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Universal acclaim- based on 650 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 81 out of 650
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  1. Aug 11, 2019
    It's a perfect defense. She evolved a lot and brought a very cohesive and contagious album.
  2. Aug 8, 2019
    O álbum é perfeito ele merece maior reconhecimento músicas e batidas incríveis, perfeitas e viciantes
  3. Aug 8, 2019
    The best rap album I've ever heard, every song gets stuck on your head and makes you love them. The lyrics are amazing (as always coming from Iggy) it has cool flow songs like Comme Des Garçons and also amazing singles choices like Freak Of The Week, there are no fillers on this album. Amazing album and deserves love and support
  4. Sep 3, 2020
    I can’t understand how the critics don’t like this album, it’s a hip hop/rap album and it’s very good, with good beats and interesting lyrics. Iggy’s just so underrated and that’s sad!
  5. Aug 31, 2019
    Kuinaza. Hay talento solo falta apoyo. Aún así ella puede dar más que este pobre intento. Ojalá el proximo trabajo sea mejor
  6. Aug 8, 2019
    Sin duda es uno de lo mejores álbumes en lo que va del año. Qué lástima que mucha gente no reconozca el buen trabajo que hizo Iggy
  7. Aug 7, 2019
    Feels good to have Iggy Back. The singles are HUGE BOPS an it’s a super underrated album cause of its low entry on Billboard 200
  8. Aug 5, 2019
    Es el mejor álbum de rap hecho en la historia del rap femenino, lástima que es demasiado bueno que las personas de estos años no pueden valorarlo bien, en unas décadas s ERA considerada biblia del rap.
  9. Apr 28, 2020
    The sophomore is a stark departure from the feature heavy pop-rap debut that featured singers like Rita Ora, Ellie Goulding and Jennifer Hudson. Instead this time around, the only features come in the form of guest verses, with Kash Doll’s appearance on **** It Up being a stand out moment on the album. While The New Classic was consistent in delivering potential radio hits with sing-a-longThe sophomore is a stark departure from the feature heavy pop-rap debut that featured singers like Rita Ora, Ellie Goulding and Jennifer Hudson. Instead this time around, the only features come in the form of guest verses, with Kash Doll’s appearance on **** It Up being a stand out moment on the album. While The New Classic was consistent in delivering potential radio hits with sing-a-long choruses sang by a featured artist, In My Defense is consistent in J. White beats that allow Iggy to deliver her charismatic and effortless verses.

    Singles Sally Walker, Started and **** It Up are the album highlights, merging Iggy’s low tone flow with J. White’s menacing beats, a harmony that perfectly blend together. Where 2018’s Survive The Summer primarily featured Iggy rapping slowly over dark, nocturnal beats made for clubs, In My Defense allows Iggy to switch up her flow often and could easily be the soundtrack of a summer pool party.
  10. Aug 11, 2019
    Hinário eu amo demais, iggy te amo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  11. Aug 6, 2019
    Iggy Azalea has a album full of bangers! My only dislike is if she had more songs speaking of her recent struggles with her ex engagement, label issues, cultural appropriation, etc.
  12. Aug 24, 2019
    perfeito, esses críticos não sabem o que dizem, melhor álbum de rap do ano e falo com tranquilidade
  13. Nov 30, 2020
    sinceramente eu amei todas sem exceção realmente injustiçado coitada da minha Iggy
  14. Aug 6, 2019
    I don't care what critics say, I really love this album! I'm glad she didn't do another pop influenced album like The New Classic but created an album which sounds exactly like she wants it to.
  15. Aug 5, 2019
    If this was released by a male rapper, the critics would be acclaiming. Album of the year, period.
  16. Aug 11, 2019
    Este albun es maravilloso los críticos esta de acuerdo en destruir la carrera de iggy deben estar siendo mandados por otra persona pero jamás lo lograran
  17. Aug 7, 2019
    Iggy trouxe exatamente o que eu esperava, a volta por cima. Quem conhece a rapper sabe das poucas e boas que ela teve que passar e é incrível como após tudo isso ela consegue trazer ótimas sonoridades e rimas impactantes. Uma obra-prima do hip hop
  18. Aug 6, 2019
    Honestly I really like the album, maybe the sounds and lyrics are a little to repetitive
    But you at least know what Iggy have to do to release this album? a woman that has to make inpendent on the music industry cause All labels ignore her and just leave her She didn't give up and make the album on her own, that's what a real artist do, she still fighting for her name and her career, very
    Honestly I really like the album, maybe the sounds and lyrics are a little to repetitive
    But you at least know what Iggy have to do to release this album? a woman that has to make inpendent on the music industry cause All labels ignore her and just leave her She didn't give up and make the album on her own, that's what a real artist do, she still fighting for her name and her career, very dissapointed for the people that are trying to destroy this album and Iggy,you need to stop, cause this is a real artist.
  19. Nov 6, 2020
    ela é muito talentosa e inteligente, Iggy tem os melhores videoclipes da indústria musical e entregou isso junto com as músicas nesse álbum, ela merece respeito!
  20. Aug 5, 2019
    quem é a crítica perto do quão perfeito esse álbum está??? porém iggy deu seu melhor nesse álbum
  21. Aug 5, 2019
    Album is Amazing!! It's fire
  22. Aug 5, 2019
    The reviews were terrible, Iggy is on another level. The album is great! If you expect a pop like it was in The New Classic, this album is not for you.
  23. Aug 5, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Iggy Azalea explores her best side in this album, that no one can deny. It's one of the best albums I've heard this year! Expand
  24. Aug 5, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of the best albuns this year, she's doing what she wants, real rap, every single track is very good. Expand
  25. Aug 5, 2019
    Amazing personally album. She get it independent, and can make very good Musics
  26. Aug 8, 2019
    Não tem faixa ruim! Iggy nos entrega um material de qualidade e com sonoridade similar aos seus primeiros trabalhos.
  27. Aug 5, 2019
    O álbum é bem feito, Iggy azalea se dedicou ao máximo para entregar um trabalho como esse. Merece todo reconhecimento do mundo e para exaltar seu primeiro INDEPENDENTE
  28. Aug 5, 2019
    Amazing! All the songs are so Hype and has some sort of message especially in her album name
  29. Aug 5, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este es el segundo album de Iggy con sonidos y letras muy distintas a su primer trabajo discográfico es muy genial verla superarse cada vez más Expand
  30. Aug 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. An album full of quality, Iggy Azalea never disappoints. Amazing lyrics, perfect flow and always wonderful voice. Expand

Generally unfavorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 4
  2. Negative: 2 out of 4
  1. Aug 5, 2019
    Nobody expected Azalea to come back super talented and with an entirely new shtick. Nonetheless, In My Defense could have been a tad bit more introspective or at the very least, fun.
  2. Aug 5, 2019
    The album is stacked with cartoonish approximations of what she thinks a rap song should sound like: shivers of bass, the occasional “skrrrt,” Mad Libs of designer brands and bodily fluids. Many sound like direct imitations of the rappers she admires.
  3. Aug 5, 2019
    After a half-decade of life lessons, Azalea could have gone in a certain cathartic and mature direction. However, on In My Defense, she opted for a less gracious and, ultimately, exhausted route.