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Generally favorable reviews- based on 28 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 28
  2. Negative: 2 out of 28

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  1. HelenaC.
    Sep 6, 2008
    This album is my favorite album by any band to date. The inspiration it has given me, it is boundless. It took me a while to realize the true beauty of the songs, but after several going throughs of the tracks I was hooked. I have no idea why so many people disliked the lask track: In Our Bedroom After the War (the title track), for me it held such an oddly meaningful message. There is an This album is my favorite album by any band to date. The inspiration it has given me, it is boundless. It took me a while to realize the true beauty of the songs, but after several going throughs of the tracks I was hooked. I have no idea why so many people disliked the lask track: In Our Bedroom After the War (the title track), for me it held such an oddly meaningful message. There is an innocence to the entire album, permeated by the aftermath of the war. Barricade is absolutely heartrending, there is a sad truth to the lyrics. I found personal meaning in the album, I've been to Cuba often (beautiful country, amazing people, my favorite place on earth), and that country seems to work well in the context of this record. The aftermath of a revolutionary war is still evident in the place, even after all these years, though there is always hope, spirit, and heart. That's probably reading too much into it, but whatever ;) My favorite tracks (are all of them) in particular are: 1. In Our Bedroom After the War 2. Barricade 3. The Beginning After the End 4. Take Me to the Riot So all in all......... Everyone! Go out and buy this album! The songs are beautiful and even the album artwork is fantastic!!!!! Expand
  2. MikeB.
    Dec 10, 2007
    the first listen was very disappointing. The songs seemed watered down, too radio friendly. After a few listens, it is starting to grow on me.
  3. DrewC.
    Nov 6, 2007
    A friend of mine recommended the last stars album, Your Ex-Lover is Dead, to me when it came out. I found it a lush album with some great music, but nothing extraordinary. When I heard they were releasing something new, I decided to give it a try. I was blown away. I did not expect the new album to become my favorite record of the year. However, it did, and quickly. From start to finish I A friend of mine recommended the last stars album, Your Ex-Lover is Dead, to me when it came out. I found it a lush album with some great music, but nothing extraordinary. When I heard they were releasing something new, I decided to give it a try. I was blown away. I did not expect the new album to become my favorite record of the year. However, it did, and quickly. From start to finish I enjoyed my trip with Stars, and now, over four months later, I'm still going back and listening to again and again. Tracks such as Take Me To the Riot and The Ghost of Genova Heights do an excellent job at power-pop, but the band truly finds its place when doing songs such as My Favourite Book, Personal, and Midnight Coward, where Amy Millan's vocals shine. Overall, a wonderful album, and one which will stay in my library for years to come. Expand
  4. RachylA.
    Oct 31, 2007
    At first, I did not think it was as brilliant and poignant as Set Yourself On Fire. After a few listens, I realized that not only was it equal, it may, perhaps be better. With rhythmic guitars, drums and breathy vocal with great lyrics, this album really sets itself apart a bit. Amy Millan has more solo songs than before, which is a great thing. Window Bird, Bitches in Tokyo, My Favourite At first, I did not think it was as brilliant and poignant as Set Yourself On Fire. After a few listens, I realized that not only was it equal, it may, perhaps be better. With rhythmic guitars, drums and breathy vocal with great lyrics, this album really sets itself apart a bit. Amy Millan has more solo songs than before, which is a great thing. Window Bird, Bitches in Tokyo, My Favourite Book and Today will be Better, I swear! really showcase her angelic, breathy, sensual yet vulnerable side. I believe my favorite track however, is In Our Bedroom After the War. It just wreaks of all things I love, Torquil and the flair for the dramatic. Expand
  5. AliC
    Oct 20, 2007
    Not as brilliant as 'set yourself on fire', but there isn't a record by anyone in the last 3 years as good as that one. This is still first class stuff from the best (and most underrated) band around. 'Midnight coward' is worth the entry price alone. They've done it again.
  6. sdj.
    Oct 13, 2007
    Admittedly this album is front-loaded. The back half is good but not excellent. I however, can't really describe my reaction to the first six tracks other than "goosebumps". So strong - mellower yes- but so strong!
  7. PaulF
    Oct 4, 2007
    Anyone suffering from a broken heart might want to give this record a listen. However, it doesn't mend a heart, rather it provokes the heart... It brings feelings to the surface that need to be released. Put the record on, let it play, and let the weight of the songs take over for the hour. Its a brilliant record, one that listeners will want to keep to themselves, and listen to in the dark.
  8. GusW.
    Oct 2, 2007
    This record deserves more attention because with repeated plays it grows on you. There are a couple of tracks that don't seem to belong in the mix, but over all its a strong record, and many of the songs come off more radio friendly than previously found on "Set Yourself on Fire" which I would recommend to anyone in search of the perfect indie / romantic/ pop record. Just let it This record deserves more attention because with repeated plays it grows on you. There are a couple of tracks that don't seem to belong in the mix, but over all its a strong record, and many of the songs come off more radio friendly than previously found on "Set Yourself on Fire" which I would recommend to anyone in search of the perfect indie / romantic/ pop record. Just let it grow... Just let it grow. Expand
  9. Drace
    Oct 2, 2007
    As good as Set Yourself On Fire? No but it's still a great album. There are some stellar moments on the album and some that are simply OK. Fans of Stars should pick it up.
  10. D.F.N.
    Oct 1, 2007
    When there's nothing else to burn, you've got the set the critics on fire. This CD is solid from beginning to end and if you're a Stars fan, this CD is an 11. It takes a couple of listens, but every great album does.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. The tracks are both individually strong and do work as a whole, though not in the way the group necessarily intended.
  2. An instant classic for some, a slow-burner for others; this is what we've come to expect of Stars.
  3. In Our Bedroom After The War is better than expected even as it wallows in its own broken heart.