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Generally favorable reviews- based on 94 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 94
  2. Negative: 9 out of 94
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  1. Jan 15, 2018
    6/10 I've always been fond of Travis Scott's dark, mroe expiremental sound and Quavos jumpy flow andfeel-good lyrics, but this album feels too...

    For one, the production is definitely fair, but I've heard better from these respective artists, more so Travis Scott. The themes this album tackles feel more forced, which I kind of expected. While Travis talks about romance and
    6/10 I've always been fond of Travis Scott's dark, mroe expiremental sound and Quavos jumpy flow andfeel-good lyrics, but this album feels too...

    For one, the production is definitely fair, but I've heard better from these respective artists, more so Travis Scott. The themes this album tackles feel more forced, which I kind of expected. While Travis talks about romance and feelings in this very intoxicating tone and while Quavo mostly flaunts his money, these two ideas would probably mesh to make themes that clash too poorly or triy to find common grounds. Both artist use voice modifications commonly, so their vocals do mesh well, a positive this album has, but both artists practice on their own turf. While these two artists did their victory lap after a year of prosperity, them finding common ground to rap about probably resulted in this - very mediocre and poorly expressed. Overall, its an easy album to the ears, though it could even go a little easier, but this project could've used better producers, more creative ideas, or, well, not even done at all - did we really need a Quavo/Travis collab? Or Culture 2 and Astroworld already?!
  2. Jan 9, 2018
    Quavo and Travis play it very safe with Huncho Jack, Jack Huncho. Both artists fail to show the strongest of their abilities with a very one-dimensional project beginning to end.
  3. Feb 1, 2018
    As always, the hard hitting beats were the focal point of this album; however, I was disappointed with the lack of memorable hooks and musical diversity of this album. Travis and Quavo both demonstrate their mastery of autotune, but unfortunately the lack of lyricism made most of the songs on this projects repetitive and seemingly generic. Travis has always been an artist who thrives whenAs always, the hard hitting beats were the focal point of this album; however, I was disappointed with the lack of memorable hooks and musical diversity of this album. Travis and Quavo both demonstrate their mastery of autotune, but unfortunately the lack of lyricism made most of the songs on this projects repetitive and seemingly generic. Travis has always been an artist who thrives when he is utilizing a mixture of flows and a wide array of beats, but I just didn’t find that with this project. Travis seemed effortless on this project and even showed some digression from his previous albums. Quavo demonstrated his typical behavior, which made this album sound similar to the rest of his contributions. I was really looking forward to more rapping and memorable hooks, but all I got was a repetition of auto tuned phrases. Travis is one of my favorite artists, but I was regretfully disappointed by this project. Without the hype song beats, this album would’ve been a total flop for me. This is definitely part music, but not something I’ll be bumping for a very long time like I have with previous work by these two. Expand
  4. Mar 14, 2019
    After listening to Honcho Jack, Jack Honcho a couple of times, I was honestly disappointed after hearing this album. I like Travis Scott a lot, but I don't like Quavo to tell you the truth. The production is all over the place, the beats are kind of the same, and Travis Scott and Quavo's chemistry doesn't really fit into the album. There are a couple of tracks on the album that I do likeAfter listening to Honcho Jack, Jack Honcho a couple of times, I was honestly disappointed after hearing this album. I like Travis Scott a lot, but I don't like Quavo to tell you the truth. The production is all over the place, the beats are kind of the same, and Travis Scott and Quavo's chemistry doesn't really fit into the album. There are a couple of tracks on the album that I do like on the album. Huncho Jack, Jack Honcho, tries to be one of those trap albums that people are going to talk about for a long time, but in the end, it fails. Expand
  5. Jan 9, 2018
    Unfortunately this album is extremely bland and production barely changes on the entire album, if it weren't for the features i don't think i would ever come back to this album.
  6. Aug 4, 2018
    this album had like one or two good songs. Quavo and Travis Scott doesn't really work out that great

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Jan 16, 2018
    There is no palpable effort or discomfort on Huncho Jack, Jack Huncho, resulting in a perfectly fine album that no one will remember next year or maybe even next month.
  2. Jan 9, 2018
    It never reaches for more, and to bludgeon it for achieving its minor ambitions is bizarre practice. It may not leap, but it never stumbles. Calm down, sit back and vibe.
  3. Jan 4, 2018
    A competent collobarative tape that nevertheless proves that Quavo should stick to Migos and Travis to curating his own albums.