• Record Label: Epitaph
  • Release Date: May 8, 2007

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Human the Death Dance may be his most personal effort, but it's also an incredibly well-built full-length -- even when it borrows from a handful of genres -- and it's arguably his best lyrical effort, undoubtedly his best production-wise.
  2. Alternative Press
    He rhymes like a champ. [Jun 2007, p.160]
  3. Billboard
    Much of "Human the Death Dance" goes for something deeper—the sound of an artist afraid of what he almost became. [12 May 2007]
  4. He's still one of the most enjoyable lyricists in hip-hop, and he successfully communicates what he's feeling in a dark and enlightening fashion.
  5. By now, Sage Francis is emo; however populist you cut it, he’s treading familiar paths, rhyming in familiar cadence, arguing with the asshole authority of an artist much too comfortable with his niche.
  6. Human The Death Dance is a little too boastful, a little too obvious; the subtleties that made Francis’ previous offering so enjoyable and provided it with plenty of longevity have dissipated somewhat.
  7. Filter
    You can call it emo or you can call it hip-hop, but you have to call it some kind of wonderful. [#25, p.94]
  8. Where Francis suffers is in the music.
  9. The weird, nuanced Rhode Island-based MC burns his references, punchlines and cold truths through a batch of X-acto-sharp beats, focusing his strong opinions, sense of imagery and lyrical abstraction inward.
  10. The old Francis, the quirky, quipping storyteller, triumphantly returns on Human the Death Dance... to his unique blend of diaristic, down-to-earth meditations, eerie soundscapes, and loopy abstraction.
  11. Lyrically, it's astounding as ever.
  12. As a primer, a first Sage Francis purchase, it’s fine; in light of his previous achievements, less so.
  13. Francis is on a level where even next shit is two steps behind.
  14. Spin
    He falls into mawkishness far too often. [Jun 2007, p.93]
  15. Human the Death Dance may not be perfect and perhaps not even an improvement for fans, but regardless, it's full of wonderful moments that should satisfy fans and serve as a great introduction for newcomers.
  16. Urb
    Its tracks work together to form a cohesive, incredibly personal whole. [May 2007, p.91]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 12
  2. Negative: 2 out of 12
  1. KennyM.
    Aug 1, 2007
    horrid. the prduction is absolutely horrible, not to mention the messy delivery by sage as he stumbles over cheap metaphors and cloudy horrid. the prduction is absolutely horrible, not to mention the messy delivery by sage as he stumbles over cheap metaphors and cloudy imagery. I gave this album a three because there are only about that number that i can even stand to listen to. sage francis is a cheap imitator of other mc's like aesop rock and el-p who are LEGIONS above him. sage francis is a hack. Full Review »
  2. Bill
    Jul 31, 2007
    This is a pretty decent album by Sage, but he has lost all the fun in his music. Instead of being a hip-hop artist with an alternative bent, This is a pretty decent album by Sage, but he has lost all the fun in his music. Instead of being a hip-hop artist with an alternative bent, he approaches the music like an emo artist trying to rap. For better HIP HOP albums, check out his indie releases like the "Sick of..." series or "Hope" by Non-Prophets. Bring back some of the clever fun, Sage! Full Review »
  3. [Anonymous]
    May 14, 2007
    great album by Sage. No one does it better than him!