drums for the second time on a studio album.

    The instrumentation is persistent and unique to the album, and by possessing fully electronic elements, it contains some analog-dominant songs like Deeper and Deeper and Endless. There are acoustic elements too, that then get manipulated to become more electronic. Being produced between Playing the Angel and Sounds of the Universe, the album catches the raw electronic-orchestral elements from both, using sharp tones that sound similar to that of Depeche Mode's main discography once the late 1990s rolled around for them.

    As for Dave's gravelly, raspy voice, the messages given are raw and relentless. The messages are the inspiration for the central manner of producing the whole album, of course, and are all the reason why the album exists in the first place. Dave wrote the lyrics, and the other two produced them with the assistance of John Frusciante for Saw Something and a whole assortment of other people.
  7. VANA1976
    Oct 30, 2007
    Very, very good. Not in commercial common sense. Just listen in & enjoy !
  8. MarcoT.
    Oct 28, 2007
    Very good album from a great artist.
  9. JulianG
    May 31, 2009
    Very interesting. I haven't expected that much from Dave (I mean, I absolutely love his 'Depeche Mode voice'... but...). There are many good texts and I claim that other people insinuating that it is too much a Depeche-like album to be good are pretty wrong: cannot they see (hear) the difference? Anyway, critics in general are so skilled to denigrate artists and their work, Very interesting. I haven't expected that much from Dave (I mean, I absolutely love his 'Depeche Mode voice'... but...). There are many good texts and I claim that other people insinuating that it is too much a Depeche-like album to be good are pretty wrong: cannot they see (hear) the difference? Anyway, critics in general are so skilled to denigrate artists and their work, that it doesn't seem astonishing... Even if there are some similarities - and 'its absolutely not a problem, considering his amazing Depeche performances - why doesn't he have the right to bring a little of their atmosphere in his own songs? No, I think we have here a good stuff. Expand
  10. SühanG.
    Nov 3, 2007
    Can't understand really why most the mags have given so low ratings, but in terms of musical well being, it is well above the many high-credited Indie Rock albums released this year. It is similarly mainstream as Depeche Mode and similarly out of mainstream as NIN. Has some small touches of experiments on Dave's side. It is definitely worth giving credit after all.
  11. ChamperD
    Mar 30, 2009
    Noy perfect, but I just love it.
  12. jiltd
    Jan 29, 2008
    Best of two so far. Some pieces (Saw Something, Use You, Endless) are on par with Martin's best songs. I must admit i was skeptical about Dave could pull out something big like Hourglasses, especially after rather weak Paper Monsters.
  13. Dec 26, 2010
    This album is better enjoyed in an entire sitting, rather than picking out individual tracks. It certainly slopes downward in tempo after Deeper And Deeper, which is painfully beautiful but could be somewhat misleading to the listener. A very dark album, which gives us an insight to a breakaway solo artist's emotions. Standout Tracks: Saw Something, Kingdom, Deeper And Deeper, Endless.
    Feb 19, 2008
    Gahan's second solo release has peaks & valleys, plenty of different sounds. The remix CD of the first single "Kingdom" gives the song some definite added punch. There is also a vinyl-only 12" single of Kingdom that has a fantatic remix by Ralphi Rosario and Jody Denbroeder. Hard to find, but definitely worth seeking out! Hourglass is unique full length, and if your a longtime Gahan's second solo release has peaks & valleys, plenty of different sounds. The remix CD of the first single "Kingdom" gives the song some definite added punch. There is also a vinyl-only 12" single of Kingdom that has a fantatic remix by Ralphi Rosario and Jody Denbroeder. Hard to find, but definitely worth seeking out! Hourglass is unique full length, and if your a longtime Depeche Mode fan you will appreciate it. Expand
  15. jyotirmayadas
    Nov 29, 2007
    I love it! Dave is quite an artist. I like his solo work much more than I do Depeche Mode.
  16. MercyK.
    Nov 2, 2007
    Strong Beginning, weak in the middle and tries to come back towards the end. It kind of reminds me a little of Exciter which is my least fav DM album. Still my rating is probably more bias than I am admitting.
  17. MarioO.
    Nov 1, 2007
    I expected much more from his second album.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. A more electronic, better built, and altogether better deal than "Monsters," thanks mostly to the singer and-don't-you-forget-to-mention songwriter's better sense of self.
  2. Dave Gahan wisely returns to the highly synthesized electronica of his main band Depeche Mode.
  3. These songs show him in a newly redemptive prime, and will satisfy both short and long term devotees.