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Generally favorable reviews- based on 170 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 14 out of 170
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  1. Sep 3, 2019
    This album is an abomination. This line encompasses it for me: "I fell off a bass boat/And the concrete's very slow." Jesus Christ. I feel like Bon Iver is on a steady downward trajectory; this what a band of self-indulgent stoners aurally masturbating sounds like. Justin Vernon is too talented to be creating **** like this.
  2. Dec 18, 2019
    This album has the worst singles I have ever heard. These songs are dull and fall flat of normal expectations. This album has the worst pacing of any album I have ever heard. Plus this album is dull and boring. Justin is one of the biggest disappointments of the last twenty years. Justin falls short of ambitions, and expectations, and is to be avoided at all costs.
  3. Aug 23, 2019
    I'm sorry to express that this album actually is horrible in so many ways. In comparison to Justin's other albums this pales in every way. Almost every song starts with some annoying loud instruments that immediately kill any vibe you might hope for. I think based on his last album and this total mess he is devolving in an attempt to win mass appeal. Just not good lyric or instrumentalI'm sorry to express that this album actually is horrible in so many ways. In comparison to Justin's other albums this pales in every way. Almost every song starts with some annoying loud instruments that immediately kill any vibe you might hope for. I think based on his last album and this total mess he is devolving in an attempt to win mass appeal. Just not good lyric or instrumental wise in any way, shape or form. Expand
  4. Sep 12, 2019
    Just as bad as the last album, why Justin goes down this road of sound pollution is beyond me. The first two albums are my all time favorites. Followed by two of the worst album I've ever heard in my life :(

Generally favorable reviews - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
  1. Oct 1, 2019
    It’s comprised largely of several years of demos and “field recordings” and collected samples and experiments and improvisations. Perhaps that’s why it feels so novel at the precipice of a new decade; after 10(+) years of failed political experiments and improvisations, here’s a new songbook stripped of the arrogance and pretense of capitalist evangelism.
  2. Sep 4, 2019
    If 22, A Million could come off as sometimes cold and always anxious, then i,i is the warm flipside, with songs that float and flutter, that call for resilience rather than resignation. ... This record finds power in its collaborations.
  3. Sep 3, 2019
    Some will no doubt ponder why it takes a village to make a record that feels far more isolated than communal, but the overall effect of “i,i” is not that of a disaffected wall of sound. Neither is it meant to be Vernon’s “happy” record, though such reductive distinctions are rarely an accurate portrayal of an album’s true intent. Instead, it’s wild and fragmented, as nature intended.