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Generally favorable reviews- based on 170 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 14 out of 170
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  1. Aug 14, 2019
    Bon Iver’s newest release is a stunning, breathtaking, confounding, at times uneven project that marries a woodsy folksiness with gospel and hints of warm jazz, and blends Bjork-esque abstract-electronica with Radiohead-esque gloominess and introspection. As you listen through the LP, you’re not always sure what exactly you are listening to; but its ultimate beauty cannot be denied; aBon Iver’s newest release is a stunning, breathtaking, confounding, at times uneven project that marries a woodsy folksiness with gospel and hints of warm jazz, and blends Bjork-esque abstract-electronica with Radiohead-esque gloominess and introspection. As you listen through the LP, you’re not always sure what exactly you are listening to; but its ultimate beauty cannot be denied; a fascinating and accomplished project. Expand
  2. Aug 15, 2019
    Bon Iver tried to color the landscape with glitchy, staggering and minimal storytelling once again.
  3. Aug 9, 2019
    i,i beautifully encompasses all previous Bon Iver efforts into their most honest, beautiful release to date. Justin Vernon’s brilliance as an artist has reached a crescendo that is nothing short of breathtaking.
  4. Aug 11, 2019
    This album continues to follow the experimental route as their previous work 22 a Million but really takes it up a notch. From beginning to end you’re in for a trip! Favorite album so far this year honestly
  5. Aug 15, 2019
    Bon Iver's best album. An absolute masterpiece with no bad tracks and no weak moments. "Naeem" is arguably the best thing Justin Vernon has ever written.
  6. Aug 12, 2019
    I,I is the culmination of the calendar, which is Justin Vernon's Bon Iver. Vernon who let loose, and decidedly did the job of steering the boat, led a crew of his counter parts to create an all encompassing portrait of the progression of his prized project. At times referencing the fully stripped nature of his first album, but with a healthy mix of synth, and inject electronics.I,I is the culmination of the calendar, which is Justin Vernon's Bon Iver. Vernon who let loose, and decidedly did the job of steering the boat, led a crew of his counter parts to create an all encompassing portrait of the progression of his prized project. At times referencing the fully stripped nature of his first album, but with a healthy mix of synth, and inject electronics. Incorporating the grandeur of the second album (Sax and all) with the minimalism of the Blood Bank EP. This is everything, some may not be able grasp the full depth of this music, or take the time to understand/appreciate how deeply complicated it is, or even know what goes into creating, writing, and producing a song. For the people who do understand these concepts this album will be regarded as a golden standard. The real amazing and impressive measure of this album is that it can be so complex, but still be listenable to those who think that Taylor Swift major scales and chords of is the pinnacle of song writing.
    This album is not just Vernon's work, though it is a reflection on one's self and a nod toward self actualization, this album defines collaboration. Stretching from the abstract "Jelmore" to the smooth and digestible "RABi" Brad Cook helped Vernon take his symbolic/jaded messaging form 22, a million, and direct it, making it crisp, easily deciphered, but cryptic enough to be intriguing.
  7. Aug 9, 2019
    This album is out of our world. Beautiful, well structured with gorgeous sound.
  8. Aug 10, 2019
    As a whole the album puts a good ending to the seasons with great production and transparency rhrough the lyrics compared to his earlier album 22, a million. This album seems well thought out with cobtext/storyline between each of the songs. At the end of the album the climax is reached, and thw production is superb on songs like Salem and Sh’Diah. These songa feel new and refreshing whileAs a whole the album puts a good ending to the seasons with great production and transparency rhrough the lyrics compared to his earlier album 22, a million. This album seems well thought out with cobtext/storyline between each of the songs. At the end of the album the climax is reached, and thw production is superb on songs like Salem and Sh’Diah. These songa feel new and refreshing while still clearly containing elements from the previous Bon Iver prejects. The ending track really stands out, and puts a perfectly closure to the seasons. 9/10 for me. Expand
  9. Aug 9, 2019
    Loving the mix of old and new sounds. Such a great variety of songs with many harkening back to the earliest mix of classic Bon Iver. His precision, innovation and tightly wound rhythms and lyrics make for another winner of an album.
  10. Aug 9, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. After the heavy-lyrical and well sound of 22, A Million, Bon Iver find a balance between his experimental-indie style and his old folk music. Expand
  11. Aug 9, 2019
    a more than welcome fourth addition to bon ivers flawless discography. justin vernon can do no wrong.
  12. Aug 13, 2019
    Simply put, it's phenomenal. It's almost as if Justin Vernon is channeling someone or something from beyond. I'd describe it as akin witnessing a truly spiritual experience.
  13. Aug 9, 2019
    For an album seemingly about clarity and enlightenment, "I,I" sounds like it's stuck in a perpetual fog.
    The lyrics are consistently awful, with some of the worst pyschobabble I have ever heard.
    But give in to the album's charms, and it will definitely grow on you.
  14. Aug 12, 2019
    That's two misses in a row from one of the more talented singer songwriters to of this generation. Why can't superfans of a particular artist simply admit when an album clearly doesn't live up to the artist's abilities?

    That's not to say there's not a lot of potential here, it's just mostly unfulfilled. A song that could be great, Holyfields, instead teases you with a few moments of
    That's two misses in a row from one of the more talented singer songwriters to of this generation. Why can't superfans of a particular artist simply admit when an album clearly doesn't live up to the artist's abilities?

    That's not to say there's not a lot of potential here, it's just mostly unfulfilled. A song that could be great, Holyfields, instead teases you with a few moments of brilliance before cutting the song short instead of realizing that brilliance. It would be like listening to Holocene or Perth, except without the refrain. Fortunately there's tracks like Faith that keep the faith that Vernon hasn't completely lost it. Salem, too, has some nice components to it. Then there's U (Man Like), which is completely unremarkable. Hey, Ma, is a song that might get stuck in your head for a matter of minutes, before quickly sizzling out when you acknowledge it offers very little beyond its surface of modestly catchy riffs and jingles. Then there's tracks like We, which should have never been made at all. All in all, it's a weak effort from a guy that has more talent in the fingernail of his little pinky than most musicians of this day and age.
  15. Aug 11, 2019
    With "i,i", Bon Iver's music remains as unconventional as it always was, and always as excellent. The songs feel effortless (it sounds like Justin Vernon was singing the first things that came to his mind, without overthinking or overworking them), and the productions are layered, just like we've come to expect from him across a rich 3-albums discography.

    The themes discussed throughout
    With "i,i", Bon Iver's music remains as unconventional as it always was, and always as excellent. The songs feel effortless (it sounds like Justin Vernon was singing the first things that came to his mind, without overthinking or overworking them), and the productions are layered, just like we've come to expect from him across a rich 3-albums discography.

    The themes discussed throughout the record are new for Vernon, going from mother love ('Hey, Ma') to global warming ('Jelmore') to the political climate in the USA ('Shi'Diah'), and they all come so naturally to him, with his falsetto and his folktronica productions. However, the absolute showstopper remains 'Marion', on which Vernon decides to drop everything, grab his guitar, and repeat the line "i thought this was half a love" over and over again: classic Bon Iver right there.

    In some way, "i,i" feels like the compilation of his three previous records, merged and mixed and made into one single album, and that sounds as great as you'd think.
  16. Aug 23, 2019
    I'm sorry to express that this album actually is horrible in so many ways. In comparison to Justin's other albums this pales in every way. Almost every song starts with some annoying loud instruments that immediately kill any vibe you might hope for. I think based on his last album and this total mess he is devolving in an attempt to win mass appeal. Just not good lyric or instrumentalI'm sorry to express that this album actually is horrible in so many ways. In comparison to Justin's other albums this pales in every way. Almost every song starts with some annoying loud instruments that immediately kill any vibe you might hope for. I think based on his last album and this total mess he is devolving in an attempt to win mass appeal. Just not good lyric or instrumental wise in any way, shape or form. Expand
  17. Dec 18, 2019
    This album has the worst singles I have ever heard. These songs are dull and fall flat of normal expectations. This album has the worst pacing of any album I have ever heard. Plus this album is dull and boring. Justin is one of the biggest disappointments of the last twenty years. Justin falls short of ambitions, and expectations, and is to be avoided at all costs.
  18. Sep 12, 2019
    Just as bad as the last album, why Justin goes down this road of sound pollution is beyond me. The first two albums are my all time favorites. Followed by two of the worst album I've ever heard in my life :(
  19. Aug 30, 2019
    On i,i, Justin Vernon corroborates what we all were suspicious about, his comprehension of what music-making is and what real use there's to it are so valuable and unique that listeners can do nothing but beholding it, get immersed in it and appropriate of the gift is being offered to us. The attention to detail here is remarkable, but Vernon is fully aware of what matters the most:On i,i, Justin Vernon corroborates what we all were suspicious about, his comprehension of what music-making is and what real use there's to it are so valuable and unique that listeners can do nothing but beholding it, get immersed in it and appropriate of the gift is being offered to us. The attention to detail here is remarkable, but Vernon is fully aware of what matters the most: inner-vision mood a la Bon Iver's best. Feels almost as a blend of what was the greatest about records 2 and 3. Expand
  20. Oct 18, 2019
    As the classic debut "For Emma, Forever Ago" slips further away in the rearview mirror, Bon Iver's albums have become incrementally more abstract and have moved further away from traditional songwriting with each step. This trend continues with "i,i". One could argue that each one has become more interesting that the last while at the same time being less memorable each time. The Bon IverAs the classic debut "For Emma, Forever Ago" slips further away in the rearview mirror, Bon Iver's albums have become incrementally more abstract and have moved further away from traditional songwriting with each step. This trend continues with "i,i". One could argue that each one has become more interesting that the last while at the same time being less memorable each time. The Bon Iver songs I still go back to most regularly are from the debut but its a joy to be able to look forward to a completely different record each time there is a pending Bon Iver release. "i,i" is a richly textured album put together with painstaking detail. I'm in the minority who find it a step up from "22, a Million" but I do feel the experimental side of things has been more refined here. The biggest compliment I can pay "i,i" is that it is a piece of work worth of its place in Bon Iver's back catalog. Expand
  21. Aug 20, 2019
    Bon Iver manages to further the sound of 22, A Million by fusing its electronic tones with experimental jazz. Truly this is a jazz album for the 21st century and probably one of the best albums released so far this year. Listen to: Hey Ma, We, U (Man Like).
  22. Sep 1, 2019
    An album brimming with invention. There is substantial development and refinement of the abstract approach showcased on '22 A Million', with songs like 'iMi', 'Hey Ma', 'Naeem', and 'Faith' featuring complex structures and changes. By the time the song ends, you can scarcely believe that it began the way it did. While some listeners may be repelled by this oblique listening experience, theAn album brimming with invention. There is substantial development and refinement of the abstract approach showcased on '22 A Million', with songs like 'iMi', 'Hey Ma', 'Naeem', and 'Faith' featuring complex structures and changes. By the time the song ends, you can scarcely believe that it began the way it did. While some listeners may be repelled by this oblique listening experience, the record has a warm texture running through it that is truly inviting, and an experimental atmosphere that is incredibly engaging. . Expand
  23. Sep 4, 2019
    i,i is by no means a bad album, however, compared to everything he's done before, this is his weakest release to date. The songs aren't that memorable and beg to be skipped to the album's brighter moments (which are few and far between). At the end of the day, i,i falls short of greatness for being bland, sluggish and sadly, just a little boring.
  24. Sep 3, 2019
    I am a fan of Bon Iver's music and loved the boldness of his last record 22, A Million. However, while that album was more song-based, this album just feels like snippets of unfinished songs, most of which aren't great. Pitchfork and NY Times have both raved about this album as some kind of masterpiece, so maybe my expectations were set too high. "Hey, Ma" and "Jelmore" are both Bon IverI am a fan of Bon Iver's music and loved the boldness of his last record 22, A Million. However, while that album was more song-based, this album just feels like snippets of unfinished songs, most of which aren't great. Pitchfork and NY Times have both raved about this album as some kind of masterpiece, so maybe my expectations were set too high. "Hey, Ma" and "Jelmore" are both Bon Iver classics, but they are overshadowed by the unfinished feeling of the album. Maybe it's a grower, but I was blown away the first time I heard 22, A Million. It almost seems like he's trying to re-capture that magic with lesser results. Not a horrible album just a bit disappointing. Expand
  25. Dec 6, 2021
    rich and endlessly rewarding. i,i brings together Justin Vernon's evolving, career-spanning vision for Bon Iver into one satisfying, defining work.
  26. Sep 3, 2019
    This album is an abomination. This line encompasses it for me: "I fell off a bass boat/And the concrete's very slow." Jesus Christ. I feel like Bon Iver is on a steady downward trajectory; this what a band of self-indulgent stoners aurally masturbating sounds like. Justin Vernon is too talented to be creating **** like this.
  27. Aug 27, 2019
    Bon Iver's i,i is a mesmerizing journey that emits radiance in every corner, every note, and every segment.
    Each tone in every song has its differences, but somehow it aligned wonderfully and well-crafted. Almost there is no intended boundaries between these songs.
  28. Aug 30, 2019
    Carey and Chancellor stand out in a superb way. All of the songs have a perfect build up and odd time signatures just adds perfectly.
  29. Aug 31, 2019
    En este nuevo trabajo de swift se puede apreciar la madurez de la artista y una gran evolución musicalmente la forma en la que usa las trompetas y el saxofón es magnífico y su voz suena increíble y como manejó la composición y toda la elaboración de cada canción es alguien de admirar, sin duda uno de sus mejores trabajos que ha elaborado

Generally favorable reviews - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
  1. Oct 1, 2019
    It’s comprised largely of several years of demos and “field recordings” and collected samples and experiments and improvisations. Perhaps that’s why it feels so novel at the precipice of a new decade; after 10(+) years of failed political experiments and improvisations, here’s a new songbook stripped of the arrogance and pretense of capitalist evangelism.
  2. Sep 4, 2019
    If 22, A Million could come off as sometimes cold and always anxious, then i,i is the warm flipside, with songs that float and flutter, that call for resilience rather than resignation. ... This record finds power in its collaborations.
  3. Sep 3, 2019
    Some will no doubt ponder why it takes a village to make a record that feels far more isolated than communal, but the overall effect of “i,i” is not that of a disaffected wall of sound. Neither is it meant to be Vernon’s “happy” record, though such reductive distinctions are rarely an accurate portrayal of an album’s true intent. Instead, it’s wild and fragmented, as nature intended.