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Universal acclaim- based on 792 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 55 out of 792

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  1. Ryan
    Jul 15, 2005
    I'm going to listen to this album in late autumn and feel an overwhelming sense nostalgia for the summer. It's an opus worthy of EVERYONE'S ear. I feel like it's the world's responsibility to buy this record so Sufjan can fund his undoubtedly great next outing.
  2. OwenH
    Jul 17, 2005
    This album restores my faith in the music industry. If Thom Yorke were to buy a copy of this album, he might, just might get back to challenging himself with making another really good album, instead of some existential junk.
  3. Chris
    Aug 13, 2005
    Among the best of 2005 so far (August 13th) with Bright Eyes, The White Stripes, System of a Down and The Game. Let's see what Idlewild, Kanye West, OutKast, Elbow, BRMC, the Dandy Warhols, and Broken Social Scene have to offer in the last 4.5 months.
  4. Matt
    Aug 15, 2005
    Wonderful! Future generations will be looking at it as the first classic neo-folk album.
  5. PhilipG
    Aug 24, 2005
    This album is simply brilliant
  6. Sumi
    Aug 25, 2005
    This is an album of uncommon melodies and beautiful arrangements. The bittersweet yet genuinely uplifting songs are simply gorgeous, with nary a false emotion. A true joy to listen to.
    Sep 11, 2005
    Wow. He captures the feelingof Illinois is 21 songs. Wow.
  8. FakeName
    Sep 12, 2005
    most refreshing album this side of the century. amazing!
  9. chrisc
    Sep 14, 2005
    unlike anything i have ever heard - something that is rare in music today!
  10. TiagoC
    Sep 14, 2005
    Great record. Probalby the best of 2005.
  11. JoshuaJE
    Sep 15, 2005
    Incredible. Just say Sufjan at the Majestic in Detroit, he and his band were amazing and this album expresses it all.
  12. ErlingO
    Sep 21, 2005
    My favourite of the year. Just fantastic.
  13. BradM
    Sep 22, 2005
    Illinois is a triumph - Possibly one of the most outstanding records of the last two years. If Sufjan's music is ever to reach the masses, this could be the album to mark his arrival. Steven's songs are bigger than life, digging into the memories of simple innocence, big dreams, and heartbreaking coming of age. Illinois transends Michigan and Swans and will be on everyone's Illinois is a triumph - Possibly one of the most outstanding records of the last two years. If Sufjan's music is ever to reach the masses, this could be the album to mark his arrival. Steven's songs are bigger than life, digging into the memories of simple innocence, big dreams, and heartbreaking coming of age. Illinois transends Michigan and Swans and will be on everyone's 'best of 2005' lists. Expand
  14. JosiahRoe
    Sep 26, 2005
  15. ChrisFromCalifornia
    Sep 29, 2005
    Ever listened to an album that was so good it just made you cry. You will after listening to this. I can't remember the last time when an album hit me this hard emotionally. People, stop buying Coldplay, give your money to someone who deserves it. Album of the year.
  16. DanielG
    Nov 19, 2006
    This is an amazing album, it is one of those extremely influential albums that makes people who say "I hate that kind of music" start to say, "Oh wait, I guess I do like that kind of music". Who knows what gaps this CD bridges, I can only wait for him to do my homestate, Wisconsin.
  17. JGrahm
    Jan 16, 2006
    Sufjan is so original, his music is amazing
  18. PaulRocks
    Jan 17, 2006
    This is the album of the year. Mr Stevens your a genius. Can't wait for the Alaska album!!
  19. stefanp
    Mar 15, 2006
  20. JasonE
    Apr 12, 2006
    This is a fantastic album, I don't really understand why he has been given a folk tag, well maybe because he plays a banjo; anyway everyone who loves music should buy this album. Actually no, don't, he needs an incentive to finish off his Album per state project. If everyone buys this album, he'll be too rich to bother. Find a friend who has it and get them to copy it for This is a fantastic album, I don't really understand why he has been given a folk tag, well maybe because he plays a banjo; anyway everyone who loves music should buy this album. Actually no, don't, he needs an incentive to finish off his Album per state project. If everyone buys this album, he'll be too rich to bother. Find a friend who has it and get them to copy it for you; it's wonderful. Expand
  21. Syd
    May 17, 2006
    Easily one of favourite post millenium albums. Up there with Michigan.
  22. Rod
    May 31, 2006
    Stunningly beautiful, provocative work. I'm constantly amazed at the emotion he is able to draw from me. Vocal performances are pure and real.
  23. JoeG
    Jun 14, 2006
    I try to give every CD I buy at least 5 listens before I form an opinion. Illinoise took many more plays before I truly warmed to it. However, it was well worth getting to know. Now it gives me great pleasure to stamp yet another 10 on this page, particularly as I first heard about the CD from this site! Recommended to any other Rufus Wainwright fans looking for somebody else a cut above I try to give every CD I buy at least 5 listens before I form an opinion. Illinoise took many more plays before I truly warmed to it. However, it was well worth getting to know. Now it gives me great pleasure to stamp yet another 10 on this page, particularly as I first heard about the CD from this site! Recommended to any other Rufus Wainwright fans looking for somebody else a cut above the rest. Expand
  24. stefanp
    Jun 19, 2006
  25. anna
    Jul 17, 2006
    stunning from begining to end. a modern day musical achievement.
  26. KevinK
    Aug 27, 2006
    Best Album of 2005. Best Songwriter right now. You gotta love Sufjan's ambition It's so exciting to see in a time where the spotlight is usually put on unoriginal and unartistic music.
    Sep 15, 2006
    This is a great album. It gets better and better the more you listen to it.
  28. PhilW
    Sep 24, 2006
    If you ever wondered who the character Max in Rushmore would grow up to be, it would be Sufjan Stevens. I've traveled to just about every county in Illinois and all I can say is Stevens hit a home run with this album!
  29. AndreaO
    Sep 29, 2006
    His artistic vision is so complete. He reflects such an innocent joy and such a deep knowledge of sorrow. Who is this man and how did this happen?
  30. LizM
    Jan 24, 2007
    To me, it's one of the most beautiful albums I have ever heard. In the end, it all depends on your taste in music. This is right up my alley. I might not believe in God, but I do believe in Sufjan Stevens.
  31. JohnJ
    Jul 17, 2007
    The only reason this album did not recieve a perfect 10 from Sufjan's fans is because of one low, outlying score. Every other person has given this album a 10. Come on, man. Don't tell me this isn't one of the most beautiful albums ever recorded. Please develop some taste in music before reviewing and rating albums.
  32. alexf
    Jul 25, 2007
    I love this album so much! Every single song is great.
  33. D.Mac
    Sep 14, 2007
    best album I've heard in years!
  34. JustinB.
    Sep 25, 2007
    I will never know how this didn't get all 100s, it is one of the most complete and amazing albums ever created. the brilliance of sufjan stevens is evident the moment you hear this album even if you never heard of him before.
  35. RyanK.
    Feb 29, 2008
    A masterpiece. 'Nuff said.
  36. ZacC.
    May 17, 2008
    The greatest musical work since the turn of the century and I think that it will stay that way for a time...
  37. MattM.
    Jun 21, 2008
    Easily the greatest album I've ever listened to. An bonafide masterpiece and an album that deserves to be put in a time capsule or museum. A true piece of American history.
  38. ChrisM.
    Jul 17, 2008
    An amazing expansive album. You will be impressed by its rich production on first listen, and then a stupid grin on your face while enjoying the beauty on the following listens.
  39. cg
    Nov 19, 2005
    love this cd, I can't stop listenening to chicago
  40. othos
    Nov 24, 2005
    Note to LF: It may not be your cup of tea, but it is, decidely, NOT crap. If every artist put this much thought and craftsmanship into records, the airwaves would not be filled with such dreck.
  41. SeanT
    Dec 11, 2005
    great record! this man deserves some kind of reward immediately
  42. Harry
    Dec 12, 2005
    I blindingly brilliant achievement. Ranks among the top 3 albums of the year and is as engrossing as it is ambitious.
  43. jimcu
    Dec 15, 2005
  44. RoarkL
    Dec 18, 2005
    Hands down album of the year.
  45. marshalls
    Dec 24, 2005
    the predatory wasp of the palisades is out to get us! amazing album. i keep coming back to it.
  46. DanielS
    Dec 29, 2005
    A breath of fresh air by an extremely talented artist.
  47. AdamP.
    Dec 21, 2007
    Easily the best album of 2005, and one of the best of the decade (so far)!
  48. Feb 7, 2012
    Obviously a gifted multi instrumentalist who has written some of the most wonderful songs. Soothing and creative this will last a lifetime. Get a good sound system and listen to beauty in sonic form.
  49. Aug 16, 2010
    I just listened to this again ... for maybe the 100th time. It just grows in depth and beauty. Steven's voice is haunting, delicate. The lyrics are touching, horrific, lifting. The arrangements are glorious, inspiring. Does it ever become unlistenable?
  50. Sep 7, 2010
    Sufjan Stevens finds his stride and then some with his second state-dedicated album. Illinois is fun and sad, catchy and haunting, seemingly simple yet undeniably brilliant. Chicago will be stuck in your head for days, The Predatory Wasp is heartbreaking and beautiful. Phenomenal stuff.
  51. Nov 18, 2012
    This album deserves all the hype it's garnered. It really is an ambitious, epic masterpiece. Sufjan Stevens creates not only one of the best written records in our generation, but also one of the best produced records of all time. The experimentation is bold, and all of it fits perfectly together. No one song sounds the same. All In All, Illinois is a beautiful, haunting, lovely recordThis album deserves all the hype it's garnered. It really is an ambitious, epic masterpiece. Sufjan Stevens creates not only one of the best written records in our generation, but also one of the best produced records of all time. The experimentation is bold, and all of it fits perfectly together. No one song sounds the same. All In All, Illinois is a beautiful, haunting, lovely record that shouldn't be missed by anyone who is musically inclined. A Collapse
  52. Jan 5, 2011
    One of my favorite albums at all time - catchy, beautiful and haunting (especially for someone who's actually from Illinois). Many of the tracks stand out on their own, but as an album the whole thing flows perfectly. Lov it.
  53. Jan 28, 2011
    I had no idea who Sufjan was when I listened to this album first, nor had I listened to any music quite like this. This quickly became my favorite album and I find myself listening to it more than anything else and would forever change my taste in music and my definition of what good music is. His songs on Illinois are so deep, so varied, and so sincere. I love the lyrics because youI had no idea who Sufjan was when I listened to this album first, nor had I listened to any music quite like this. This quickly became my favorite album and I find myself listening to it more than anything else and would forever change my taste in music and my definition of what good music is. His songs on Illinois are so deep, so varied, and so sincere. I love the lyrics because you can listen to them over and over again and still find new meaning. Thank you Sufjan. Expand
  54. Jul 1, 2011
    One of the best albums of all time. This is a work that will be treasured by many for decades and centuries to come. If you disagree with this statement, I recommend listening more closely.
  55. May 25, 2011
    As far as I see it, this is the second best album of the post-millennial indie music world, second only to Arcade Fire's Funeral. There is no lapse in emotion throughout this album. Sometimes Steven's lyrics venture a little bit into the hokey, but even this only further defines his voice as a devout catholic indieman struggling with just about everything everyone struggles with. I am fromAs far as I see it, this is the second best album of the post-millennial indie music world, second only to Arcade Fire's Funeral. There is no lapse in emotion throughout this album. Sometimes Steven's lyrics venture a little bit into the hokey, but even this only further defines his voice as a devout catholic indieman struggling with just about everything everyone struggles with. I am from Illinois, and this entire album totally encapsulates the state, as perfectly, if not more perfectly, than any other album. Please, give it a listen. Expand
  56. Jul 26, 2011
    From start to finish, a masterpiece concept heavy album. Deep, heavy, impeccably easy to listen to, and highly addictive. You will quickly fall in love with the highlight tracks, which, although the whole album is mere perfection, truly stand out. Illinois begins with "Concerning UFO Sighting near Highland, Illinois;" a siren song of flutes that hypnotize and capture your imagination--theFrom start to finish, a masterpiece concept heavy album. Deep, heavy, impeccably easy to listen to, and highly addictive. You will quickly fall in love with the highlight tracks, which, although the whole album is mere perfection, truly stand out. Illinois begins with "Concerning UFO Sighting near Highland, Illinois;" a siren song of flutes that hypnotize and capture your imagination--the overture to an incredibly journey through Illinois. "Come on! Feel the Illinois!" an extraordinary piece that makes your ears thank you for blessing them with the suite sounds of Sufjan Stevens. "Jacksonville," a nice, old-country ballade, and "Chicago," an amazing climax to the album. This album is far from disappointing, and where its highs hit and truly hits with a BANG! Expand
  57. Aug 6, 2011
    The perfect record.. and it seemed to come out of nowhere. Michigan was fantastic and so was Seven Swans, but this just wasn't expected. I don't know. Sufjan can be a master at music and this is probably the best example of that.
  58. Sep 13, 2011
    Sufjan Stevens couldn't sound any sweeter, deeper and honest than in this album. Describing this state, combining with this description his memories, with so many details that will make you feel that you're there, even when you don't know it, as me. the first song is a beautiful introduction to this album of 22 songs that will never make you tired of them. It's one of those albums that youSufjan Stevens couldn't sound any sweeter, deeper and honest than in this album. Describing this state, combining with this description his memories, with so many details that will make you feel that you're there, even when you don't know it, as me. the first song is a beautiful introduction to this album of 22 songs that will never make you tired of them. It's one of those albums that you can listen entirely without skipping any song: nor the happy ones as "Chicago", the nostalgic ones as "The Predatory Wasp Of Th Palisades Is Out To Get Us" or the obscure ones as "John Wayne Gacy Jr.". I think that a lot of people would agree with me if I sat that this is the masterpiece of Sufjan Stevens. Expand
  59. Nov 19, 2011
    A fun playful album. Sufjan has achieved another success. It blends nice melodies and fun subject matter. He even slides his own religion into his music nearly undetected.Sufjan can make everyone and anyone smile.
  60. Jan 21, 2012
    I was going to give this album a 9, the only flaw being length. Then I realized that Illinois is much more than an album, it's a journey from start to finish with checkpoints throughout. This album can be listened to for it's single songs, but even the noodling and such as the end and in-between some songs adds tremendous weight to the depth of this album. It's 7 years after it's releaseI was going to give this album a 9, the only flaw being length. Then I realized that Illinois is much more than an album, it's a journey from start to finish with checkpoints throughout. This album can be listened to for it's single songs, but even the noodling and such as the end and in-between some songs adds tremendous weight to the depth of this album. It's 7 years after it's release and I'm still listening to it as if it were brand new, picking out little things and enjoying it more and more with each time. Expand
  61. Nov 24, 2012
    Illinois is Sufjan Steven's best work so far. From the disturbing ballad John Wayne Gacy, Jr to catchy tune of Chicago, Sufjan fully exemplifies his extraordinary musical talent. It contains a multitude of instruments all playing beautifully together. This album exhibits Stevens best traits and is well worth a listen.
  62. May 14, 2020
    years and years of listening to this album and I'm still in love with it. Stands the test of time, stands my ever changing musical taste from when i was in my 20s to now being in my 30s.

    guess you can say i'm in love with this entire album
  63. Aug 26, 2015
    I remember the first time I heard Sufjan's song Chicago. I was driving at the time. I pulled in to make sure I got the name of the artist on this amazing record. That weekend I was in a record store, and I heard Casimir Pulaski day. Again I was blown away. I asked the guy behind the counter about it. When I discovered it was the same artist from the same album, I bought it immediately. AndI remember the first time I heard Sufjan's song Chicago. I was driving at the time. I pulled in to make sure I got the name of the artist on this amazing record. That weekend I was in a record store, and I heard Casimir Pulaski day. Again I was blown away. I asked the guy behind the counter about it. When I discovered it was the same artist from the same album, I bought it immediately. And I have been in love with it ever since. Chicago is such a catchy melody, but really interesting musically and lyrically. Casimir Puklaski day is a sad sad story of a dying friend. But even after years of listening, I am still blown away by the musical arrangement. Especially the off beat piano. Wonderful.
    And then of course there is John Wayne Gacy Jr. A song about the childhood of a serial killer. And probably the most haunting song I have ever heard. And again the musical magic is here in the arrangement.
    They are my 3 favorites, but there is lots more on offer here. Check out this wonderful album ASAP. and prepare to be amazed.
  64. Apr 20, 2017
    I believe there's one way to listen to this album and it's going through till the end, tasting one song at a time. This LP feels more like a gigantic picture than a series of songs, and that's what I love the most about this record. Its cohesion is impeccable, still, it manages to arrange a vast amount of different experiences concerning one huge topic. The chorus and the wide number ofI believe there's one way to listen to this album and it's going through till the end, tasting one song at a time. This LP feels more like a gigantic picture than a series of songs, and that's what I love the most about this record. Its cohesion is impeccable, still, it manages to arrange a vast amount of different experiences concerning one huge topic. The chorus and the wide number of instruments play the other half of Stevens' great harmonies, that accomplish the necessary light to take the perfect photograph. Expand
  65. Nov 2, 2017
    I'm not giving ten just because i think is a very important number for very important albums (See "Ok Computer by Radiohead). But this is truly a masterpiece.

    Sufjan is a great songrwiter capable of writing deep and haunting songs like "Casimir Pulasky day" and "The Predatory wasp of the palisades is out to get us". I'd like to give say "X song is the best song of this album, check
    I'm not giving ten just because i think is a very important number for very important albums (See "Ok Computer by Radiohead). But this is truly a masterpiece.

    Sufjan is a great songrwiter capable of writing deep and haunting songs like "Casimir Pulasky day" and "The Predatory wasp of the palisades is out to get us".

    I'd like to give say "X song is the best song of this album, check it out and see if you like it" but honestly half the album is a pure masterpiece, a quart are litteral fillers and the last quart is "just" very very good.

    You know an album is a masterpiece when the worst track is "just very good".

    After rehearing the whole album i changed my mind. Is a 9.8ish out of ten so i'll give it ten.
    One of my favorite album. Especially "The Tallest man the broudest shoulder" that is a killer track..
  66. Apr 20, 2022
    This album lives on a very special list for me, albums that other folks suggested that made me go "why have I not had this in my life before today".

    A remarkable album even 17 years later
  67. Dec 26, 2019
    Absolutely incredible folk masterpiece. Sufjan incorporates Illinois history along with personal trials and dark examinations of human nature using brass, acoustic guitar, banjo, choir, brilliant melody writing and some of the most masterful vocal layering of Sufjan's entire discography.
  68. Mar 1, 2020
    I tried to write a review for this album, but the sheer majesty of this masterpiece refuses to be put into words. Just know that this is the absolute pinnacle of hundreds of years of musical progression; a sweeping, poetic tapestry of places, people, and things belonging to the titular state, stopped from ever becoming a pointless farce by Sufjan's personal, confessional lyricism.
  69. Jul 3, 2020
    I rode a bike on a nature path for a couple of miles while listening to this album and it was one of the best experiences of my life.
  70. Dec 12, 2020
    The second best album of all time, has the best production of any album, no doubt. Beautiful orchestration with soaring trumpets and enchanting strings. This album is so good at telling a story. I love it so much.
  71. Dec 23, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Alright, this album is arguably my second favorite sufjan album from his entire catalogue. I really like the production and sound, and of course sufjan killed it with his lyricism. Expand
  72. Sep 30, 2022
    An album that is too beautiful, and that treats its sound very well, too harmonic
  73. DaveF
    Nov 7, 2005
    Simply superb.
  74. MichaelM.
    Mar 7, 2008
    This album is far from pretentious. The people who review this album are just disenchanted with their friends who love this album. Too bad that people don't realize that personal association shouldn't affect your perception of a musician or their music. Hey, I don't like the hipster scene in general, and Sufjan Stevens becomes associated with it. But this artist is at least This album is far from pretentious. The people who review this album are just disenchanted with their friends who love this album. Too bad that people don't realize that personal association shouldn't affect your perception of a musician or their music. Hey, I don't like the hipster scene in general, and Sufjan Stevens becomes associated with it. But this artist is at least genuine about the music he is creating. He knows music, composition, and orchestration more so than any pop artist. And this album is underproduced! You try being an indie artist and acquire an amazing studio to produce your work! Like I said, people are just disenchanted based on an idea of what the music and the musician art associated with. Be your own person, and think for your self. Expand
  75. CiaranC
    Nov 2, 2005
    I was really amazed with this albumn, I've been listening to it on and off over the last few months and have really fallen inlove with it.Sufjan's voice is really soft on the ears but still commands your attention.The use of the rest of the band as a backing chorus and sometimes singing entire choruses together really adds body to the songs.The arrangements are excellent and the I was really amazed with this albumn, I've been listening to it on and off over the last few months and have really fallen inlove with it.Sufjan's voice is really soft on the ears but still commands your attention.The use of the rest of the band as a backing chorus and sometimes singing entire choruses together really adds body to the songs.The arrangements are excellent and the variety of piano,guitar and brass used in the songs really gives this albumn depth.I'd give this albumn ten but nothings perfect. Expand
  76. rudiw
    Oct 4, 2005
    One of the best albums of 2005! (so far)
  77. RoMac
    Jul 11, 2005
    The Gacy song is super creepy. Creepy enough that while I can respect the artistry, I don't want to hear it anymore. Other than that, there are about 6 amazing songs. "Jacksonville," "Chicago" and "Casmir Pulaski Day" are staggering achievements of melody, lyric and instrumentation. Onward to Wisconsin Sufjan!
  78. MichaelK
    Jul 7, 2005
    Sufjan has done it again!
  79. AramisG
    Aug 1, 2005
    Plenty of people have given Sufjan Stevens favorable reviews I totally agree with. He is very talented and even if you agree with what I have to say you should still listen to his albums if you haven
  80. AlexB
    Aug 1, 2005
    Great album, almost no complaints, but I think it could have been tighter. Also, too much flute. Still one of the best albums this year though.
  81. Keith
    Aug 5, 2005
    This is one of those albums from which I have to step back and critique separate from my personal affection (or lack thereof) for the cd. Mr. Stevens is clearly a gifted musician, ridiculously so. This album, all of it, every note sung, played, and written is wonderfully original. He is an artist of the first rank in a musical climate that is downwright depressing for its lack of artistic This is one of those albums from which I have to step back and critique separate from my personal affection (or lack thereof) for the cd. Mr. Stevens is clearly a gifted musician, ridiculously so. This album, all of it, every note sung, played, and written is wonderfully original. He is an artist of the first rank in a musical climate that is downwright depressing for its lack of artistic vision and risk. I admire that he crafts songs so lyrically and musically intricate. And to say that his influences are ecclectically drawn is a vast understatement. And I look forward to listening to the album repeatedly. As with most singer-songwriters, the more I listen, the more I will come to like it, I'm sure, as his genuinely touching and intelligent songs come alive. I must confess that, while comparisons to Radiohead and Sigur Ros and other "art rock" musicians seem appropriate, I don't find his music as palatable as I do these others--but I suspect this is just a question of taste. I do find his musical style, while utterly accomplished, to be a little too cloying and precious. Tenderness and delicacy is no fault, even in a male singer, but here I find it, particularly when the volume of horns and strings and vocals are turned up, a little tiresome, almost syrupy, particularly some 15 songs in. What at first is completely transfixing and beuatiful, becomes almost, creepy? To me, Stevens is best when he keeps it simple. I kept wanting a bit more of an edge, just a bit, in the orchestral arrangements. But, these are I suppose minor complaints, and I admit to feeling guilty for having any against an album so intelligent and sensitive and unique. And even with my misgivings, I can't help but give the album a 9. It is an impressive achievement. Expand
  82. laurag
    Jan 4, 2006
    one of the best this year.
  83. AyshL.
    May 1, 2008
  84. JoaoL
    Nov 7, 2005
    An extraordinary mixture of feelings, landscapes, persons. Sung by that fantastic voice, both sad an dazzled. Great folk songs remembering Neil Young or Dylan, with arrangements that bring their immortal songs to thepresent time
  85. IrvG
    Dec 12, 2005
    The two best songs of the year -- one about a mass murderer, the other about a cancer victim -- headline a near masterpiece. The album is too abmitious and therefore contains a few songs that should have been left out. Still, the best album of the year.
  86. JenniferJ
    Oct 3, 2005
    This album, like "Say Yes! to Michigan," is addictive and infectious. The more you listen to it, the better it is.
  87. ArendvanE
    Oct 4, 2005
    Just beautiful (like his other albums, exept maybe that "enjoy yr rabbit" album).
  88. Hey
    Oct 6, 2005
    To Mojo, I have to say YOU'RE F*CKING IDIOTS! Come on, you gave this a 70 and Ryan Adams new one (new one as in Jacksonville City Nights) a 40? You have to be kidding me. This one is tied for album of the year for me.
  89. chrisb
    Jul 11, 2005
    Great CD, a little out there but overall a great album
  90. DavisW
    Aug 25, 2005
    Very Strong effort, beautiful arangements very "crafty" musicians.
  91. AlexM
    Aug 26, 2005
    This Album was an amazing mixture of canonballing, uncomformative instruments like trumpets and banjos. i swear some of the song will see you sheding a tear of joy. Sufjan's almost angelic and euphoric voice ads to the wonder that is this album. The style includes acoustic fairy tale ballads "john wayne gracey Jr" and more alternative rock/ choir songs "The Man of the Metropollis This Album was an amazing mixture of canonballing, uncomformative instruments like trumpets and banjos. i swear some of the song will see you sheding a tear of joy. Sufjan's almost angelic and euphoric voice ads to the wonder that is this album. The style includes acoustic fairy tale ballads "john wayne gracey Jr" and more alternative rock/ choir songs "The Man of the Metropollis steals our hearts". truely a musical masterpeice. Expand
  92. AliC
    Aug 3, 2005
    This record justifies metacritic's existence. I doubt very much that I would have even heard of, let alone bought this phenomenal record if I hadn't seen it at the top of metacritic's lists for this year. In fact it's the first record I've bought on the basis of a metacritic rating. And so should you. Wow.
  93. FearghalL
    Jan 29, 2006
    a breath of fresh air for the singer songwriter ganre beautiful songs and in my opinion the best album of 2005 a must have for any music fan
  94. CraigF
    Feb 28, 2006
    Something really different but yet vaguely familar. Some how makes yoe feel all warm inside! Really good album and artist.
  95. RandyK
    Aug 21, 2006
    Maybe the person who gave this a "3" will send his copy to me! We play Illinois whenever we have company over or when women stop by to shop for my wife's paintings. It always get positive results!
  96. anonymous
    Aug 8, 2006
    Smooth and exceedingly different, the lyrics catch the listener and pull. The music sounds homespun, giving it a truly fresh feel.
  97. NickyB
    Feb 18, 2007
    Impressive, dense, moving. Beautiful writing. Took me a while to warm up to it as I found it all a bit precious at first, but I now consider it one of my favorite albums.
  98. JamieO.
    Sep 19, 2007
    Anybody who doesn't like this has problems.
  99. MuffinMan
    Nov 9, 2005
    Oddly the same quirkiness, which entices one to be almost giddy, exists similarly in the The Go! Team release. Do these two know one another?
  100. BryanS
    Jul 24, 2005
    Mr.Stevens has, with this CD, proved himself to be one of the most talented, innovative, and simply enjoyable musicians alive today. These 22 tracks span more territory and display more talent than 99% of artists can hope to achieve collectively throughout their entire career. Definitely one of the best albums to be released this decade, snapping respectfully at the heals of Kid A, Mr.Stevens has, with this CD, proved himself to be one of the most talented, innovative, and simply enjoyable musicians alive today. These 22 tracks span more territory and display more talent than 99% of artists can hope to achieve collectively throughout their entire career. Definitely one of the best albums to be released this decade, snapping respectfully at the heals of Kid A, Agaetis Byrjun, and the Moon and Antarctica. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 40 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 39 out of 40
  2. Negative: 0 out of 40
  1. There's a distinct community theater vibe to the whole affair... but the majority of Illinois is alarmingly earnest.
  2. Stevens is simply one of the most talented artists creating music right now, period.
  3. Exhausting, enthralling, disorientating, celebratory, and contemplative, Sufjan Stevens has delivered another album that will keep us listening and educated till Christmas.