
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. These are chilling sounds from a dark place that, nonetheless, shelter the listener. Between the European and stateside physical releases of the album, Cooper passed away. Knowledge of that could only intensify the album's most passive spins.
  2. Alternative Press
    The New Orleans duo have crafted another epic album--this time, though, it's a more organic affair. [Feb 2009, p.107]
  3. Immolate Yourself feels like a transitional record from an act that was almost ready to make itself crystal clear.
  4. Cooper made it long enough to record one last, amazingly decorated and meticulously crafted album, Immolate Yourself, with his other half, Joshua Eustis. And with this album, not only did the tandem create something special but it just may end up being the best album of their entire career.
  5. It’s a confident outing from an outfit with all the right reasons to be confident, a unified and often arresting record with few qualms about what it’s supposed to be.
  6. Yet unlike the more cohesive albums from those aforementioned acts, Immolate is a one-step forward, one-step back proposition, marching in place to an internal setting somewhere between chilly background mood and something more melodic and engaging.
  7. While it is understandable that Telefon Tel Aviv wanted to explore the styles conducive to being on one of the premier dance labels in Berlin’s robust music scene, it just does not feel right for some reason, especially in comparison to the fractured brilliance of their first two studio endeavors.
  8. The album conjures up equal measures of frustration and dejection, especially as it bears all the hallmarks of a band growing in stature, who may have just delivered on all that untapped potential on a finely honed fourth or fifth record.
  9. Immolate Yourself does a lot and does it all well, creating an album that adds explicit punctuation to an already shocking loss.
  10. 60
    Their smoky, atmospheric ballads are too languid by half, but Telefon Tel Aviv's bright melodic palette keeps Immolate Yourself from descending into a dull fog.
  11. Immolate Yourself is a finely produced record, and still features a good chunk of material worth listening to, even if it doesn't exactly stack up with the duo's previous efforts.
  12. Telefon Tel Aviv have always been the product of two drives (both senses), but on Immolate Yourself, for the first time, the workflows of Cooper and Eustis merge a single, renewed vision. They go a bit poppier than they've ever gone, yet it's also their darkest work.
  13. If you're seeking an album to keep out the winter chill, you could do worse than to wrap yourself up in Telefon Tel Aviv's sumptuous head music.
  14. Under The Radar
    What we get is a haunting, dreamy album. [Winter 2009, p.81]
  15. 80
    Immolate Yourself picks up exactly where they left off, with a sound much more mature and textured--coming complete with its owned imagined world--fully equipped with freeform dynamism of a celestial and delicate styling.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. LindaM.
    Mar 1, 2009
    To me, Immolatre Yourself is Magnificent...yes! it is a Musical Masterpiece!!! I listen to this Music to start my day, in the car on Josh and To me, Immolatre Yourself is Magnificent...yes! it is a Musical Masterpiece!!! I listen to this Music to start my day, in the car on Josh and Charlesthe way home, while preparing dinner, to fall asleep and finally to inspire my Dreams!! Josh and Charles, I have and will always love all that you have shared with me! I love you! Linda Full Review »
  2. MattA
    Feb 7, 2009
    Awesome. Plain and simple. Great beats that mellow out your soul and open your mind.