
Universal acclaim - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Mar 14, 2022
    The production is a tad artificial at times, way less organic than the somber, daring spirit of Opus Eponymous, but every instrument is performed with impressive precision by every ghoul, and Forge's vocals sound on point most of the time, save for some grating moments when he seems to fall out of character. The added backing vocals and the meticulous arrangements enhance greatly the album's overall sound, but the question remains if these sorts of embellishments are enough for the loyal sheep to keep their faith on what the Clergy is feeding them.
  2. Mar 14, 2022
    Overall, IMPERA keeps Ghost’s winning streak going and proves once again that Mr. Forge surely knows what he’s doing as the group’s leader.
  3. Mar 11, 2022
    Impera is a solid album and an obvious next step in Ghost's career. It's bittersweet to see the campy Satanic days firmly behind the band, but any old-school fan should still be proud to see what the band has achieved, and it's clear that Impera is the album Ghost needed to take their career to the next level.
  4. 70
    as shiny theatrical melody rock designed to look deceptively dangerous on teenage bedroom walls goes, Impera takes Ghost several more ferula shuffles in the direction of their very own American Idiot. [Apr 2022, p.77]
  5. Mar 11, 2022
    Once again, Tobias Forge has come through with a slick, wickedly catchy collection of songs that are certain to please Ghost’s rapidly growing audience.
  6. Mar 11, 2022
    Impera is the most unabashed exercise in exultant pop/rock sheen Ghost has issued to date; it establishes an exquisite front in their own quest for global rock domination.
  7. Mar 11, 2022
    Impera is among Ghost’s very best and sure to push them even closer to those heavenly heights.
  8. 80
    The music that Ghost make over twelve tracks, more than ever before, is a truly delicious pop-rock proposition.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 79 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 69 out of 79
  2. Negative: 3 out of 79
  1. Mar 13, 2022
    Good album but overrated. It's like a bag of very different songs and they even put a movie soundtrack that doesn't fit with the album theme.Good album but overrated. It's like a bag of very different songs and they even put a movie soundtrack that doesn't fit with the album theme. Too comercial and pop. The original essence of the band is lost. Full Review »
  2. Mar 11, 2022
    Groomer virgin here :P It´s as high quality as it was before - catchy melodies, nice riffs and entertaining structures.
  3. Dec 31, 2022
    Super album!
    Nice music - a popish bombastic rock with great atmosphere; great and deep lyrics; nice cover.