
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Oct 10, 2022
    As bleak as In Amber can be, it's as thrilling to hear such unguarded yet exquisitely crafted confessions from Hercules & Love Affair as it was to have them transport listeners to dance floor nirvana.
  2. Aug 24, 2022
    It’s a moving and bracing exercise in creativity and is ultimately very rewarding – if not always easy – listening experience.
  3. Rolling Stone
    Jul 7, 2022
    A bracing, at time beautiful, LP of dark art-pop abstraction. [Jul - Aug 2022, p.120]
  4. The Wire
    Jul 1, 2022
    It’s heavy but utterly lovely music, full of grave strings, piano stabs and deep synth reverberations. [Jul 2022, p.46]
  5. Jun 22, 2022
    Some of it drags (looking at you, “You’ve Won This War”), and the lyrics, melodies, and sounds don’t always land. At times you can practically feel him straining for it all to Mean Something, but Butler remains a powerful and important voice in music, even when a particular album doesn’t fully succeed.
  6. Jun 17, 2022
    It’s a wonderfully dexterous and developed body of work that gives more of itself with each listen.
  7. Mojo
    Jun 16, 2022
    In Amber goes the whole hog. ... Frequently beautiful and occasionally offers succour. [Jul 2022, p.90]
  8. Uncut
    Jun 16, 2022
    Reflective of our era of political polarisation, the likes of “Contempt For You” can make for bruising listening experiences. Yet there’s still plenty of solace to be found in performances by Iceland’s Elin Ey and the ever-remarkable Anohni. [Jul 2022, p.26]
  9. Jun 16, 2022
    On In Amber, Butler may have found a handful more peaks and his share of valleys, but few can emerge from the shadow of what came before.
  10. 70
    Ultimately In Amber demonstrates an unexpected mastery of dance floor inflected, gothic-folk tinged, post punk, driven by raw feeling and humanity. With topics as grave, the fact these songs only occasionally teeter on the hazardous borderline where meaning meets portentention is a mark of the sheer skill of those involved.

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