• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: May 15, 2020
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Universal acclaim- based on 424 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 29 out of 424
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  1. Aug 4, 2020
    ( 62/100 )

    Lo siento chicos, pero en lo que a mi concierne, Charli XCX se está estipulando como la peor artista Pop y Experimental de la decada. Con un fracaso increíble el año pasado con su álbum "Charli" que tocó uno de los fondos más profundos de mi desaprobación, ella regresa sin mayores aspiraciones, ideas o intenciones. Claro, su esencia autentica y su juego de texturas y sonidos
    ( 62/100 )

    Lo siento chicos, pero en lo que a mi concierne, Charli XCX se está estipulando como la peor artista Pop y Experimental de la decada. Con un fracaso increíble el año pasado con su álbum "Charli" que tocó uno de los fondos más profundos de mi desaprobación, ella regresa sin mayores aspiraciones, ideas o intenciones. Claro, su esencia autentica y su juego de texturas y sonidos Trance e Industrial coexisten con cierta sensibilidad y forma, pero a pesar de todo, nada tiene un discurso, la forma no tiene estructura, el poder de su música está obligada a existir y la sensibilidad es totalmente cliché. Aunque A. G. Cook eleva minimamente el proyecto, no alcanza para realmente darle sentido, dirección o relevancia a esta artista. La popularidad de Charli XCX de repente es obvia, pues representa el vacío en la masas y la poca ambición de generar un acuerdo propio y extender el ser fuera de lo superficial.
    I'm sorry guys, but as far as I'm concern, Charli XCX is stipulating herself as the worst Pop and Experimental artist of the decade. With an incredible failure last year with her album "Charli" that touched one of the most profound bottoms of my disapproval, she comes back with no bigger aspirations, ideas nor intentions. Of course, her authentic essence and her dynamic with textures and Trance and Industrial sounds coexist with certain sensibility and form, but despite everything, nothing has a speech, the form has no structure, the power of her music is obligated to exist and the sensibility is totally cliche. Even if A. G. Cook minimally rise the project, it's not enough to give a sense, direction, or relevance to this artist. The popularity of Charly XCX is suddenly obvious since she represents the emptiness in the masses and the lack of ambition to have a self agreement and extend the being out of the superficial.
  2. May 21, 2020
    this album is good. But not so much. The way ,she sings, is always linear and tedious. Mixing sounds is not experimentation. there is something old in all this. The previous album was much better.
  3. Oct 11, 2021
    Electronic pop nonsense. Decent but nothing special, although sonically the production is better than many, many pop albums.
  4. May 15, 2020
    While having a few enjoyable songs she keeps creating annoying productions with a bunch of mixed non-sense sounds. She has recorded this album in such a short time and you can definitely tell.
  5. Jun 6, 2020
    I feel like this album is an attempt of edgy production. There are some good songs, but the others are just so difficult to listen to in my opinion. Went through this album with the hope of getting a really unique type of music but it disappointed me.
  6. Nov 26, 2020
    I wasn't sure what to expect from Charli, but this was definitely unique. I found myself having "claws" and "enemy" on repeat, unfortunately the only songs. The album was way too much, over production. Very messy, I wish it were better.
  7. Iia
    May 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I was really disappointed with the record, especially with the first single being somewhat promising. This record does NOT hold up well against Charli or Pop 2, with those two projects, they had a direction, they had a goal and they reached it. However with this album, there was a direction with some songs but then diverges right off with tracks like “Claws”, I don’t understand how that track made the final cut. -
    I’m going to guess these 11 tracks just came right off the top of her mind and didn’t try to come up with more better songs. Tracks like “Pink Diamond”, “Pink Diamond”, and “Claws” make me question the real intention of the album, was she trying to write about love or quarantine? Because she didn’t do so well mixing the two concepts together, maybe in “Forever”? -
    One thing I do like lyrically is that she doesn’t focus so heavily on love, she does venture off to other aspects of quarantine like friendships and self reflection, but didn’t do well at expressing them melodically, plus I didn’t enjoy the love songs that were present as they had little to nothing to do with quarantine, a song like that include “party 4 u”, I heard that track was made years in advance, and was just polished for this album, however it still feels contradictory to the concept of the album.
  8. Apr 27, 2021
    I never really like Charli's music but i did enjoy her last album for the most part. I thought i would like this one too since the I like the single Claws. Sadly this isnt the case and it is one of my least favorite albums of 2020.
    Best songs: Claws, Detonate, enemy, i finally understand
    Worst Songs: Party 4 U, Pink Diamond, c2.0

Universal acclaim - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Oct 19, 2023
    While how i’m feeling now is by no means Charli’s most genre-pushing work, nor an indication of the creative potential she has left, it will be remembered as a quintessential 2020 album—not just because of its unique recording constraints, but because of the passion, authenticity and work ethic interwoven in every fuzzy beat and every sprightly, lovelorn lilt of Charli’s most intimate vocal work to date.
  2. Oct 19, 2023
    If these songs are more off the cuff than before, nothing here sounds unprofessional. Some lyrics have not exactly been sweated-over – “I love you forever, even when we’re not together,” goes Forever – but they chime with people feeling acutely separated from loved ones.
  3. May 29, 2020
    While not life-altering, how i’m feeling now is fun, fast and thoroughly listenable. It’s absorbing as a document from a strange period, and its diaristic, vloggy aspects provide an intriguing peek into artistry under pressure.