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Universal acclaim- based on 650 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 81 out of 650
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  1. Aug 9, 2019
    Awesome album. Every song is a banger. Started and Freak of the week are my absolute favourites..
  2. Aug 9, 2019
    Una industria muy grande, y un camino muy largo, Iggy demuestra realmente lo suyo, una mujer innata que seguramente le falta en crecer, pero es una de las mejores en este ámbito musical, Azalea necesita apoyo en todo lo que hace. Muchos grandes hacen rap básico y no lo critican tan duramente
  3. Aug 9, 2019
    This album started off with two tracks that really captured the true meaning of “In My Defense”. This was just enough to peak our interest and let her tell her side of things.The album then took a interesting turn one would not expect a rather more fun and light hearted twist right in the middle of the album.It starts out with sally walker a hard hitter with a hard beat! This section thenThis album started off with two tracks that really captured the true meaning of “In My Defense”. This was just enough to peak our interest and let her tell her side of things.The album then took a interesting turn one would not expect a rather more fun and light hearted twist right in the middle of the album.It starts out with sally walker a hard hitter with a hard beat! This section then ends with the female empowering track “fu*k it up” ft Kash Doll.After such a fun section the album starts to get dark.It starts with another female collaboration with a new artist stini on“big bag”which then leads into “comme des garçons”.This is a nice slow down from all the fast paced songs we got before.Lastly to top off this roller coaster ride of an album we end on a fun “freaky” side of Iggy with “freak of the week” into “just wanna” and then lastly “p*ssy pop”.In conclusion this was a very enjoyable album and and I would recommend it to anyone who wants a dark fun album with a great underlining message! Expand
  4. Aug 9, 2019
    It's one of the best Albums of 2019 but unfortunately slept by critics, radios, people, Spotify but definitely we love it!!! Critics can stop your bag anyways!
  5. Aug 10, 2019
    Why are y'all hating on this album. It slaps so hard, so, so hard. This really shows and proves how Iggy Azalea has grown as an artist. It also shows how independent she can be, because she really couldn't be rapper she wanted to be with her other team. Not gonna lie I wasn't expecting Iggy to sound this good.
  6. Aug 10, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es un disco muy bueno, sus ritmos son increíbles, no saben valorar lo bueno de esta chica australiana, es demasiado hermoso es gloria Expand
  7. Dq
    Aug 10, 2019
    álbum extremamente lendário, faixas perfeitas, pecou em algumas repetições....
  8. Aug 10, 2019
    O álbum está impecável, lembrou muito as mixtapes do começo da carreira da Iggy.
  9. Aug 10, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. just deserves my 10. Thanks Iggy, you look amazing to your fans who love you. Expand
  10. Aug 10, 2019
    Ótimo Álbum, Iggy passou anos sem lançar um projeto novo. Porém agora nos trouxe um ótimo trabalho que lembra muito sua primeira mixtape "Ignorant Art" e como ela surgiu na indústria, fazendo RAP!
  11. Aug 11, 2019
    It's Iggy Iggz!!! She's stronger than yesterday!!! All of them my fav'sss
    Proud of u mooooom
  12. Aug 11, 2019
    the best album of his career, a mature sound with a lot of acoustic reference to rap, deserves a thousand notes!
  13. Aug 11, 2019
    The album is great. unbelievable. Iggy's working too hard. People don't like him and his music. Why don't you respect it? Iggy's good. music legend. the people were very rude and disrespectful.
  14. Aug 11, 2019
    Logo quando os singles saíram, se esperava um ótimo trabalho de Iggy. quando o álbum realmente saiu, se teve certeza que esse é uns dos melhores trabalhos de Iggy. O álbum apresenta um ótimo conceito, faixas empolgantes e bem construídas, vocais bons e outros aspectos que deixam o álbum IMPEÇAVEL
  15. Aug 11, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Na minha opinião é o melhor álbum de uma rapper esse ano gostei de todas as músicas ❤ Expand
  16. Aug 11, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Maybe this album is Iggy's best album, she managed to do a good job only with her team and her only way. The way she's leading her career is great, she's not having a big peak, but it's coming, her numbers are increasing by the second and her audience getting more loyal to her, she's struggling more and more, this is beautiful. In My Defense is the album. Expand
  17. Aug 11, 2019
    Amo muito, iggy ainda vai dar a volta por cima, ela merece demais, gravadoras são um lixo
  18. Aug 11, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. In My Defense is a great album jdkskskxoskdkdodkdkdoofoekwomzkdowkskdowkskxiskjwidkdkwidjwkdidkwidkwkwkskdksi Expand
  19. Aug 11, 2019
    Iggy está mais madura, fazendo o que gosta, superando todas expectativas e mostrando sua verdadeira face
  20. Aug 11, 2019
    O álbum é uma obra de arte super autêntico e trais uma mensagem incrível
  21. Aug 11, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A composição simplesmente impecável,iggy com certeza teve um de seus melhores trabalhos com composições claramente mais adultas. Expand
  22. Aug 11, 2019
    Iggy had a great growth as an artist and a person, putting on this album everything she felt and wanted to put. Being independent was one of the best things she ever did.
  23. Aug 11, 2019
    Perfection. This is such a masterpiece!! Iggy is amazing and I’m very proud of her.
  24. Aug 11, 2019
    Muito bom,esses críticos já perderam a dignidade,melhor álbum rap moral de 2019
  25. Aug 11, 2019
    Beautifully produced album with addictive songs. Just Wanna cry out for a clip!
  26. Aug 11, 2019
    Incrível! Um álbum independente, com letras e batidas viciantes. Iggy merece o mundo, mas o mundo não merece Iggy.
  27. Aug 11, 2019
    Amazing album! Way better than the other female rappers in the industry. Well done Iggy!!!
  28. Aug 11, 2019
    Best album of 2019 ! She deserves top 100 on this site ! Finally she released her 2nd album after 5 years . Sadly that DD wasn’t released , IMD would the 3rd album :(
  29. Aug 11, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. love this album! It was about time for her to release another one. I've been watching her fight to release a new album since Digital Distortion. It's very good for an independent artist. Congrats Iggy Expand
  30. Aug 11, 2019
    Best album by a female rapper. Best album by a female rapper. Best album by a female rapper.
  31. Aug 11, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I love this álbum. For me this is one of the best albums ever released this year, we know how much iggy suffered and how much she struggled to see her fans happy with the content and it makes me even happier that she didn't give up. congratulations iggy and all his team for the great work, I'm a fan. kisses. Expand
  32. Aug 11, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best álbum for me The best álbum for me The best álbum for me
    The best álbum for me
  33. Aug 11, 2019
    Lindíssima,falou tudo. Álbum muito bom, letras maravilhosas, só ouço ele esses dias.
  34. Aug 11, 2019
    o melhor álbum de haper do ano!!! estas críticas negativas não valem nada, oque vale e a opinião dos fãns que consomem o material
  35. Aug 11, 2019
    Um álbum coeso com rimas rápidas que traz Iggr ao estalado novamente, dançante sem medo de errar, com um som pop mas sem perde ser Rap, faz de "In My Defense" um dos melhores álbuns do ano.
  36. Aug 11, 2019
    álbum simplesmente perfeito, iggy nunca decepciona. em relação aos críticos é super normal eles darem nota baixa, pois só dão nota alta se pagar por isso, nojo.
    iggy nunca vai decepcionar, sempre inova e tudo o que faz vira tendência.
  37. Aug 11, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este album de Iggy é melhor. Já que lance logo aqui no Brasil. Te amo Iggy. Expand
  38. Aug 11, 2019
    álbum muito bom, não entendi a nota da crítica especializada. a arte do álbum é incrível.
  39. Aug 11, 2019
    the iggy azalea's album is my favorite, she is the best rapper actually, in my defense is the best album of the year
  40. Aug 11, 2019
    Essa é álbum é simplesmente perfeito, com um rap simplesmente de qualidade e nada genérico, o jeito que a nos vez lembrar das suas antigas mixtapes foi incrível. A Iggy nunca decepciona, ela merece muito mais reconhecimento.
  41. Aug 11, 2019
    No se porqué la critica no lo aceptó, si, usa los mismos ritmos, pero eso no quita que casi todas las canciones sean pegajosas, asi que, la opinion de los usuarios>>>>>>>
  42. Aug 11, 2019
    Es muy entretenido. Lo han valorado muy poco, pero es una pieza de arte. Iggy
  43. Aug 11, 2019
    Great and well worked verses and flow. Congratulations on the album Iggy!!
  44. Aug 11, 2019
    Iggy Azalea inseriu o álbum "In My Defense", depois de duras críticas que recebeu, no mercado de forma grandiosa. A música "Sally Walker" mostra que ela retornou mais forte depois de tudo.
  45. Aug 11, 2019
    Álbum perfeito. Iggy vem se superando a cada lançamento e mostrando ainda mais seu potencial. O álbum segue muito a sonoridade de seus lançamentos de 2012, 2013. Thanks I Get e Clap Back são a prova de que ela tem flow e não precisa de refrões genéricos e forçados pra hit.
  46. Aug 11, 2019
    It's just amazing!! It's worth hearing from beginning to end. It is remarkable the evolution of Iggy as an artist now only await clip for the tracks
  47. Aug 11, 2019
    Even with few resources, Iggy offers great work, great music, and combines her style with what's going on, bringing great, authorial work.
  48. Aug 12, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. lenda e nem chorem princesa do rap críticos sem lugar de fala machistas kkkkk Expand
  49. XKX
    Aug 12, 2019
    “In My Defense” is definitely one of my favorite rap album of all time. Iggy showed amazing and tremendous growth and improvement from her past album “The New Classic.” Although that album is indeed a classic, I think IMD is coming for its title as Iggy’s best work. Almost every single track in the album is dark, aggressive, and very fun all at the same time. I love it. Bravo, Iggy!
  50. Aug 12, 2019
    Uma bíblia mesmo e pau no Ç# da crítica "especializada" quem consome é o povão mesmo e nada mais importa, Iggy rainha que superou muitas coisas e merece o mundo.
  51. Aug 12, 2019
    The album is wonderful! I don't know why you hate a woman in rap. Not liking it all right, now to say that this bad one is a slapstick. The album is awesome, awesome!
  52. Aug 12, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. After 5 years she back with a album that i totally like, the beats is so good and the flow on Commes Des Garçons, pitchfork is a sh*t and i don't care what sh*t talks about my favorite rapper in the game. STREAM IN MY DEFENSE Expand
  53. Aug 12, 2019
    O que podemos dizer? Perfeito, não precisa nem falar porque transparece nas rimas
  54. Aug 12, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. With her 2nd studio album, the highly anticipated "In My Defense", the Australian rapper and songwriter Iggy Azalea was able to seamlessly unite all her weaknesses, fears, anxieties and at the same time her softness, her terror and her characteristic flow. The album bring animated beats that make people dance even if the lyrics speak, not explicitly, about death. The whole concept is very well interconnected and makes it possible for only listeners with a high degree of attention to understand what really happens between the lines. Expand
  55. Aug 12, 2019
    Iggy arrasou como sempre, o album é perfeito e nada mais importa a não ser minha opinião!!!!!!
  56. Aug 13, 2019
    Amazing! **** it up, sis! Critics as always chasing artists who don't pay for positive reviews.
  57. Aug 13, 2019
    Iggy has one of the best albums of the year, a lot of men sing about the same things and they got a good critic, so why women don't get the same?
  58. Aug 13, 2019
    iggy azalea princesa do rap trazendo mais um álbum impecável com vários feats incríveis.
  59. Aug 14, 2019
    It is an excellent comeback album, she spoke a little bit about her personal stuff (which she didn’t have to AT ALL) it’s none of our business. But aside from that al songs are catchy and very in tune with current trends, which is also fine, not every work of art has to be revolutionary, it’s fine to just stick with the times and current music genre. ICONIC music videos too!
  60. Aug 15, 2019
    lol are this a kidding?, just because is a female rapper.........this album deserves better!
  61. Aug 16, 2019
    A masterpiece..................................................................
  62. Aug 17, 2019
    A cohesive and mature album, with a well done rap, without the forced inclusion of pop tracks to fall in the public eye and play on the radio.
  63. Aug 20, 2019
    Genius! This is really how rap music should sound! I really enjoyed listening to it all day long! Love you Iggy
  64. Aug 20, 2019
    After 5 long years she finally gave us a brand new album (shoutout to Survive The Summer and 4 My Ratz) !!! This new project titled "In My Defense" is full of bops, is very cohesive and very well produced by JWhite Did It (Cardi B's producer) !! I love the b**chy vibe of the album and it gets even better everytime I listen to it. CONGRATS Iggy !!! And for God's sake, the Iggy hate train isAfter 5 long years she finally gave us a brand new album (shoutout to Survive The Summer and 4 My Ratz) !!! This new project titled "In My Defense" is full of bops, is very cohesive and very well produced by JWhite Did It (Cardi B's producer) !! I love the b**chy vibe of the album and it gets even better everytime I listen to it. CONGRATS Iggy !!! And for God's sake, the Iggy hate train is over since 2014, so it's no longer "cool" to hate or shame her ... get you a life, buy and stream this MASTERPIECE. Expand
  65. Aug 23, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esto es arte sigue adelante siemore eres preciosa y mereces todo... espero que nunca te rindas Expand
  66. Aug 23, 2019
    Princesa do pop aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaqaaqaqqaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  67. Aug 23, 2019
    Biblia del hip-hop Uno de los mejores álbumes del año, es una mezcla de perreo intenso sabroso delicioso ay mi ana, la crítica profesional es un asco no sabe juzgar un buen álbum de seguro están en contra de ella.
  68. Aug 23, 2019
    Álbum Art, is iconic. It has fantastic verses, you can't argue with an artist when everything does it alone. This is a true independent job.
  69. Aug 24, 2019
    Perfect album, I don't skipped any music. So underrated, she deserves better. Iggy Princess of Rap.
  70. Aug 24, 2019
    Iggy with this album shows that she is a big star of the Hip / hop scene also presents us with an amazing record.
  71. Aug 25, 2019
    Melhor álbum do world !!! aceitem **** !!!!!!!!! Ggskzkroskdnf jskdlCjfks iedoakskx
  72. Aug 25, 2019
    i love it ! One of the best albums this year she work really hard for us and deserves more
  73. Sep 3, 2019
    A la q estar en la q estar en la q estar kkkkkkk de la rosalia de la q estar acordada para Burguês fidalgo PI não tem nada não po nem me deu nada não nega e eu to mt sem dinheiro irmão mas é sério fiz isso ontem inclusive eu ia te ensinar a gente vai fazer 1 mês que vem vai ser o dia todo dia eu vou ficar com vc não é uma coisa bem sevdaliza pqpppp e eu to mt sem noção q não é uma coisaA la q estar en la q estar en la q estar kkkkkkk de la rosalia de la q estar acordada para Burguês fidalgo PI não tem nada não po nem me deu nada não nega e eu to mt sem dinheiro irmão mas é sério fiz isso ontem inclusive eu ia te ensinar a gente vai fazer 1 mês que vem vai ser o dia todo dia eu vou ficar com vc não é uma coisa bem sevdaliza pqpppp e eu to mt sem noção q não é uma coisa bem sevdaliza eu não sei se é verdade mesmo assim que é o melhor álbum de vídeo umas coisas aqui Expand
  74. Aug 30, 2019
    so bad that people didn't like it. I think Iggy Azalea deserves better. Love her.
  75. Aug 30, 2019
    Good rap for the Princess. Para ser un álbum independiente le quedó bien bueno. Rap del bueno
  76. Aug 31, 2019
    Наступил 2019 год и мать рэпа решила вернуться к нам с новой библией «In My Defense». Господи, спасибо за то, что ты существуешь на этом свете. Твоя музыка – бальзам для моих ушей. Двигайся в этом же направлении и твои историю. Твои фанаты всегда с тобой, а хейтеры идут мимо.Наступил 2019 год и мать рэпа решила вернуться к нам с новой библией «In My Defense». Господи, спасибо за то, что ты существуешь на этом свете. Твоя музыка – бальзам для моих ушей. Двигайся в этом же направлении и твои историю. Твои фанаты всегда с тобой, а хейтеры идут мимо.
  77. Sep 2, 2019
    Extremely underrated, my ears cry with such injustice. I hope one day I can hear "I Know".
  78. Sep 15, 2019
    I feel this was the perfect type of Album for her return to the public eye. Lots of catchy songs to get ready to. I loved some of the more personal introspective ones like ‘thanks I get’ and ‘clap back’. My favourite is ‘Started’ the bad **** energy it gives off is electric. I understand what some people don’t like about the album but I honestly feel if you are still a fan after everythingI feel this was the perfect type of Album for her return to the public eye. Lots of catchy songs to get ready to. I loved some of the more personal introspective ones like ‘thanks I get’ and ‘clap back’. My favourite is ‘Started’ the bad **** energy it gives off is electric. I understand what some people don’t like about the album but I honestly feel if you are still a fan after everything she has been through you should thoroughly enjoy her new direction.
    The visuals this era have also been on point as a collective artistic vision.
  79. Sep 22, 2019
    I love this album because the lyrics saying
    Yes I am the rapper Australian and I have the power
  80. Oct 19, 2019
    This is a great Album! Her best one ever. This is the most underrated album of 2019!
  81. Nov 14, 2019
    so underatted and robbed album in this year. Iggy deserved more, really more, more and more!
  82. Dec 7, 2019
    O melhor álbum de rap q eu já escutei, simplesmente esplêndido e magnífico. Iggy fez um álbum que merecia muito mais reconhecimento
  83. Dec 6, 2019
    Now why the **** does this album make me feel like a bad **** who poisons her older rich husband wearing sateen gloves and runs away in a fur coat in a convertible with all his money?
  84. Dec 14, 2019
    A very good album, the tracks give my hype, something that I can jam to in the night club.
  85. Dec 14, 2019
    The best art of 2019! such an incredible work of art with such cohesiveness and theme! The art work is so aesthetically pleasing and her way of delivering and lyrical punchline and metaphors is amazing!
  86. Dec 21, 2019
    I like her style and her songs!!! I suppose that critics underestimated this album.
  87. Jan 13, 2020
    Super cool rap album by legend of rap Iggy Azalea. Period. That's the review.
  88. May 2, 2020
    Outra vez amethyst se superou, o álbum é uma biblia sonora de rap, e tem maiores e melhores faixas do que no primeiro álbum.
  89. May 23, 2020
    Ok, it's a good album, but she need more features with pop stars.
    I love this album, she sound more professional, and I like it
  90. May 31, 2020
    Это неплохой альбом, но только синглы из него достаточно хороши. Однако она старалась и я поставлю ей высокую оценку именно за синглы. Жду следующий альбом
  91. Jul 24, 2020
    i think i am the only one that really likes it. even thought the lyrics are generic, the whole album is a bop and pure fire. best rap album of the year, for me
  92. Aug 17, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It’s a good album tbh... I don’t know why some people don’t see the work from her , claro hay algunas canciones que no me gustan , pero no deja de ser un excelente álbum , felicidades Iggy❤️ Expand
  93. Aug 26, 2020
    excellent work we waited so long to see what would come of his long-awaited work and here are good sounds and lyrics and the truth the best videos.
  94. Aug 23, 2022
    in my defense es un álbum independiente de iggy azalea, que a pesar de no contar con una disquera, supo posicionarlo al mercado, lograr diversos hits y demostrar que una artista independiente también puede generar bops y excelentes videoclips.
  95. Aug 28, 2020
    Iggy went so hard her singles are fire. And now she’s independent winning as always
  96. Aug 28, 2020
    El mejor álbum de mi Iggy Azalea la mejor Started y Spend It, F*ck It Up, Freak Of The Week, Thanks I Get, etc es perfecto.
  97. Aug 29, 2020
    O melhor álbum da Iggy Azalea, o melhor o álbum rap de 2019, parabéns Iggy
  98. Nov 5, 2020
    Azalea trae un nuevo álbum después de The New Classic, el sonido es bueno, con un gran concepto y canciones frescas, el álbum se hace muy ligero y bueno para escuchar
  99. Dec 13, 2020
    It was a really good album. That music is so fabulous for dancing. A combination of fun and sexy lyrics. Iggy is perfect with new her style.

Generally unfavorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 4
  2. Negative: 2 out of 4
  1. Aug 5, 2019
    Nobody expected Azalea to come back super talented and with an entirely new shtick. Nonetheless, In My Defense could have been a tad bit more introspective or at the very least, fun.
  2. Aug 5, 2019
    The album is stacked with cartoonish approximations of what she thinks a rap song should sound like: shivers of bass, the occasional “skrrrt,” Mad Libs of designer brands and bodily fluids. Many sound like direct imitations of the rappers she admires.
  3. Aug 5, 2019
    After a half-decade of life lessons, Azalea could have gone in a certain cathartic and mature direction. However, on In My Defense, she opted for a less gracious and, ultimately, exhausted route.