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Universal acclaim- based on 650 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 81 out of 650
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  1. Jul 10, 2023
    Album wronged by many people, it's a good Rap/hip-Hop album, it deserves a good rating
  2. Nov 23, 2022
    This was definitely a great comeback for Azalea! Loved the aggressive hip hop sound she went with for this project.
  3. Aug 23, 2022
    in my defense es un álbum independiente de iggy azalea, que a pesar de no contar con una disquera, supo posicionarlo al mercado, lograr diversos hits y demostrar que una artista independiente también puede generar bops y excelentes videoclips.
  4. Aug 20, 2022
    Run it back, run it back run it back
    Run it back, run it back, run it back.
  5. Aug 26, 2021
    Surprised at the low score as this is her best body of work in my opinion. Sally walker and started are probably her best solo songs.
  6. Aug 23, 2021
    Pior album já lançado por algum artista de rap, essa mulher é um desserviço pro rap, ainda bem que se aposentou.
  7. Aug 21, 2021
    one of the best hip hop albums ever made, she went from pop to this, they really need wash their ears first to make a review of this amazing album
  8. Aug 8, 2021
    böyle bir albüme 39 puan vermek sadece şov bu kadar kaliteli bir rap albümü daha görmedim hayatımda…
  9. Aug 1, 2021
    El mejor álbum de la historia, merece estar en los museos de mayor difusión de conocimientos

    Iggy Azalea es Dios, métanselo en sus cabezaaaas
  10. Jun 25, 2021
    Could’ve been a masterpiece if worked on more.
    Some of the songs are bland and the album has no personality overall.
    Twerking songs are good, but we wanted something more mature from Iggy with this album
  11. May 21, 2021
    this album is a great body of pure rap, great punchlines, metaphors and hyped up through out the album.
  12. Apr 20, 2021
    Iggy is going to hell for releasing this garbage. On release night, i was actually excited, but going from track to track i felt like crying. This album is so lifeless and sounds like a bad attempt at mainstream hip hop. I guess the production is alright (even though you can def tell which tell had more production), the beats are alright and she can flow well but the whole thing is stillIggy is going to hell for releasing this garbage. On release night, i was actually excited, but going from track to track i felt like crying. This album is so lifeless and sounds like a bad attempt at mainstream hip hop. I guess the production is alright (even though you can def tell which tell had more production), the beats are alright and she can flow well but the whole thing is still lackluster. This is so fcking bad i wish i could airdrop my feelings to you guys to make y'all understand ! Idk what the user score is hearing and its showing they cant be trusted either. I really feel like she took 700 steps back with this album. A stain in her discography. Her unreleased album Digital distortion is miles ahead better and i'm moved to tears everyday that it cant properly see hasn't been the light of day but THIS has....This direction she's going is.... and its worrisome because it seems she hears nothing wrong with this and wants to continue with this direction. Like she listened to this and liked it enough to release it...... Expand
  13. Dec 13, 2020
    It was a really good album. That music is so fabulous for dancing. A combination of fun and sexy lyrics. Iggy is perfect with new her style.
  14. Nov 30, 2020
    sinceramente eu amei todas sem exceção realmente injustiçado coitada da minha Iggy
  15. Nov 6, 2020
    ela é muito talentosa e inteligente, Iggy tem os melhores videoclipes da indústria musical e entregou isso junto com as músicas nesse álbum, ela merece respeito!
  16. Nov 5, 2020
    Azalea trae un nuevo álbum después de The New Classic, el sonido es bueno, con un gran concepto y canciones frescas, el álbum se hace muy ligero y bueno para escuchar
  17. Nov 3, 2020
    Esto se lo dedico a mi hermosa mana Diego Caganitez, te odiamos MIERDIGGY URGE RETIRO
  18. Aug 5, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este es el segundo album de Iggy con sonidos y letras muy distintas a su primer trabajo discográfico es muy genial verla superarse cada vez más Expand
  19. Dec 21, 2019
    I like her style and her songs!!! I suppose that critics underestimated this album.
  20. Sep 3, 2020
    I can’t understand how the critics don’t like this album, it’s a hip hop/rap album and it’s very good, with good beats and interesting lyrics. Iggy’s just so underrated and that’s sad!
  21. Aug 29, 2020
    O melhor álbum da Iggy Azalea, o melhor o álbum rap de 2019, parabéns Iggy
  22. Aug 28, 2020
    El mejor álbum de mi Iggy Azalea la mejor Started y Spend It, F*ck It Up, Freak Of The Week, Thanks I Get, etc es perfecto.
  23. Aug 28, 2020
    Iggy went so hard her singles are fire. And now she’s independent winning as always
  24. Aug 28, 2020
    Plano, es un disco totalmente plano y repetitivo, si tan sólo las canciones hubieran sido similares a los sencillos, otra cosa hubiera sido
  25. Aug 28, 2020
    Si bien el álbum no es perfecto, Iggy hizo un gran trabajo como artista independiente.
  26. Aug 26, 2020
    excellent work we waited so long to see what would come of his long-awaited work and here are good sounds and lyrics and the truth the best videos.
  27. Aug 25, 2020
    If I were listening to this rap album expecting great rap and lyrics, then I would give this a 0. All the songs make an attempt at being rap, and there actually are a few songs that I would put in my playlist, but it's not rap. The beats are catchy, and there honestly isn't a 'worst' song on the album. There's a couple good songs, and then the rest are varying levels of 'meh'. I don'tIf I were listening to this rap album expecting great rap and lyrics, then I would give this a 0. All the songs make an attempt at being rap, and there actually are a few songs that I would put in my playlist, but it's not rap. The beats are catchy, and there honestly isn't a 'worst' song on the album. There's a couple good songs, and then the rest are varying levels of 'meh'. I don't think it belongs on a list of the worst rap albums in recent history (eg. Total Xanarchy, Revival). Expand
  28. Aug 17, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It’s a good album tbh... I don’t know why some people don’t see the work from her , claro hay algunas canciones que no me gustan , pero no deja de ser un excelente álbum , felicidades Iggy❤️ Expand
  29. Aug 8, 2020
    Why are people giving this album a good rating Iggy can’t rap and I don’t even classify her as a rapper she’s one of the worst rappers out there
  30. Jul 24, 2020
    i think i am the only one that really likes it. even thought the lyrics are generic, the whole album is a bop and pure fire. best rap album of the year, for me

Generally unfavorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 4
  2. Negative: 2 out of 4
  1. Aug 5, 2019
    Nobody expected Azalea to come back super talented and with an entirely new shtick. Nonetheless, In My Defense could have been a tad bit more introspective or at the very least, fun.
  2. Aug 5, 2019
    The album is stacked with cartoonish approximations of what she thinks a rap song should sound like: shivers of bass, the occasional “skrrrt,” Mad Libs of designer brands and bodily fluids. Many sound like direct imitations of the rappers she admires.
  3. Aug 5, 2019
    After a half-decade of life lessons, Azalea could have gone in a certain cathartic and mature direction. However, on In My Defense, she opted for a less gracious and, ultimately, exhausted route.