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Universal acclaim- based on 147 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 13 out of 147

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  1. Jan 17, 2011
    Stand-Out Tracks: All of them! -
    Favorite lyrics: "The wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows.", "Our hearts are strong, our heads are weak, we'll always be competing, never knowing", "If I was in your position, I'd put down all my ammunition, I'd wonder why it had taken me so long." -
    Cover art: Perfect! - Position with other albums: Best Jack Johnson album, with Sleep Through The
    Stand-Out Tracks: All of them! -
    Favorite lyrics: "The wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows.", "Our hearts are strong, our heads are weak, we'll always be competing, never knowing", "If I was in your position, I'd put down all my ammunition, I'd wonder why it had taken me so long." -
    Cover art: Perfect! -
    Position with other albums: Best Jack Johnson album, with Sleep Through The Static coming in a close second -
    Overall: A very good album with no flaws. This album is very good for relaxing to, especially in the Summer.
  2. TelmoM
    Mar 6, 2005
    Great...just great!!
  3. BenC
    Mar 2, 2006
    Jack Johson is so chill. I love it!
  4. HenrikeG
    Apr 7, 2006
    just perfect!
  5. WillD
    May 30, 2007
    As you can guess, I'm a Jack fan, and what I find hilarious about this is that, these critics are complaining that these songs aren't serious, and don't seem to get that this is the whole point to Jack's stuff.... that it's meant to be mellow and whimsical and so on...
  6. JebJ
    Mar 10, 2005
    Awful...what a waste of my allowance. I should have just gotten the new Bright Eyes instead. At least that's bad, but sounds like Bob Dylan, not Jimmy Buffett. Stay far away!
  7. BillG
    Mar 10, 2005
    Bland: the weakest of his three releases.
  8. RachelM
    Mar 10, 2005
    This CD is wonderful. It retains Johnsons' classic great guitar work, interesting lyrics, and terribly-catchy rhythms, but it shows added depth, with greater instrumental variety. (If I didn
  9. BrittM
    Apr 2, 2005
    As usual Jack comes through w/ a masterpiece. His music is an inspiration to everyone to be a better human being.
  10. brad
    Apr 20, 2005
    this album rocks!...forget rolling stone
  11. MaraN
    Apr 7, 2005
  12. JasonS
    May 2, 2005
    I find it ironic that the critics pan this "as more of the same, yet less inspiring." It seems as if they want Jack Johnson to squeeze every last ounce of mellow vibe and distill it into one album which contains the essence of the island vibe-cum-surfer turned acoustic songwriter. In Jack's own words: "If I were in your position, I'd put down all my ammunition, and wonder why it I find it ironic that the critics pan this "as more of the same, yet less inspiring." It seems as if they want Jack Johnson to squeeze every last ounce of mellow vibe and distill it into one album which contains the essence of the island vibe-cum-surfer turned acoustic songwriter. In Jack's own words: "If I were in your position, I'd put down all my ammunition, and wonder why it had taken me so long..." This album is a great listen, and is certainly worth a purchase/download. Expand
  13. PatD
    Jun 5, 2005
    this is even worse than the lame garbage he created before it
  14. gabr
    Feb 6, 2007
    Am I the only one who is tired of hearing the same song over and over, but with different lyrics.
  15. KatyC
    Mar 10, 2005
    i hate his style and how he doesn't know how to make sensible music. still has that pig-roast feel to it, but a terrible casual late-summer album. his lyricism still has some left to be desired, as does his music, his production, his mixing, his band, his album art...I could go on and on.
  16. Dan
    Mar 1, 2005
    Not as good as On and On, but still a pretty strong album, the usual laid back, feel good music that I love.
  17. SarahM
    Mar 1, 2005
    THis album is's been on repeat all day. The musical styles are so varied and the lyrics make you think but are simultaneously mellow.
  18. Hans
    Mar 14, 2005
    Very chill and laid back album that will be in constant play on my ipod this summer.
  19. DavidC
    Mar 2, 2005
    Excellent album. It has the same feel as his others but with a few new sounds.
  20. JenniS
    Mar 22, 2005
    I really like the folk sound...if you love Bob Dylan and John Prine, this is the way to go
  21. JamesB
    Mar 28, 2005
    As opposed to some peoples views, I do not believe that Jack missed the boat on this one, nor did he sell out. This album is the same lackadaisical instrumentation and mellow vocals that made his other albums so great. It was however, lacking in some area that I just can't seem to figure out. Perhaps it's the lack of songs that review social issues like Cookie Jar, from On and As opposed to some peoples views, I do not believe that Jack missed the boat on this one, nor did he sell out. This album is the same lackadaisical instrumentation and mellow vocals that made his other albums so great. It was however, lacking in some area that I just can't seem to figure out. Perhaps it's the lack of songs that review social issues like Cookie Jar, from On and On. There might be one song that semi fits into that category, but I suppose this album wasn't necessarily meant to be a social commentary. All in all, the songs are great, they put you in a good mood, and isn't being in a good mood fulfilling in itself? Expand
  22. jennap
    Mar 29, 2005
    best album of jack johnsons love it!!!!!!
  23. GregJ
    Mar 30, 2005
    What can I say, he's smooth as silk, lyrics are poetic, not an overly disturbing song on the entire album with the exception of Banana Pancakes but still a creative excursion never the less. Take all three of his albums, his material with G Love, Donovan Frenkenwreiter and Thicker than Water Sndtrk, combine the best of each and you have an excellent emursion of arse kickin tunes.
  24. GauravG
    Mar 3, 2005
    The songwriting's much tighter, there aren't endless instrumental breakdowns, and his lyrics are great... he even sings in French and mixes in some country/folk influences. His best yet.
  25. TravisG
    Mar 7, 2005
    Jack Johson is sick. This album is a good repesetation of his musical talents. It has the same formula as the other albums, except wit a more happy feel to his songs. I'd recommend it to everyone.
  26. LawrenceP
    Mar 7, 2005
    Not much new here, but it's done so well that you really can't complain. Makes me want to take up surfing.
  27. DanielleB
    Apr 1, 2005
    jack johnson is pure musical talent. no doubt about it beautiful
  28. NathanB
    Apr 4, 2005
    Each album is more of the same but not as fresh as the last.
  29. LauraM
    May 1, 2005
    looooove it...just bought it yesterday ive listened to it about 5 times already. more great stuff from jack.
  30. joyes
    May 19, 2005
    Face it, critics only love music that is twisted, angry and musically violent! This album speaks to a soft heart and maybe there just aren't that many people, especially critics, willing to indulge that part of themselves.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
  1. The genre-blending charm and sweetness that made Brushfire Fairytales and On and On so nice doesn't change that much, but does it really have to change?
  2. The drifting chords and soft voice are still in place, only now Johnson's instinct for melody has sharpened alongside his ability to self-edit.
  3. There's a little reggae touch here, some mild folk there, but mostly Johnson just excels at creating gentle background music that sways like the waves and feels twice as cool.