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Universal acclaim- based on 324 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 15 out of 324
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  1. Jan 13, 2017
    Let me start of by saying I've always appreciated the music put out by The xx but have never fully enjoyed XX of Coexist. But with I See You changed that once I heard On Hold, with its sweet melody and the beats of Jamie xx driving the song, it kinda captured my imagination and I couldn't wait for the entire release. While waiting, I then replayed XX and Coexist to further my
    Let me start of by saying I've always appreciated the music put out by The xx but have never fully enjoyed XX of Coexist. But with I See You changed that once I heard On Hold, with its sweet melody and the beats of Jamie xx driving the song, it kinda captured my imagination and I couldn't wait for the entire release. While waiting, I then replayed XX and Coexist to further my understanding and enjoyment of their work. With I See You, it gave me what I desired in the past albums which was more melodies, and more heart throbbing beats. Jamie xx certainly had a larger influence/presence on this record. Probably best listen to from start to end than to pick a few songs here and there though there are certainly many highlights. It's only January but I'm sure it'll feature somewhere in the Top 10 albums list of 2017 in most music publications.
  2. Jan 14, 2017
    Performance is currently saving my life.
    Already one of the best albums of the year, probably the bands best, you really feel Jamie xx's influence and it works surprisingly well.
  3. Jan 13, 2017
    We are only in January but surely one of the best albums of the year is already out here, the most complex and ingenious work they have done so far, great comeback after a good but timid second album
  4. Apr 14, 2017
    We are only in January but surely one of the best albums of the year is already out here, the most complex and ingenious work they have done so far, great comeback after a good but timid second album Collapse
  5. Jan 13, 2017
    It's unbelievable what the xx can do with a simple music, its wonderful, magical, the album is perfect, it worth all the wait, the lyrics, the beats, the sound, MY EARS ARE HAPPY, no doubt that that's one of the best abuns of 2017, and the year started now!
  6. Apr 5, 2017
    This was the best way to start off the year 2017. The xx once again delivers on emotional roots, but instead of emphasizing heartbreak, loneliness, and grief, they spark a note of hope, love, and rekindling romantic feelings. This is not the usual sound, but they never break away from being able to sound like themselves. This album is dark, powerful, and speaks directly to the souls ofThis was the best way to start off the year 2017. The xx once again delivers on emotional roots, but instead of emphasizing heartbreak, loneliness, and grief, they spark a note of hope, love, and rekindling romantic feelings. This is not the usual sound, but they never break away from being able to sound like themselves. This album is dark, powerful, and speaks directly to the souls of those who listen. Expand
  7. Jun 14, 2018
    This is the best album The XX have ever made, sounding both familiar and experimental. It plays into the strengths of all three individuals uniting as gifted musicians to produce a masterpiece.

    This album brilliantly captures The XX’s subtle and effective evolution. It’s not a 180 from their first two albums. They found a fork in the road and chose the path to more emotionally uplifting
    This is the best album The XX have ever made, sounding both familiar and experimental. It plays into the strengths of all three individuals uniting as gifted musicians to produce a masterpiece.

    This album brilliantly captures The XX’s subtle and effective evolution. It’s not a 180 from their first two albums. They found a fork in the road and chose the path to more emotionally uplifting music and lyrics. They still stay true to their atmospheric tone. None of group’s identity was compromised by the added thump and synthesized beats from rhythm section mastermind Jamie Smith.

    It doesn’t dive headfirst into a new territory. Instead, it swims slowly and confidently into the deep end of unfamiliar waters with proven and trusted friends acting as metaphorical life vests. Sure it’s different and potentially challenging, but with unwavering support from your mates nothing is impossible. Oliver and Romy’s smoldering vocals are accompanied by their minimalistic instrumentals and are snuggly wrapped in Jamie’s trancey beats.
  8. Nov 29, 2017
    Amazing album. The best of The xx' career tbh
    Best songs: Dangerous, Seasons Run, Say Something Loving, Lips, A Violent Noise.
    Replica is a masterpiece!
  9. Dec 18, 2017
    I See You is yet another flawless victory by The xx. I can't even pick which of their albums is the best, they are all just so beautiful. From beginning to end, there is just soft and very thoughtful music. In the end, this is just, outstandingly great.
  10. Sep 17, 2022
    Most outward album of their’s so far. Pop but haven’t lost that extra special sensibility
  11. Jan 19, 2017
    The best album of their career and a perfect evolution of their sound. Every song has something to appreciate and Romy and Oliver's singing is more powerful and effective than on prior albums.
  12. Jan 15, 2017
    Woah this album is so relaxing and good. I really liked it. Their voices are so sweet and calm, they made me feel like I was in heaven, hahah. The production is really really good. The xx did a good job.
  13. Jan 13, 2017
    Simply their best work to date. You can feel that Jamie xx was the real producer of the album. A lot of electric vibes which just sound suberb. 'Performance' is a masterpiece. 'Dangerous', 'Lips', 'A Violet Noise' come nearly second but you can easily put the whole album on repeat. Great job, guys!
  14. May 16, 2018
    While The XX's first two albums sound like they were cut from the same cloth and I would guess made with similar approaches, the bands third album marks a change on many levels. The bands trademark subtle guitar sound and dual vocals still carries the album but they have gone into deeper waters on the production side of things with their beat now standing out as an equally importantWhile The XX's first two albums sound like they were cut from the same cloth and I would guess made with similar approaches, the bands third album marks a change on many levels. The bands trademark subtle guitar sound and dual vocals still carries the album but they have gone into deeper waters on the production side of things with their beat now standing out as an equally important element in the overall sound. There is some sampling going on as well which results in a much fuller sounding record than what came before. The changes the band have made have brought a freshness that they arguably needed at this point in their career. Good stuff all round with "On Hold", "Dangerous" and "Lips" being the standout tracks. Expand
  15. Mar 26, 2017
    Simply their best work to date. You can feel that Jamie xx was the real producer of the album. A lot of electric vibes which just sound suberb. 'Performance' is a masterpiece. 'Dangerous', 'Lips', 'A Violet Noise' come nearly second but you can easily put the whole album on repeat. Great job, guys!
  16. Feb 23, 2017
    Performance is currently saving my life.
    Already one of the best albums of the year, probably the bands best, you really feel Jamie xx's influence and it works surprisingly well.
  17. Jan 13, 2017
    A dreamy, spacious indie pop record that utilizes The xx's strong duet vocalists and EDM-inspired production in a way that holds the listener's attention, even if it may blur together at times.
  18. Apr 19, 2017
    I wasn't very fond of The XX until I decided to give them another chance by listening to this album. Their slight change in style leaves me satisfied. Love the sound of the vocals. Can't wait to add a few songs to my playlist.
  19. Apr 21, 2017
    The XX is amazing, I recently got into their music and I have to say I really like what they do, especially in this album as a whole, but pointing out specifically 'Performance' and 'A Violent Noise' as my highlights.
  20. Aug 8, 2017
    It may sacrifice the complex allure and dark, ghostly minimalism that silently elevated their previous two albums to such lofty heights but I See You manages to make up for it with a sudden but well planned transition to a much more danceable and accessible style. It may feel a little thin for now, but could prove to be the building blocks for something much,much bigger.
  21. Jan 9, 2018
    Deluxe version of this project provides songs that are well worthy of being on this already great project. Plenty to like about this album. Longevity and catchiness of some songs aren't up to par but the standout songs are incredible in every element.
  22. Jan 23, 2017
    Sometimes the album drifts into ambiguous themes and lyricism, but Jamie Smith's production is so resoundingly powerful that the record is always engaging. 'Dangerous' and 'Say Something Loving' are the standouts, but 'A Violent Noise', 'Replica', and 'Test Me' are all incredibly sensual, evocative pieces nonetheless. Highly entertaining record.
  23. Jan 13, 2017
    A very strong album to start off 2017 with. This is a huge improvement from the band's previous album "Coexist". The albums have 10 great songs. It is the band's best album so far. The songwriting and production for this album are amazing. Jamie xx did an outstanding job with composing each track on this album. If you like dreamy electronic songs, you may find yourself falling in love withA very strong album to start off 2017 with. This is a huge improvement from the band's previous album "Coexist". The albums have 10 great songs. It is the band's best album so far. The songwriting and production for this album are amazing. Jamie xx did an outstanding job with composing each track on this album. If you like dreamy electronic songs, you may find yourself falling in love with this dream pop album by The xx. Overall a great album. 9.5/10 Expand
  24. May 16, 2017
    Their big reliance on electronic beat and accustomed rhythm made this album sound rather monotonous and generic, but they made up for their weak melodies with exceptional uses of strong harmonic structures. My Score: 128/180 (Good) = 7.1/10
  25. Jan 21, 2017
    Despite smatterings of genuine beauty and thought; like in Romy's solo song "Performance" where she so perfectly captures the voice of someone desperately afraid yet apathetic to the cause this album does fly a little too close to the air of mediocrity in a sky of similar sounds and messages. As unfortunate as it is to say there's very little here that isn't everywhere else.
  26. Jun 14, 2022
    More immediate and frankly their best made record to date. Everything is on par with the acclaim and attention their empty debut amassed. Here they sound alive, excited and just amazing. What they do here is really special.
  27. Jan 16, 2017
    Jamie produces it, so it obviously cannot be bad (or even not pleasing to listen to), but Romy and Oliver make for the most boring vocal duet in recent history of music. Overall it's ok. Not every song is worth the listen, but if you are the kind of person who liked Coexist I don't see how you can find this one to be much worse.
  28. Feb 22, 2017
    Most of the tracks show more renovativity in editing than the relatively traditional singing method. So sometimes vocal seems superfluous. Compared to Jamie's full-of-characteristic voice, Romy's performance somehow flows into mediocre. Especially contradiction is more obvious in those fast-tempo songs.
  29. Feb 4, 2020
  30. Sep 17, 2022
    Brilliant band, national treasures that will go down in history. Understated pop

Universal acclaim - based on 35 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 35
  2. Negative: 0 out of 35
  1. Apr 19, 2017
    Splashes of new musical colour correspond with a growing confidence and maturity in the songs themselves, but the overall mood remains intensely vulnerable.
  2. Magnet
    Feb 14, 2017
    It continues to add up to something special. [No. 139, p.51]
  3. Feb 6, 2017
    The xx have undergone a gentle makeover, but what lies at their heart remains the same. Songs for lovers. Songs for the rejected. Songs for all of us.